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File: 1726891701717.jpg (46.42 KB, 460x441, 460:441, 1725390489174101.jpg) ImgOps iqdb


how do the fellow wizzies that own a piss bottle stop this wretched rotten egg stench coming from the bottle


Periodically you have to find a suitable wagie down below to grace with your fluids upon his being


Such a majestic picture.
It's not animal testing, just a horse that was in the right place at the right time.
What a random yet wondrous probability.


File: 1726978942812.jpg (80.62 KB, 452x371, 452:371, jpface.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

Piss in your own mouth instead.


go outside and dump it in random places.


I let them accumulate until there are too many then pour it in the toilet and leave the window open. I dont notice any smell in my room at all. The poopbags however…


I personally piss in the toilet for the most part. If I need to piss in a bottle I'll empty it down the toilet after a couple days top. Thing is when you live in your room you don't notice the smell right away because it's your atmosphere and you don't notice the stench subtitly getting worse and worse. Once you do notice the smell it's putrid. Please try to empty your piss bottle as often as possible, leaving that shit around will enforce your self loathing


Disgusting, motherfucker use the bathroom


Use a glass wizard


This is clearly and AI picture.


Wizzy I did this for years and I now pee in a container and pour that into the toilet but you are meant to be buying water and peeing back into the fresh bottles to avoid getting an infection. I suggest buying a cheap plastic bidet bottle on amazon as well.


why would you piss in a bottle? I always thought it was just a meme


when guests are in the house and you don't want to break the invisibility spell


This. Unless you are rich and have an ensuite bathroom connected to your room, you need bottles in this situation especially if young and unable to move out


maybe cast the poison spell at people you dont like (open it and throw it at people)


I know that feeling, because I have pissed in bottles too, when I didn't wanted to be seen, but it's kind of a double-edged sword, because there is always the anxiety of somebody (in the worst case the guests), hears how you piss in the bottle, which is considerably worse than being seen.


it's all in the technique, you gotta pour your piss on the sides of the bottle, not directly to the bottom
also try to almost hold it in, cause some resistance so that the piss flows out with less pressure


Because it's too hard to fall asleep and the more time spent awake means it's just going to be that much harder to get back to sleep. Also chronic urinary tract infections.
Your best bet is to rinse the bottle. I'm surprised nobody has brought that up. Shake it around for a while. I suspect a hydrochloric acid toilet cleaner would work to get the dried stuff out.

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