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I usually think about wiz being well pressured by society. I mean, social relations like measurment of your quality as a DNA-container, normie-based entartainment and media, etc.
Moreover, in my country there are a lot of shit about duty and self-sacrifice. Fun fact, there is an option to be recruited and die as a virgin on a battlefield. 20-25 years ao there were a lot of such situations. Also, you need to work… I have good university- and self-education in IT and math, but todays job is based on normie tEaM bUildIng(a lot of such shit in our University) and I just dont want to think about the job perspectives.




Normies has this status morals, which prove theirselves to be utterly retard after narcissists and other cluster B freaks constantly mess up everything from everyside. Since they be cattle, no way that changes. Our duty ad wizards is to mock and disgrace them in their self inflicted wailing for our benefit, while passing unadverted and unharmed. That's the game.

>Be sure you take decisions from the best part of you: "strategy and authority"


>tEaM bUildIng
don't write like that because it's a normalfag meme


Then it's fine, because we must rob their stuff as they rob ours


>Takuma seemed to be regarded as insane at first, but his illness was eventually diagnosed as paranoid personality disorder, borderline personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder
>Kobayashi's psychiatrist diagnosed him as suffering from antisocial personality disorder and pedophilia, but sane enough to be responsible for his actions, believing he might have even been gnawed by a sense of guilt
>Miyazaki he was diagnosed as having one or more personality disorders, but was determined by authorities to be sane and aware of his crimes and their consequences
>In his book, Miyazaki stated, "I won't allow him to call himself 'the second Tsutomu Miyazaki' when he hasn't even undergone a psychiatric examination." Miyazaki expressed an obsession with such tests, but his fascination with Kobayashi was much more limited.

Why he said that one can't be the second Miyazaki without a psychiatric examination, can you explain this shit? Are they trying to outcompete each other in mental illness or what?


>I want to be sentenced to death as quickly as possible, and leave a legacy among the public as the next Tsutomu Miyazaki or Mamoru Takuma


have you tried fasting for 3-4 days, drinking more water, adding some sunlight, an alkaline diet, and exercise?

if you are a virgin, you may as well hone your occult wizard powers and live your best celibate life


This. Living in celibate doesn't have to be miserable and depressing.


I will do my best


I have. Didnt work. But if I stop, it will be worse, so I continue. Also I started antidepressants course.




mordor I guess




Another one fucking himself about future perspectives?

Google this expression: strategy and authority.

For real, I cannot be only one who felt relieved after knowing stuff.


> its socially acceptable, financially incentivized even, to “waste” time enjoying the horrors of the trenches

You literally cant suffer anon.


"Teambuilding" means "you're not a member of the elite so you won't get any money". Anyone who suggests otherwise is spreading propaganda.


Wtf a based wiz


That's for brainfog, not for not being able to punch social pressure back into the anuses of normies.

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