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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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Any wizard here got so deep into the ways of handling urges that he can fap edging (like weekly, lets say) without finishing it and zero consequences (like night pollutions) because he learned to handle the energy?

Please elders share the ways of aura charging. I wish to thrive in this path


Doing what you are describing will just make you significantly hornier while also giving you a really bad case of blue balls and cramps.

It's stupid and achieves nothing.
You won't get magic powers from beating your dick then not cumming.


Of course it does! That's the point!
My libido is low, I was more the depressive type who starved for company… mean while I was not really thinking about sex at all.
I deduced, if fapping was dangerous, but I had no urges, could it bring some balance to me to use gooning?

I mostly see all those guys in semen retention threads along the web talking about how much hard is for them to not relapse…


It's just retards suppressing their natural bodily function. It's absurd to deny yourself that in a world where some male model fucks 7 different succubi a week.

And then you have those "gooners" denying themselves even their own touch. They're just torturing themselves for no reason.


Semen retention has a plethora of physical and mental benefits.


You will risk inflammation of the prostate. Stupidity


just ignore those retards, ejaculate, and move on with your life

semen retention is for insecure self-loathing /pol/tards who think theyre gonna bloom into go-getter type normalfags by not touching their wand

the supposed "benefits" can be attributed to many other variables and anyone can convince themselves of anything eg snake oil faggot forums full of sunk cost fallacy idiots hyping eachother up


All of which aren't objectively measurable or empirically verifiable.

I don't find testimonials compelling.


Thank you very much for going against the coomers around here.

It's not like your brain getting dry were to be our problem, anyway

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