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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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You know they literally have drugs now that make you have 30x the testosterone and natural muscle building abilities of the biggest high school jock/chad


This is the fucking revolution brah we’re all gonna make it.

When I got on sarms my jaw line grew, I got veins on my abs, and I can bench 315 10 reps


My tendons are in the process of snapping at the moment.

Two years ago it was just in my shoulders, as my calcific tendonitis entered the acute stage (very painful, it's a disorder where your tendons attempt to transform into bone later-in-life but do a generally poor job of it and the affected area eventually ruptures, leaving a hole).

Now, it's shoulders and elbows, leaving pain that goes all the way through the wrists. Doctor men say "You were overtraining your recovery from the calcification. Do NOT rush the recovery or you will be a cripple until you die."

They've got the degrees in relevant fields.
Overtraining doesn't turn you stronger, kids. That which does not kill you typically leaves you weakened and diminished.


Rodimaxxing can make you mentally ill


why would i do any of that?


Because all known PEDs are clinically proven to shorten your life expectancy but to do it in a way that feels good and is vitality-affirming, which means you get to kill yourself with drugs but without any of the problems of normal drug related suicides.


seems like such a bother though
meh, i'd rather do nothing like always and just wait for death


yeah but who the fuck wants to grow old and feel your body disintegrating while dementia turns you into a scared retard


because i believe in GOD who made my body in HIS IMAGE!!!!!!!


Did he also make those deformed downies with 6 fingers on each hand in his image?




Not being a pro athlete and doing steroids makes no sense to me.



It's also the reason I don't want to live much past 40 or 45.

Reading stuff online, it's disgusting how broken, geriatric, fragile peoples bodies are already at that age no matter how healthy you try to live.
There are tons of people as early as age 45 who need incontinence diapers. Who have complete erectile dysfunction. Severe joint pains and back pains despite eating healthy and doing sports. Severe skin conditions and heart issues.

Life is just a shitshow once the last of your youth is gone. After that you are a worn out weirdo propped up by modern medicines, surgeries and ointments so they don't lose you as a consumer who spends money.
I'm 37 and utterly terrified of aging. To me life is about to end, and at the stage where you get dementia and such, it's already over, you only exist as a void zombie.


There is no reason at all to ever go beyond your natty limit.
Looking like a mutant won't make you more attractive and most people will just think that you are compensating for something. Steroids won't make your joints or tendons stronger and the probability of ruining them permanently is way higher with steroid level weights.

I consider hopping on a TRT in my 50's to counteract the diminishing levels of testosterone though. But nothing crazy.


For a 30 year old virgin man, it takes 1 year of routine HIT to failure to build 15lbs of muscle. If that's too long and too much work for you, then you're someone who simply shouldn't have strength. Like how a schizophrenic psycho shouldn't have a gun, a lazy self-destructive drug advocate shouldn't posses any significant physical capacity. Inject your shark semen and estrogen all you want, but stay in your lane. You have nothing to give to men who are of health, strength, and beauty. The fact that not only did you link a YouTube video instead of embedding it, but also the fact that it's a short, speaks volumes of how low your testosterone really is. Share your opinions instead of hotlinking other guy's Instagroid blurbs.

TRT to counteract naturally falling levels is fine. You can even do it naturally through diet alone, but you'll be eating a lot.


Cuts your lifespan in half.
Also you lose all your gains when you stop taking.

Considering the focus on this post is physical attractiveness.
If you wish to lose your wizard status, succubi not a guarantee.
And in terms of strength and maybe some beauty privilage… consider what you are trading it in for.
Stupid faustian bargin imo.


strength is temporary and it blurs your perception, it makes you feel better than others and makes you pay less attention to their and your own pain
we all revert to weakness sooner or later
weakness exposes the pathetic essence of being
we're just worms with attached limbs and more complex brains, seeking more and more layers of protection to delay and distract ourselves from the inevitable


Nah. Healthy food and excercise can bring your free testosterone from 100 to 150.

When what is needed for a man to feel normal and happpy is 600-800+.

After a certain age you simply need TRT and regular testosterone injections. Or you will be a physically weak mentally miserable ghoul who hates existing.


Who decides what are "normal" t levels? Whole soyience is based on guessing in the dark. Might as well watch Druk and start the alcohol therapy to be "happy" everyday.

You need to touch some grass and see that everyone is miserable. Disintegration, disappointment, disease and death is coming for all, no exceptions. Everyone shit themselves when they die.


how can your arm even be a window cleaner bottle


Doctors. There are concrete physical symptoms that manifest if your free test gets too low.

For example, estrogen dominance starts happening. Ar which point you get female breast tissue as a
man. (Which is hard, glandular tissue that cannot be dieted away, only a gynecomastia surgeon can cut them off).


Rather it's mutations caused by milk from animals on cocktails of hormones and other shit because you live in a shithole country with zero controls


Actually hormone disruptors are a bigger problem in wealthy western nations. The main one being BPA (bisphenol-A) used to soften plastic bottles and which seeps into the liquid drink, soap or food within hours.

The industry has no economical alternatives so it keeps using it. Only baby products are forced by law to be made from polyethylene instead.

There are also some other contaminants like contraception pill microscopic residue in tap water.

All of which lead 50% of young boys to have hard glandular manboobs and estrogen dominance.


Oh the USA falls under the shithole category as well in case you were confused


And who check on them if they're right or wrong? Who granted them the permission to play God?


>All of which lead 50% of young boys to have hard glandular manboobs and estrogen dominance.
Every roidtranny has manboobs. Cope harder.


Do you even know how steroids work? They crash your natural test production to zero once you stop injecting.

They try to prevent the ensuing manboobs by then injecting Nolvadex or other estrogen antagonists, often without good results.
Hence tons and tons of bodybuilders having massive manboobs.


Roidheads attempt to reboot their balls with all sorts of substances once they no longer steadily inject testosterone.

Many of those substances work only barely, or not at all, or are flat out scams from chinese laboratories containing chalk or empty bacteriostatic liquid, yet cost a king's ransom.

What then happens is their body still has estrogen but no testosterone production whatsoever. It starts binding to body parts like your chest.
Lo and behold, 8 months later the roidhead has literal female breasts and nipples. Brain fog. Apathy. Depression.

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