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/wiz/ - Wizardry

Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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For those who often wish to not deal with people so much, which are those things that cause most discomfort to you? I made a classification, anything I be missing? These condditions are ordered by sensitivity of the subject, not by impact.

-Minimum level:
>being mobbed/bullied atfer perceived as weird, with hostile intent for revenge
>being mobbed/bullied atfer perceived as weird, with no hostile intent back, just wanting to leave
>having almost naked succubi around

-Medium level:
>being told or pushed to fit in, without self-scorning
>being asked about private stuff
>having succubi around who may engage you in some manner
>mild fatigue after the labor day

-Maximum level:
>merely having them speaking around or being seen
>even worse if some are females
>autistic hypersensitive issues like intolerance to high light or noise levels
>constant fatigue with insomnia after being there even for short labor periods

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