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The Shadow Realm
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you literally don't need more than this


too much space, the tv is unnecessary, you just need one laptop.


enough space to storage my books and manga


no, I need more than that
that room will echo horribly and I will feel empty and lonely
but I do that even in a furnished place anyway


I just sold a counter strike 2 skin for $5 on steam.

Imagine paying five bucks for some stupid skin. wow.




shinglenigger, he who fucks fat blobs


Good going wizzie.
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Niggerstop niggerposting niggerfrogs, niggeretard


explain why posting frogs are bad for wizchan


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Oh yeah? I have PROOF that you're a frogposter too


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It says so in the rules.
That wasn't me but I like Apu to bee honest.


if the rules told you to jump off a cliff would you do it? think for yourself for once.

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is it just me or the Visual novel community is so infested with trannies?
seriously, not even the anime community or the gaming community have this amount of troons per capita, it's insane, not to mention the fan-translators
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>Computer science degrees are attractive to transvestites for the same reason the obese and the Pajeet are drawn to them. All three have bodies that don't function, are not welcome in public spaces due to their stench, and can all network the computer stuff behind a veil.
I never thought of it that way. That's pretty insightful wizzie-kun.


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I miss the good'ol'day when we just sucked each other's dick without worrying about trannyism.


Do Normies hate troons? I thought normies were mostly brainwashed by wokeness, and men decide to troon so they can have a higher social status and get treated like succubi instead of loser crab men.


they might, but they aren't allowed to express their true opinions on the subject


>Do Normies hate troons?
Yes, significantly. Remember how feminism and anti-sexism was a huge movement back around 2012-2014? That never went away, and by all definitions transvestite males are highly sexist against succubi. We didn't just suddenly go from men not being allowed to pick up chicks at the bar because it's disrespectful to succubi, to suddenly these men can dress up as succubi, wear succubi makeup, act in a stereotyical succubus way, take on succubi names, demand they be called succubi, and sue succubi's changing and bath rooms. The only thing that happened that would suggest mass acceptance is that governments decided to protect these transvestite males so that nobody was allowed to criticise them, but nobody voted for that and as we can see from the USA removing company's DEI madnates, most companies don't want to have anything to do with it so now a thousand fag pride parades don't have enough sponsors to even exist.
>I thought normies were mostly brainwashed by wokeness
And the only opinions of normies you read are the ones they post online, because those normies are terminally online, because the internet is the only place they can openly express how woke they are without being laughed out of the room.
>and men decide to troon so they can have a higher social status and get treated like succubi instead of loser crab men.
Most men who troon out are groomed in to it from a young age by the aforementioned terminally online, or by homosexuals who can only reproduce by warping young boys with these delusions. By all means they didn't chose it because they never experienced anything besides coordinated faggotry, meaning they were psyopped in to thinking what they were doing is totally normal. And how is that "high social status" playing out for them when more than 50% of them try to commit suicide before the age of 25?

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holy shit lol


>beard transplant
why the fuck would you want that
the guy can save money on razors since he doesnt even need them


a bunch of faggots online told him that if he didn't have a full chad beard then he is a 2/10 low status male who can never get a gf. he believed them and so he killed himself, and those faggots laughed and the mods did nothing about it

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Have wizzies ever tried smoking cigarettes?

Wasn't it disgusting?


never tried. seems disgusting tbh


got addicted to them then quitted at my 20th birthday

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your thoughts on wizards who are homosexual?


all types of wizards are welcome 🥰


alright!!! i'm tired of hiding it……

i collect pictures of penises


one mans "glass wizard" is another wizards nightmare.


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What if ChatGPT is just 1000 Indian guys in a sweatshop who can type at 200wpm quickly giving you answers?


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lel I also thought of that one day


That would imply Indians are capable of remotely sentient thought


there's open source LLMs that you can run locally and it'll give you the same answers as chatGPT

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Whenever I want to play vidya after about 5 mins I alt tab and return to imageboards :(


find a more engaging video game


I need a more engaging hobby but everything has such a high skill ceiling or it's too expensive plus I'm lazy and depressed


yeah, there's a barrier of entry that you need to break through before you start getting enjoyment out of the hobby and it can be tough. maybe give yourself like 30 days and put in some minimum of one hour per day before you give up on it.


Problem is the games you're playing


how do you find new games to play? especially when you don't have an existing idea of what you really want.

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