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/dep/ - Depression

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The purpose of this thread is to counter the general tenor of sadness that defines all the other threads. This thread will therefore feature practical advice about reducing suicidal behavior even when we feel most suicidal. Naturally, being that I started the topic, I will be the first to contribute.

(1) Know that I care about you guys deeply and sincerely. Call me a faggot, I don't care.
(2) Examine what you are eating. For example, gluten especially produces depressive/psychotic episodes in sensitive autistic individuals. Sugar also is not healthy for your brain.
(3) Make sure you are getting sufficient sleep. Chronic sleeplessness or even a few days' worth of irregular sleep can seriously interfere with the clarity of our thinking.
(4) Clean up. Taking a warm shower and putting on fresh clean clothes always is refreshing and helps to break up darkened mental habits.
(5) Breathe fresh air. Open the windows to your wiz-cave and allow some wind to come in.
(6) Watch your breathing. When we are panicked, our breathing can become very disordered and we do not recognize the effect this has on our thinking. Take deep, purposeful breaths, and collect your thoughts.
(7) Respect yourself. You have done your best to survive in an awful world, and you should grant yourself forgiveness for any mistakes and the allowance to rest with a composed and balanced mind.

I've done my part. Anyone else?
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Curing depression begins with making the brain healthy
Brain health begins with body health
Body health begins with fair nutrition


normies don't want you to commit suicide because they need more wageslaves. This is why the only thing they do for suicidal people is prevent the act itself and nurse you back to life in case you attempt it, without really doing anything for the suffering they experience on a daily basis.
This is why they call it a selfish act.
This is why they don't call reproduction a selfish act.


File: 1696769064946.png (488.14 KB, 850x825, 34:33, png-transparent-freetoedit….png) ImgOps iqdb


Exercise, good diet, good sleep, is all you need to be happy.


Some of this is actually decent as far as advice goes. However, the feelings are just too strong.


The most difficult part is remaining rational when the full persuasive emotional weight of actually wanting to die is hanging over your mind. I still have not really figured out how to do this. I don't even know how I'm alive, as when a younger man I meant very seriously to kill myself many times, but failed.


i dont care, being forced to live this pointless life against my will is the biggest scam i've ever witnessed. i really don't care and i hope i die soon as possible.


>i dont care
>i really don't care
You do, enough to reply even
>being forced to live this pointless life against my will
>i hope i die soon as possible.
You aren't being forced to live. You can log off any time
>the biggest scam i've ever witnessed
You weren't promised anything, and nothing was taken from you, so you weren't scammed

There's sadposting, and then there's this senseless teenage emo babble


My problems are a little more complicated than the simple, basic Jordan Peterson-ass advice offered here but I still can't help but appreciate something like this as long as the intent feels geniune rather than a lot of the blatant trolling we get around here from 4chan tourists. Maybe if people can figure out how to give advice that's actually worth a damn, this could be a nice general in the future.


Normalfags go specifically to places where people are miserable just to tell them to shut up. The fact that someone is miserable somewhere and brave enough to announce it sets normalfags into a frenzy to find that person and tell them to shut the fuck up.

I truly believe that if you set up an intranet somewhere a normalfag will find the server, crack the password, and log in just to tell you your problems don't exist.


I found a web site like in 2009 that basically stated this and more to be true.

I've been unable to find it again.


You're definitely skinny fat and balding.


Reminder that wizards are being encouraged to kill themselves by lurkers who are not wizards and perversely delight in the suffering of others.


wheat and grain and carbs are bad for ALL humans, but yes white people can tolerate them better since white people are domesticated and raised to live on goyslop


You're literally arguing that domestication slavery is superior compared to a free, self-sufficient negro?


Wizards, I again wish to draw attention to the dangerous pro-suicide echo-chamber this board has seemed to become. What is going on exactly? Someone states that they want to die, and immediately everyone just agrees with him? Why is this? Is this really what we are? Have we forgotten to extend gestures of hope and betterment to our own wizardly brothers? This place feels much darker to me than it used to. Look at the topics now commonly discussed on /dep/ : they are nearly all womanish/crabish topics without any substance pertaining to wizardry. We spend whole threads debating some random guy's looks in some random gif, but we cannot even manage to help a fellow suffering wizard turn away from suicide? We are infiltrated.


6 years ago wizards responded in pretty much the same way to dutch wiz suicide. It has always been this way.
People here assume others who post about suicide have already been through the steps of getting basic help, talking online, getting some anonymous person saying "we're going to make it bro!" and none of it helped. Many of us are at that point and assume it for others, we need a space for people like us.


unless you are going to pay for medication or actually help find a job or help finish university or help find a good and affordable mental care provider or do any other real, palpable help, just fuck off. your basic help nonsense is such a shit. a guy who has suffered so much he wants to kill himself is not subject to basic help like go to gym or look at the sun. he needs fucking substantial help no one of you (whoever you are) are going to offer


>go to gym or look at the sun
Excellent advice!


And what is the character of the help being offered by "professionals"? Practiced and tautological lies about succubi, about society, about the reasons for our sadness? SSRIs that permanently damage your brain by unnaturally interfering with serotoninergic and dopaminergic processes that for all of human history have never been interfered with in such a targeted and damaging way? Having the knowledge to change your diet (no gluten, no sugar, even no dairy) is something that many practiced "professionals" don't even consider. Schizophrenia has been shown to resolve following dietary changes; so too many severe forms of depression. Getting elementary exercise is helpful in all cases – even just walking in the sun once or twice a week. Accepting yourself (actually accepting yourself) is not something that psychiatrists even offer to teach, generally because they are w*o*men and w*o*men are fake and deeply malicious creatures who have no understanding of male "psychology" nor do they care to. We are trying to offer substantial help, you absolute retard; that is indeed the whole point of this thread, to at least try to offset the huge depressive weight of all the other threads on this board. And we are especially trying to offer substantial help to those that need it the most through the gifting of different pieces of knowledge, no matter how small.


you're telling a psychotic guy who'd spent years trying and fighting (cleaning up literal shit) to change his diet and call it substantial help. why, after this, do you call me a retard? on what grounds?


I mean, have you actually tried going to the gym and getting some daily sun?


i have never killed myself in the first place, but when i feel like it i'll definitely try to go to gym to see if they know how to rope painlessly. and of course i'll spend a day talking to the Sun thanking her for defending us against the malignant will of Sauron.


I agree!

Well, except for the Sun part. Looking at clouds should suffice.


I agree with what you said about accepting yourself.


Have any of you found that changing your diet actually improves depression?


Yeah, when I have a variety of yummy food, I get to look forward to munching on it. When I don't have any cool snacks, then I'm back to sad town.


Holy fat


Turns out starving yourself and doing manual labor for no reason at all really don't do much for your mental health other than make you hate your life even more lol


this is very true!

also, no fat at all necessary. completely depends on circumstances. sometimes when you're really down even a bit of tasty cheese is so much help


I think it's a meme, and as most memes like no fap, it works the other way around.
That is, already neurotypical/normal dudes already feel good and have a decent nervous system and a fulfilling life, so they literally forget to fap, and can afford to eat healthy (read: bad-tasting) food.
If you are depressed, you NEED carbs, and you need to release a load occasionally, or you get even more depressed.

That said, there are different depressions. If you are depressed because you're a smart, self-aware pessimist, changing habits and taking drugs don't help. If you have clinical depression mostly due to neurological reasons, and not because your life actually objectively sucks, then anti-depressants, exercise, diet, and all that crap, can make you feel better, but I think that's not the case of people browsing here.


Bump. This wasn't done before and was discouraged by moderation team


I have but it requires very great discipline as temptations are everywhere.


I went low carb while severely depressed to lose body fat % faster, and it fucked up my hormones and mood regulation for years.

I'm only slowly recovering now to my pre-2021 state which is when I decided to quit low carb.

My mood is gradually improving day by day when I allow myself to eat carbs normally.


Sounds more like you were severely depressed, tried something new, failed, and then begun associating your existing depression with the thing you tried as if to deflect blame on to that thing and the people who suggested it


No, my mood instantly started getting better when I didn't restrict carbohydrates.

I couldn't even sleep more than 3-5 hours a day on high fat, high protein, low carb, and it took ages to fall asleep.

On medium carb, I fall asleep within 15 mins and I can sleep 8-9 hours.


>I couldn't even sleep more than 3-5 hours a day on high fat, high protein, low carb, and it took ages to fall asleep.
What exercises were you doing each day while on this high-energy diet?


Running and weight lifting, though my maximum lifts decreased by about 20% on low carb.

General mood was also a bit more irritable.

I didn't fully cut them off though, I got a few kcal a day from spinach.


How can we ensure we are never re-born? There must be a way. This life is just too cruel. How can I calm down?




You faggots are so pathetic you get angry at someone trying to help you. It would have been better if he had said kill yourself. Kill yourself.


Facebook is the one with the blue logo.


> This thread will therefore feature practical advice about reducing suicidal behavior even when we feel most suicidal
but why? People here aren't seeking for help, I bet most of the people who blog about their depression only use /dep/ and not other boards and will never even kill themselves.


I ldarmaxx but at least im out everyday. Suicide would just be giving in to those who ruined my life


I ruined my life, thinking I didn't have to care about life, since I was just going to kill myself later anyway. Its 16 years since I 1st determined on suicide and I'm still here.

So I guess that's another argument against suicidal thoughts. We only talk about going through with it. But believing you're going to go through with it, when its possible you can't. Then you give up on the IRL in front of you, for an escape hatch that might not be there.


Don't worry too much about getting shit on OP. There are a significant amount of hostile users that aren't suicidal but try to provoke people here and elsewhere into suicide. They pose as fellow depressed wizards/anons/etc and encourage suicide, offer ways to get VAD and assisted suicide, and they operate discord servers for coordinating.

More than likely some of them are in this thread. Something you need to keep in mind is that if they were really so suicidal as to call you a faggot for just offering help in clearly marked thread (that no one has to click unless they want help), yet haven't killed themselves, then they are coming in order to get other people to commit suicide or to drive help away. I try to help people on other websites and get the same resistance, and I have found several of these groups (typically of a certain political leaning and sexual fetish) whose sole purpose is to get young men to commit suicide.

Don't be overwhelmed OP, and thanks for trying to be a good person.


Even if you care (you are still a stranger), I still don't want to be alive. I'm sorry.


are we in hell? does anyone else get the impression that the world we are in is actually hell?


In a way it is, and most cultures historically viewed it that way. Even in Christianity, no matter how hard they try to throw off the shadow of Gnosticism, there is the idea that the world is corrupted, and only rejection of the world can yield happiness. The Greeks have a similar belief in the "Fall" where the son of Iapetos condemned mankind to suffering through his trick against Zeus.

However, there is still HOPE. The Greeks believed hope was left there with mankind, there is hope of Salvation to the Christians, Hindus, and Muslims, hope of Enlightenment to the Buddhists, and so on and so forth. Letting go of the various sorts of evils and holding on to hope alone is all that one has. Yeah there's a lot of suffering, but there are rivers and birds and enormous mountains, majestic things that strike one with awe at their sight. Hopeless ones cannot regain their hope without someone else, at least not easily. If you're hopeless, you need someone to break down your door, wrench you from your home, and show you the world. I think every suicidal person can be saved by love, as much as they would fight against it. No one is an island and can live without someone that loves them, or without people they love.

You'd have to be dragged kicking and screaming, or maybe totally limp and lifeless, down rivers and up mountains to see the rays of hope beaming forth between dark clouds and reflecting off every thing on the wide Earth. You can't see it yet, but that's because you're blinded by suffering. You need someone else to forcibly, physically, and in the real world, tear open your fused eyelids.


That's true but I don't know how to stop. I was taken by surprise, all my mental fortitude utterly shattered and yeah I just can't stop considering to start researching on cheap suicide techniques. Imageboards have recommended me shitloads of some bullshit methods to iMpROvE, but I just can't do any of that. I don't even knos how to describe this fucking devastating feeling. My head just doesn't work. Simple as that.

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