>>295834They have even less, then.
>>295834Almost everybody in the wiznet is getting set up for failure in life by childhood abuse and then deliberate isolation. The reason why pups do it in the nest is to get their future competitors out of the way, and that's exactly what happens in the public schooling system for humans as well. That's why necking yourself for the feels is letting the normies win, they set you up for this far far in advance to make you their slave. Just like a dalit in India
>>295833They are winning no matter what you do.
>>295845They wouldn't seethe so hard if they did. Cattle know theirselves in defeat that's why so much damn copium out there and hookup culture and crap.
You must be meaning the illuminati.
>>295845Stop comparing apples to oranges and you'll feel better. Past a certain basic trajectory point there's just too much going on in the game of life to think you can do 1:1 comparisons. If you ever think you want to be someone else, realize you have to take all of it and not just part.
Anyways Stop being a victim and get strong and successful.
>>295845What are they winning? The game of being a normie?A lot of normies are miserable too.
>>295846illuminati are merely jewish kabbalists from southern germany (bavaria). remember southern germany borders northern italy (genoa, lombardy, venetia) which was a major center of jewish power throughout medieval times. illuminati/rosicrucians/freemasons were or are jewish fronts.
>>295856do you have a source for this?
Jewtube bans videos about these topics you retarded shill.
Gluten elimination is the key to a healthy mind.
>>296215Are there noticeable benefits to reducing gluten consumption, or does it have to be complete elimination?
>>296219Complete elimination is best, no question. Try going 2-3 weeks without any exposure to wheat and you may find yourself feeling like a totally different person. There are clinical reports of things like depression and schizophrenia resolving on a strict gluten-free diet.
>>296236I'm not celiac, but quitting wheat cured my acne, my brain fog, facial bloat and most of my depression. My facial redness also disappeared.
That shit is poison. Not just that, but I was addicted to it to the point I had to have some kind of wheat pasty, pastry, bread or pizza at least once a day.
This shit has been going on for years
I fucked up a basic thing that deeply pisses me off
Nothing major but it's the last straw
I think I'm going to asphyxiate on a tree this coming monday
This was the last push I needed to step over that threshold of being in the situation of being annoyed and sad enough and I will not let it pass
>>296253if hanging is done properly then youll pass within 10-20 seconds and die from the carotid artery being blocked, so it should not be as uncomfortable as asphyxiation
>>296254I think you're mixing up strangulation and asphyxiation
Strangulation is the twitch-and-choke kind of way
Asphyxiation occurst when the mechanism is stoppage of circulation
>>296255Seems you are right, thank you for the correction
>>296256It's barely been an hour and I again feel the fear of death and whatabout mum/dad
I'm never escaping this hell on my own terms at this rate
Why do you feel the need to bring this shit here, you muppet. Just fuck off with internet celebrities, cunt
Reminder that this is the Anti-Suicide General. There are already many malicious actors/fake wizards in the suicide general announcing and describing their own pretend suicides as a way to bring others nearer to actually killing themselves. None of that is needed here nor should be allowed here. To any young man reading this: your emotions are extremely strong at this age and you need to simply relax, not fall into crying despair, and remember that difficulties can and do pass. Do not kill yourself.
>>296338false, life is an endless list of problems and the only solution to the burden of existence is death
the best thing would be to never have been born
>>296339This. I just endured those feelings in my 20s and now I'm a complete zombie emotionally hoping every day it all ends.
Humans aren't meant to experience thousands of days of consecutive stress. It destroys your mind and soul. You only exist physically.
>>296339>>296341No, it's not "false". There is nothing in pessimism. You are too young to understand this. You sound just like (((David Benatar))) poisoning the minds of credulous goyim with life-ending depopulating anti-natalist nonsense.
Even in the anti-suicide thread we have infiltrators advocating for suicide. Wizards, there is good wisdom here that should shield against suicidal thinking.
>>296339See I know you just read your Benatar and your Zapffe and your Ligotti.
The thing is, you're not wrong. And indeed the pleasurable things are far and few. The thing is life tends to go insanely fast and there's things actually worth sticking around for that make it all worth it, it's really hard to explain but I was in your same position
>>296342I just went to have lunch and you beat me to it
I will ldar forever to spite everything
>>296338>remember that difficulties can and do pass.But they don't pass. They stick around and make your life even worse than before. Suicide is the lesser of two evils. Besides, don't your kind of people want eugenics? What better way to ensure eugenics than letting us choose to die?
>>296344Neeting till rope is a normalized practice now and actually the more you cry about it, the higher the chances that you will rope. My grandfather killed himself by partial suspension. Such suicde is a rational choice of a grown man. I don't want to become homeless / get lobotomized / die in the trenches.
Worthless advice for worthless problems. If you are anti suicide u don't have a single serious problem in your life. I have ten and each will kill me on its own, and it's impossible to do anything cause I already exhausted all my resources.
Told my mom I wanted to an hero and she said if you did that you'd be killing me too because she would follow suit, I can't do that to her she has many other kids too. I've been pondering ending my life for quite sometime now, I don't have any prospects am a hiki NEET too bitch scared to be in public because of my past that I heavily isolate. I spend the entire week just bed rotting, I chain smoke cigs in bed and just stare into space like satou or doomscroll, maybe watch a smidge of media that's it. Day after day seclusion and seclusion I don't do anything, I have a couple online friends but none IRL. I see a support worker weekly because I'm so cooked and socially starved, I also partake in substances which I order online mainly speed and benzos rarely others. I will get uncomfortable laying in bed because I've rolled over to every position and I'm sick of this so called life, I don't want to die yet I feel it's the only thing which will grant me peace. I hang on by faith in God and my mom alone I want to study cyber security and get a fucking job but I have no motivation to accomplish anything, I live alone and am constantly broke I'm afraid I'll neck soon I'm only 27 and this world hates me. How can I fix the lack of will power and demoralisation before it's too late?
>>277007I was the most suicidal when I was in a mental ward three and a half years ago. I was broken into pieces and traumatized. Fast forward to now and I'm unrecognizable, this cup is cleaned from the inside out and ready for honourable use.
Words can't convince someone of the truth, that after death comes judgment. But power sure will convince some, you will witness it if you stick around.
>>296357If you're in the west just get any McD job. Or any job. Even dead end. In my country India jobs like these don't even exist and if they do they are already taken.
>>293399you're most welcome. yes, exercise – even just walking – is very important.
>>296357>I can't do that to her she has many other kids tooThat's not true and this delusion just means you're not suffering enough to kill yourself yet. When the fire is burning your flesh it hardly becomes a choice anymore, you will do whatever it takes to escape it
>>296526I used to swim a lot. That helped. But now I can't find any good/clean places to swim. I might try walking. Even just being outside in an area with crisp air immediately helps my thinking.
>>296357Night securityguardmaxx
>>296527>When the fire is burning your flesh it hardly becomes a choice anymoreThat is also the reason why schizophrenics are as suicidal (9-20%) as male autists, MDDs, bipolars and BPDs. Because they experience psychosis (Hellblade II)
>>296725wish i could swim.
>>296725Exercise is important. But really living is very hard and I dearly wish I had never been born.
What is a good wizardly form of exercising? Any ideas?
>>297746Walking/jogging/bike riding during neet hours (morning when normals are at work)
I didn't know if I should post this in the pro-suicide or anti-suicide channel but I am really considering it right now. Life is just going to hell. I'm a disabled NEET, I have a small list of mental and emotional disabilities, and I live with a disabled step mother. My dad died a few years back and since then it's been me and her. Life was kinda okay but lately all the political shit going on has got me stressed. On top of that my physical health is on the decline. The world just seems to be going to shit and I worry I'm gonna end up homeless or dead, I don't want to die but I don't want to live on the street either. I can't eat, all I do is lay in bed and think and think and think to the point I almost have panic attacks.
>>297852Everyone is stressed from the present political situation. I think even the (((controllers))) themselves are stressed considering how badly they fucked up with the covid hoax. Their over-aggressiveness in pushing so many propaganda projects (covid, mass immigration, feminism, dei, etc.) has alienated a huge majority of the young male population that otherwise would be participating in general society, and I think this is why we are hearing so much about cutting neetbux, cutting medicaid, and other like critical services – because they're presently trying to scare these men through the prospect of not being able to support themselves back into the fold of participatory society and especially into the fold of the ZOG military. However you should not take the bait…and really by this I mean: you should not abide yourself to fall into a nervous helpless state of expectant fear. You lack good wisdom if you've allowed yourself to become too involved in the daily masonic theater that is the modern news cycle. Remember that each one of their major news stories is intentionally designed to keep you psychologically in a recycling fear/release loop. You are firmly negatively trapped in that loop right now if you have become so worried that you cannot even eat. Take a shower, recover your breathing, prepare a small healthy meal, and train yourself to think as rationally as possible (you can do all of these things, every wizard can). Until we depose the jewish power structure ruling over Europe/USA/Russia/China, you will likely never be able to go a day without hearing about some type of doom-scenario that is somehow meaningfully threatening human existence. Accept that reality. Accept that we are under 1920s Soviet-Communist levels of propaganda and this will likely continue to worsen as the controllers become more and more afraid. Don't forget that they successfully conditioned Boomers through the constant marketed specter of "nuclear war" with (((Soviet Russia))) … yet time has proven this was an empty threat, and nothing ever actually came of this (not to mention that nukes don’t even exist, they are themselves a jewish scarecrow).
Finally, take the absolute best care of your physical health that you can. Do not kill yourself.
>>297852from above:
a lot of people are thinking about suicide right now. the world has become uniquely almost crushingly dark. i know this might be cheap advice, but really try sitting in a comfy chair or lying in a relaxing bed and for 2 hours allowing all your breathing to come down to a controlled level, and exactly thereupon examining all of your thinking so to purify it of all unnecessary fear and panic, seeing only what truly matters.
it is within your power to wipe out the panic, if you can calm down your thought process. establish what is actually important: are you healthy? do you have a safe place to sleep at night? do you have food to eat? if you can answer yes to these questions, there exists no need to kill yourself. i am praying very intently for all wizards to be as strong as possible as we battle against the judeo-masonic forces of satan.
>>297872>>297874Like I said in a thread I made earlier. I can't get off /pol/. I just keep browsing obsessively. I feel like I'm on the verge of throwing up. It's all so scary.
>>297875/pol/ is an ideational minefield that is continually shaped and fed by many competing parties (cia, eglin trannies, anons, etc.). I would also argue that it is designed to be addictive (ie, constantly refreshing the catalogue for new threads, reinforcing echoing refrains from users of "you are here forever"). If you don't know how to intelligently navigate that battleground/minefield – moving wisely within such a fast shifting informational environment – and equally if you don't know how to moderate the hunger for the knowledge of new evanescent events, you will end up neurotically transfixed under the regenerating weight of endless propaganda.
For instance, here are a few titles of threads that I went through just within the last 10 minutes:
1 So is this the end of Trump's hyperfixation on tariffs?
2 Are Americans okay? Like mentally speaking.
3 lmao imagine doordashing in ukraine
4 Marry a prostitute
7 buccal fat removal gives succubi ayylmao faces
8 Boomers steal and impregnate zoomettes in America.
10 Insider here. Most honorable and respected Chinese president browsing pol now.
11 Why are American prison inmates so GAY compared to those of other nations?
12 HAPPENING: Redditors are about to get Chitted!
13 Who elected this guy?
14 I want to remind everyone that I love you. You, I love you.
This is a sketch of the quality of content on /pol/ right now as I type. If you can't discern that most of this content merits nor your time nor your concern, I really don't know what to say.
>>297879I think it would just be best if I close /pol/ and focus on a different board or website entirely. It's not helping me mentally and I'm just obsessing over things I can't control. Thanks for the talk, it helped.
>>2978794chan became slop post 2016.
>>297879>lmao imagine doordashing in ukrainehehe
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