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I've been on finasteride for 2 years and I just lost my job and had to move back with my parents and I noticed that my hairline is receding it looks bad, my hair is thinning too, even the back and sides are thinning so I will never be able to get a hair transplant. I've always been anxious about going bald because I have a really bad head shape and I just don't look good without hair, or well, i look worse than with full head of hair.
Balding young is fucking brutal and I don't feel like wearing a fedora or beanies it will make it all more obvious, i feel a pain in my chest and all this stress is causing me to lose more and more hair im in my early 20s but i look now like my male relatives who are full in their 50s.
I can't hide it and I don't want to be that bald guy everyone mocks.
Why it had to be me, wizards? I'm short and now balding, fucking life sucks and did nothing to deserve this.
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No you. When you have tons of shit wrecking your life seeing men bitch about hairloss is very painful.


>seeing wizards complain about hairloss emotionally affects me, it is very painful for me cause i have other things that are much worse than that!!
>me me me
>why are you discussing things that don't affect me don't you see my life is worse than you?!


You're retarded.
Why wouldn't they bitch about hairloss?
Should a poor bum not bitch about not having shelter against the rain for the night, because it's "not a big deal bro, I have it and I don't even notice it anymore so why are you bitching ;)".


Why do people who get depressed because of hairloss call me retarded big baby? What the fuck? Read the note of that guy who's just roped himself. Hairloss is nothing in comparison to his problems.


Balding is major suifuel, been taking finasteride. Going to look into dermarolling for scalp.


Being bald is nothing if you're already ugly.


All bald wizards are siths, embrace it.


you should just end it bro


Losing your hair sucks, but I'd say it's the least of your worries. The best thing you can do is shave your head completely and embrace your baldness (especially if you've got a beard, and as long as your ears aren't too big, you can make it look good).
Take it as a fresh start and a chance to take control of your life. Look for other qualities that make you feel better about yourself (hit the gym, explore new job opportunities, or whatever). I know it's tough, but if you don't want to be defeated just yet, try to fight a little longer.
But going back to the beginning, shave it off and try to reclaim your life. Being bald isn't the end of the world, just accept it and give yourself a chance to start over.

But anyway, it's just my opinion, and I'm basing it on what a acquaintance did, who also went bald in his 20s. And on top of that, he couldn't grow a beard, so he was even more screwed.


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Faulty causality, you only see Chads because they are strong enough to not be crippled by being the center of attention, expectations and to fight back men targeting them for attracting succubis attention, no one see the pretty boys who fails or lose their looks. It's literally survivor bias. Also, you see more ugly guys at higher positions and almost all riches are fucking ugly


Sure, but they grow very bitter as they reallze no succubus will ever touch them unless royally compensated.

It's absurd how many boxes you need to tick physically to universally appeal to young succubi. It's a less than 1% chance of being born into.

Nobody deep down hates succubi more than rich uglies who have to keep shelling out bank deposits and expensive gifts for her to not run away to some other ugly simp.


You're not on Reddit. You don't need to double linebreak.


Only a redditor like yourself would point that out.

I don't use normie websites so I'm utterly oblivious to their customs.



Sometimes I reply like that was well because I forget I'm on quick reply and a single sentence in that little box looks like a paragraph. On top of that I don't use the browser on fullscreen, making the box I'm writing on even smaller. This post for example has 8 lines on my quick reply box.


based paragrapher
stream of consciousness wall spammer btfo
these bitches see a paragraph and be like "reddit!!"
punctuation niggers on top
i got a keyboard with these switches
keyboard niggas knowin it
5 million presses
my enter key can take it

double tap niggas



At least you guys had good hair at some point in your life.
Meanwhile I havr to deal with this nigger hair I got thanks to race mixing. Fuck you all.


Being bald is optional in 2024.

Dutasteride (Avodart) 0.5mg daily
Oral minoxidil 5mg daily

thank me later


there are NEET and forever alone subreddits on reddit which are far from niormie reddits, maybe check them out.


>just take this expensive shit that can have damaging side effects for the rest of your life
come on, now.


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Most NEETs are normies who wish they could hack it in the world like everyone else. Being unemployed and living with your mom doesn't make you interesting. Most of the wizzies on here are the same.


> caring about "being interesting"


You can't sage your way out of your failed normiehood.



Most men look terrible bald RIP.


I literally grew up being bullied for being short, and now the final nail in the coffin is the fact I am balding at an alarming rate and there's nothing I can do about it.

I also have plenty of other health related issues and clinical depression. At this point, I think I'm going to go ER or just kill myself.


If you have money you can always get a hair transplant in Turkey.


death sentence for what fucking succubi? get the fuck out of here with this crab shit


People will treat you differently when you're ugly. This can seriously effect your sense of self and livelihood. Are you usually this simple? My sincere condolences


Being short is a curse for sure but hair loss can be stopped with Minoxidil at least temporarily.


Just blast finasteride and you will be ok.



I will let you in on a secret.

A lot of wizards hate the idea of looks discrimination because it is very, very real, and one of the main reasons of a male becoming a wizard in the modern world whether he wants it or not.

Their coping mechanism is creating a fantasy land in their head where such discrimination doesn't exist and everyone is born equal and gets equal treatment.
It's like the trauma victim creating its own safe space mentally to avoid systemic breakdown.


>Their coping mechanism is creating a fantasy land in their head where such discrimination doesn't exist
t. HeinieHurt that people don't believe your delusions that wizards will be killed if they dre step outside while bald and short.

Can you explain WHAT these normalfags will do if they see an adult male with fewer hairs and inches than average?Can you explain WHY a wizard or any man should care?


>every true wizard
revealed, you're the truwiz / wizcel guy who thinks someone can only be a wizard if they are a crab


Nobody said they will be killed. They will face ridicule, passed over for jobs or promotions, they will be ignored, for nothing else than being unlucky in the genetic lottery.

All of the above have happened to me on a nearly weekly basis and I hit the jackpot (I'm both short AND balded before 20 years of age).


not Homer Simpson


Homer lived in an age where an uneducated dumb blue collar guy could own a house and financially take care of a wife, 3 kids and a dog like in the cartoon.

That same guy today is NEET against his will & lucky to be able to afford rent in a 300sqft condo while crying to sleep watching anime alone.


>A lot of wizards hate the idea of looks discrimination because it is very, very real
it is more real than ever with smartphones and social media, they will take pictures of anyone that looks "weird" and upload it. Anyone who is out of the norm can potentially become a meme, a person the entire internet can be ridiculed.


The only time I went to a gym some zoomers started filming me because I was so out of shape.


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one day I was walking down the road and a car stopped near me.then, a guy opened his window and aimed his at me:what he was doing? taking a picture of me. I hate normalfag so much about this. they humilate you in public by taking a photo/video of you and share it with their friends to moke you off.
fuck zoomers and normalfags kill'em'all



The worst is not that you lose hair but you also get an itchy scalp as you go bald.


I caught some normie asshole filming me at the cash register when my mom made a spergy scene over groceries which was humiliating. Sperging out or just being an autist in public makes you a target and you don't even need to do anything bad to end up being the lolcow in snapchat stories. I knew some normies from other classes when I was in school and they had folders of secret photos and videos of lolcows from their class on the pc and they'd document every troll they pull just for their little circle, they would even hang out with some cringy nerd in private and secretly document him like a monkey for giggles. Some normies pull whole chris chan scenarios on individual personal lolcows. Only naive retards refuse to believe that subhumans get such treatments if they let their guard down.


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I feel you. worse is when a zoomer does it. it also happened to me again another day where a car stopped near me and my brother and a succubus took a pic of use, then they laughed and left. I felt humilated, fucking bitches, I hate normalfags and succubi, it's insane. like you said, thinking normalfags don't care about you because you left them alone is not true, they have no scruple to shame you


>they actually bully you because their lives suck and not because you're a subhuman retard who can be humiliated you for lulz and power. Don't worry if you get posted online because that happens to everyone nowadays ok???


Malasezzia fungus is what makes the roots get scarred and closed. You need something to kill fungi.

Usually the hair starts getting filthy as oily when this baldness happens which makes me think that the natural defensive pH of the hair fat glandules is not enough to kill the fungi finely, so it starts overproducing akwardly. But no, it's just the same.

Some stories around the internet claim to have vinegar, alcohol, tomato or lemon working on it. This is: killing the fungi as your skin cannot do it so naturally.


Wouldn't you break their car lights?


are you mentally ill?



>and go to jail

go away crazyfag, not gonna let normies put me in prison for something that can be easily avoided.


Man, it's just shock therapy. Do you resent being a lolcow? Then be a lolcow on purpose until not even the fags feel it funny. Burn that piece of soul of yours, if necessary.

Otherwise I see you just running away from cameras, eyes and laughters, always hypwersensitive, always discomforted. Break in.

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