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 No.286861[View All]

Suicide general, - Discuss everything suicide related here.
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Can one legally acquire hydrogen cyanide?


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is there a detailed and idiot proof guide somewhere for hanging, both full and partial suspension? i tried googling but all i got are suicide hotlines, motivational reddit threads, medical journal articles and that sort of thing.


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Lost all hope recently went down , way back machine to the rescue.
Still, you sure you don't wanna just get some printer paper, mechanical pencil, reading some Andrew Loomis, just upload some cam shots of your doodles and try becoming a drawfag? If you don't have a fucked up wrist like me, maybe some hope. Worth a shot at least.
Either way I understand the feeling. Thinking and planning about hanging myself has been giving me more and more comfort in recent months.
In addition to what's in the article, tree climbing/arborist rope is a good choice. Firm, little stretching and readily available. Seems pretty good from the tests I've done with it.


You got that PDF of how to hang yourself? I'm not suicidal but it was still a very interesting read


Only guaranteed way to die is firearm (preferrably shotgun) to the temple. The rest is too unreliable and might be either very painful or male you handicapped instead.


So when you start hanging, it says your body will try to claw at the rope and free itself. But especially when conscious. So my question is, is it actually your unconscious lizard brain on doing these actions to survive? Or do you consciously choose to do this when the pain becomes unbearable? The fact that it happens especially when conscious seems to suggest it's a conscious decision, but it also seems to suggest you do this even when unconscious. So what is it? The thought of your brain, but not you, taking over your body like a puppet creeps me out.


Anyone else know that feel of being on a countdown to suicide knowing its just a few months away, and you should do something big like bucket list shit? But then you think, I've had all these decades to do it, if there was anything worth doing, I would have done it already. I've given up all hope, nothing to lose for many years now. If there was any big adventure gamble worth doing, I would have done it. And at this point I just want to get my suicide over with successfully. Optimize for that one goal. Everything else is a distraction. Its like the bucket list of trying shit, is the whole life I've lived up to this point, I wasn't holding back any secret reserves. And yet when each countdown day feels so ordinary, it just gives an unreality to it. Like these days should be special. And I just want S-day to be real this time.


Isn't jumping from a very high building a rather solid option?
How could you ever survive that?

Not only making a "bucket list", but even just typing this very post you just typed shows that you are not going to kill yourself, you are not in the emotional state to be able to do it, I can guarantee you that 100%.

Like most people writing in these threads.
It's really just venting only.


Why? This time I'm not thinking about philosophy or any grand gestures. I'm just planning the most efficient method to just get the task over with. I'm not letting anything distract me from the goal.


Planning to buy my 1st smartphone ever so I can take a uber to my suicide location. I have no idea how it works with plans and shit. But I guess if there is one reason for a Wiz to buy a normphone this is it.


How to make it look like an accident?


Rereading the complete works of Schopenhauer will help me suicide


I can't believe after I suicide, that's it, just blankness, nonthinking, nonbeing, no brain, no consciousness, dreamless sleep. just nothingness. i know it was nothing before i was born. but its still weird to choose to go back to the nothing. theres a sense of curiosity. am i really going to prove there is no afterlife? ive been so certain of atheist darwinist materialism my whole life, just took it for granted, had no doubts.


you absolute turd monkey! schopenhauer was merely a gnostic who wrote in german. he was not wise.

no one knows what happens after death. take any psychedelic/psychogenic drug and be disabused of strict materialism. please do not kill yourself. please see the somewhat popular anti-suicide general thread.


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It is really fucking painful, and you start paniking and the inner lizard in you really want out of this mess, so you start grabing at any opportunity to stay alive, in my case it was that the chair wasnt thrown far einought so i managed to balaqnce on it somehow while trying to untie the knot of the scarf that i used.

t. failed hanging attempt 10 years ago, considering doing a succefull one soon enough, because life lost its meaning for me long before even first suicide attempt, but im a coward and im stile here forn now ,but now additional circumstances are adding to the equation that hopfully would bring me uot of this shithole called life.


I used to romanticize living in an insane asylum/ psych ward as the living utopia of Plato's Republic


society is the real insane asylum, everyone who is not insane is branded insane and locked up


If your life is already bad, but you rationally fear its about to go off a cliff and become much worse, when is the best time to suicide?

Should you try to squeeze every last drop out of relatively comfortable neet life? Or try to get ahead of the curve and suicide before the crash begins?


I just wish there was a way to objectively know I tried enough, and further investment into life is a waste. I see Wizs talking about it being over as early as the 20s or college graduation. And I'm waaaay past that. But sometimes I regret that maybe being too rational was itself a problem. Like if I had irrationally just kept trying at life, maybe something would have been a miracle.

Once I felt I was beat, I just lost heart, and longed for suicide. You're beat, you're beat. But its like everything I've ever tried has ended in 0, and I can't be expected to make infinite investments with 0 returns forever.


I took to cutting recently, wanting to know if actually cutting deep enough to cause a bleeding wound big enough to make yourself pass out is as easy as prevention media makes it seem.

Is cutting that deep actually feasible? I keep on fighting against the pain hoping to hit a vein or something, but it's pretty useless so far.

Should i just completely ditch this method and attempt something else? Like pretty much anyone, i'm too scared to go for anything super painful


>I took to cutting recently


If you were miserable until 25 it’s not going to get better from there


The percentage is probably similar to the normie one, so about 1%


My life progressively got worse from 19-30 until it gradually started getting better and better after 31.

Had I just committed suicide at 25 I would have missed out on all kinds of worthwhile things.


>worthwhile things.
Are there any?


Why? Seems like a very stupid assumption to make.


being dumb, i guess. Never really hurt myself badly before, so i wanted to know if getting to a vein was feasible


There's no reason for wizzies to planeshift unless your doppleganger has incurable injuries or approaching deth (leopard). We have huge technological advancement coming down the pipe - life extension, disease prevention, cognitive advancement, technological heaven, sociopolitical changes. I don't want to miss that just to turn my electrical power plant into a pack of rotting amino acids.

one thing though. If you're about to die go into proximity of a weakly electrically charged field. I'm curious as to whether consciousness can transfer out of body in that situation


I was prescribed antidepressants and antipsychotics. I developed tinnitus and now going through withdrawal symptoms. Im afraid Im going to have some permanent side effects, I wish I never took these toxins. I contemplate suicide daily.


I doubt drug sides are permanent. There is a lot of bad information floating around in the anti-psychiatry universe. What they do is alter density and tolerance to various neurotransmitters. What you have once the withdrawal ends is the aftermath of whatever mess your brain was in when you had to go on them. It is a very delicate art but with appropriate study you can identify your neurotransmitter groups and passively add supplements to normalize their balance.


Those drugs are literally neurotoxic, I pretty much had dementia when on them in the end. I havent had proper sleep for weeks, no peace or quiet, random muscle spasms like some pseudo-akathisia. Even if I recover I will feel that I might develop some form of degenerative disease at some point because of these "medications". Its completely abhorent that doctors, shrinks and every other medical practitioner will push drugs on anyone who shows the slightest signs of deviating from the norm and/or is more vulnerable and easily suggestible. I also have Gilberts syndrome which means I dont easily metabolize drugs among other things, benign condition my ass. I only just found this out after the fact.


Yeah, I get it. I don't know what specific drugs you have been taking either since some are worse than others.

Here are some supplements that are useful for brain repair:
ALCAR - massive NGF increase
Lion's mane - NGF, also neurogenesis
NSI-189 - neurogenesis specifically in your hippocampus
Ashwaghanda - Neutrite outgrowth
Curcumin (take w/black pepper) - neutrite IIRC
Pregnenolone - useful for TBI recovery, IE brain health
Noopept or Semax - BDNF
Magnesium threonate - BDNF IIRC
B-complex - most people are deficient, very useful
BPC-157 oral capsules - VERY USEFUL compound in wound healing
Omega-3's or ALA - raw material for growth
PS - raw material for growth
Uridine - increase receptor growth
CDP-choline/probably any source choline - grows receptors back
Inositol - sensitizes receptors
Creatine - useful for TBI
Jiaogulan - can recover damaged dopamine pathways
bacopa - creates serotonin receptors
Infrared light cap therapy - gives mitochondria more energy

There are so many options for this its crazy.


oh, and as well
Dihexa - growth factor, very potent
Arginine - amino acid growth hormone
Growth hormone - holy grail of brain growth
(Saunas will also raise GH)
Cardio - 10% growth in brain volume over a year
Meditation - also raises brain volume

It's just a poorly researched field where the interventions have to be stacked in volume, in conjunction with good behaviors, to see good short term results. Standard american lifestyle is bad for the brain wizzie


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wait wizchan was taken the reality shifting pill now?
>yale university
aren't all ivy league unis. a huge joke now, tho?
hey longeanon: Does icy showers + sprinting + Iron Body training + Semen retention + Lucid dreaming make a decent or a great stack? all I can pull off, i dont have any non-paper money so i cant buy anything online at all


that guy is specifically asking about how to grow brain volume. You're talking about lifestyle choices which obviously make people happier and everybody should practice.

But really, it's cheaper than people think. The issue with supplements is the cost is up front in a lump sum rather than spread out.
sciencebio dihexa… costs $2 a day @ 10mg daily
sciencebio NSI-189… costs $1.15 a day @ 50mg daily
this is the common cost per supplement.. anywhere from $1-2. Many capsule vitamins are actually higher in capacity than a person necessarily would even need, and can be cut in half to save money or taken in powder to more judiciously spread out. Bulksupplements has all this stuff very very cheap

So for a "brain repair stack", without doing mental math to get the exact price I would do:
Noopept (very cheap) - BDNF
Dihexa - growth factor (take with quercetin and cycle because this shit could be cancerous)
Quercetin - anticancer agent
Omega 3 or ALA - brain material
Lion's mane - proven cell growth
eggs for choline
Ashwaghanda - neutrite growth
and you'd get by pretty well for maybe $150 a month, would be my guess. You want BDFNF, NGF, the raw materials, and growth factor agonism. It is probably possible to get this at significantly cheaper cost by microdosing, specifically focusing on a few factors rather than a shotgun approach, lifestyle interventions etc.

All I can say for you is maybe consider saunas and meditation. Dual n-back is also a proven way to increase your memory (IQ component) if you are able to commit to daily practice as if it were weight training


oh and the thing with dihexa is, you'd only need a few cycles of it. The HALF LIFE for this substance is 15 days. It's one people should not be on long term but has dramatic short term results for neurorecovery. The lower hanging fruit for optimizing what you have is BDNF, GDNF (which I forgot to list but is gastrodin and royal jelly mainly), NGF (seems to be the one associated with cell growth) at sufficiently high dosages (which should be cycled to prevent downregulation) in a stimulating environment for the brain to optimize itself quicker. Sorry, this is almost like my job to know this stuff at this point


what's your opinions on using Steroids if ,like, you're a 80 year old guy who's really losing all his muscle power\ athleticism? under doctor control of course, but I mean literal steroids not just "TRT"


I don't know much about that area because I don't use contraband substances. They say cruise cycles won't harm you testosterone levels at all. Probably much too intense for an 80 year old, the usual thing they give aging men is DHEA which is a more permissible testosterone booster.


I have already started takin some of those including Ginko Biloba, B vitamins, NAC, some other anti-oxydants, zinc, etc. Also HBOT and biomodulation therapy, I just feel that whatever mild effect it has I will never truly be the same, to never have peace and be second guessing myself. Tinnitus is probably the worst. I never really researched about nootropics, I used to just take vitamins D,C, calcium and magnesium. I find this will all become really expensive with little gain. Might as well pull the plug and let close ones get the little possessions I have.
I am not even american, pushing drugs seems to be the standard. The worst thing is I dodged the vax and at least know some things about how pharma operates. Ive had depression and anxiety my whole life without any interventions, yet now I caved for the measly promise of neetbux and the outcome is that I lost the little sanity and health and now money that I have. A life filled with regret.


Also taking taurine for my liver now, but Im generally more cautious of synthetic supplements dont want to experiment some more with my brain and body. Im still skeptical about nootropics even though I know little of them.
I would also mention that I was subscribed Sertaline (Zolft) for 1.5 months 25 mg at first and then 50 mg. Then I was subscribed 25 mg Anafranil (Clomipramine) and they pushed me to take 50 mg, with that also Olanzapine (Zyprexa) 2.5 mg and 5 mg for a few times. Took the last ones for about a month.


the ones I'm talking about are proven effective for brain regeneration. I have taken Dihexa, which is a peptide, and the effects were dramatically positive. It's supposedly ten million times stronger than BDNF, and one of the few legal and effective ways to induce massive brain growth in relatively short periods. You have to take it with an anticancer agent (quercetin) and for a short period because many people are concerned about this regeneration being carcinogenic. But if you want brain recovery and growth this is the wonder drug.

I have had similar problems. One of the issues with AP's is that they alter brain neurotransmitter function. Nigrostrital dopamine and certain aspects of serotonin chiefly. I don't know how bad your issues are but defeating negative symptoms is all about getting back your dopaminergic system IMO. Olanzapine is a really bad one for damage, hope you are off it.


I dont want to experiment with further chemicals. Honestly I just want to go back to where I was before.
Yes I quit all the drugs, but I feel the damage is done. Supposedly these drugs can stay in cells. Suicidal ideation, regret and self-hate is all I can feel daily now.


A peptide isn't really a drug in the conventional sense. I used Dihexa to effectively recover from psychosis damages and could feel very positive results in brain communication in two cycles. Anyways, suit yourself…

One of the books I found helpful for this and has a good nutrient/supplement section near the end. HBOT is definitely the way to go. I was very aggressive in trying to use supplements to recover function and seem to have run into mild excitotoxicity problems using neurotransmitter-raising supplements, which was quite a stupid idea in retrospect I guess.

While the half life of many drugs, particularly injections, is quite long, they will eventually all excrete.


another one I liked, which might be more acceptable to you if pharma associations are the issue, is semax. It raises dopamine levels which you do have to be careful with but will almost immediately give you a strong sense of drive. It also spikes BDNF significantly, which is a major compound involved in neuroplasticity and recovery. Used for stroke victims, quite safe.

Schizo seems to have all kinds of different causes. Autoimmune problems from disease, lyme, celiac are a prominent hypothesis. It seems like for me excitotoxicity could be caused by heavy metals, toxoplasmosis infections, or covid spike proteins. I don't know what your illness looks like, but many people in true schizo in the celiac camp report benefits from ketogenic diets. There's also the niacin supplementation theory, which I found to be quite useless but evidently helps a subset of cases


No detox, no profit. No matter how nicely your nourish a filthy machine, it will still be filthy


What detox do you suggest?


Do not eat grains. They destroy your mind. That's the reason bread is so popular, it's by far the easiest way to trick people to enter the downward spiral of self destruction by grains.


-Fasting a week
-Or only fruits for a week
-Deleting dairy and starch from your diet whenever eating normally might suppose a significant improvement.
-Do not have breakfast inmediately after waking up neither last supper of the day after 6:00 pm
-Food intake is better when inside a certain time window (just from 8:00 am until 3:00pm, for an example)
-A turmeric spoon before sleeping improves liver function
-Eating trophologically avoids badly digested stuff to accumulate inside the colon. It matters more and more the further you age.
-White meats are usually better than red meats in terms of making your liver and kidney workloads lighter. Less acids in blood (unless they be fish, fish might have metals inside)


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I read in another comment that there are discord groups that promote suicide on social networks like wizchan and 4chan. Giving effective and not so effective methods to do it, but never doing it themselves.


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I'm not even celiac, but not only did dropping grains completely debloat my face, my brain fog went away and I also lost a ton of body fat.

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