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 No.289727[View All]

getting angry, getting frustrated edition

previous >>285492
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I wish I could work. I never understood the consequences properly before it was too late. I dropped out at 18, mentally insane, and I eventually lost my physical health. I've been in worsening unbearable agony for the past 2 years due to endless diseases. Most recently I found out all my teeth are fucked and I have a huge inflammation on the right side of my mouth, and two teeth with the toxin that u need to take out or it will kill you. I can barely walk I'm so weak, lost half my weight, endless list of health problems. I can't afford healthcare, my family is poor and can't help. I'm so mentally ill I cant swallow antibiotic pill tried 5 times. I think I'm getting meningitis or my heart will give out soon.
Health problems+no money equals life over and it hurts worse than I thought life could ever hurt, my mind almost gave out as well.


It's what happened to my mother and now she's bed ridden with breast cancer, god is such a cruel being, it isn't fair and she did the best she could for all of us.


Get the teeth pulled and swallow those antibiotics. You can do it. Dental abscesses can be fatal if left untreated, but it will not be a quick or pleasant death. You just have to swallow the water like there is nothing floating around inside of it. Put the pill in your mouth and then just focus on drinking all the water. You probably won't even notice that you swallowed it. You need to do the entire course of antibiotics without skipping a dose so that it works, and also get the teeth pulled of course.


Love seeing techies getting fucked over.


While I'm rather sure that AI will replace any digital profession at some point, we're still not close to the actual replacement of coders. As others have posted already, its only able to do very simple stuff and anything else will end up in a clusterfuck that you need to fix all the time. You spend loads of time undoing the mistakes of the AI which repeatedly keeps running into the same logical issues if you try to code anything other than very basic stuff.

If youre a lowtier coder who can only do very simple tasks then then you're getting replaced easily but if youre the type who does more serious web/software type stuff or IT security etc. you very likely still have quite the time to go.


how much do you guys sleep? i cant function on less than 9 hours sleep, and even with 9 hours I wake up exhausted and feel tired all day.


Any Uber driver here? I'm planning becoming a Uber driver, any tips I should know?


gig economy is inconvenient, gas, fines, maintenance, it's all on your shoulders


you mean impractical and not profitable after expenses?


I tried it briefly but found it caused me too much anxiety. I am weak. My tips are don't forget to stop the ride once the person gets out. After you get a rider go offline so you don't get more requests coming in for new trips. Look at the requests coming in and reject all multi-stop trips. The thing that killed it for me is uber gives people your phone number so they can call you while you are driving. I hate phone calls and it was hard finding people sometimes because the app is not always precise with its directions in big complexes like hospitals and there are lots of other people looking for their uber driver which isn't you. In general you have to stop places where it's illegal to stop basically as a matter of course. That gives me bad anxiety. Then there's the normals who insist on carrying on a conversation which just made me have to split my attention from the road thus increasing the risk of actual death. I think I should have just said that I can't focus on the road while talking. I also live in a city where 90% of my customers were black and black people don't tip so the pay wasn't great. It wasn't bad either, more than I'd make in a normal job, but I couldn't stomach the anxiety. I was literally drenched in sweat after just a couple hours.


one other thing, succubi sometimes had small children whom it is illegal for me to transport by law without a car seat. I can either break the law or tell the person I'm rejecting their trip. I can't handle telling people no but I also don't want to break the law. It wouldn't have been bad though if I weren't so crazy, but at the end of the day all the little anxieties and stuff made me give in because I am weak.


That sucks man. I almost want to become an Uber drive now just for the opportunity to tell a succubus she's breaking the law. "GET OUT OF MY FUCKING CAR NOW!!!" Sounds really fun.


I mean yes, on top of that you also have to pay taxes


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Can anyone\someone explain Drop Shipping to me? i read about it online, googled it, but can't quit understand what it means or why normogroids hate it.
if normies say drop shippers are leeches, then drop shipping must be a GOOD thing to do


people place orders with you and you then place the order to some other seller at a cheaper price and keep the difference as profit minus shipping costs. it's an easy hustle unless there's some issues and they have to refund it, i guess.


oh i just thought it meant you the seller dont store the physical goods yourself


What a fucking prick, i'll never in my life be a taxi driver, no one is grateful for anything anymore.


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You guys ready for another week? I sure as hell not.


It's not an "easy hustle" like the wizard said above.

All sorts of legislation restrict dropshipping. For example if you take card payments, you are required to also process returns according to the laws of your country.

If people send you defective stuff back, you can't just "not refund" them or Visa/Mastercard are going to take the money out of your merchant account and also blacklist your future businesses.

A whole another story is gaining a customer base. There are already 100 million people doing dropshipping. Good luck starting *any* niche in 2024, when it's already controlled by a few thousand people who have infiltrated every product category imaginable.
Temu itself is nothing but a dropshipping company and they sell any product that any Chinese factory can make. They spend tens of millions of dollars _monthly_ on advertising. Have fun competing against that.


What does it matter if the person works there or not? Take immediate control of the situation and do not let this person force you to live in fear. Think defensively! What can you do right now to lessen the danger this person poses to you? Can you alert anyone you trust as to what’s going on? There must be someone. The more (trustworthy) people that know about what's going on, the greater defense you will have.



>Can you alert anyone you trust as to what’s going on? There must be someone. The more (trustworthy) people that know about what's going on

Literally no one is trustworthy anymore. Like 95% of people are selfish snakes.

Everyone is an impotent cuckold. Nothing will be done about it until this motherfucker has their teeth kicked in.


Let your supervisor know you're being harassed, have a meeting over it and get it down as a written issue.

Then if it continues, film them, record them, film and record and escalate rapidly and loudly by calling another meeting. You Play the footage, say it's been going on for a long time, you had no choice but to film it, you don't have to tolerate it and that it needs to be solved immediately.

If no action is taken or they try to avoid the issue, contact a lawyer to make a phone call to the company inquiring about it. I guarantee you after that final step something will be done.

Filming, recording and narcing is based as shit.


Don't know about other countries but in UKwe got friday and monday off. Tuesday now so the shit begins once again. And of course the work has piled up so there's twice as much to do. God I just want my life back.


Jesus fuck I can't stand working at the fucking convenience store. Some of these people smell like absolute shit and don't even look like they take a fucking shower. It's the absolute fucking worst.


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Convenience store jobs are hell.


I'm surprised how fat, ugly and grotesque everyone is nowdays.

I'm the only good looking fella around.


No fucking kidding. Especially in a town where 99.9999% of the local population is actually retarded.


You don't belong here


Government just announced that they'll be cutting 50,000 people (25%) of people off NEETbux as their target, and I had my doctor pressuring me to get a job and saying go to therapy. I think they're sending me to a therapist to rugpull me and say I'm healthy enough.

The thing is, my family doesn't actually want me to work now. After years of working, they see I'm happier and more lively not working. One even said to me "being broke is a minor problem to you, but you're so full of life and happy not working, you just seemed perpetually stressed and miserable holding a job".

Idk, I guess I'll cry hysterics if I have to to make sure I'm not one of the 25% axed. I think the plan is to degrade me from a sickness benefit and then give me an ultimatum in that I have to take a shitty job or get nothing.


What's the point in socializing at all?

I have nothing in common with these people and I don't care about your inane bullshit. Just leave me alone.


oxytocin, mental stimulation, probably many countless benefits we don't even know about. Your evolutionary history selected you to be social, it is a form of torture to not engage in community activities. Even if Normies are absolutely retarded


I love every day I get to spend painting, renovating, watching series, cooking, reading books or sleeping.

And I detetest, loathe and hate every day I have to spend time with normies who spout their endless ignorant, loud, racist, brash stuff which mostly is just one ape trying to one up other apes by making others feel bad in various ways and they enjoy it.

I need 2-4 weeks of alone time to recover from a day spent with those monsters.


This is just normalfag bullshit. No, you don't need to engage in community activities or socialization.

Of course normalfags are happy socializing and participating in activities because they gain support, resources and opportunities, which makes them feel safe.

Their ability to socialize is also effortless. It takes no effort at all for them with no thinking required. Contrast this with a high functioning autistic person and one single insignificant social interaction could trigger non-stop thinking about the interaction for 2 weeks straight.


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>Your evolutionary history selected you to be social, it is a form of torture to not engage in community activities. Even if Normies are absolutely retarded
>human evolution selects for small tribal groups for ~240,000 years
>dunbar's number remains low after 7,000 years of civilization
>hypersocial normies are retarded (maladaptative)


you should ask yourself that question considering you're socializing right now. Why not just ask yourself this question in your own head and not post at all on this website? Maybe because interacting with people is just better than being alone. You get access to more of the hive-mind that way. You are only a part of the hive-mind. Your conscious thoughts are all based on other conscious thoughts that were inserted into your brain through the process of interacting with other humans. You are only complete as a human while interacting with others. Otherwise your existence has no meaning and you remain unable to interact with the rest of the hivemind, and like a drone that's been cut off from its master, you are nothing without it. Much less capable. I mean you want to know how to do something, well you go to the human hivemind to find it out, right? The internet (and books before it) has created an interface device for accessing the hivemind, but ultimately it falls flat because you can only take in information, not interact with the hive mind like a real and complete human would be able to. Of course, now with AI this is changing, but you still came here to ask your question instead of posting it to chat GPT, didn't you?


Socializing on the internet is not the same as socializing in real life.



It's still communicating dumbass, how about not post shit and talk to no one, then you will truly understand real loneliness.


I think you both have reasonable points tbh. While writing paragraphs on an imageboard is not really a subsitute for irl socialization it is still a social exchange. It would indeed feel lonelier if you stopped posting altogether and just used the internet to watch stuff. I think if you're unable to socialize irl then the internet can definitely help with getting your thoughts out but it shouldn't be confused for real life because if it really was the same, then you'd be able to communicate with people irl as well.


God I hate work so much. It's not only working hours. It's the fact that you have to structure every little thing in your day and week around work. When you go to bed, what you eat, house chores, when you wake up, which transportation means you use, the physical and mental energy that you put into work that you lack otherwise, the weekend that you spend dreading about monday to come, the social pressure. I feel like every inch of my life is drained from me and for the next 40 years I'll be in hell and then I'm old, sick, ready to die. School sucked, uni sucked and work sucks even more. You don't learn new stuff you just repeat old stuff. I'm constantly mentally drained, work is literally killing me. I notice that when I have vacation, after a week I'm somewhat relaxed, when there's still a week left. But with work I'm always either aggressive or dissociated, in a bad mood, never doing anything for myself, it steals all my joy and will to be a decent person, it makes me a bad person but i am trapped in a cage, an animal chased to a dead exit by predators.


Now I'm starting to drink during and after work. Life's great, isn't it?


Your post made me stop looking for a job, the grass is always greener it seems, I'm sick of being broke but I forgot how absolutely miserable working can be.


Society is designed to farm normies. You have lost in life if you aren't one of the oppressors (either born into a rich family or got rich through exploits).

Employment in the US doesn't differ from slavery. Not even at higher salary tiers. People at all income tiers commit suicide or get medication for severe depression due to how awful it is to grind 40 years of your life to make some rich guy even richer.

The only way to fool your brain into thinking this is ok, is by buying toys and trinkets with said salary. When the mind realizes it's just a useless smokescreen, cognitive dissonance makes the employee go crazy or dependent on intoxicants to keep coping with the fact he is a slave for someone else.


I now have 60 months of $500 car payments to look forward to, definitely going insane or kms before I own it.


The law protects evil people. I do not have the money right now to pay the ridiculous fees of a lawyer.

I am trapped. No one wants to help me. I have asked for help and it has only made my situation worse.


That's insane. You should have tried to get a car that was used and older.


It's beautiful isn't it? Only the rich gets to truly win while everyone has to keep working, I just want to join them to fucking retire and be left alone forever, don't wanna exploit people but i'm also not born in wealth so my only option is to try to become some clown e-celeb or something.


I really ran out of options, not exactly spoiled for choice when you go broke fixing a car and have to choose between getting scammed by randos who roll back the odometer or scammed by the stealership and their tacked on fees.


Yeah working in a convenience store in the center of hillbilly world is the most bullshit thing on the goddamn planet. Especially if it's a fucking "truck stop" where truckers that smell like LITERAL SHIT come in just to buy some food and bitch at us when it's not at the price they want. Fuck them in particular. As well as all the other retarded piece of shit that enters our doors.


For fucks sake. Working in a convenience store on a Monday near the interstate is a fucking death sentence. Like can the retarded hillbilly general public stay their asses at home or work? Like don't you fucktards have lives or jobs to get to instead of bothering the fuck out of us? Like get the fuck out of here and leave me alone.

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