Galdonfini looks like an obese retard throwing a hissy fit unbecoming of a man of his position. This is probably the worst gif you could come up with to make this thread.
Anyways, everything is going great at my wagie place, low influx of customers. Don't matter cause I still get paid. Wish things were always like this.
I think I got a job as a cook at KFC, will work for few months, and then will get the fuck out of this house I'm staying at and this country.
I've tried to find a real good paying job for like 4 months now, I think. So far only had one interview at Publix on senior QA engineer role, which I failed. And that's pretty much all.
I'm sick of being at the mercy of someone else mood or whims. And This goes both ways I think, they can't really stand me, which is understandable.
I just want fucking out, to not exist on the lives of my relatives, just be gone
>>289728Mobsters are pieces of shit and retards, crazy innit.
I work in retail, selling Mr Beast bars to mindless cunts.
>>289760Did a double take when i saw Mr. Beast food advertised at the service station the other week. That cunt really is everywhere now.
crazy for how many years the tradition remained alive to use a sopranos pic as the OP for the wageslave general.
its been what? like 10 years already?
>>289791I don't know if you can call it a tradition when it's probably one guy.
>>289792One time the guy who makes them was slow making the thread so I made a wageslave thread without a sopranos pic. It pissed him off so much he has never been late again lmao.
fuqqqin bitch niqqa. FUCK!
>>289797It pissed us all off, i remember boycotting your thread lol.
>>289797lol probably not even a wiz if he cares so much about shit like this.
>>289801just you. I've been here since 2013 and I couldn't care less. Besides, I am not some pissy wagie who cares if someone opens a thread before me.
the only correct thing for a boss with a depressed employee to do is to fire him, and not consider his well being to be the boss's problem
"we cant do anything for him"
but then also the only correct thing for that wiz to do, is to traumatize a train driver by putting neck on rails
society has done nothing for him, why should he care not to harm society
>>289803he's not harming society in that case, he's just harming random people. the system goes on chugging without a problem.
>>289802Well i remember more, but im glad the sopranos tradition continues. Good for you 2013, you made it.
>>289803you'll just slow shit for awhile which will piss everyone off nowadays, no one gives a shit anymore about train suicides, world is fucked as it is.
It's better to stay in your room as a NEET until your parents die.
Adulting, working and all that other bullshit is not satisfying. You have to be around the worst normalfag scumbags in existence all the time and it never ends. They will try to scam and swindle you at every turn.
>>289957You have nothing to scam and swindle, you're fat and broke. Join us in reality.
>>289963I actually had someone try to scam me by trying to force me to buy their in-store products instead of installing my own self bought products. He actually refused service to me if I didn't buy his products that he would overcharge me for. The google reviews said that he was charging 4x the amount the products actually cost.
I spoke to him over the phone and I laughed at him, called him a dumb fat old retard and that I was going to leave a 1 star review for his business on google reviews, then hung up.
That is what prompted me to write that post.
Through basically an act of God I got a job about 2 years ago but it will soon be coming to an end. I got promoted to manager which is a miracle considering I was neet for 10 years before then.
The place is moving and I can't make it to the new location. I am doing driving lessons but I won't be able to do it in time. I only have a few months before the move.
For the past year I've been applying for new positions, anywhere, even McDonalds, but no one is picking up. I've been to 9 interviews, I just can't succeed at them.
Soon I will go back to NEETing and unless another miracle happens I don't think I'll be getting out of it this time. Back when I was a NEET I always thought it was my lack of work experience that turned people off, but now I know I'm just too socially fucked to get past the interview stage.
>>290021Try working on your physical appearance. Try and look like you really have your shit together. Be fit and healthy with a good haircut, nice clothes, and fashionable glasses (if applicable). This is almost more important than the social skills. If you are ugly, I am sorry, it will be more difficult but everything I mentioned still helps.
>>290024It's laughable how this is the way the world works.
As long as you •look• appealing, normies entrust you with jobs, money and responsibility.
If you look unappealing, the world hates you.
The world truly is an animalistic hell.
>>290026The world runs on heuristics and best guesses, not on certainty. No one has the time to evaluate your entire personality and history, so they latch on to things that seem important. Your appearance communicates a lot to other people, how much effort you put in, how aware you are of fashion and trends, how aware you are of your image and behavior and how those affect others. You could still be a complete shit person for the job, but most of the time, a person that's sloppy in their appearance will be sloppy in their work, so you can at least use it as a way to quickly filter out some types of people.
I work 7 days a week and for what?
I don't even make that much money. Over $1,000 goes to taxes and I don't even get anything in return while everyone else benefits except for me. What a joke.
What alternatives to working are there?
>>290060If you can be that easily replaced by an AI/Immigrant/Dog, then either your job didn't actually need doing or you were never very good at it.
99% of jobs are there just so billionaires can fuck teenage succubi on their boats in international waters
other 1% is to get them cocaine to snort off their assholes
nothing un the economy matters
if ai stealing easy nigger jobs it sucks
just have to work harder nigger jobs
so the boss can keep snorting snow off loli asshole
>>290060It looks pathetic.
These "AI" can do statistical party tricks with basics but they are very often wrong and very bad at anything innovative like building new software. Look at self driving cars - everyone thought they were be great by now. Getting the last 20% of accuracy is basically impossible for many tasks with current techniques and it will never be fixed because neural networks are fundamentally flawed
>>290068Rarely is anything innovative anyway, most of the codebases are due to people copying each other (StackOverflow meme), then simply maintaining and fixing bugs. That would leave only a tiny percentage at the top (PhD… etc) and terminate a huge chunk of code monkeys
>>290074That's because it's the easiest course of action.
The only thing 'code monkeys' with no talent care about is getting paid.
You get paid by maintaining that broken shitty code.
People care vastly more about getting intoxicated, having nice furniture, nice cars and big homes than they care about advancing science or a neural network.
>>290068I always wonder if these idiots who think LLMs are actually any good, actually ever use them.
I mean, have they ever actually paid for GPT-4 and actually tried it, and actually saw how completely useless and always wrong it is?
Because if they did, then maybe they wouldn't write ridiculous stuff about AGI, loss of jobs, etc.
And getting better is a meme, because this technology is fundamentally flawed, it cannot be "improved".
It's all marketing.
>>290068>These "AI" can do statistical party tricks with basics but they are very often wrong and very bad at anything innovative like building new software.Everyone making this argument is missing the point. It's not that AI is going to replace people, it's that people using AI are going to replace people. The one guy who really knows his shit will use AI to vomit out code and then just make a few tweaks to make it work thus upping his productivity by like 500%, thus allowing him to replace 5 less productive workers. AI is really good autocomplete and it is becoming better and better as time goes on meaning people who use it will become much more productive. This is a bad thing unless AI will somehow magically increase demand for their services by a commensurate amount, which they won't. So the basic point he is making that this shit is bad for coders is absolutely correct. It will be kind of funny to see all the coders who are poo pooing this shit get replaced.
We're not likely to hire anyone to this department until there's some retirements or fatalities now.
Using GPT-4 (though I prefer the setup I have in place for 3) to write 80% of multi-page work orders from a bullet point list input, and then fulfil them with large sections of pre-generated work that can plug in to existing structures makes each of us maybe 30% faster. In a department of 5 guys, that's 1 and one half people that we don't need to hire.
More significantly it means "The people who know how to do things" have the headspace and worktime to experiment.
It's going to *kill* career progression for thousands of people, and raise the bar above the competence threshold of thousands more in entry level positions. Why waste the salary to do a job someone with 5+ years institutional experience can do with the time that is now being spent posting on wizchan?
$1< for $100+ increase in output value per person per day is not even a serious question. It's using electric motors compared to muscle power - the work is largely the same, but the manual effort to achieve it isn't really comparable.
Naturally the benefits and gains will rarely if ever be fully realised by the working plebs, but the ones who work for an enterprise which makes use of it effectively will at least still have jobs when said enterprise eats the market share of the poor fools who failed to capture the value that was available.
i left pretty bad impressions on my supervisor from the start
now i regret it a lot since he seems to be disgusted by me, like im a parasite on the companies money to him, or a tumor in the team that he cant easily remove
will be a lesson for the future, and also a extra motivator to find a new job soon and not get comfy
>>290082That methodology is very dangerous because LLMs work statistically and thus can leave silly errors anywhere. It's harder to debug, test and check every line of "AI" code than it is to write it from scratch
>>290114This is why many artists have lost faith in AI for their own stylized works. They spend more time scrutinizing AI's output and fixing the errors than they would from just sketching it out themselves.
>>290114Perhaps we might see a change in how we program. Maybe programmers will only write tests that contain the necessary requirements and then we let the LLM generate a piece of code that passes those tests.
>>290116LLMs will never reach this level of functionality.
>>290217>LLMs will never reach this level of functionality.It's already doable, it would just be a very backwards way of programming. As long as you have fullproof tests that can validate the code, you can just keep generating implementations until one passes and treat it as a blackbox. You can make a simple compiler/translator that would take the test code and generate a prompt for the LLM in some specific format that gives the best results (would require tinkering). Then you simply run the prompt 10-100 times until it gives a piece of code that passes all the tests. If it still fails after the arbitrary limit, you go back and tweak the tests or you somehow give the LLM more context.
The way it's currently, you write a human readable prompt and it spits out some code, you check it yourself or you try to run it, then try to change the prompt or run it again. That could all be automated, both the prompt writing and the running and checking. The programmer would only need to write the test code, he would only focus on specifying the requirements and behavior and coming up with fullproof tests. Of course, it wouldn't be completely blind since the programmer would also have a view of the actual implementation, but he would mostly focus on the tests, so it would fit into a kind of AI test driven development methodology.
What are some 100% legal yet "dick move" /as*hole methods to save money and stay alive? It benefits Me personally if I can save more money and faster. I have no reason to go against My benefit.
Things like
>Living with parents so 0 rent. I already do this
>Going to food pantry/soup kitchen to get free food. More calories, good for workout help
> I have to figure out how to use free wifi with NO cellphone "plan" of any kind, at all
>I have a frauded disability status/ card. Can I use it to demand the government cancels our taxes and then demand my parents they pay me 50% of said tax value burden
>Ditto for "utilities" bill. Possibly even , if I fake being super disabled, get Welfare bonuses and household help nurse( of course, I'll charge 50% to my parents for my "noble work")
>>290245Get a shitty wagecuck high paying job working some asshole like 90% of the population or start your own business fucking people over. Or be a streamer, tik toker advertising shit
>>290246Can I beg trough gofundmes , or whatever?
Im quite confident that, if Im honest and upfront, and take good attractive selfies, people will WANT to donate to me.
I have no guilt, and I wont even try to hide my real intentions and situations.
>>290245Shoplifting as much as you can. It's a skill and trade that can be trained as much as any other thing in life.
If you have stupid ethics or mental blocks that don't allow you to do this, you still have an infantile, brainwashable mind.
>>290247I don't blame ye, fucking tired of society and being a suck up goody toe shoes when the most evil shits in the world get everything they wanted, while I struggle to pay bills on my own and to learn some skills so I can get a more miserable job. It all ends in pain one way or another
>>290250>>290248As I said, my main focus now is easing the burden my parents pay (for ALL of the family) trough my disability bux, and then asking for 50% of that money from my parents for my own use.
A sort of neet subsidy, one could say. If I wasnt autismo Id join the menonite commune or something, they have comfy farm communities.
Best bet is to become an apartment hermit if I can ,somehow, isolate outide sound from my rooms for a reasonable price. Ye olde egg-carton trick?
>>290245registering your address in some high cost of living city at a cousins place, collecting the maximum means tested NEETbux, but actually living in a small town and paying for rent in cash.
It's easily the lifestyle of a wagie but as a NEET.
was scrolling through some youtube subscriptions I had and found an interesting video about the history of work hours by a channel named historia civilis. have heard of the idea that man historically worked around 4 hours a day so its nice to see it discussed by a history channel. what do you think about the change in mans working hours wizard? I'm lamenting.
Ive heard it said that the Industrial age bought upon added luxuries (factory created items and the like) that the commoner could spend their money on and enjoy, but hats the point if industrial work hours gives you no time to enjoy anything? maybe in our modern day the luxury provided by industry is just zoning out in front of a tv or phone or computer screen numbing yourself until sleep time. I dont like it
>>289750sorry to hear that flordiabro. I always thought flordia had some comfy spots, but then again its a prime sport for retirees to burn their money relaxing in the sun isn't it? I hope you can find somewhere comfy that you wont have to kill yourself waging to maintain
>>290265Wages haven't kept up with inflation for 40+ years, wagies are working two jobs now just to be a rentoid so the whole things is crashing. 8 hours a day 5 days a week was boomer logic.
4-5 hours a day 5 days a week is the most I have ever been able to tolerate, my instincts tell me life is not supposed to be work taking up every waking moment.
>>290265Intuitively I feel underemployment was historically a bigger problem than too many working hours. Peasants seemed to go hard working 12 hours a day through harvest season, but did less hours in winter where they fucked around inside eating frugally.
Underemployment is still a problem today, people suffer working too few hours typically, not too many.
>>290309I have no knowledge on this subject besides this video, but he discussed that due to the lack of products to consume a peasant found it easy to stockpile enough wealth to coast for a bit. since getting a job was simply walking up to the land owner and giving him a firm handshake it seems to me that mr peasant man could work as he pleased. Go to farmer, work his fields, stockpile enough money to take a week or maybe even more time off (or for winter), simply dont show up to work (people were paid by the day so no need to work till payday), NEET, come back to farmer when you run out of money, get to work in the fields again.
>>290293It's so funny how someone has to work two or three jobs to live and keep up than spoiled billionaires that built their money by luck and debt to either be retired or CEOs working people to make em more money. I don't like communism or socialism but something doesn't feel right with this system.
>>290021>. I am doing driving lessons but I won't be able to do it in time. I only have a few months before the move.does it take long to earn driver's loicense where you live? if it's 1-2 month gap you can probably just use taxi in that time as a temporary measure
>>290338The only reason I'm even alive is because my dad was one such exploiter of others in the business world.
He died at 71 and I live in his house and have his savings. If those ever run out, I literally have no way to survive in this world and will KMS the moment it happens.
In another timeline where my parents were poor, I would already have committed suicide decades ago.
It literally boils down to luck.
was about to buy a gaming pc but then remembered that every raising of my living standard will put weight on the shekels that my ovelords cast upon me
if i stick to my rusty laptop, there is no need to fear losing my job and getting worse pay somewhere else
It's that time again, completely out of bux, so I have to wage slave again. I am looking at jobs and it's basically either I'm unqualified, it's a full time permanent position, or it involves high levels of interacting with normies. I can't handle full time without roping myself, not unless it's a temp job.
So far the only thing I've found is some sort of dogwalking thing. Has anyone ever done dog walking? Sounds good in theory. It's active, you get to be outside, only have to deal with dogs instead of humans, hopefully anyway. Then I suppose there is the option of taking a full time permanent position in a warehouse or something but just quitting after a few months. Of course, that is another black mark on your permanent record.
>>290503i dont think quitting after like 6 months is a black mark
>>290557did you not save and/or invest any of that money?
wageslaving is designed to keep you enslaved. system wouldn't work if you could just put in a good 10 years and then relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor. they will squeeze every bit of productive labor out of you before spitting you back out as a husk of a human being.
I wish I could work. I never understood the consequences properly before it was too late. I dropped out at 18, mentally insane, and I eventually lost my physical health. I've been in worsening unbearable agony for the past 2 years due to endless diseases. Most recently I found out all my teeth are fucked and I have a huge inflammation on the right side of my mouth, and two teeth with the toxin that u need to take out or it will kill you. I can barely walk I'm so weak, lost half my weight, endless list of health problems. I can't afford healthcare, my family is poor and can't help. I'm so mentally ill I cant swallow antibiotic pill tried 5 times. I think I'm getting meningitis or my heart will give out soon.
Health problems+no money equals life over and it hurts worse than I thought life could ever hurt, my mind almost gave out as well.
>>290562It's what happened to my mother and now she's bed ridden with breast cancer, god is such a cruel being, it isn't fair and she did the best she could for all of us.
>>290564Get the teeth pulled and swallow those antibiotics. You can do it. Dental abscesses can be fatal if left untreated, but it will not be a quick or pleasant death. You just have to swallow the water like there is nothing floating around inside of it. Put the pill in your mouth and then just focus on drinking all the water. You probably won't even notice that you swallowed it. You need to do the entire course of antibiotics without skipping a dose so that it works, and also get the teeth pulled of course.
>>290060>>290061Love seeing techies getting fucked over.
>>290060>>290575While I'm rather sure that AI will replace any digital profession at some point, we're still not close to the actual replacement of coders. As others have posted already, its only able to do very simple stuff and anything else will end up in a clusterfuck that you need to fix all the time. You spend loads of time undoing the mistakes of the AI which repeatedly keeps running into the same logical issues if you try to code anything other than very basic stuff.
If youre a lowtier coder who can only do very simple tasks then then you're getting replaced easily but if youre the type who does more serious web/software type stuff or IT security etc. you very likely still have quite the time to go.
how much do you guys sleep? i cant function on less than 9 hours sleep, and even with 9 hours I wake up exhausted and feel tired all day.
Any Uber driver here? I'm planning becoming a Uber driver, any tips I should know?
>>290583gig economy is inconvenient, gas, fines, maintenance, it's all on your shoulders
>>290584you mean impractical and not profitable after expenses?
>>290583I tried it briefly but found it caused me too much anxiety. I am weak. My tips are don't forget to stop the ride once the person gets out. After you get a rider go offline so you don't get more requests coming in for new trips. Look at the requests coming in and reject all multi-stop trips. The thing that killed it for me is uber gives people your phone number so they can call you while you are driving. I hate phone calls and it was hard finding people sometimes because the app is not always precise with its directions in big complexes like hospitals and there are lots of other people looking for their uber driver which isn't you. In general you have to stop places where it's illegal to stop basically as a matter of course. That gives me bad anxiety. Then there's the normals who insist on carrying on a conversation which just made me have to split my attention from the road thus increasing the risk of actual death. I think I should have just said that I can't focus on the road while talking. I also live in a city where 90% of my customers were black and black people don't tip so the pay wasn't great. It wasn't bad either, more than I'd make in a normal job, but I couldn't stomach the anxiety. I was literally drenched in sweat after just a couple hours.
>>290599one other thing, succubi sometimes had small children whom it is illegal for me to transport by law without a car seat. I can either break the law or tell the person I'm rejecting their trip. I can't handle telling people no but I also don't want to break the law. It wouldn't have been bad though if I weren't so crazy, but at the end of the day all the little anxieties and stuff made me give in because I am weak.
>>290600That sucks man. I almost want to become an Uber drive now just for the opportunity to tell a succubus she's breaking the law. "GET OUT OF MY FUCKING CAR NOW!!!" Sounds really fun.
>>290598I mean yes, on top of that you also have to pay taxes
Can anyone\someone explain Drop Shipping to me? i read about it online, googled it, but can't quit understand what it means or why normogroids hate it.
if normies say drop shippers are leeches, then drop shipping must be a GOOD thing to do
>>290631people place orders with you and you then place the order to some other seller at a cheaper price and keep the difference as profit minus shipping costs. it's an easy hustle unless there's some issues and they have to refund it, i guess.
>>290634oh i just thought it meant you the seller dont store the physical goods yourself
>>290624What a fucking prick, i'll never in my life be a taxi driver, no one is grateful for anything anymore.
>>290635It's not an "easy hustle" like the wizard said above.
All sorts of legislation restrict dropshipping. For example if you take card payments, you are required to also process returns according to the laws of your country.
If people send you defective stuff back, you can't just "not refund" them or Visa/Mastercard are going to take the money out of your merchant account and also blacklist your future businesses.
A whole another story is gaining a customer base. There are already 100 million people doing dropshipping. Good luck starting *any* niche in 2024, when it's already controlled by a few thousand people who have infiltrated every product category imaginable.
Temu itself is nothing but a dropshipping company and they sell any product that any Chinese factory can make. They spend tens of millions of dollars _monthly_ on advertising. Have fun competing against that.
What does it matter if the person works there or not? Take immediate control of the situation and do not let this person force you to live in fear. Think defensively! What can you do right now to lessen the danger this person poses to you? Can you alert anyone you trust as to what’s going on? There must be someone. The more (trustworthy) people that know about what's going on, the greater defense you will have.
>Can you alert anyone you trust as to what’s going on? There must be someone. The more (trustworthy) people that know about what's going onLiterally no one is trustworthy anymore. Like 95% of people are selfish snakes.
Everyone is an impotent cuckold. Nothing will be done about it until this motherfucker has their teeth kicked in.
Let your supervisor know you're being harassed, have a meeting over it and get it down as a written issue.
Then if it continues, film them, record them, film and record and escalate rapidly and loudly by calling another meeting. You Play the footage, say it's been going on for a long time, you had no choice but to film it, you don't have to tolerate it and that it needs to be solved immediately.
If no action is taken or they try to avoid the issue, contact a lawyer to make a phone call to the company inquiring about it. I guarantee you after that final step something will be done.
Filming, recording and narcing is based as shit.
>>290785Don't know about other countries but in UKwe got friday and monday off. Tuesday now so the shit begins once again. And of course the work has piled up so there's twice as much to do. God I just want my life back.
Jesus fuck I can't stand working at the fucking convenience store. Some of these people smell like absolute shit and don't even look like they take a fucking shower. It's the absolute fucking worst.
I'm surprised how fat, ugly and grotesque everyone is nowdays.
I'm the only good looking fella around.
>>290919No fucking kidding. Especially in a town where 99.9999% of the local population is actually retarded.
>>290920>>290920You don't belong here
Government just announced that they'll be cutting 50,000 people (25%) of people off NEETbux as their target, and I had my doctor pressuring me to get a job and saying go to therapy. I think they're sending me to a therapist to rugpull me and say I'm healthy enough.
The thing is, my family doesn't actually want me to work now. After years of working, they see I'm happier and more lively not working. One even said to me "being broke is a minor problem to you, but you're so full of life and happy not working, you just seemed perpetually stressed and miserable holding a job".
Idk, I guess I'll cry hysterics if I have to to make sure I'm not one of the 25% axed. I think the plan is to degrade me from a sickness benefit and then give me an ultimatum in that I have to take a shitty job or get nothing.
What's the point in socializing at all?
I have nothing in common with these people and I don't care about your inane bullshit. Just leave me alone.
>>291153oxytocin, mental stimulation, probably many countless benefits we don't even know about. Your evolutionary history selected you to be social, it is a form of torture to not engage in community activities. Even if Normies are absolutely retarded
>>291154I love every day I get to spend painting, renovating, watching series, cooking, reading books or sleeping.
And I detetest, loathe and hate every day I have to spend time with normies who spout their endless ignorant, loud, racist, brash stuff which mostly is just one ape trying to one up other apes by making others feel bad in various ways and they enjoy it.
I need 2-4 weeks of alone time to recover from a day spent with those monsters.
>>291154This is just normalfag bullshit. No, you don't need to engage in community activities or socialization.
Of course normalfags are happy socializing and participating in activities because they gain support, resources and opportunities, which makes them feel safe.
Their ability to socialize is also effortless. It takes no effort at all for them with no thinking required. Contrast this with a high functioning autistic person and one single insignificant social interaction could trigger non-stop thinking about the interaction for 2 weeks straight.
>>291153you should ask yourself that question considering you're socializing right now. Why not just ask yourself this question in your own head and not post at all on this website? Maybe because interacting with people is just better than being alone. You get access to more of the hive-mind that way. You are only a part of the hive-mind. Your conscious thoughts are all based on other conscious thoughts that were inserted into your brain through the process of interacting with other humans. You are only complete as a human while interacting with others. Otherwise your existence has no meaning and you remain unable to interact with the rest of the hivemind, and like a drone that's been cut off from its master, you are nothing without it. Much less capable. I mean you want to know how to do something, well you go to the human hivemind to find it out, right? The internet (and books before it) has created an interface device for accessing the hivemind, but ultimately it falls flat because you can only take in information, not interact with the hive mind like a real and complete human would be able to. Of course, now with AI this is changing, but you still came here to ask your question instead of posting it to chat GPT, didn't you?
>>291186Socializing on the internet is not the same as socializing in real life.
Retard No.291245
>>291241It's still communicating dumbass, how about not post shit and talk to no one, then you will truly understand real loneliness.
>>291241>>291245I think you both have reasonable points tbh. While writing paragraphs on an imageboard is not really a subsitute for irl socialization it is still a social exchange. It would indeed feel lonelier if you stopped posting altogether and just used the internet to watch stuff. I think if you're unable to socialize irl then the internet can definitely help with getting your thoughts out but it shouldn't be confused for real life because if it really was the same, then you'd be able to communicate with people irl as well.
God I hate work so much. It's not only working hours. It's the fact that you have to structure every little thing in your day and week around work. When you go to bed, what you eat, house chores, when you wake up, which transportation means you use, the physical and mental energy that you put into work that you lack otherwise, the weekend that you spend dreading about monday to come, the social pressure. I feel like every inch of my life is drained from me and for the next 40 years I'll be in hell and then I'm old, sick, ready to die. School sucked, uni sucked and work sucks even more. You don't learn new stuff you just repeat old stuff. I'm constantly mentally drained, work is literally killing me. I notice that when I have vacation, after a week I'm somewhat relaxed, when there's still a week left. But with work I'm always either aggressive or dissociated, in a bad mood, never doing anything for myself, it steals all my joy and will to be a decent person, it makes me a bad person but i am trapped in a cage, an animal chased to a dead exit by predators.
>>291248Now I'm starting to drink during and after work. Life's great, isn't it?
>>291248Your post made me stop looking for a job, the grass is always greener it seems, I'm sick of being broke but I forgot how absolutely miserable working can be.
>>291250Society is designed to farm normies. You have lost in life if you aren't one of the oppressors (either born into a rich family or got rich through exploits).
Employment in the US doesn't differ from slavery. Not even at higher salary tiers. People at all income tiers commit suicide or get medication for severe depression due to how awful it is to grind 40 years of your life to make some rich guy even richer.
The only way to fool your brain into thinking this is ok, is by buying toys and trinkets with said salary. When the mind realizes it's just a useless smokescreen, cognitive dissonance makes the employee go crazy or dependent on intoxicants to keep coping with the fact he is a slave for someone else.
I now have 60 months of $500 car payments to look forward to, definitely going insane or kms before I own it.
The law protects evil people. I do not have the money right now to pay the ridiculous fees of a lawyer.
I am trapped. No one wants to help me. I have asked for help and it has only made my situation worse.
>>291257That's insane. You should have tried to get a car that was used and older.
>>291252It's beautiful isn't it? Only the rich gets to truly win while everyone has to keep working, I just want to join them to fucking retire and be left alone forever, don't wanna exploit people but i'm also not born in wealth so my only option is to try to become some clown e-celeb or something.
>>291270I really ran out of options, not exactly spoiled for choice when you go broke fixing a car and have to choose between getting scammed by randos who roll back the odometer or scammed by the stealership and their tacked on fees.
Yeah working in a convenience store in the center of hillbilly world is the most bullshit thing on the goddamn planet. Especially if it's a fucking "truck stop" where truckers that smell like LITERAL SHIT come in just to buy some food and bitch at us when it's not at the price they want. Fuck them in particular. As well as all the other retarded piece of shit that enters our doors.
For fucks sake. Working in a convenience store on a Monday near the interstate is a fucking death sentence. Like can the retarded hillbilly general public stay their asses at home or work? Like don't you fucktards have lives or jobs to get to instead of bothering the fuck out of us? Like get the fuck out of here and leave me alone.
One of my supervisors is such a lookist bitch. She will be all chatty and friendly with everyone else and skip right over even saying a simple hello to me. Maybe i just give off wiz vibes. They also keep putting in a bunch of no fun allowed rules so when im not busy i cant even doodle/do a crossword. Thank the Lord I have my fidget clicker thing.
had one team to install a device on the grid. told them to just mount it, it's already recording no need to tamper. got it back after a week. they mounted it and stopped the recording. every goddamn time it's some stupid shit.
Do you think it's foolish to kill yourself over finances? I used to think such a thing was stupid when I was younger. "Who cares? It's all an illusion anyways, why die over something like that?"
Either i was naive or else i have become a fool (or both perhaps) Because currently I am seriously considering eating a bullet due almost exclusively to money problems.
Im working 7 days 12 hours a day plus 1hr transportation both ways bringing the total closer to 14hours. I cant catch up on rent. On bills. I kept reling on payday loans which then pull from my account at the worst possible time. The job pay schedule is extremely unusual. I got ripped off by used car salesman for nearly all my money, also I spent so much money hiring car rentals or rideshares either to get to work or else to get to dealerships to look at cars.
No one will sell me a car because my credit is fucked, or the ones that will offer me 72 month 25% interest rate loans that would ruin me even more.
The final insult is that I finally interviewed successfully for a well paying job, finally saw a light at the end of the tunnel. And then after months long background check/onboarding proces, they send me a notice that I am having the job offer revoked due to poor credit.
No im not making this up, its a real thing which i learned now the hard way.
Seriously wanting to just fucking die at this point. The system is rotten. Its built to break you down and kill your spirit and soul. I don't understand why anyone bothers with this circus. Basic self sustainable is impossible to accomplish. Why bother when my entire life is work?
>>292065Why does a job employer care about your bad credit?
If you can't handle rent and transportation, try living somewhere cheaper. Maybe you're just not built for the hustle and bustle of the big city.
>>292065It's not foolish to kill yourself when the situation doesn't allow you to live at peace with yourself. Maybe you should try some more desperate moves, but if nothing at all works and nobody offers advice and you can't go on, what's foolish about exiting? At that point it feels more like an invitation from demiurge that your life here is over and it's time for the next circle of hell.
>>292080It's foolish because you don't know the metaphysical implications of your death. You run to escape, but your death might lead you to a worse situation and you don't know what that is and whether dying a violent death through suicide is the same as dying peacefully, or whether life had the specific purpose of preparing you for the next life and after you die, there is no going back to correct mistakes.
Not even talking about a classic Christian conception of heaven/hell but even without a god or conscious being directing the whole thing, the laws of the universe might settle on some organization, one that perhaps leaves your soul intact, conscious, able to suffer after death. My metaphysical nightmare is that you simply feel the last thing you felt before you die, like a song stuck on the same note repeating endlessly. Maybe for you that's going to be the feeling of a train going over your head or the pressure in your neck and head while hanging.
>>292088If you wageslaved 12 hours a day without weekends all year round to no particular end metaphysical implications wouldn't concern you in the least.
>>2920912 minutes of metaphysical "hell" and you'd do anything to go back to your boring job and the chance to at least change your situation.
>>292092proceeding from your logic we should all haste to get exit bags and exit peacefully, because what if i get hit by a car and die in horrible pain and then have to suffer it over and over again in some metaphysical "hell". you're just rationalizing your welfare.
>>292094are you retarded?
>>292097It's a very basic idea. Try a little bit harder to get it before you project your own stupidity.
>>292098>It's a very basic idea. >just be a normalfag to not upset metaphyciansyep thank you for confirmation
>>292099Wow, he really doesn't get it. He's not trolling, apparently it just went over his head. Another round of explanations and hope some neurons activate or leave the lil twerp to his fate? Fuck it, I ain't getting paid so good luck.
1. Buy Bitcoin
2. Shut the fuck up
3. Become fabulously wealthy
>>292142it is not dipping yet
>>292142>Become fabulously wealthyEh you make it sound easy. Would you consider something winning if there's no losing side?
>>292107>$45k not enoughBrother, I earn £12k part time in a miserable position.
Have any of you escaped low-level wageslavery into a decent-paying wageslave job?
Fucks sake man…this convenience store I'm working at is beyond help at this point. They just hired a succubus and she BARELY does anything around the fucking place. She'll walk around and maybe stock something, but most of the time she's outside shooting the shit with customers or fucking smoking. Like goddamn lady we're trying to get some shit done around here…and she even doesn't do that!
>>293187>She must suffer as much as I do!The life of a crab in a bucket.
>>293187If the store where you work allows you to do those things, simply do it too. It's not worth working so hard for a shitty salary, although they may get fired
>>289727I m gonna be forced to either pick up a trade or be sent to work (again)
I hate my fucking life
>>293187You remind me of my co-worker who takes his job too seriously but always complain about it and still appears the next day. He bitches how the warehouse always fuck up but it's always going to be like that, its a fucking min wage warehouse no one will ever give a shit anymore.
Current government job find scenario
>Lose job in September 2023
>Apply for NEETBux + Jobfind in October
>Will hear within 10 days
>4 months go by
>Give the local office a call
>Tell them I need to call city office
>City office patches me back to local office
>Explain how I've been waiting to hear back about bux fore a third of a year
>They erupt in to apologies
>Tell me my caseworker quit shortly after my application and they couldn't access her account to get to her open cases
>Whatever, give me bux and a job
>Get $2,800 lump sum in February
>Blow it on beer and video games (hehehee)
>Ask about the whole them helping me find a job
>They say that as of January 1st, the free bux and the job help are two separate entities
>Ask for contact info of job help
>"No sorry, it's not set up yet, even we don't know anything about it"
>Get an email saying I'm cut of because I didn't email a statement of income
>Email includes one to fill out
>Open it, it's already filled out with some dude's info from 2022
>they say whatever, don't worry about it, we re-enabled your bux
>Still no job help
>Get a physical letter on like the 28th that's dated for the first
>Says I'm cut off again for the same reason as of end of March
>Got my April bux though
>June comes around
>Get bux anyway
>Get letter saying I'm cut off again for the same reason
>Get email saying my account is still open and I'll get bux in June
>Fuck this I'm applying for a night shift shelf stocker at WAL★MART
>Rejected from being a night shift shelf stocker at WAL★MART
>Get email saying I have an appointment with government job finder service for early June
>Bout time
>Right at the end of the road, 3 minute walk
>Get an email the night before saying it's been rescheduled for the 26th in another city
>Fuck whatever, 3 more weeks being a crispy NEET to get my vidya on
>Dad has to take a day off work to drive me
>His pajeet boss hasn't payed him yet this month so he uses his last $10 in gas
>Address is iffy
>Go in 10 minutes early, it's an old folks' home
>Crunchy bastard in the door isn't letting me in
>Tell him I have an appointment in 10 minutes
>He lets me in and is making sure I don't walk beyond the office door
>Door says DON'T KNOCK, CALL
>Number is a different
>I'm waiting outside the fucking building landlord's home door
>Fuck this, walk out call my casewroker
>Cock suck lawnmower makes it impossible to hear
>Get redirected to government operator
>Ask for my caseworker, please
>She patches me through
>It redirects to operator again
>Get put on hold while they investigate
>Guy shouts at me from across the parking lot
>Asks if I'm looking for Fed-Job-Find-free-bux-door
>(It's on the other side of the building, they get that a lot)
>Run around, open door at exact time appointment starts
>Tell deskwimmin I have appointment with casewimmin
>Deskwimmin signs, apologizes, says casewimmin took the day off to go to the beach
>she specifies and exemplifies the beach part
>She says I should have gotten a phone call or email about not having to show up today
>Ask if I can reschedule
>She says probably not because rolling blackouts made them resort to backup generator power so no internet
>third world Canada'd again
>She tries to call my caseworker on her personal phone
>no answer
>at this time there are two more guys waiting to see the same casewimmin
>and their personal appointment is at the exact time as mine
>Get apologized to up and down, tell them I'll give my casewimmins a call
>deskwimmin gives me casewimmin's new number and extension
>Drive back get call from casewimmins
>Distinct sounds of beach in background
>Says I should have gotten a physical letter informing me and the others of the reschedule
>But the letters didn't end up getting sent out due to an error in the office
>Reschedules me for the 10th of July
>Right at the end of the road, 3 minute walk
If I don't get bux deposited on Monday I'm mugging the first person in a DC/Marvel shirt I see
>>293241so what will you do now?
>>293242I'm going to play video games until the 10th and then hopefully they either give me a job or give me more bux
>>293264Not everyone can get NEET bucks, but yes it's much preferable to a low status job.
>>293267>low statustheres that normie term again
>>293264Amazing how people like think that having NEETbux is as simple as asking nicely, if it was that easy a lot of normalfags would happily abandon wageslavery and just receive free money.
>>293264Sadly I live in an area that's like "If you can breathe you can work". Boomer Redneck horseshit town.
>>293278normalfags would never abandon their jobs because it gives them status and social standing
they think they are above receiving bux
>>293359You're probably right. At least in most cases.
Even normies that have silly low wage jobs act like they're doing society a huge favor, even though a literal retard could do it and they're easily replaceable.
>>293359That may be in the cucked USA that is worst country on earth, on every other country people would gladly receive free money if it was enough to abandon work.
>>293278This, trying to get any kind of welfare in the US is hellish. Not sure about other countries.
>>293381low skilled labor is ironically more competitive because more candidates and no real way to stand out. when you have 20 equally qualified people sign up for a job, it boils down to more and more niche qualities and interviewer's pet peeves or having the right "personality". if they had any sense, they would just pick one random resume and stop wasting people's time.
>>293359I've received neetbucks for 15 years and I am extremely low stress and quite happy with life in general. I'm also in good shape, eat healthy and have some savings.
Humans don't need jobs. They need money. That's all there is to it.
>>293427Yes, but normalniggers are not human, rather they are subhuman.
>>293431Not that poster, but I agree with you 100%.
They are like the morlocs from H.G. Well's books, they lack conscience.
They've been bred to labor and work and that's their sole purpose: A workbot with no higher thought.
They instantly attack anyone else who isn't a lowbrow workbot and dares to play with the idea that slaving away for someone richer than you might not be the end-all to life.
Just the thought of having to spend 8 hours a day with those _things_ makes me want to jump off a cliff.
The only thing keeping me away from that fate is a small 5 figure inheritance and moderate insurance payments which will last until I die.
never had a normal job, only way i made money online was stuff for monkeys like surveys and trading(crypto). dropped out at 18
i didnt truly realize how important working is until i ran out of money. in fact there is no point in living even an hour without money. I'm sick and dying from teeth infections, for example, and i can't do anything about it, since it's all private and costs a fortune to do anything in this country. I can't even afford a train ticket anymore. No money=instant or delayed death. I can't work because my physical health is completely destroyed, my spine, teeth, stomach, lungs, etc. are in shambles, and i can't afford any treatment. It's a pointless loop of death. All those years of being NEET i could have killed myself comfortably, but of course i had to run from death until the last moment, even though i knew it would end like this. i dont know if its against the rules but i recommend dying if you run out of money at your leisure before you are forced to, or once it's obvious things are gonna be over, since there are no other options.
my coworkers at work constantly talk about sex making me uncomfortable. they also constantly asking my weekend knowing they'll get a laugh out of my shitty answer like, had a chill weekend, played elden ring all weekend. dreading going in tomorrow. they are gonna ask did i watch the football game. did i go to the pub. no. i was still playing elden ring. they ask if i have a girlfriend yet. why. i have no interest in succubi. and the crazy thing is there's a succubus in the office and you'd think she'd be like "erm HR? these guys are sexualising me" but that never happens, she is all in on the sexual discussions. i hate it. it's constant all day. i am basically mute all time until one of them decides to get a kick out of making me squirm.
>>293449anon, i feel real bad for you. i live in sandinavian country and have been neet for many years. healthcare and social program will help you get a job. so i do not have those problem and feel realy sad that you can not do what i can do. still, the country i am living in, it is horrible. less "native" people and more 3rd world migration. feels really bad to see a societ in slow motion dying, to be born in the 1st world and soon it will be 3rd world(like 20/30+ years)) and there is nothing you can do about it. social program helped me get a job and education, so i can start over, something you can not. also free medecine. but i know it will not last, 30+ years, if nothing changes, will be the same as you. no support from the goverment. it really is horrible to see society you live in become worse and worse. you are allready there, sadly. you are more or less at the end of the road, feel realy sad. wish you luck.
>>289728I mean i think hes overrated personally. guy is ugly as fuck. so many famous people are overrated
>>293444This Wiz here, I finished day 1 of this job and I already fucking hate it, it's boring dead-end soulless warehouse work akin to those videos in China of soul crushed peasants doing robotic actions over and over continuously just waiting for time to pass. I'm 21 and I'm already wasting my life at a job this fucking horrible; the pay is good, and it's not too stressful but I really don't wanna do this anymore. To make things worse, the manager (a older white man) bitched at me for being slow today on my first fucking day; he even said "I'm going to be harder on you" as I was leaving to go home, unreal.
Any other wizzies tell me their story of working in a similarly dead end hellscape factory position? I want to be comforted.
>>293466>I'm going to be harder on you" normalfags are fucking psychopaths and torturer
>>293466I work with refugees and immigrants. Absolutely hell. I hated people before but now i'm a rascist misanthrope. Fuck islam, fuck brown/black/arabs, whatever. I hate them all.
>>293473can you tell us why? any examples to provide please
>>293474Well i do kind of social work for them. If they have trouble paying bills, online stuff, etc..i fix it all for them. But some customers are agressive, verbal and physical. We even have a security guy. Day after day, they smell like shit and they hardly speak the language of the country. What hurts most is, when i see how much they earn in social security, they earn more than me!! With all the taxes i pay as a single guy, i'm screwed. EU by the way and fuck working.
>>293466I work at a dead-end VR job where I have to make programs for a university near me. I'm locked into this contract, and I can't make programs for anyone else until the contract expires in 8 years. I'm gonna be 30 when it expires.
I feel you on that man
>>293473Fucking based OML. Literally, those people are ruining Europe.
Please fix your own country, instead of running away from your problems and ruining other countries. I fuckign hate those sand niggers
>>2934768 years??!
Guess they never asked "where do you see yourself in 10 years" types of questions
>>293475how much do you earn and how much do they earn?
>>293427How much neetbux do you get? How can I increase my SSI?
>>293466I was saying the same thing at 21 man, i'm 23 and still work at my dead end job, please for the love of god learn a trade or go to college, shit doesn't change unless you do.
I actually like my new job so far its not so bad
>>293475What country specifically?
Is joining the air force to learn about electrician shit is a good idea? I can't afford for anyone to teach me and I wanna learn skills while being paid. I'm 24 and can't waste anymore time.
how the fuck do you even get a job?
>>293601every fucking job i apply to is 0 response back. not a text, not an email. NOTHING.
>>293602Skills, everyone having a hard time getting a job because most people are useless nowadays. Skills are the most important thing in life and it's fucking annoying to obtain.
>>293694Not your fault, your family and community failed you.
>>293601Learn a useful skill, offer your service through a social network or by going to the place where they may require those services and dress professionally.
This way you will get a job, but first they have to learn useful skills.
>>293697It is easy to blame others for your problems, even more so with the Internet where you can learn a number of trades.
>>293705>Learn a useful skillUseful to whom? Certainly not me. I will not work a job that I hate just because some guy is currently looking to exploit it, much less spend my own time and money on learning how to do it.
>offer your service through a social networkA social network that I don't have because of crippling social anxiety?
>or by going to the place where they may require those services and dress professionally.Yeah! Just dress in a suit, go inside the building, shake hands with the owner and get the job like it's the 70s again. Genius idea, especially with my fucked-up posture and nervous tics!
>It is easy to blame others for your problems, even more so with the Internet where you can learn a number of trades.It's also easy to see normalfaggot bullshit for what it is with the Internet because people actually become honest when they are anonymous.
>>293705>Internet where you can learn a number of trades.Where and how?
>>293716Your normalfag mind doesn't allow you to look at anything more than a salaried job and a suit. You make cheap excuses about social anxiety when all you need is a little practice.
>>293723On YouTube they explain everything that is the practical part. The easiest thing to learn at home is home electrician, and electronics. There are many free videos and courses from which you can learn. Then you could make a work table with all the plugs, cables and things like that and get the practice. Then you could make a work table with all the plugs, thermal switches, cables and things like that and get the practice. Or if you don't like service work, what you can do is learn to repair phones, laptops, etc., and sell them, and get the same practice with those devices. Although there are really many more, such as automotive electronics, blacksmithing, bicycle mechanics, motorcycle mechanics, cars, gardening, among many others, it is really about trying to see what you like, and which ones adapt to your way of being.
- No.293827
>>293715That's dreadful. I had covid last year and was sick like a dog for two entire weeks straight which, coincidentally, if the usual length of paid vacations in North America. You got the absolute worst luck on that one.
Then again maybe it would be worse if you were sick and had to work.
Guess it depends on which way you look at it.
this, why god didn't stop lucifer when he wanted to revolt?
>if God, why bad?
Wild how the doctors can completely fuck your shit up and they'll just wash their hands of it.
I was given benzos short term to help me sleep and it triggered a manic episode that I imagine is on the level of taking meth. Four days with almost no sleep, pacing back and forth, I had to get heavy anti-psychotics to finally sleep when I felt the bugs crawling over me. If I didn't take the initiative to get back to the hospital myself, I would've entered psychosis for sure, and from there been institutionalized.
I hit them up about it after I got better and they just stared at me blankly and ignored the point. None of it goes on the medical record, none of it is noted, nothing. I looked it up myself and this sort of paradoxical reaction happens 1-2% of the time.
Feel like a fucked up retard right now, I can barely count for my bills and yesterday I couldn't even write posts. This almost caused the guy I lived with to move out as I was up at all hours showering non-stop, it could've easily cost me employment, it cost me hundreds of dollars and out of everything I've done, it's probably the closest I've come to causing permanent damage.
These cunts literally just gamble and they're never wrong. I wouldn't be surprised if the paradoxical reactions are significantly higher, because I sure as shit know nothing I went through got tallied anywhere.
>>293949I recommend valerian, it's really shit good for sleeping, also take St. John's wort if you have anxiety. You drink tea two hours before the above, you bathe with hot water, and you can sleep like a baby.
>>293949It seems the average age at which men have an experience where they say "This is the absolute last time I trust a doctors" keeps getting younger and younger
>>293954I was 19 when I went to the doctor to treat impulsivity, he asked me if I was fatigued and I told him yes, but this shit was because I had had covid and dengue just a month before. I gained more than 54 kilos in weight, I was increasingly fatigued from being a ball of fat, and since I was drugged out of my mind I had no control over my life.
>>293955Real health and wellbeing always comes from God
>>293974Fuck you. Nobody's health is up to outside forces or fate or God or anything. Every man can be in excellent health if he so chooses.
>>293975There are lots of things in our lives that arent in our control. To some degree, we can keep ourselves healthy, but to a much larger degree, we are powerless. Make your peace with God and His Son Jesus Christ
>>293974Sometimes I think that God puts many difficult obstacles in my life, and although that destroyed my body I want this not to be in vain, that in some way it serves as a teaching to achieve something better.
>>293997Yes, you are correct.
Difficulties are there to strengthen your faith and to get you closer to God
>>293949Six days since I started sleeping, four days since I've slept without anti-psychotics. I still feel really fatigued and fucked, how do meth addicts do it? I've never been one to nap so I've had to recover with my usual 7-8 hours of sleep a night, but I've been going to bed at 7pm each night as soon as it gets dark and waking up around 3.30AM.
Everyone on the street has been saying I look fucked. I go to stores and people say "you look like you've had a hard day" or "you look exhausted". I'm expecting it'll be two weeks to a month before I feel 100% again.
The only positive of this is I've become wary about ever having late nights again.
>>293481>please for the love of god learn a trade or go to collegeI'm not the guy who you were originally responding to but I'm too low iq for college, and I have a terrible mechanical aptitude which would make any trade career a nightmare for me to pursue. Also on a side note; being a tradesman seems generally depressing. Long hours, no work-life balance, and all the physical toil will destroy your body within 5-8 years. I just want a comfy excel spreadsheet office job, but since I can't even make it through college it almost seems such a job unobtainable for a guy like me.
>if you run into assholes everyday, you're the asshole
what do you guys think of this quote? i dont know how it could be true. im just quiet and awkward. but im polite and do my best. yet im made fun of constantly at work and on the streets.
>>294087It's a whole different game or perspective if you're neurodivergent. NT's notice your mannerisms and this disgusts or puts them at unease on a visceral level, most of the time, them not even realizing why at all. There's no real counter to this in the workforce aside from finding a more suitable occupation for your personality and character, self-employment, or disability.
Most work environments I have been part of have thoroughly enjoyed my autistic company somehow but in the streets, things could be different. I notice trashy people of a certain skin pigment(I live in a state and city utterly dominated by them) are more likely to be rude to me in public and the homeless, with glaring frequency, will pick me out from the crowd, and quite literally make a beeline towards me to ask for assistance as If I'm jesus fucking christ. Its happened so often, I remind myself of the possibility whenever I'm about to go out by myself and carry pepper spray and a concealed mousegun for the extremely rare idiots in particular who think I'm an easy lick. The whole, " If everywhere smells like shit…" quote is an important one to remember but If you struggle with neurodivergency, you should not take it personally or at least with a great, great deal of salt.
>>294087Simply put, if you see yourself as deficient. You will most likely project deficiency in a myriad of ways. People(i.e. animals) and sometimes even actual predatory animals will receive these signals of weakness and treat you you accordingly. Remember, niceness or kindness is pointless if the receiver feels that's the most or all you have to "offer"
How so? Are you just being misanthropic? If so, can't say I disagree…
It could always be worse. At least you're not getting targeted and gangstalked by everyone on the company.
I got a job working with "troubled youth" (thanks to an until now useless psych degree I got about 15 years ago). Needless to say those kids can smell my true nature from a mile away and instinctively give me zero respect. The other day I violently threw a 13 year old who went berserk (it was his birthday and he missed his mommy) onto the kitchen floor, injuring him in the arm. I'm a very sensitive person and I was not made for this kind of bullshit. I cried a bit after doing it. It's good money though.
>>294286You honestly couldn't pay me enough to deal with shit like that.
>>294286… im out of words:D
>>294287If this was some idiot normie trying to pick a fight sure, but not a little kid on his birthday. Hell no.
>>294293What am I gonna do? Finding a job in my area was already a complete nightmare and I absolutely refuse to go back to job hunting purgatory. The only jobs willing to take me are call center sweatshops that I no longer have the stamina to deal with.
Anyway, I'm just gonna milk this cow for as long as I can. Throwing the kid on the floor wasn't even the worst thing that happened to me lately (emotionally it was pretty bad since this is the only kid in our care I don't hate). I got attacked the other day by an 80kg drunken 16 year old (he had been stealing alcohol from the local supermarket right under our noses), but since he was inebriated he lost his balance while trying to kick me and I managed to tackle him onto the floor. I got on top of the fucker but he spit at and bit me in the chest while cursing me and my whole family before breaking up in tears bawling how he was traumatized by the whole thing and how he would never recover and it was "all my fault". When I finally let him go he went crying to his room and cut his wrists with a glass shard.
I figure they just enjoy freaking out while I'm on shift since they don't perceive me as a real threat and know I'm too much of a pussy to seriously hurt them. I've been putting up with it for a year now but I feel like I'm finally about to break.
I am going to lose my job because our small company will be given away to another bigger company. The owner just doesn't want to do business anymore so he just drops us. That means I will also lose my car which was leased by the company. That means that I can't pay the bills for the house I bought last year. That means I'm completely fucked.
>>294383This is pretty disgusting, capital gets concentrated into more and more hands while average dudes get fucked over…
>>289727How do you respond to being the least liked person at work? Truthfully I don't actually care what the people there think of me or if they like me, but it's very abrasive and grating to have to be around people who obviously don't like you for hours upon hours. I don't make it obvious that I don't like them, I am just quiet and don't talk much. That's it. That was enough for normalfags to think I have "bad vibes"
So tired of my repetitive callcenter job. People are too stupid to even know how to use shit properly and cant even formulate a sentence to explain their problem. And then get pissy with you for not understanding. Fucking dunning-kruger ass normies. Fuck customer service.
>>294618A Christian monk needs to study 2 years of philosophy, and 5 of theology, then dedicate 8 hours to work, 8 hours to prayer, and 8 hours of rest.
I still can't believe how big this thread is. There's no reason to go to work if you don't have a female you're trying to impress. Just stop going. I'd rather live in a tent then have to go to work every day. wtf are you guys doing.
>>294663you know its true nigger, how you sound so high and mighty when you know rent coming up to fuck you in the ass next month
>>294664Calling me a nigger is like the pot calling the kettle a nigger. You've outed yourself as being California-brained, putting the almighty dollar on a pedestal while whining about random females who happen to be doing better than you financially, calling her a whore as if you were on /r9k/. You are most definitely a sub-27 crab.
>>294662You should be banned for posting 3d whores on this site. It would be nice to have a place where these cunts weren't shoved in your face.
>>294667fucking ban me, i'm tired of this place anyways, it's fucking dead and only like 5 or 10 posters lurk here every fucking year, end my misery already
>>294662you can't post 3d succubi youll get banned
>working shitty dead-end retail job where I'm worked like a dog nearly every day
>thinking I would only be here for a short time while I working on web development with hopes to find some kind of work
>turns out the market is ridiculously oversaturated and highly competitive, has been for a few years now
>what's more is the my knowledge is only about 1/4 of what I would need to even be considered as hirable anywhere
>to top it off I'm 32 and will almost certainly be passed over for younger candidates
All I want is to stop working these awful dead-end, labor-intense jobs. I'm exhausted every day, I don't get adequate sleep, and I even get recurring physical pains. I just wanted a way out, but I've hit a wall and don't know where to turn. I'm not necessarily picky about what I want to do, I just don't want to run myself ragged for peanuts anymore. One would think that it isn't that difficult, after all I'm a single guy with minimal expenses and few distractions, I shouldn't have a hard time with this theoretically. The reality, however, is that nobody wants these low-wage jobs, so they get into the tolerable work as soon as they can. Of course, normalfags have an easier time getting these jobs than wizards since they have social connections to not only teach them what they need to know, but also help them get hired.
I wont lie though, a lot of it is my own fault as well. I should have acted sooner and developed my skills in some field earlier so I wouldn't be where I am now. I think it's probably too late for me now. I think I'm fucked.
>>29467010 is being generous. I'm surprised if it's more than 3 actives beside you and me
>>294682Dude, if you build a solid portfolio and network you should be able to get a web dev job.
>>294699Please stop giving him false hope. The field is *extremely* swamped and the niche is overflowing with devs especially from India who will do the job better and 10x cheaper than him.
(Who are also motivated by actual hunger and starvation, not "wanting to get experience and some spending money").
>>294286>Needless to say those kids can smell my true nature from a mile away and instinctively give me zero respect.You being a wizard isn't what made them give you zero respect! Theses troubled youth, is probably similar to troublesome "people" I have meet in my life. If they sense weakness they will use it to "one up you", because it will make them the "top dog" in their mind to feel better. Even if they basically still at the bottom of society, it gives them a temporary escape thinking "at least I am better then this guy, even if am still a wagie at the end of the day".
hit the gym or anything that build muscles, try not to give out a wussy vibe. Fear is basically the easiest way to get "respect" from these sorts.
>>294710call them and see what happens
>>294699Do you have experience in this field? What kind of projects would make an appealing portfolio?
>>294700Sadly, this is very accurate. I even have an Indian coworker who's brother is a web developer, and he probably works for dirt-cheap.
I just want out of this waking nightmare. Most people are off on Labor Day, I was on my feet working for over 9 hours. Lately, I've been finding myself hoping that this country finally reaches its breaking-point with people, and that civil war or large-scale anarchy breaks out and we have constant war and violence in the streets. I doubt I would survive long, but I personally view that as a plus because my life fucking sucks.
>>294682The Not-Self Theme in Human Design is a term that describes the negative emotions or states of being that can manifest when an individual is not living in accordance with their true self. In the case of Bitterness, this Not-Self Theme can arise when one is not following their unique strategy and authority, leading to feelings of dissatisfaction and cynicism. It’s important to note that this is a common experience for individuals operating from their mind’s decision-making rather than their strategy and authority.
>assuming that I am right about youThe Bitterness Not-Self Theme can arise due to a variety of factors, all of which revolve around not living in alignment with one’s true self. This lack of alignment can happen when one’s decisions are driven by societal expectations, pressure from others, or internal fears and insecurities, rather than their strategy and authority.
For Projectors, this bitterness often stems from a lack of recognition or not being invited into roles or decisions. For Manifestors, it can arise when they feel their initiating role is suppressed. Generators and Manifesting Generators might feel bitterness when they’re not using their Sacral response for decision-making and end up in unfulfilling work or relationships. Reflectors can experience this when they don’t give themselves the full lunar cycle to make major decisions.
Another common cause of the Bitterness Not-Self Theme is living a life that is not authentic or true to oneself. This might manifest as pursuing a career path that is not fulfilling, staying in unhealthy relationships, or consistently neglecting one’s own needs and desires for the sake of pleasing others.
When individuals aren’t living in accordance with their design, they can often feel a sense of emptiness, resentment, and a pervasive dissatisfaction with life. This bitterness can affect all aspects of their lives, from their relationships and career to their personal growth and well-being.
>Not you? Not at all? No.294725
didn't sleep at all again last night. I fucking hate that so much. Every time I contemplate just not going in but it happens often enough that I can't.
>>294682I know that feel anon, it's rough. I'm in a similar situation, except I'm 21; I have no fucking idea how you made it to 32 years old like this, I can barely imagine 25. Sometimes I stalk people I know from HS and they're either wildly successful (lawyer, surgeon's assistant) or homeless/jail. I wonder if this is just how life is sometimes, you're a innocent child playing in the street and before you know it you're too old and being murdered by regret.
I also work a dead end factory job with crippling anhedonia. At least it's nice to see someone write a half decent post for a change.
>>294744The people who are wildly successful are always on a grind, but for them it is enjoyable because they have friends and support. They likely learned how to interact with their peers because they were in a neighborhood where their friends had birthday parties and stuff. Or something happened in highschool that allowed them to socially blossom.
That is one thing they don't teach you in school. The importance of being social. It is impossible to do everything on your own, you need to start learning how to get along with people at a young age if you want to have early success.
>>294589You're not supposed to hurt them sure, but since these are the bottom of the barrel kids that most normal institutions cannot handle, you can - in certain situations - physically restrain them. The management cares very little if the kids or the employees end up a bit hurt during these procedures. They also don't care about how you do the procedure or if you use the correct techniques or whatever.
>What does an average working day look like for you?It's a closed environment so you just help them with their daily activities and try to prevent them from killing each other.
>Generally the kids respect youth workers because they're niceThey respect only one thing - physical appearance. If you look tall and mean they will respect you, otherwise you are shit out of luck. They might like you and trust you to some extent, but respect? Not a chance. It's quite the nice job if you got the looks but for me it has been hell on earth.
>>294725Just go to sleep Leon
>>294710Forgot to respond to this one earlier, sorry wiz. Just call and ask if they're still hiring for the position. If they are, ask to speak to a manager or whomever is in charge of hiring, it shows that you're actually interested in the job and not just filling out applications at random.
>>294722I've never heard of this before, but congratulations, you have successfully summed up my entire existence thus far. My father was controlling, my family belittled me or ignored me often, I was made fun of in school, and I've always been expected to be someone I'm not, stuffed into mold I could never fit. No one has ever truly cared about my personal desires, interests, aspirations, talents, or values. I have rarely ever been my true self, and as a result I have become bitter, resentful, and borderline misanthropic. However, I assume most wizards experience this to some degree, the world does not want us as we are and will try to change us or attack us for not 'fitting in.'
>>294744>I have no fucking idea how you made it to 32 years old like thisBelieve me, neither do I. It's like my life has been one long, gray blur.
>Sometimes I stalk people I know from HS and they're either wildly successfulI couldn't do that, I think I would have a panic attack if I saw how much better off everyone I knew is compared to me.
>I also work a dead end factory job with crippling anhedonia.I had a warehouse job prior to my current job, it was marginally better, but most jobs are agonizing for wizards. I've also been struggling with anhedonia, it's rough because there's the daily pain of work and responsibilities without some form of joy or respite to balance things out. It's baffling to me that anyone anywhere can still be optimistic about life in the modern day.
>>294745Most people learn social skills at an early age, during their childhood, so they don't even think about how it's a skill that needs to be developed. That's why normalfags always look at abnormal people like us and think that we're defective in some irreparable way. They learned to socialize so early and seemingly effortlessly that they think it's something that people are born with, and that those who cannot socialize are subhuman and must be avoided and rejected.
>>294749Thanks for the response, broham. I called and the manager chick said they weren't hiring. Kinda bummed since that would've been a killer job, but whatever, it happens. I'm a NEET for another day. Maybe I'll become a doordash freeter or something
>>29474531 lvl wizard here. Yours is a loser mindset with difference and hardly anything good would come for our likes to live with it.
>>294749Thanks for the appreciation, yet you still might not be a projector and I would check that.
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