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 No.291139[View All]

Now i don't know if this is madness but can a person like really just be vexxed or cursed to never have a girlfriend ? It's the fact that even when you try it always seems to not go your way, it always goes wrongly, It's fucking insane how much tries you try yet it does not work, it's almost as if there is someone stopping that shit because it's fucking insane how one can keep trying even in any way yet he cannot succeed with getting a succubus.

Do you think there is really some fucking paranormal background to males not having the chance to get a girlfriend even though they do everything that seems to be accepted by Social standards and even break social standards just to get a girlfriend yet with no avail, Even the most handsome yet cannot get it, I remember there was a thread about how people are bound to be lonely well this is a continuation, Do you think there are some who are destined to never have a girlfriend even though it seems absurd ?

Is there anyway to break from this cycle ?
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succubi like guys with good self-esteem, and who know how to listen to the shit they have to say, since human beings are selfish by nature, and the more you listen, even if you don't say a single word, the more she will like you. person.
Improve your quality of listening, ask the other person how they are, and about small things in their life, too, and always greet them cordially with a smile. So possibly someone will like you. Although well, this is easier when you are in places full of succubi, like a place where you learn sewing, a place where you learn to dance, or some shit like that.

>succubi can sense you sperging out or trying to "act socially acceptably". There is no way around it - they have a bullshit and aspie detector. It's not possible to fool it; They loathe neurodivergent men.
This is true, succubi have a greater ability to pick up strange or strange behaviors. But this is something that can be practiced. The question is whether you think it's worth putting in the effort to be with a succubus.



>Where was I supposed to ever meet any succubi? like wtf was I supposed to do?

Between mid-January and the end of March, I cut the internet at my house, and out of boredom I went to play soccer in front of my house, and there was a neighbor my age. I guess it's a matter of going out and doing some activity.


>succubi like guys with good self-esteem, and who know how to listen to the shit they have to say, since human beings are selfish by nature, and the more you listen, even if you don't say a single word, the more she will like you.
succubi like men who show interest in them and make them feel validated with their presence but can also assert themselves and disagree with things but they don't give a shit about a silent listener and they definitely won't like you for just listening and giving basic bitch autistic feedback. They also don't give a shit about the attention from guys who got nothing going on fpr themselves because it doesn't mean much.

>This is true, succubi have a greater ability to pick up strange or strange behaviors. But this is something that can be practiced. The question is whether you think it's worth putting in the effort to be with a succubus.

Neurodivergence can't be fixed and there is absolutely no way to fool succubi for longer than a short first impression. You can't train to act normal, only in situations where people don't talk with you.


>but they don't give a shit about a silent listener and they definitely won't like you for just listening and giving basic bitch autistic feedback. They also don't give a shit about the attention from guys who got nothing going on fpr themselves because it doesn't mean much.

succubi crave nothing more than talking to a wall of autism. I heard that if you're predictable and agree with everything they say and ask them stuff like an interviewer they will instantly suck your dick at the end of the conversation.


It's all too much work, if you want to conquer someone there are surely many efficient ways to do it, but if you want to go the easy way, the best way is to be in places surrounded by succubi, smile, ask them how they are, and possibly you end up making yourself friend of one of her, and as time goes by, maybe you date one, or you have enough practice to be able to talk to other succubi in other areas.

It's really not worth it, and it's a pain in the ass, but hey, it's what you have if you want to leave offspring.

If you listen enough, smile, and be kind in a sincere and selfless way, possibly anyone will like you regardless of their gender, or more or less, but it helps a lot. The thing is that this will possibly lead to a succubus not being your girlfriend, or some shit like that, being the dumb dumb friend who listens to their problems, or maybe sucking your dick since they need affection and someone they trust, but this requires extra steps, but hey, I am more virgin than olive oil, and I leave the house every bishop's death, so what I say is not necessarily law.


If you're really neurodivergent you're usually only able to get succubi with a lot of huge downsides attached to them, it's just what it is. Most relationships are very superficial anyway and often they end with a lot of additional trouble for you. A lot of guys have a rather naive understanding of succubi and relationships as well and they are looking for a deep connection or some type of friendship with a succubus that is closer to anime than real life. Especially when you're autistic succubi hardly find you interesting for long and if they put up with you they usually have some kind of issue or motive.

It's weird how relationships and sex are really nothing special anymore and easy digestible slop for people while others only think its special because they can't have it. Especially when I look at certain promiscous types and how they treat these things so easy it just seems weird to me as if its all just pure ego driven. When you listen to these normie sexhavers its linked to sadism, gossip and other negative things as well and they often have drama and issues over sex. crab types also don't understand that real sex is not as spectacular as in porn and I read many posts of late bloomers who were disappointed in how sex is hardly like porn because people are not actors and performers. Theres even guys who straight up lose their partners over prefering porn.

Its the type of things you can hardly understand in your 20s and even when theres different viewpoints on this the conclusion always seems to be that its not worth it.


Even if you wanted a gf as a neurodivergent, autist etc. how would this even realistically work out? You'd have to figure out the social shit which seems hard enough if even possible and then you'd still be rather uninteresting in your personality but also lifestyle wise. On top of that you lack any romantic/sexual experience, you don't know how to insert your dick into a succubus properly and you also don't know anything else about being with a succubus while she knows everything about being with guys who are not as retarded as you.

If you're in your mid 20s you're running out of time to make experiences and if you don't have options you'd have to clinge to whatever succubus gives you the time of the day which is a bad idea.


I tried but none of these shitjobs want to hire me and none of them pay good anyway, I did the math and it turned out literally sitting around doing nothing and collecting the minimum amount of gibs is still more than going out there and wagecucking. I would spend more money on commuting and would essentially save nothing.
like if you work 40 hour weeks and still cant afford your own place or consumer stuff then what the fuck is the point?
the last thing even remotely being a job to me was hunting for crypto airdrops and making a couple thousand bucks off it but I havent been lucky in the last couple years.
I stopped going outside because people out there harrass me for no reason, like I walk down the street (couple years ago) and suddenly a police van pulls over and 5 normalfag police zogbots jump out and hold me literally at gunpoint.
apparently someone called them and said there is a guy fitting my description scooping out houses or some shit.
ended up getting a fine for my expired ID and getting a trip to the police station.
or I somehow end up running into people who are up to no good, got mugged twice but I only had like 5 bucks every time.
one time some guy threw a bottle at me from a driving car.


Sometimes I was a little embarrassed to go out to my neighborhood because of the screams from my house, but once the internet was cut off I went out to walk, play soccer, and do new things in general. Two weeks ago I put it back on because I got sick with pneumonia, but it was actually a very good thing. You should try it anon.


If a person is autistic he can get a normal succubus, the problem is that he learns to control himself and hide his autism, it is complicated, but not impossible, although of course it depends on the degree of autism as well. Besides, succubi are not the most rational beings, if you don't look at how they date drug addicts, criminals, or guys who beat them.

>It's weird how relationships and sex are really nothing special anymore and easy digestible slop for people while others only think its special because they can't have it

This is extremely destructive for people, especially for succubi, since if they feel lonely they grab their phone and will fuck the first person who wants to have sex with them, being treated like little more than a piece of meat that stops them. The only thing that works is to have sex. Which is actually quite sad, since succubi who possibly in another context would be good people, are now little more than whores.


>This is extremely destructive for people, especially for succubi, since if they feel lonely they grab their phone and will fuck the first person who wants to have sex with them, being treated like little more than a piece of meat that stops them. The only thing that works is to have sex. Which is actually quite sad, since succubi who possibly in another context would be good people, are now little more than whores.

A lot of succubi are impulsively enabling this, they use sex for quick short term attention and sabotage themselves. They never take responsibility and if they end up miserable they lash out on the type of men who never even fucked them such as crabs. Men are horny 'looking for pussy' and succubi try to use that to get a guy to pay attention to them and in the process they get fucked. The lowest self-esteem succubi always have the highest partner counts because they choose being turned into cumdumpsters over being alone and they have a hard time turning down advances.

I agree that it is destructive, the way we view sex has changed but succubi are still the same so their feminine impulses lead them into this degradation. Theres a general increasing selfishness among people and the way they treat sex plays into that as well because it turns into something dark when its handled so casually and it is not consequence free.


An autist can't get a normal succubus or relationship and you can't train to 'hide' your autism. Looks like a very specific scenario youre referring that rarely ever happens and if it ever does it's linked to a lot of issues because of the things described in this post >>291319

Hiding your autism doesn't work, you would still need to merge with the social dynamics that you have a hard time with and you can't hide your lifestyle, especially not from a hypothetical girlfriend. You can mask your autism in public by dressing casually and trying to act normal but that only works when you're walking through a mall and people pass by but not when you have to communicate. So the irony of this is that you either way would need to fix your autism to a reasonable level.


This. Maybe 0,1% of autists (who are already a small subset of the population) can mask well enough to pass for a normie by hiding their brain structure.

And I would bet even they can't do it 100% of time when not in public, it would absolutely leak into their private life sooner or later and the succubus would either tolerate it or leave which is a complete gamble.


Agreed and as you wrote its really hard for autists to make up lies about their lives because as soon as someone gets a look behind their facade the illusion crumbles. Even if they manage to make up an act that gets a succubus interested, they can't also make up a friend circle or other things they lack in life and his social flaws would get obvious anyway. It's just so unrealistic and naive to think that hiding your autism from succubi is a possibility, there is so much not taken into account with this hypothetical.


Too sad shit. Now succubi are told that it is okay to kill their babies, that it is okay to have sex with strangers, and to dress like whores, all because they grow up with weak and submissive parents lacking authority, that is at best, since Many times they do not know what the authority of a father is.

The decline of succubi is closely linked to the decline of society itself, since succubi in a certain way were the moral compass of society, now they are the complete opposite.


Why can't an autistic person treat their autism? Are there no treatments or help to act like a normal person?


LSD can alleviate symptoms at the cost of tripping


Why do you humilliate us wanting to become normal? Are you so weak you did not even fight for your own mind outside there?


Maybe you are one of those guys with Projector aura, who will never achieve things by going after them.


There is no "treatment" because it's not a disease.

It's the way your brain structure, synapses and neural pathways are built the moment you are conceived.
The reason is hereditary, i.e. your mother, father, grandmother or grandfather was autistic and passed it onto you.

Though back in the way it was easier for anyone, even weird men to reproduce as long as they had any job. Especially after WW2 when many countries had a major shortage of men.


>Though back in the way it was easier for anyone, even weird men to reproduce as long as they had any job. Especially after WW2 when many countries had a major shortage of men.
That's why older generations have no idea about how things work now and theres a high chance that ones father is autistic or otherwise weird and many of our fathers wouldn't even be able to get a succubus or have a family now.


File: 1713717559865.jpg (309.83 KB, 1112x2473, 1112:2473, know thy normals.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

Stop giving a damn, that's a female issue. You failed normal…


You shouldn't fall for memes, that's what failed normals do.


You using that meme implies you're a normal, You're still normal


Fuck, I'm an Apprentice


Why tf is this thread still up?


Because its a good discussion and wizards provided insightful posts. This is a vivid thread and everyone is adding to the discussion except two fags who happen to be you and another guy.


we have to wait a few years and we will have our customizable waifus and finally experience what love is with a perfect creation and not those soulless parasites called womben. Death to all biological vagina havers should be a thing.


man i need to hurry up and learn 3D modeling


I think it's good we have this thread. We should stop pretending that we don't think about the opposite sex.


what's stopping you


>Do you think there is really some fucking paranormal background to males not having the chance to get a girlfriend even though they do everything that seems to be accepted by Social standards and even break social standards just to get a girlfriend yet with no avail
God's intervention. God is trying his best to teach you wisdom but apparently it's useless.


which God is this that tortures OP and autistic males to be outcasts and bullied by society? Sounds like you love worshipping demons.


I remember some radfem on twitter saying that she wishes for AI girlfriends to be like actual succubi so they still despise crabs and autists which is rather funny because she's right in a way. If AI girlfriends would act like real succubi then the whole point of it would be defeated. AI is not really a subsitute for a girlfriend but a whole thing on its own because it can be prompted and shaped to the users liking so it simulated a completely unrealistic love scenario that only exists in movies.


God is literally teaching us unconditional love which has gone missing because of our fallen state but not because of God. If people would listen to the word of God more then there would be less torment.


The real world functions the way it does to propagate species (make them reproduce over and over and over).

succubi shun men of bad evolutionary fitness because they are animals just like any other female animal in nature, not because they're evil, awful or horrible.

The purpose of AI lovers is to remove that evolutionary drive in the background and make the female imagine the wizard in question is a hot 6'4 jock with ripped abs and perfect hair.

Were AI to completely simulate female brains the main customer base of these companies (men of bad evolutionary fitness who can't get succubi in the real world) would stop making payments.
So it makes zero sense for love AI's to completely evolve towards emulating the female brain, because the female human brain is very darwinistic and despises lower men.


It is heartwarming to see an enlightened wiz in here.


>The purpose of AI lovers is to remove that evolutionary drive in the background and make the female imagine the wizard in question is a hot 6'4 jock
The point is that the type of "love" men look for in a succubus doesn't exist, not even for chad as they are also just subject to superficial factors. AI doesn't make you experience things like chad, it makes it so it fits into your fantasy of what love should be.


Maybe God wanted you to fight back and you dissapointed Him.


This is true. Take away the face, height and body of the chad, and put his personality into a 5'2 quasimodo's body and suddenly the dozen succubi who chased him are repulsed.

There was never love, there was only superficial animalistic attraction that was being rationalized as 'love' by talking animals.


And if you ripped the face off that perfect anime cutie and turned her into a goblin hambeast, you too would lose attraction and feel no love.

The difference is, as long as there's a base level of attraction, men will love unconditionally, succubi will not.


Love probably only exists when men and succubi get in a relationship under a spiritual context. There needs to be a purpose added or it won't last. Without purpose its just a temporary attraction or a depenency.


First, what is your motivation to get a succubus to like you?
>Is it to start a family?
Make sure to be responsible for it
>Only for sex
Not worth it, my imagination tells me you'll suffer from emotional consciousness during the long run
>To have someone to talk with
This is one difficult especially if your interest doesn't align with her, I did had a small talk with a succubus very long time ago. She's the one who started conversation but lost enthusiasm when I couldn't catch up after she brings up e-celebs and current events
>So I can feel a sense of unity on this world because if every guys in a room have a girlfriend then I must too


From the last time I posted this post, I fucking gave up.


A w0man alone wont bring you happiness. Seek God and He will bring you real happiness


Fuck ur god


>A w0man alone wont bring you happiness.
>Seek God and He will bring you real happiness


isn't that memegraphic from 4chan? it even has tfw and pepe in it


The Old Man of the Mountain


True, but I just want to point out that autism is not the only neurodivergent thing. There are various traits and personality disorders that can give a man this "paranormal aura".

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