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 No.294024[View All]

You see, I am what people call a waifufag, a genuine one. I fell in love with a loli from a very obscure edgy manga made in 2012 and finished in 2015.

I discovered her in 2022, and the few months we were together were genuine, the happiest in life, not even kidding, but then I made a fatal mistake, you see, because I was an insecure purityfag and wanted to know if she was a virgin because a lot of succubi in her manga have been either raped or sexually abused, but she is an exception. She gets stabbed, whipped, and beaten by her boss, who is like Stepbrother. 

I asked the author if she was a virgin, and he said no, and then I asked why she was not a virgin, and he simply said yes.

This comment, single-handed, destroyed me and made me fall into despair through the entire half of 2022 and the entire 2023, and now 2024, I really can't let go of it.
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you mean the things that get translated overseas? yes it's trash, thats why you must know japanese and move to japan and read the untranslated manga there


i will find it
i dont think it she will come from a manga this time maybe i will fix the situation with rukkyyung


Reddit dot com is so cool bro, you should go there


This might be the most pathetic thing I've ever read


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you would never get it


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This may be some dumb pasta.

But this kind of shit is actually common in the JP otaku culture, people actually get mad about this kind of stuff, some people even refuse to play eroge if not all the heroines are virgins. This is why all heroines and female characters are supposed to be virgins UNLESS explicitly stated that they aren’t.

Pic Related



OP here not a pasta>>295065


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Why 2d characters go and drink at the bar/tavern where they can get raped, sexually harassed, beaten or robbed? Are they irresponsible? How can I fap to irresponsible 2D character (without deleting the image to never fap to it again)?

Different situations might have different necessity or circumstances but here it's completely unnecessary. Of course, they can spike your drink even if it's orange juice, but complete strangers where even teir world media should be talking about drunken people danger. Why? Tell us why? Responsibility (where it's possible, some shōnen scenario means act fast) and purity is cute and gets the biggest boner, yet isekais provide degenerate bs. Ambiguity also kills.


because it's supposed to happen in a civilized country


Rape and violence exists everywhere. Even in their world. Family members and friends are more likely to rape. However, here it's the other case and the rate is still high. Physical attacks and light sexual harassment is even shown in non-hentai titles.


>Why 2d characters go and drink at the bar/tavern
That's only in isekai slop?


Find interests, get into something else, you are on the internet, you have endless amount of possibilities, if you think games are tiring you, get into movies, music, anime, just jump into something you haven't before. As an autist you need an obsession, without obsessions to revolve your entire life around, you're fucking nothing as an autist. Autists without obsessions are empty shells.


Oh hey, glad I'm not the only one with a legitimate daemoness issue. I've seen her multiple times, but I'm not sure what her "true form" is yet. Most things you've had happened, I've also experienced in the same manner.
>Does anyone know if this thing can possess me?
They can, as I've found out the hard way, but from what I understand what they usually do is partial possession because they're just in it for the sex. If they are capable of full possession, it would most likely require a very long time and lots of permission on your part.
In any case, please be careful and don't be a fool.


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This is what happens when you coom to your tulpas, instead of strict edging or simply no-fap. You breed insane shadows inside your minds.

Edging without orgasm must be what truly reaps the so-called benefits of no-fap, what can generate the sex hormones without losing it in order to retribute the brain back, unlike coomers do: harming their body and soul by giving into the urge while being under deep emotions and sensations directed to whatever stimulus get them horny and infatuated at the same time.

To acid-spit Ishtar/Shub-Niggurath right on its face and watch it burn.


Already let myself be fooled twice, once more and it's shame on me. It's just so tempting to be fooled as a lonely man. Just a few nights ago I heard her moan, have felt her touch, it felt so astonishingly real and she can shapeshift. I really should banish her.


Meant to reply to>>295331


Not touching your penis doesn't make you a warrior.


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it was never about gooning
it was about love
this i am giving up porn just for her


I've been considering whether to follow the path of hate. I want him to suffer as much as he did to me because he destroyed her. I want him to die in the most agonizing way possible. Would an online occultist really carry out a ritual to give some random obscure manga artists cancer or aids? Whatever the case, I want him to die for saying that my waifu is not a virgin. Is this a good idea?

I don't think I can make fix the situation anymore or even find someone to fill the emptiness she left. The only thing that will bring me happiness is if the manga creator has the worst death ever; in that case, I'd be willing to pay a hefty price.


What forms has she taken so far? What exactly have you felt?
That's a foolish thing to do. Whatever you wish upon him would be returned on you threefold. Your anger is only going to hurt yourself.


>and then I asked why she was not a virgin, and he simply said yes.
I'm sorry your waifu had such a horrible thing done to her. I know you probably have a lot of trouble imagining a way you could help or support her when she had a crime like that done to her. I have heard that sometimes it is enough to just be present, even when one does not understand. "Even though I cannot brighten your day, I will sit with you in the dark."


male kanji


did you even understand what i said
he said no and yes the yes is very ambigounous i am afraid that it means yes she is not a virgin


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If you used MTL (machine translation) the chance that the meaning got mangled is high. To get a precise answer you should be able to actually know some Japanese and be able to write a proper question and be able to properly read an answer.
For instance, here, not only is her name spelled wrong (ルキオン [RUKION] instead of ルッキョン [RUKKYON]), but the word for "virgin" is wrong too, 童貞 [doutei] designates male virgins, for female virgins the word that's used is 処女 [shojo (not to confuse with 少女 [shoujo], a generic word for succubi)]

(Picture semi-related)


PS: About the picture: I don't actually use shitcord, I just saw that picture posted on an imageboard and liked it and downloaded it.


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i did not ask myself it i asked a other person from to ask him instead and the guy who ask it didnt know that much jap i really wish i ask them myself.

i just feel like it too late now….i send too many death threats it just feels so over
i just want to find a character like her that comes from a unique media piece is quite obscrue so alot of people dont draw NSFW shit of her and has alot of fan-art and somewhat big fanbase


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also the creator got hospitalized because of something with brain damage or brain cancer so it likely they will die but also unlikely

makes my deep empty broken heart somewhat happy


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But i dont it really made my deep empty broken heart actually happy it just something i tell myself to make myself feel better and probably my hatred for what he did to me


I discovered her in mathchan sometimes i wish i never did because it feels like i ruined her forever and there is turning back and i will never find a person like her


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Why were you browsing it? Are you a mathbro by any chance?


i just checked it


Do you mean lukyon from sekai oni?



Well I discovered her or rather the manga thanks to your thread so thanks :)
Unlike you I dont seem to get any attachment to potential waifus though even though I do feel sexually attracted… Guess I only care about appearance and am not able to obssess over them.


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please dont hurt her


transpower lil bro. Wont hurt ur fpe gf promise ^^x


no lukyon dont you dare hurt her



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is this site legitimate or a scam?


fuck off and go to the sharty and stay there


Dude dont post your waifus, Im AGGRESSIVELY MASTURBATING looking at your waifus


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i am really hoping that you are just joking


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i think he is probably


not this shit again


he is a shartyfag


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Are you feeling any better now? Or still sad?


i feel nothing just pure emptiness since that horrible day


honestly just at this point i am tired
i feel empty without her
if i cant have her that i just want to sleep forever
i really doubt i will ever find someone like her ever again…


I want to have Lukyon from the obscure-manga Sekai Oni kino as my feedee, feed me hamburgers as she calls me a human whale and my belly gets bigger, and she using it as pillow when cuddling me, making me bigger and bigger until i will weight 240kg and she making party for that milestone

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