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Book discussion.
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>>54504So it's been about a year since I read Arabian Nights (
>>54902) and last night I was staring at the ceiling before going to bed and out of nowhere felt like going through it again and started reading. Not sure why, I think it's because it turns out it's my favorite literary work out there. This was not obvious to me until very recently but it's becoming clearer now. Let's see how a second reading feels like. I feel like this book is everything I look for in literature. Weird fantasy, horror, mystery. It feels exotic and outlandish and you never follow the same people for long. You catch them at the turn of the tide, just before the angel of death comes for them. It races through this odd, tragic world at a steady pace, highlighting the shitshow that is humanity. Beasts, monsters, men and succubi who in their fear and ignorance become even more cruel and unpredictable than a Djinn. Ghouls feeding their young with the flesh of a young prince. Warm colors of a beautiful palace, where the powerful fill their stomachs with delicate pastries in a hurry, before their inevitable demise. The peaceful, lulling sounds of a gentle breeze in the desert. Dromedaries feeding on the flowers of an Acacia tree under a clear bright sky. Fishermen dreaming about rings of sorcery inside the belly of a blue tilapia. Forgotten ruins, forgotten, sleeping demons. I want to go back to those places again and when you read it, for a moment, you're there.
Also I got a warning for posting 'test' on the previous thread. Apologies, I wanted to check if it was still bumping and forgot to delete it.
248 posts and 71 image replies omitted. Click reply to view. No.63936
>>63929>Release Date: October 28, 2011wow that's awesome. can't believe i've never heard of this. i thought i found everything on guternberg about japan
if anyone has books by Kawashima, Chuji i would appreciate it. he wrote a lot about traditional japanese houses, minka
i checked libgen and see nothing but i found a cool video related to a book on minka in the process
50 Years Without Sex
My Life As An Involuntary Virgin
Timothy Draper
Kino reading - poignant book about a real wizard life.
>>63983>love-shy>My Life As An Involuntary Virgin>real wizard lifecrab manifesto lmao
>>63984It's not a crab manifesto. It life story of, at the time, a 53 years old virgin.
>>63985>This book is an attempt on my part to examine and understand the circumstances and reasons surrounding the>fact that I am, as of this writing, an involuntary fifty-year-old, heterosexual virgin. When I say „involuntary‟, I>mean that I have not remained sex-free due to religious or moral beliefs, physical limitations, chosen celibacy,>“saving myself for marriage”, or any other restrictive behavior. As sad as it sounds, I am still a virgin simply>because, in my 50 years on this earth, I have never been able to get laid. No succubus whom I‟ve ever dated has>ever wanted to go beyond the friendship stage with me. Despite all attempts (which will be covered in detail in>this book) to seduce a succubus - not unlike what every man has done since the beginning of time - I have always>been rejected when it came to getting physical or amorous with a is the definition of a crab manifesto, and is from one of the dumbest fucking sites imaginable
>>63988NIGGER, so you know what "manifesto" mean and what is?
>>63988>>63984>it's a crab lmao>lmaounderage nigger calling a 53 year old wizard a crab. wizchan 2023. Kill yourself.
>>63989>>63990please explain how a man writing an entire book about his bitter failures to get laid (and resulting lifelong virginity) constitutes anything but a crab manifesto
please explain how he's not a crab
go on. or just call me a nigger again, that was really convincing of you. surely another will seal the deal haha
>>63992>please explain how a wizard writing about his life as a virgin constitutes anything but a wizard manifestoDumb nigger.
>>63994it is nothing but whining about how he could not have sex. how he doesn't want to die without experiencing sex. how he is so confused why succubi don't wan to fuck him. mindless rambling about failed relationships and shitty romances
arguably dumber crab shit
>>63995dumb nigger once again proves not to understand the definition of what constitutes a wizard
>>63996yeah, i don't consider crabs to be wizards. only people who can post on wizchan hoenstly about their life, without being banned, are wizards to me
that is all my opinion, but it doesn't change the fact he is a crab and you are mad about this
>>63998it's wizchan dot org the site for sexless males you stupid cunt. Kvetch about this site on discord and fuck off the board
>>63999no, it's crab garbage. you should feel some shame posting that shit here
>>64000Lol, you're autistic and should get off this fucking site. Loveshy was being posted on ye old realwiz back in at least 2014. You will never pass as a man
>>64001i am not autistic, as much as i would like the opportunity for trying to get bux. and old wizardchan died for the new wizchan without crabs, though things are still changing, the sentiment of old r9k is long dead except maybe on dep now
What are some book there are pro-celibacy, pro-wizard life, pro-recluse life?
>>64008The World as Will and Representation by Arthur Schopenhauer. He was a recluse, a polymath and only had sex with prostitutes and a few love affairs which all went badly.
>To be sure, the species has a prior, nearer, and greater claim on the individual than the transient individuality itself; and yet even when the individual makes some sort of conscious sacrifice for the perpetuation and future of the species, the importance of the matter will not be made sufficiently comprehensible to his intellect, which is mainly constituted to regard individual ends.
>Therefore Nature attains her ends by implanting in the individual a certain illusion by which something which is in reality advantageous to the species alone seems to be advantageous to himself; consequently he serves the latter while he imagines he is serving himself. In this process he is carried away by a mere chimera, which floats before him and vanishes again immediately, and as a motive takes the place of reality. This illusion is instinct.Philipp Mainländer, Philosophy of Salvation. An apostle of Schopenhauer who thought that all things desire death, using Kant's epistemology he sort of predicted general relativity. He despised sexuality, and died a virgin.
Baruch Spinoza fits the wizard archetype very well.
>[1] (1) After experience had taught me that all the usual surroundings of social life are vain and futile; seeing that none of the objects of my fears contained in themselves anything either good or bad, except in so far as the mind is affected by them, I finally resolved to inquire whether there might be some real good having power to communicate itself, which would affect the mind singly, to the exclusion of all else: whether, in fact, there might be anything of which the discovery and attainment would enable me to enjoy continuous, supreme, and unending happiness.>[6] (1) When I saw that all these ordinary objects of desire would be obstacles in the way of a search for something different and new–nay, that they were so opposed thereto, that either they or it would have to be abandoned, I was forced to inquire which would prove the most useful to me: for, as I say, I seemed to be willingly losing hold on a sure good for the sake of something uncertain. (6:2) However, after I had reflected on the matter, I came in the first place to the conclusion that by abandoning the ordinary objects of pursuit, and betaking myself to a new quest, I should be leaving a good, uncertain by reason of its own nature, as may be gathered from what has been said, for the sake of a good not uncertain in its nature (for I sought for a fixed good), but only in the possibility of its attainment.>[10] (1) But love towards a thing eternal and infinite feeds the mind wholly with joy, and is itself unmingled with any sadness, wherefore it is greatly to be desired and sought for with all our strength. (2) Yet it was not at random that I used the words, "If I could go to the root of the matter," for, though what I have urged was perfectly clear to my mind, I could not forthwith lay aside all love of riches, sensual enjoyment, and fame.Giacomo Leopardi died a virgin, Bhudda and Shanakara were celibates
Any good non-fiction or fiction books about wizards like us? Couldn't find any.
Strongly considering selling my books and only keeping several valuable ones with lifelong reading value
>>64061I almost exclusively read ebooks today
>>64061Most books have pretty low resell value.
Not sure if that influences your decision ether way.
>Lonely Passion of Judith Heare
Jesus, a very sad book about a very sad life of (good definition would be) femcel.
No, it not a modern book, is from the 50s.
Highly recommend to people read it.
>>60032Read this book because one of you recommend it. Good read for a Wiz.
* WARNING: spoilers ahead *
The guy is not a virgin at all, but he has a lot in common with Wizards.
Has severe social anxiety and cannot fully understand other people or fit into society. He is an outsider all his life.
He doesn't see a point in life and tries to commit suicide a couple of times.
He abuses alcohol and drugs every single day of his adult life to cope with it.
Never has a proper job, only does gigs as a cartoonist from time to time and ends living completely NEET after his family takes care of him due to his second attempt of suicide.
What separates him most from Wizards is that he is very good looking and thus succubi practically throw themselves at him. Two of them even decide to support him financially while he does nothing but to get drunk all day and smoke cigarettes.
It was a good recommendation by the original Wiz that post it, give it a try.
Been getting into magic the gathering stories/lore for the past month or so.
Just finished reading The Colors of Magic Anthology, which was mostly enjoyable. Some stories I feel were duds but most were ok with a few that were good.
Had a really hard time finding the book, like even finding a pdf was hard, but I found it here on this website that breaks down books into webpages. The formatting is a bit scuffed but it's still readable.
Lot better than paying $120+ dollars for the physical book. No.64334
Gave a handmaid's tale a short and boy oh boy was it a mistake.
It is the most aggressively midwit thing I have read in a very long time. It feels like it was written by someone who resented that no one cared about their feminist poetry while shitty romance novels sold thousands.
The prose and pacing is painfully dull and the inability to ever get to the point or stay on a point is irritating.
2 out of 5. The vocabulary is extensive but it's all for nothing.
>>64334surprised you even finished it. Atwood has written some truly awful content
What are some great books about wizards like us, aka:older recluse virgins
>Notes from the underground
No dead Russian, I want modern books post 1950 if possible, tired of xix century books.
>>64402Did you try reading the thread. This question gets asked nearly once a month.
>>64406Too long of thread, bro, just recommend books.
>>63828I think he for sure projected himself into Honda and growing old, decaying, living a normal life, etc were fears of him and he was already feeling like that. I agree with the rest of your post. Now that I grow old I wonder I he was right
>>64402>Notes from the undergroundIf you read this carefully you will realize that this work is pretty modern
> Critique of Pure Reason, Immanuel Kant
This was a monster to tackle and I'm sure that a lot of things flew through my head. As expected, Kant can get really dense but sometimes he can be pretty clear and produce beatiful texts.
Kant's project is to solve the long lived discussion in philosophy regarding the distinction between idealism and materialism, soul vs body, reason vs sensations.
Philosophers inclining towards idealism believe that sensations are mere products of an unstable and misleading external world. The true of reality lies within us and our faculty of reasoning would be proof of that. Moreover, this "being" that we feel inside us, apparently unchanged by the external influx, would be also proof of the eternity and indestructibility of the soul. The true of reality pertains to ideas attainable through reason alone and not vague and ever changing sensations.
On the other hand, empiricists believes that truest foundation of reality lies within sensorial stimulus. Through reasoning alone one could deduce anything but it that knowledge is not backed by empirical proof then is worthless.
This is the panorama Kant is trying to deal with. Kant says a miryad of things and he painstakingly writes about the topics he touches. Since this is a mere imageboard post and I didn't even grasp the thing completely (not even close), I will highlight the most valuable "findings" of Kant in this work in my opinion.
First, to achieve knowledge completely from stimulus is impossible, we need to have a "framework" inside us in order to give meaning to these stimuluses. This framework is built upon the notions of space and time. Both are not notions learnt from "outside" but already prebuilt inside us, they come "a priori". I think this is pretty interesting, revolutionary and one of the main pillars of Kant critique. To support this idea, he brings as example the way how postulates of geometry are almost axiomatic and they come naturally to us. However, since space and time are concepts inside us, they don't exist as thing in themselves but as tools to construct our experience.
That's what Kant has to say regarding our senses. We certainly receive external stimulus but it only "makes sense" when processed by the a priori notions we possess.
Regarding pure reason alone, Kant try to classify the mechanisms of reason into categories. These categories are related to the concepts of quantity, quality, relation, modality. Though Kant studies reason as an alone entity, he makes emphasis in stating that the mechanisms of pure reason only makes sense when related to external sensations.
That's roughly the system of Kant. With this, he explains how ideas created by philosophers like eternity of the soul, the existence of God as the perfect idea that sustains the whole world, assertions related to the nature of the world (the world has a beginning, the world is infinite, freedom vs causality, the world is composed of basic units, etc) are "mistakes" that reason produces when it goes beyond its scope.
This is the fruit of Kant: to stablish what can be known and can not be known. Certainly stimuluses are the primary source of knowledge but they need the a priori notions inside us (space and time) to make sense. Reason is the tool to categorize and built concepts upon the stimuluses received but it can't go beyond that. When reason goes beyond sensorial experience, it just produces speculation.
This system is both clarifyng but constrict us. According to Kant there must be something beyond sensorial experience namely the thing in itself, the noumenon but regarding that nothing can be say.
I guess this work is almost the metaphysical foundation of modern thought. It is difficult to refute Kant postulates, it is like we modern men live within them.
Fascinating book but I will have to read it again in the future, taking notes and perhaps following some scholar notes
>>64585I'm too low IQ to understand your post, let alone Kant himself.
>>64585I've been wanting to read Kant. But tbh I find the whole topic of epistemology, how we know what we know, pretty boring.
But I do like Hegel and Schopenhauer. Strange pair I know. So I'm more interested in Kant as the founder of German Idealism for himself.
I want to read him as Schop reads him, even if its factually wrong, Kant is saying the same things the Vedas and Plato says.
I guess we know the ad spam is a targeted effort now.
> The Flowers of Evil, Charles Baudelaire
I recently finished this collection of poems. I really enjoyed the mood and the topics touched.
At first, some of these poems can be somewhat abstract but when put in the context of Baudelaire's life and in general the life of the new man dwelling in the cities, they express a lot.
With the term "new man" I'm referring to the rupture of the countryside life, the life of the farmer and the transition to the life in big cities and the work in factories.
The recurrent topics that Baudelaire touches and that called my attention are the tension between pleasure and guilt, the tedium of life (spleen) and the desire to explore the unknown.
Baudelaire talks about a man wishing to explore his innermost desires and to painstakingly analyze his most recondite sensations. Of course, this means transgression and violence. Yet Baudelaire can't flee from feeling intense guilt. The concept of sin is very present in his poetry. He, at the bottom of his heart, is christian and he's fascinated by god and eternity.
The rupture of the traditional ways of life means also a new form of suffering for mankind, that is the tedium of life, the spleen. Several authors and thinkers have written about this same thing; to put it simply: once our basic necessities are fulfilled, what is let to do? Baudelaire suffered from this illness and this is the main topic of many of his poems.
Finally, Baudelaire wants to "expand", "melt away". The endless blue sky, the infinite sea, the voyage to faraway lands, etc are common motivs in his poetry.
Great book. Baudelaire is one of those mans tortured yet eternal by the intensity of his sensations.
>>64764“It is better knowledge one derives from travel!
The world, monotonous, always, shows us our own image:
An oasis of horror in a desert of boredom!
Should we leave? or stay? If you can stay, stay;
Leave, if you must. One man runs, the next hides
To trick the vigilant fatal enemy,
Time! the wandering Jew and like the apostles
To whom nothing suffices, neither train nor ship,
In order to flee the infamous retiary; there are others
Who can kill him without leaving their cradle.
. . .
O Death, old captain, the time has come! Let us weigh anchor!
This land bores us, O Death! Let us set sail!
Our hearts which you know are filled with rays!
Pour your poison so that it will comfort us!
The fire searing our brain is such that we want
To plunge to the bottom of the abyss, whether it be Heaven or Hell,
To the bottom of the Unknown in order to find something new!
has anybody found a book that ACTUALLY helped them with depression? Not normgroid self-help or surface level shit like Man's Search for Meaning. I mean stuff that will be useful to a depressed wizard
>>64852Lol I might actually read that
>>64853You'll love it. Geometry is a cold, rational space where the feelings and imbecility of humanity does not apply. It's a rarefied altitude and you'll be in the best company. Euclid, Archimedes, Kepler. Lately I've been trying to understand the proof for the surface area of a sphere and it's been the best days of the past several years.
>>64854Wow, I'm so happy for you anon. Did you post about geometry curing your depression in another thread?
I'll give it a look but I'm afraid I'm not a very cold and rational person… Perhaps it would be better to become one though
>>64855I wrote a couple of posts about it before.
You just need patience and some grasp of the basics. It's not like you're trying to make a breakthrough or produce original ideas, it's about understanding what it's already systematized. If you want to brush up your highschool geometry which is just Euclidean geometry and the Cartesian coordinate system you might want to go through this one first.'t be put off by the childish layout, this book takes you from tracing a line to geometric transformations and solid objects. Do all the exercises as well. From there you're ready to pick up some college level geometry if you want.
>>63506I'm the guy who read 1001 Nights. How is Proust going? I was doing some preliminary reading, but I plan to start Swann's Way next month. I have been busy with life changes, but I am moving countries in the fall, so I suspect Proust might make me nostalgic and sad as I prepare to leave home. I loved DQ and think Nights fits into the "tome" feel that comes with large books, but I've been dragging my feet on Canterbury Tales since it's the original text (and thus harder to read). Hopefully I can read a ton this summer.
It's an remarkable article designed for all the internet viewers; they will take
benefit from it I am sure.
>>64926Hey anon, nice to hear from you again. I finished the first 2 volumes of Proust's Recherche and moved on. For now. I must admit I pushed too hard with Proust and got a minor burnout as a result. I intend to go back soon. Aftwards I read a bunch of different things, a short novel and some tales by Luigi Pirandello: One, No One, and One Hundred Thousand and a selection from Stories for the Years. Then I read Posthumous Memoirs of Bras Cubaz and The Facetious Nights of Straparola, the latter I liked a lot. This period of literature when the authors were more willing to be elegantly lighthearted and suddenly turning to grotesque and/or farcical at the drop of a hat and back to palatial tastes and whims again is fascinating. There's a charm to it that is hard to find anywhere else. Makes me wonder how different life was for them in order for literature of this kind to be produced. It's funny how optimistic the text feels, especially when you know some of those writers actually saw the plague ravaging the cities they lived in. There's an odd joie de vivre in those stories, hard to describe.
By the way, I recently found out there's a book called The Arabian Nights Encyclopedia! A full 2 volumes work of scholarship dedicated to the Nights in the English language. I couldn't believe this was published almost 20 years ago and just recently I became aware of it. It begins with 14 essays by scholars talking about a lot of different topics relating to the book, from literary style, to oral traditions and its impact on the text, the poetry, the manuscript tradition and even goes on about movie adaptations and the impact it has in modern media. The bulk of the work is an entry for 551 stories contained in various manuscripts, along with a summary of the content of each tale, followed by a condensed survey of research relating to the tale concerned. I just skimmed through it but intend to go deeper sometime soon. It's quite the work. The set goes for over 200 usd at amazon but you can find it for the cheap price of free on libgen, you didn't hear from me.
Anyway, good luck with your move and your literary journey! I would never attempt to read The Canterbury Tales in Middle English, I feel like Escher when he said "It takes too much time and effort for someone who rightfully or wrongly believes he has no time to waste." Actually I don't think reading the book the way the author wrote it is a waste of time at all but you know what I mean. I'll be long dead before I'm able to read all the literature I want to read. The second part of this year I would like to focus on a book called Ocean of the Streams of Stories and other Hindu literature, it's untapped territory for me.
>>64929Yeah I'll repost this on the new thread.
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