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 No.304095[Last 50 Posts]

What prevents you from self-improve yourself?

Not for the succubi

For yourself




improve what for what reason? I have limited life energy and I must be very economic with it. days of throwing myself at vicious cycles only to earn nothing out of them are over for me. I don't expect anything from life.


im self-improving by getting fatter to btfo normies whenever they look at me outside they will feel pure shock and disgust the same way i look at them normally


we must all workout and educate ourselves to be good role models for future wizkids


Humanity is condemned, what's the point of self improvement if our nature is that of evil? We improve ourselves, our lives, but the world at large suffers as a result.


become the change you want to see in the world


I improve a lot


There is not but the reason of fear. Improvement is a lofty word but it's just about making yourself more capable of dealing with threats. More resilient for the ones you can't avoid, more cunning and aware for the ones you can.
If you lack sufficient fear, you will not pursue this. That's all there's to it. Evil isn't in the equation at any point.


You cannot improve your "self".


Improvement based on what metric? Who is to say what counts as better? I can't objectively improve because there is no such thing


…and that's why I won't take a shower mom.


It is completely unclear what that's intended to imply. Braindead attempt at an insult by infantilisation and assuming childishness is bad? An assertion that following social norms should be our goal as a human within society?


dont care


>What prevents you from self-improve yourself?

nothing, i've been doing it for 15 years.

i believe in it very hard, i learned a ton, i make way less mistakes then most people, i can anticipate problems before they manifest so i am usually ready for any major shit that heads my way, i've found happyness, i've experienced the egoless state, i've seen the outer limits of human balance, i've found health.

kind of sucks to know so much applicable knowledge and be surrounded by people who don't. i've been desired, molested, touched inappropriately, stalked, imitated and researched for it.


…and that's why it's ok for me to stink, mother. Prove to me that hygiene is the highest good and I will comply.


True improover here, listen to this man's words of wizdom.


Because self-improvement just means making more money, being more fit, or having more status. And none of these things really appeal to me.


>Because self-improvement just means making more money, being more fit, or having more status.

i don't think it does and i wonder how you came to accept these limitations.

self improvement to me is what school should have been: you trying to get better at stuff that matters to you. that's you reading a book about something you actually care about to get a fresh set of perspectives, that's learning from people who have done what you do before and learn from their mistakes so hard, that you don't have to make them and get a head start.

it's just the pure concept of learning. of education without the educational system that traumatizes people and makes them hate learning.

the opposite of self-improvement is self-complacency: finishing school and falsely believing that know you know everything that is important.


The end all be all of self improvement is to feel better. No one feels good when they are fat. It's very hard to feel good when you are poor. For most it's hard to feel good when you are alone. It's hard to feel good when you feel like you haven't done anything with your life. It's not hard to see why the typical "status" benchmarks are what they are.


pure nonsense;
>No one feels good when they are fat
bullshit. I personally know few fat guys who are happy and live good lifes.
>It's very hard to feel good when you are poor.
Depends how poor but again this is very debatable.
>. For most it's hard to feel good when you are alone
Again pulling shit out of your ass.
> It's hard to feel good when you feel like you haven't done anything with your life.
Again; what do you consider worthwile in life? It can be different things for different people.

Again, self-improvement always comes down to arbitrary benchmarks imposed by normans.

Lets say, for example, someone wants to be better at watching anime and he decides to self-improve in that area?

Would you call that self-imporvement? Ofc you would not beacuse its outside of you norman world view.

Idk why is hard for you retards to accept that there are certain number of pople who just don't give a shit about normie criteria for 'good life'. We just don't and self-improvement in that sense is uterrly retrded for a wizzie.

And if you don't mind, kindly fuckk off to plebbit or go watch tate and grind.


99% of people to things you listed by default. If you didn't know that or had to call that 'self-improvement' you are unironically giga retarded.


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>Lets say, for example, someone wants to be better at watching anime and he decides to self-improve in that area?
>Would you call that self-imporvement? Ofc you would not beacuse its outside of you norman world view.
A more pointed example is self-improvement among soldiers towards further lethality and alertness, which remain unintegrated values among civilians despite their dependence on the military


Exactly. each person has a different standard of "self-improvement" (even though what I said is what 90% of people mean by it) so when you tell me to "self-improve" it usually means to increase in value or quantity those particular things YOU find valuable.


post your hook nose


>99% of people to things you listed by default.

they most certainly do not.


>so when you tell me to "self-improve"

bitch what


…and that's why I won't throw the garbage out, mother.


>get cucked out of the best things in life
>spend the rest of your life chasing what everyone gets by default
>all this so you can be a defective normie that actual normies look down on
>will have to also make up a story about 20 years of life you never had to fit in and larp as a chad slayer
it would take double the time to fix up all those wasted years, just not worth in the end over accepting your doom
by the time im like 40 or 50 with years of self improvement i may be on the same social skills level like a 20 year old party goer kid but at that point it won't even matter


>bullshit. I personally know few fat guys who are happy and live good lifes.

i personally knew fat people and they lie all the time to seem normal and they act like they are happy but they can't just effortlessly enjoy life and feel good for no reason, they are the pavlov'd human embodiment of consumption. they are the human form of the desire for dumb people to drown in consumerism.

lemmings, shaped by pricing that is supposed to make them overeat and the owners overearn.

one pizza 13$ but the second pizza only costs 1$, you'd be a fool not to buy the second pizza and that way one pizza only costs you 7$ if you think of it. that's so much savings!

fat people are retards, they fall for traps all the time.


>social skills

how is this concept real. social skills, it's not a skill to be a human among humans. this is such a perverted economic/political perspective of getting people to do what you want them to do. why don't YOU just do what you want to do and let the other people do what they want to do?

a real human wouldn't need to build social skills, real human just needs to be himself. i don't know if you noticed everyone likes to be around the authentic people who are themselves and everybody avoids the fake actors who lie and pretend to advance an agenda. yet nobody bothers to be themselves and everyone lies to advance an agenda.

people (and i include most of you in this generalization) are so dumb, they want to be liked and don't even bother to become the thing everybody likes even though it is freely available to almost everyone. if you are unpopular, nobody made you sell your soul and become fake. people choose to be fake and then they complain that they don't have social skills. i don't believe in this shit. "social skills" gimme a break what stupid nonsense. what people need instead is self respect so they don't feel the need to pretend to be someone else.


you sound you like you never interacted with another human, if you don't have the correct body language and facial expressions to match how you speak (and no loner or virgin will have this skill) then normies will simply start a slow domination process over you because they can sense you are /not normal/
in higher social and economic classes it can be something simple like dropping their $10000 pen in front of you and seeing if you pick it up, that's where social skills come in and you will look like an insecure autist if you can't even do a simple thing to help others
you're not going to get this skill anywhere beside personal experience so if you have none, and didn't develop any in your first 20 years then it's just simply over and there's nothing you can ever do to improve out of that situation


what is human? morality or instincts? normies are the latter, not the former


>if you don't have the correct body language and facial expressions to match how you speak

lol if you are in contact with your authentic nervous system, your body language and facial expression help to convey the message, they are never wrong. they are only wrong when you try to lie and some part of your body gives you away. those are liars' problems and i refuse to take them seriously.

>then normies will simply start a slow domination process over you because they can sense you are /not normal/

newsflash, they do that do everyone. they can only relate hierarchical. they either want to be your boss and give you orders or they want you to be their boss and order them around. they can not function any other way because they are broken psychologically. they were traumatized to behave like dogs. rape/severely violate/torture/bully a normal person in some way and they will turn out hierarchical like that because their destiny is to become what they hate.

imma let you in on a little secret, with people like that there is no right outcome. even if you carefully signal correctly and win whatever little game is being played you are still a loser for having an interaction with someone who is into hierarchy. there is no winning. there is no being the boss of everyone and then suddenly everything is nice. it is just a big human machine that ensures everyone is depressed and drained. you can only lose this game. wizards are usually smart enough not to be near this pathetic human theater, which is why i wouldn't even believe you that you are a wizard.


angry normgroid will come up to you and call you a pussy faggot and punch you in the face and you won't be able to do shit..


>angry normgroid will come up to you and call you a pussy faggot and punch you in the face
No they won't.
>and you won't be able to do shit..
Shoot back? Grab and throw? There are several ways to respond to random physical assault.


>and you won't be able to do shit..

how come you let your little violence fantasy end that way? you probably often fantasize about violence. i'd accuse you of playing little violent movies in your head of what could go wrong constantly.

how come you didn't mention my time shifting ability that lets me slow down time as to effortlessly deal with the punch?



meds please


I see "self improvement", in the sense that most people use the term, as a kind of conformity. It's just a way to get people to fit into society by commodifying themselves with money or physical attractiveness or social status. Furthermore, I dislike the otherworldliness the term implies, that your future self will be superior to what you are now by doing some thing. It's emblematic of a refusal to engage with one's present reality. This is what is so cringey about improvebrahs to me. They center their whole identity around a denial of their present situation and a usually vain attempt to try and control the future. It's a movement that is borne of regret and cowardice. I believe in amor fati, a love of fate: "that one wants nothing to be different, not forward, not backward, not in all eternity. Not merely bear what is necessary, still less conceal it—all idealism is mendacity in the face of what is necessary—but love it."

Instead, I see myself as a never ending process of becoming who I am. I don't deny my capacity to change, and at the same time I don't deny my present circumstances. I embrace both, and love them joyfully in all it's totality: both the good and the bad.


>It's just a way to get people to fit into society by commodifying themselves with money or physical attractiveness or social status.

it is? currently society seems to be people who hate their life and instead of trying to improve their situation prefer to drown their sorrows in alcohol. how does self improvement contribute to that? it doesn't.

>This is what is so cringey about improvebrahs to me

sounds to me you discard the entire concept of self improvement because some asshole said "your attitude determines your altitude, don't forget to like and subscribe".


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I have reached a level of paranoia that I'd previously not even been aware of. It's obvious that I've gone past the point of no return.


Wiser words of wisdom have neber been spoken.
I wish to improve my circumstances, the conditions I live in. I think the idea of self improvement is implied with one's utility for others. If I learn a skill or get earlier each day it is not for some outside metric or for someone else, it is for my own benefit, in the short or in the long term. I still aim for improvement, but I improve the quality of the things I eat so I can enjoy better food.
Everything in this world that society throws at us aims to throw us off balance, to make us aim for something that doesn't suit us. What we get is just right. But we are encouraged to improve ourselves to make an exchange with society to get some petty luxuries that they all want to sell us. Same goes for political and religious views. We are supposed to engage in their games so we can busy ourselves worrying about the virtual reality that they've created and with which they pretend to dominate you, and which they play along to get those petty luxuries themselves.


good post


improving - im probing


faux etymologies serve no purpose but to mislead.


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>…and that's why I won't take a shower mom.


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and ADHD




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You know how some items when they are broken because their value is so low repair is not worth it? That's how I feel. If I was a tormented genius with 160 IQ or an amazing artist there would be potential to unlock by fixing my life but the best outcome for me is to just be some low tier office worker. That does not make epic montage music play in my head and inspire me to self-improve. I am no barn find Ferrari that people work their ass off to restore.


I am too lazy and weak willed. Any other excuses is cope.


you can't be happy if you are obese
happiness depends on healthiness. Your whole post is really retarded.
yeah fat people are literally sheep easily manipulated and with awful self control.


once the paper has been crumbled it can't be perfect again


you can starch and iron it back into shape


Starched perfectly describes the average person on the street.



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I am going to take the wild leaping assumption here that self-improvement is being used here the same way it is in every other perpetually-online male space, to refer exclusively to the activities of lifting weights inside of an air controlled room after restricting calories.

I am going to try very, very hard to pretend that this entire premise is not a circular begging of the question intended to gratify the narcissism of posters whose daily hygiene routines are identical to those of everyone else on this site but whose egos are reliant on the idea that the fact that they they shower and brush their teeth and occupy space manages to put them above everyone else. Somewhat amusingly those selfsame people also rely on the belief that nobody here has any serious health conditions, physical disabilities or acute ailments. Any prologneed failure to bathe or brush teeth as lifelong degenerative conditioning would result in life-threatening sepsis and life-terminating dental abscession (50% mortality rate even with proper medical intervention in the United States) with little to no chance a flesh and blood human who lived in such a way could manage to avoid experiencing either by the age of 30, with the only possibility of such an occurrence being due to flawless, impeccable genetics. And if such impeccable genetic wellbeing existed it would almost certainly manifest in every other part of that person's physical condition, intelligence, social engagement and appearance due to clustering effects. Feel free to smugpost your bad-faith responses anyways, boys.

My weight regimen came to a slow end this year as a result of pain in the shoulder which I had assumed was a worn or torn rotator cuff. It was not, and switching to rotator cuff exercises has proven to be a mistake. It was in fact "calcific tendinitis" which is what happens when one of your tendon clusters decides that it wants to turn into bone tissue when it grows up. I was diagnosed during an unbearably painful jointlock, and have not regained the use of my left arm, and any serious jostling including as little as fast walking can take me out for a day. I can see my gains receding rapidly. Fortunately my sense of self worth is not tied to my ability to lift heavy objects, unfortunately my ability to move my furniture out of my apartment complex is and I intend to relocate soon. I will follow up on this comment at some point in december if I lose any more limbs.


*Ignoring the middle pretentious bit*

Sucks about your shoulder. Do the docs know what trigged the calcification you spoke of in your post?
I am guessing at such a advance stage of tendonitis treatment options are limited.
In the case of moving furniture, sometimes it is just worth the cash to hire movers to do that kind of thing for you.


No, there is no known principal cause. The only associated risk factor is exercise-related tendon damage, which has a small correlation.


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The term self-improvement is very similar to the term "Common Sense". It's a vacuous term in both. You can put "Common sense" in front of anything to give it the appearance of legitimacy.

Common Sense legislature
Common Sense Gun control
Common Sense whatever

Of course, no one would disagree with "Common Sense" anything, because of course "Common Sense" is just a stand-in for "Good" or "obviously correct" and people disagree on what is Good or obviously correct. The same applies to the term "Self-Improvement". We all want to Improve ourselves. We all disagree, however, on what exactly it means to "Self-improve".

I believe self-improvement means to be more kind, forgiving, generous, loyal, and just. To some it means being wealthier, fitter, and more popular. Lifting weights in the gym does not make you a better person, to me at least. A man who spends his time trying to become more honest is doing infinitely more, in my mind, than a man who spends a year trying to bench press a 100 extra lbs. The former does not show on the outside, so it isn't something one can brag about.

Also, there is an undercurrent of hostility in the in the suggestion. "Why aren't you self-improving?" gives the same kind of feeling as your mom saying "Why aren't you doing your chores??" When she sees you reading a book alone. For some people, there's a tendency to form quiet mental accusations when seeing idleness in others. "This person is Idle? He must be lazy, and he's lazy because he thinks he's too good to work, he might even think he's better than me. Why isn't he helping me or offering to help? Why isn't he doing the things I expect of him? I'm working. I'm stressing and he's just *enjoying* himself??" These are all subtle thoughts, and really we are not even aware we are making them. This goes double if the person is already a failure, since we can pile on "He deserves this" and yet, wanting to pile on more punishment, giving more than he deserves, and not even realizing it.


Why would I do that? I guess I am improving myself by teaching myself music but that's more to hear more music taylor-made for me than to build myself up as a person. Mostly happy to just consoom tbh.


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I feel like willpower is actually fixed and can't be trained.

I've been aware of my problems my whole life but when it comes to doing something it just feels like an impossible task.

That's why I feel like an idiot every time explaining my problems and what I would need to change perfectly while being 30 and having had enough time to do something and yet not having done anything.


I will try.


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I have nothing good about my self to cherish and protect enough to care, but I care enough to destroy myself out of shame and self hatred. Looking in the mirror and self reflecting both play in a greater role of refraining to look at it completely, to abandon a sinking ship to not feel trapped and reliving the things that are too late to fix. There is a complete disconnection of my soul and body/mind. It does not find home in either and wants a new identity that better reflects itself. My goal is to live a more gentle life style nor does my mind or body grants me that. Cluster B mixed with misanthrope can really make someone a subhuman. There is just too much self hatred to even self improve, but what is odd is that there is still the egotistical self preservation despite having complete hatred for myself that now it have became a conscious choice to destroy myself. Why? because I try to push through the self preservation to allow myself to be pleasured by self degrading habits. My entire identity is subhuman production which makes me wonder if the soul is not me but a collective higher consciousness. If the essence of me was so great, authenticity would go against all odds despite my inferior genes. So maybe even spiritually I am inferior and weak. Guess my eyes are bigger than my stomach. For those that think I am insinuating I am a fucking troon, don't be retarded. Everyone here suffers with identity or else we would not be masturbating swarthoids. But instead achieve a higher goal. Credibility is weak when you have time to care about a misunderstanding.


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>Also, there is an undercurrent of hostility in the in the suggestion. "Why aren't you self-improving?" gives the same kind of feeling as your mom saying "Why aren't you doing your chores??" When she sees you reading a book alone. For some people, there's a tendency to form quiet mental accusations when seeing idleness in others. "This person is Idle? He must be lazy, and he's lazy because he thinks he's too good to work, he might even think he's better than me. Why isn't he helping me or offering to help? Why isn't he doing the things I expect of him? I'm working. I'm stressing and he's just *enjoying* himself??" These are all subtle thoughts, and really we are not even aware we are making them. This goes double if the person is already a failure, since we can pile on "He deserves this" and yet, wanting to pile on more punishment, giving more than he deserves, and not even realizing it.
I keep coming back to this thread for this specific paragraph. This is so true as people tend to create this expectations of what the others should be doing, even when they are unable to fulfill these expectations themselves.
I see the same situation daily on my work and it's one of the reasons that I find troublesome to deal with people.


Because regardless of how many years and effort I've put into it, something or someone will always overtly remind me that no matter what I do, it's already too late for me


I think of it like a muscle.
It can be strengthened over time, but it can also be worn out and over-stressed. It can even be injured or broken.


>>304095 I've failed at pretty much everything I've ever tried to achieve, so I have zero motivation to keep trying for something that will end up a flop anyway.

Insanity is repeating the same thing over and over again forever expecting different results


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Is for pussies and cavemen. Easy fix pic related.
And you keep going like a machine, because you have to.
Until you end up like this wizzie. Permanent bodily crippling failure is also possible.


Being in control of your body and emotions is not "for pussies" you goliathan faggot. Adderal as an alternative is laughable given that it's the most used drug by females and homosexuals.


being scared of one of the most widely used drugs that even children take daily because of that is the most outrageous faggotry ive ever heard


> even children take daily
Children don't want that shit out of their own will, it's their ignorant parents with the help of psychotic doctors who prescribe that poison.
So why the fuck would you suggest taking pills designed to sedate children so they can sit in class and be brainwashed into being little slaves of the system?


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>Being in control of your body and emotions is not "for pussies"
Pretending like you can control them perfectly is.
You're all pride and fart-sniffing, definitely under 25. Otherwise by pure amount of life experience you would know that you are NOT in control of your emotions and reactions just because you "will" it. You cannot jump out of a plane for the very first time without days of training and not have adrenaline jack your system.

>So why the fuck would you suggest taking pills
Why do you use tools to augment your capabilities? Why don't you go smack some rocks if you hate them so much?


Drug shilling of any kind is always pure faggotry.


Fight a lion with your bare hands if you hate tools so much.


Adderal isn't a tool. Tools build and repair things. Testosterone is a tool, a balanced nutritional diet is a tool. Adderal is a chemical lobotomy, a means to distract you from the problems by numbing you to then. Like painting over the cracks in the walls, nothing gets fixed and you'll begin to require more and more paint, eventually resulting in the cracks still being visible through thick globs before the whole house falls apart.

What irks retards like you to come in to a thread where men are talking about what keeps them down, and then you suggest the brainblockers they use to make "unattententie" (free-thinking) kids pay attention to the teacher for 8 hours? Take an adderal now to focus on tying a noose to spare us from your advocacy of self-destruction.


>Adderal is a means to distract you from the problems by numbing you to then
Do you even know what amphetamines do?
Only reason I have a programming job now instead of being homeless is because I took minimum doses of amphetamines to get through the slog of early stage programming and develop a habit to enjoy doing it consistently.


>I took minimum doses of amphetamines to get through the slog of early stage programming
lol brainlette needs wonderpills just to open Visual Basic


>Adderal isn't a tool. Tools build and repair things. Testosterone is a tool, a balanced nutritional diet is a tool.
The brain altering provably medically addictive emotion altering chemical harvested from animal testes that is recommended by your favorite gymbro ecelebrity to solve trivial nonproblems like deltoid formation while causing easily identifiable organ damage and secondary effects which are never clarified, but the focus modulating chemical invented by Germans and prescribed by qualified neurological specialists to solve specific and discrete biologically identifiable problems while taking secondary effects into careful consideration is only ever used out of hedonism and vice. Yes?


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A ton of people are talking about this video right now and they are being very strange about it. I have to wonder how much personal familiarity most of the commentators have with the act of drawing. They're looking at Day 1 and Day 30 from the guy famous for saying gamer words while gaming and saying to themselves "wow if someone just puts in 30 days they can get that Day 30 result." Or, far, far worse: "he only put in like 10 to 15 minutes a day so if someone puts in a few hours a day they can get that result in a week." Worst is the way this has been politicized into a series of diatribes involving AI Art/Illustration.

I'm a mechanical designer. My trade involves precision drafting solid objects using modeling tools. I am not a fine artist or an illustrator and I could not simply pick up a pencil or pen and draw an aesthetically pleasant illustration. And I don't have any particular urge to do so, my job scratches that same itch. But 10 through 20 years ago I enjoyed drawing a great deal and some of my drawings from that decade have been kept by other people, and that contributed to how I entered my trade. I did not have professional skills or anything but was far better than I would be if I picked up a pen or pencil instead of CAD mouse today. I've been at my trade for long enough that I've had to induct new hires and evaluate experienced hires. I can tell when someone has a skill that's under a layer of rust. And my profession is considered "threatened" by AI from all sides.

PewDiePie's Day 0 is better than my Day 0 if I committed now. By a very significant amount. In something I used to be good at. His Day 0 would be my Day 30 if I were to make a very honest run of it. PewDiePie is teaching himself to draw using a set of techniques but you can see that this is not his first run at it, it might be his first run in five years or fifteen but he laid the deep foundations in the brain for translating mental images to paper in some appropriate age and left the fields fallow. This is not looking at someone building muscle for the first time, it is looking at a guy who used to play football in high school but didn't in college who started lifting weights in his garage again at 27. The ligaments, support muscles, minor muscle movements and the kinsesthetic sensibilities of completed movements are built up to the point where the trailing 20% of the work is what's left.

There's that famous story about middle-aged Picasso drawing a picture with apparent ease and charging an immense sum for it, being accused of cheating the buyer by charging so much for something that only took a few minutes of work and replying with "No, it took forty years of work." Picasso was right. The appreciation of this human developmental investment is so absent from all the rhetoric surrounding this video. PewDiePie's day 0 took him 30 years to reach, and - you guys might not know this, but there are a ton of different professional skills that are improved by the act of practice sketching. Mentally rotating and transforming solid objects, which is very helpful in my line of work, but also things you would not expect such as conducting an interview or leading a meeting since bodily self-perception is important to maintaining body language and facial expressions. I am of the belief that the reverse effect also exists, that developing any visually oriented skills helps with picking up drawing, provided a foundation of handmade art was already laid in the brain. The rhetoric about "oh we don't need AI art if an idiot like PewDiePie can learn to draw in 30 days" is badly misplaced. If we don't need AI art it is not because someone can redevelop unpracticed possibly decade-old skills in little time with proper practice intervals. Especially since the "idiot" in question was at the zenith of his chosen field working specifically in a visual medium. I have never watched a video of his, not even the ones where he says gamer words, but I can promise you that if you were a fan of his and believe he is a real buffoon then you have been bamboozled.

Then there's the time of practice question. No, putting in hours of time would not accelerate improvement. This is very well studied and is the reason your Anki reps eventually cause some kanji to disappear until the next day, week, month or year. If you make a mistake but force yourself to practice with that mistake, and repeat the error, your brain begins training itself to commit to that error. Even if its embarassing, even if it frustrates and hurts. When you fuck up, part of recognizing your fuck ups is the point at which you stop, pencils down, and are done trying for the day. Grinding at drawing is one of the reasons deviantArt would get filled with people who make certain specific obvious art errors that they justify as "their style," who would produce vast volumes of images which never showed any serious signs of improvement. It was in a way their style, the groove of error that their grindset ground into. "Couldn't take criticism" gets thrown at these a lot, fairly in many cases but incorrectly in others, but "didn't try to get better" is usually flat out wrong. They often didn't give themselves space to get better, or in the case of regular webcomics of the era, time away from table. The host of failed artists were being honest when they talked about trying and trying and practicing and practicing, and all modern adult education techniques for everything from language to art takes the failure of raw grind into account.

There are a whole host of very strange and very sad assumptions about consummation of effort and availability of short term gratification in terms of roleplaying game style XP-to-SkillPoints in these discussions and they apply in generality to all "self improvement" discussions. You'll probably be able to draw like PewDiePie in 30 days, if you're able to draw like PewDiePie's Day 0, practice correctly, distance yourself from your errors, avoid grind-down effects, and avoid investing so much ego into the act that you forget about the destination and identify with overattachment to your current point in the journey. That last part is why a healthy and supportive immediate social environment, and to a lesser extent a wealthy and comfortable lifestyle, are particularly beneficial. You need to NOT need to be good at the thing for the duration of the time you're not yet good at it. If you're at say my level, then under those circumstances maybe you'll be at his Day 0 by your Day 30. And if you're at a CWC level due to perceptual difficulties or malstructuring in your brain then you may not see meaningful progress and will eventually have to call it quits. As an example this is extremely common in giantess fetishists, because it turns out their brains are trying to deal with a mild form of dysmetria called "Alice in Wonderland Syndrome," which they aren't all consciously dealing with but can usually be recognized from the outside. If I had a nickel for every giantess-fetishizing Engineer who needed his Designers to handle all of the drafting because his trouble with comprehending space why then I'd have a successful career earning about 80% of an engineer's salary without requirement of a postgraduate degree… oh.

We're at a cultural point where there are so many people raging about AI art that they'll pose Pewds taking 10 minutes a day for 30 days to produce human art as a silver bullet against the AI vampire, AI chuds too lazy to take 10 minutes btfo. But human art isn't valuable for being achievable by literally every anybody in 30 days, it's valuable for being developed over a lifetime of dedication to study and correct application of practice which not any and not everybody CAN learn or replicate. Giantess fetishists as a rule can't produce giantess art, their brains don't handle even simple distances the right way, they have to commission normal people if they want to see their waifus. The furry community has far more female artists than female appreciators because they've been historically willing to pay for an artist's entire art college degree specifically because they recognize that their autism impairs their own art attempts. Saying "only giantess fetish and gay furry shit will be replaced with AI" is saying that the entire world of individual art commissions will be turned inside out and obsoleted, it is useless and counterproductive to everyone to lie about the extent to which furries were subsidizing early-stage professionals before their big break into a major videogame studio or film production career.


write more concisely pls


Concision is for situations where a specific purpose matters. Like political memes, or foot fetish captions. Concision is counterproductive in emotional-processing or in attempting to weigh opposing qualities.


That is a hell of a lot of rambling to say nothing much at all.

How long did you spend on that rant?


Jesus, that much in only 30 minutes.
That is actually impressive if true.


Interesting, thanks for taking the effort to write it bro


I wish we could get a word filter for "bro". "wiz"?


using a userscript extension like greasemonkey makes this feasible, arguably easy.

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", e => {
document.querySelectorAll("div.body").forEach(el => el.innerText = el.innerText.replace('bro','wiz'))


i meant to say violentmonkey greasemonkey is not good anymore


>greasemonkey is not good anymore
Been working fine for me.

What's wrong with it?


>you're not in control
you're not self aware, you having to take aderal testifies for that. you're basically the perfect slave described in equilibrium or whatever the heck that dumb film is called. take the drug and keep grinding to make $your_country great again


nice idea wizski ill send it to the big wizther


I would like to improve my appearance somewhat just so it looks like I have self-respect. I wizhair really bad. It's thin and wispy and flies all over the place, my hairline is deteriorating and I have a weak jawline as well. I can't think of a good way to conceal my worst physical attributes. My wardrobe is all jackets with broken zippers covered in cat hair and cum-stained pants. Lifting has improved my frame and muscle tone.


at one point development lapsed and violentmonkey has less telemetryJ


this post demonstrates how my naive word filter isnt sufficient, but you could probably fix it by surrounding both strings with quotes to avoid the scunthorpe problem


Guess you mean the post below with "broken"? Just use a regex with \b or something
Never written a userscript so can't help as to specifics. Although even \b might result in false positives


my userscript doesnt use regex but it could. i meant

< document.querySelectorAll("div.body").forEach(el => el.innerText = el.innerText.replace('bro','wiz'))

> document.querySelectorAll("div.body").forEach(el => el.innerText = el.innerText.replace(' bro ',' wiz '))


and sorry no i didnt mean the one with broken, rather the one with broski, but it applies to both


i don't have enough bracrabs to self-improve.


also writing userscipts is really fun i use developer tools console to write them


how prcraby of you

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