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 No.305804[View All]

Discuss the Christian faith (or theology in general).

How has God helped you in your life?
51 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I never imagined the decision of Frederick III, Elector of Saxony to protect Luther, could give me such feels.



I was scrolling through /all/ and thought it was "Hitler" when it passed by.


God is all you need.


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I tried going to Church more than once, baptist, but it was just another color of normalfaggotry and couldn't connect, I feel like I'm missing something to connect with the preaching. A connection with God? Probably should pray more.

I am aware that Christians have more happy and stable lives.


>I feel like I'm missing something to connect with the preaching. A connection with God? Probably should pray more.
Religion is a normalfag thing for they don't kill themselves. Obviously, a wizard won't get along. The church is a basically a club for families to socialize and even if you're a christian, you'll be unable to connect because you're alone and trying to fit in, besides the religious goal.
>I am aware that Christians have more happy and stable lives.
That's not true, but having something/someone for you is quite motivating.


As a single adult male it's hard to fit in at a church. Everyone your age will have already married and stared families and all the activities will be geared towards them. You might get lucky and there will be another single weirdo there that you can be friends with.


>You might get lucky and there will be another single weirdo there that you can be friends with.
what is this normalfag shit


I'm just saying. I have not experienced it.


I often think that church is where faith goes to die, I never enjoyed going to the Sunday service, more often than not it just irritates me how it is a gathering point for gossip, networking and showing off. Instead, I just focus on my own study and thoughts, and occasionally go to a large church when there is no service going just for some quiet time and reflection.

I think that makes me a deist, someone who strongly believes there is a higher power and afterlife, but is not connected to any particular denomination.


try a catholic church. more solemn. more structured. in many ways its anonymous, as long as you are baptised and know the rhythm. first part is just readings (old testament, new testament, gospels) and then the eucharist. 1 hour. no bs. there's night masses too since im an insomniac. it's given me peace in my life, you might like it


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Dudes… if this is what the Antichrist is supposed to be like, what would the Christ be like?


keep movies made by idiots about any subject contained to the movies thread and away from the threads about that subject thx


Being that I was raised Catholic; I can't help but to frequently speculate on what I was taught as I was growing up. Even now–as an atheist; I often wonder about how literally I should take everything I was told about Catholicism and Christianity; in particular, the part about the Holy Trinity. Much of it is still lingering somewhere in the back of my mind and I don't think that any amount of skepticism will make it go away; on the contrary, I can feel the beliefs of other religions that I was raised on (such as Santeria and some New Age shit) intermingling with what I was taught about Christ at my local church in various unpleasant ways. Would I have been any spiritually healthier had I been raised purely Catholic? Would I have been mentally healthier had I been raised as an atheist from birth? Would I have developed psychosis regardless? I suppose only time will tell.


Anon struggling with lust here, I really appreciate the advice on battling lust upthread thanks guys. I have had a rough go of it since that post but am going to try and get back into the habit of daily Bible reading and work on myself more


I ain't even a Christian, but I am a sucker for self cultivation.
I wish you luck in your endeavor and hope your readings bring you the strength needed to stay on course.


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>work on myself more
>self cultivation
To what end?

300 hundred hours of meditation and a thousand cold showers later nothing will change internally or externally.
The mind is controlled by the material not the other way around.


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You in the bucket.
You wallow in your piss and superstitious self-improover delusions instead of actually doing something.
>If I wake up with my feet facing east and cold shower at the exact hour of the full moon my bank account will magically fill up with money
>Actually doing something? No, that's crab-shit bro. If I believe it hard enough it will just happen by itself.


Thank you for the kind words and I wish you well all the same. Merry Christmas!

Body, Mind, and Spirit are interconnected. A weak body leads to a diseased mind leads to a wounded soul. I'm much better when I'm self-improving. These things go in cycles, you just gotta stick at it and try not to completely give up/lose all your built-up progress when the crash comes.

posts like this make me think you've already given up. Or are just some bored kiwifarmer/crystalcafe troll


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>posts like this make me think you've already given up.
It's simply that you are too stupid/ young to comprehend reality and are still stuck buying and reading Napoleon Hill/ Dale Carnegie/ Peterson grifter books, thinking that "changing your mindset" is all you need to be "happy" instead of actually putting in the effort to getting what you want by force.
It only feels good to "do self-improvementTM, wash your penis.Copyright", because it's quite literally, another form of jacking off. You're not going anywhere, you're not doing anything, you're only pretending to.

>Learn a language

>Cold shower
>Clean your room
>Positive thoughts
None of that tills the fields and puts food on the table, no matter how hard you delude yourself.


You've been using meme words a lot and now you give the impression that your own desires are entirely of material gratification. You can't comprehend the value in "felling good for the sake of feeling good, feels good" and have circled to insisting that this type of "feeling good" isn't valuable because it doesn't directly feed and pay.

There are men here who can't even put socks on their feet against the tearing pull of their own depressive spiral. Any small steps towards a positive outlook, even if it's one of these "delusions", is going to do much better for the man than wallowing in filth and thinking destructive thoughts. It's as if you're angry that guys who have forgotten how to walk are being encouraged to take one single step, when you personally think they should just go straight to the employment agency and ask for a job that requires walking.

Next time you want to textually soyjakpost with your "ImPROOOOVER" meme, turn your Macbook off instead.


Neither young nor stupid. LOL at the rest of your post. Go drag someone else down into your crab bucket retard


>Any small steps towards a positive outlook
Except that it isn't.
No matter how many walks one takes or how many positive thoughts one thinks, absolutely nothing of actual substance will change. It's like going ham an exercise bike and expecting to make a trip across your state.
Suicidal ideation is causes by lack of material success.

>when you personally think they should just go straight to the employment agency and ask for a job

"Material" does not mean "money". Retard.
A Wizzie can gain The Material by being a pure NEET.


well you just proved that yes indeed your definition of depression is something like 'depression is when no money, no nice clothes, no tendies".

a rotten mind will always have rotten thoughts. the first step to healing the mind is by healing the body, which is done through exercise and sunchine


>depression is when no money, no nice clothes, no tendies
Yes. It is as simple as that.
Keep doing your self-improover superstitious magic rituals, one day you will hit 25 and realize that you have wasted your life for a "mindset" that isn't even there. Material is permanent, the mind is fickle.
t. casualty of improoving towards no end for a decade


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>Suicidal ideation is causes by lack of material success.
WTF? lol


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I always thought that the image of God as an old man with a beard was very primitive, and preferred to think of God as a bright light. Like OP's image for example.

But isn't that just Sun worship? And is it really more higher and philosophic than the Old Man? The Sun is just another natural phenomena like Man is. But at a lower level. The Sun creates light and heat from which plants and animals emerge and at its highest is the Human Mind. So to worship an Old Man with a Beard, is to worship the highest level of matter in motion. While a Sun is just raw material for plants to grow on. Worshipping a blade of grass is a higher being than the Sun.



you are saying god as an old man with a beard is very primitive

you are also saying god as the sun is primitive and literally a blade of grass is greater


i'm critically reconsidering my assumptions. maybe i was wrong


Why does the catholic church need food donations when they are so well off? I always noticed monks have to grow their foood but nuns dont?


Do the Priests eat the food?


From The Genius of Christianity, or Beauties of the Christian Religion (French: Le Génie du christianisme, ou Beautés de la religion chrétienne) a work by the French author François-René de Chateaubriand, written during his exile in England in the 1790s as a defense of the Catholic faith, then under attack during the French Revolution.-

In man, virginity assumes the character of sublimity. When, in the fierce rebellion of the passions, it resists the invitation to evil, it becomes a celestial virtue. "A chaste heart," says St. Bernard, "is by virtue what an angel is by nature. There is more felicity in the purity of the angel, but there is more courage in that of the man."

Plato, without wife and children, seated on the steps of a temple at the extremity of a cape lashed by the waves, and there lecturing to his disciples on the existence of God, exhibits a far more elevated character. He belongs not to the earth; he seems to be one of those spirits or higher intelligences of whom he speaks in his writings.

Thus, virginity, ascending from the last link in the chain of beings up to man, soon passes from man to the angels, and from the angels to God, in whom it is absorbed. God reigns in a glory unique, inimitable in the eternal firmament, as the sun, his image, shines with unequalled splendor in the visible heavens.

We may conclude that poets and men even of the most refined taste can make no reasonable objection to the celibacy of the priesthood, since virginity is among the cherished recollections of the past, is one of the charms of friendship, is associated with the solemn thought of the tomb, with the innocence of childhood, with the enchantment of youth, with the charity of the religious, with the sanctity of the priest and of old age, and with the divinity in the angels and in God himself.


When questioning my former childhood mummy gut ma, Ahmed about it i was packaged Saint Bernadette: The Song of Bernadette Movie


>How has God helped you in your life?
Helped? I don't know… I'm in a botomless pit of suffering where I'm constantly humilliated and treated like shit everywhere I go. I can't even get a job because of my looks and my mental issues and there are no neetbux where I live, so poverty and the threat of starvation are always present. I'm still alive and I'm eating well at the moment, so I guess He's """helping""" me. Yay, thanks God. Please keep throwing crumbs at me. I hope I can continue to amuse you with my suffering.


I've never really been able to believe in God. I can understand the rational arguments for a God, but I don't really agree with them, and on a spiritual level, there's nothing. I wouldn't call myself an atheist, because I'm still open to the idea of there being a God, but I'm 90% sure God doesn't exist.


>I can understand the rational arguments for a God
lol, none






Satanic post


this site already is a shanty town for seamen strolling around with sörvyer


>Men were not ushered into being for the purpose of being saved or lost! God-manifestation, not human salvation, was the grand purpose of the Eternal Spirit. The salvation of a multitude is incidental to the manifestation, but it was not the end purpose. The Eternal Spirit intended to enthrone Himself on the earth and, in so doing, to develop a divine family from among men, every one of whom shall be spirit because born of the Spirit; and that this family shall be large enough to fill the earth, when perfected, to the entire exclusion of flesh and blood.

Recently I came across this interesting viewpoint. In a way, this perspective solves the "Problem of Evil", doesn't it? Because, from this standpoint, humans exist for the purpose of making the world into what the Deity wants. Humans are essentially Spirit-machines, or a highly-advanced tool. Much as a human makes a specific tool for a specific purpose: he designs the tool of a hammer for the task of smacking a nail; the tool of a pogo stick for hopping into the heavens. So too did God design the tool of a human for the purpose of shaping the world to His liking.
God did not create the world for humans to have happy-go-lucky lives free of suffering and pain, so the fact that suffering and pain happens to exist in our world isn't necessarily His fault or even His concern (as much as accepting such a truth may hurt). Ultimately, the "Problem of Evil" ends with the final question of "Why call him God?" The answer is a simple, not-so-comfortable truth: YOU DON'T HAVE TO.


Yes tis Q1 in the westminster catechism

Question 1: What is the chief and highest end of man?
Answer 1: Man’s chief and highest end is to glorify God,[1] and fully to enjoy him forever.[2]


what are your thoughts on the book of enoch?


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Long read.

I was a devout christian most of my life, about roughly two decades. To give you an idea I prayed every single time I went to eat just about anything, including drinking water, every single time. Avoided temptations, etc, etc.

Then I became a gnostic for what lasted unironically one week, before i reverted to some weird mix between protestantism and catholicism as it always was (minus clergy and pope bullshit, then, which in themselves are aberrations according to the bible, none should represent God, even less promote degeneracy if you catch my drift, as well as pedo stuff etc).

Then, I realized not too long ago that, being someone who value objectivity, rationality, and critical-thinking and seek truth no matter the cost, maybe i'd need to actually reflect on my 'beliefs'.

So I thought, what's the origin of christianity. The Bible, so let's study it, let's find if there are any pitfalls, inconsistencies. Turns out there's only that, after all it was written by men. There's a PDF online which lists a lot of them, but i'll refrain from posting it since you can find it yourself if that's something you're willing to study.

Although the PDF is indeed in a sardonic/slightly condescendant tone, a lot of the counter-arguments from it are actually very right.


So, here I am, thinking 'Well bible is useless then. What about god?'. So I thought, let's review why do we believe christianity. Because of generational faith transmission, because of natural selection (faith provided a survival advantage because it improved group cohesion, moreso because heretics and non-believers were killed, meaning genes that would diverge from religious beliefs would be far less spread and less common than the ones who cause people to be more religious, inherently).

Okay, so it means that people believe faith mainly because their parents teached them to (excluding NDEs, drug trips because while important they're way less common, debatable, and because i need something widespread for my example). They didn't really 'see' anything, they just believe what they grew in.

Alright, then it means we must go to the origin of that generational faith. Hell, let's not limit it to christianity, but to all religions.

So, the first person who likely sparked religions must have 'seen', things, right? Otherwise how would he make something so elaborate, and so boastful as to say that such a grand thing has been revealed to him and that he 'knows'?

Well, philosophically, very improbable. If he did 'see' it, other than cognitive biases, a need to alleviate the fear of death, of observing simple pareidolia (i.e seeing faces in clouds, objectively there's nothing it's just the way our brain perceives things), then, surely, all religions would agree on the same thing, right? Everyone's god would be completely the same, same for the laws, and if that first man saw what he saw, why aren't we able to replicate that despite light-years technology of improvement compared to that guy? If he saw something that was real, we'd be able to see it, right. No? Then it means it's purely imaginative, and speculative.

And if it's speculative/imaginative, is it real? No, not quite. Even if you're persuaded that the color you see in front of you is green, if you're daltonian (having a perception different than others) and everyone else isn't and sees blue instead, then your perception is wrong because the consensus on what they see brings us closer to a more objective way of perceiving that same color. And that applies for anything. A single perception is always subjective.

And the problem is that this original faith person was alone, and that includes prophets, so it's subjective, what they saw, we cannot see it with science, hell, even religions all disagree on what would actually be god, or the after-life, if it had any reality to it, there wouldn't be a difference of interpretation, because we'd see the same thing. And then if we add the 'need' for religion, to alleviate the fear of death, of meaninglessness, of the lack of objective justice (because if no punishments exist, what stops people from murdering everyone without consequence), lack of guidance and evolution, and because it helps cope a lot with hardships of life. And drugs don't help either, they're mostly perceptions made INSIDE the brain, because that's precisely what drugs do, they rewire the brain more or less temporarily, creating those perceptions, but it doesn't make them real, no matter how real it 'feels'.

So, those are all of the reasons that led me to believe that there is no God. And possibly not an after-life either.
Do know i'm not trying to convert anyone to atheism, or spark a heated debate - although i have no problems with a calm and rational one -, but just sharing what became of christianity with me. However I do think that faith is indeed a core part of a functioning society, even though I do not believe in it (anymore).

>inb4 tl;dr

Understandable, but you're missing on an interesting train of thought, in my opinion.


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wizardry is disregarding females and acquiring magic

archwizardry is disregarding the world and acquiring holiness


Based and pragmaticpilled


What a mix of conclusions to arrive at. Sounds Finnish for some reason


God helped me to stay away from impure acts during 4 months. The moment I started to neglect prayer, I fell back into it. Be careful. In a minute you can lose it all.


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God is cunning. If you try to fight with him, he will fight with you. As saint Michael said: Who is like God? God showed me that being a "loser" in modern society can be a best thing. There is a special kind of ssatisfaction and dignity in not fitting in to a modern specimens of human animals.

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