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 No.308023[View All]

No politics or religion in the crawl thread, please.

>Ambient sounds to wash away distraction

248 posts and 24 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


There's a cellar spider on my ceiling but I'm afraid of trying to kill it and failing then having it fall down and biting me in anger then me getting an allergic reaction from the bite and dying.



Can I call you Akumaball?


You're an Akumaball!


Day 4 of bad sore throat. No fever yet, but it huuuurts and I feel slightly lightheaded.


just leave it alone. spiders are bros


For many decades; I did not know that the word "nigger" was considered more offensive than: fuck, cocksucker, motherfucker, shit, etc. I remember people would often say "nigga" and I always assumed that they were saying "nigger", but I would eventually learn that they're (sort of, but not really, maybe, don't ask) considered two different words.

I mean, I always assumed that everyone knew how obvious it was that the word "nigger" just means "black", due to the obvious similarity between "nigger" and the Spanish word for "black" ("negro") and the fact that people sometimes say "negroes" in reference to black people when it's obvious that "negroes" isn't an English word. There's also the fact that the Spanish were among the very first Europeans to begin colonizing the Americas and enslaving both natives and blacks. The word "nigger" is also only one letter off from the Latin word "niger" which simply means "black".

Is this the sort of thing that's only obvious to Hispanic people? Probably, but growing up Hispanic I also noticed that even my own family didn't notice this sort of thing.

Perhaps I am merely overthinking again.


from your first sentence i knew you weren't a white american. but you said you are hispanic and i've never heard other countries use that term, so are you maybe hispanic american? i learned it was offensive from watching black comedians on tv in the 90s as a kid, i also realized it's a word they can say but i cannot. that might have been the first instance of such a word i've encountered, even now it's hard to think of other words with the same stigma


Yep. I'm Hispanic American. My mother was born and raised in Mexico, and my father in Cuba. My brother and I were born in the US.


Holy shit I want to go back to 2017 so bad. Even though I feel like I would've had a better shot in 2006 when I was 18…

It's just that 2006 feels so damn long ago it no longer really feels like me. I feel almost as if something happened in the late-2010s that split my old self from my current self. It's hard to explain because I can still recall much of 2006 very clearly and if I focus hard enough; I can almost feel myself back there. And the way I think hasn't changed all that much since then. But I feel as if I've become my own impostor. Like I've replaced myself, and the original me has long died.


day 5 or 6. mild chest discomfort. mild coyughing, headache/sinus pressure and fever. like last time im developing what feels like sciatica. pain an weakness in upper legs an lower back so bad i cannot even go to th bathroom. havent eaten all day

damn son


2010s were my wasted decade tbh
didnt really learn anything cool
mainly just fapped, played games, watched anime all day
nothing wrong with that in itself but tthis decade so far, the 2020s, having more creative hobbies and interests to constantly learn about has been more rewarding


Sounds like covid. I just caught it a couple weeks ago. Pretty much over it but still getting weird back pain and have a mild cough and congestion.


To the wiz who hears voices, I have a question for you. What do you think when you see news stories about people who commit terrible crimes because they hear voices that tell them to do it? The dude who just did the mass shooting in Maine was supposedly hearing voices. Does it worry you that you might end up that way some day?


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My life has been a Lovecraftian nightmare these past four years. I don't know how else to adequately describe it. It's incredibly fucked up. There's no easy way to start. I've tried explaining it to people across various venues and, well, shit… it's as if my language patterns are wired a certain way to, I mean, aw FUCK

I hate this, I hate this, I hate this

*== ==*== ==*== ==*== ==*== ==*== ==*


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it feels like my legs are being wrapped in razor wire, make it stop god

anything that helped you get over it faster? im taking some raw garlic, electrolytes, green tea, zinc and sulforaphane. i need to run some urgent errands this weekend…. last time this shit knocked me out for a good 2 whole weeks


Vitamin D helps, but it will take some time to build up the levels you need. In the short term a combination of ibuprofen and acetaminophen helps, but only to make you feel better.


Also try some antihistimines like benadryl. They can help tamp down the cytokine storm.


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am spiraling in the depths of a burning ring


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This is funny I think.


There's something oddly peculiar today that makes it feel like I'm inside The Sims 2 and playing with the Seasons expansion.


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is this ok


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Yes it's ok. Like seriously, kemono is actually quite enjoyable as long as it's the japanese cute type. Western furry otoh, ughh don't get me started.


I wanna sniff.


>updates browser
>now ublock only blocks the video of ads but they still interrupts and the sound plays

God fucking damn it.


still havent gotten any warning here but i am a thirdie and i watch no more than 30 minutes of video each day. when i do i always set it to 480p. i wonder if that has anything to do with it, ive seen my countrymen get it too. maybe its them trying to watch 6 hours of documentaries in 4k and youtube is like alright little man i wont pick a fight with you over this, youre not a burden on my systems?


I was trying to remember what the cypberpunk aesthetic was all about. I remember like weird bronze fittings and stuff. So I try to google it, but now every single fucking result is for the video game. I can't even figure out how to get it to avoid the game. I used to do -whatever shit I didn't want to search and it would exclude that but that doesn't seem to work anymore.


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When I look for cyberpunk aesthetic most images have nothing to do with the game. Try Neuromancer aesthetic or just Neuromancer, it should wield some pre-game artwork for the genre.


oh wait, this made me realize I was thinking of steampunk not cyberpunk. I'm just a moron.


Last night I saw a big worm that as soon as it saw me retracted in to the bricks by the path. It was a few inches long and looked like a tentacle. Google tells me it be a kind of lizard called the slowworm, it was freaky seeing it in the dark by torchlight.


are we really just calling reptiles worms now


There's apparently a few species of legless reptiles that resemble snakes but aren't "true snakes" and they sort of resemble worms because they have very small eyes, but aren't really worms either. It's actually pretty dumb in a way like when people refer to a fungal infection as "ringworm" and people refer to parasites such as tapeworms and pinworms as "worms" but aren't particularly related to what most people might think are "true worms" like earthworms (which I don't think are parasitic in any way).

Or like how all bugs are insects but not all insects are bugs. And spiders, scorpions, millipedes, centipedes, etc. aren't insects either.


Interesting syncrosinkitty. Yesterday nigh I saw a mouse that had been defeated by a neko. I though his guts were everythwere by when I went to touch, all his entrails got shuped up in to the earth. They were worms!!!


Hallucinations are doing it again. Trying to get me to feel all nostalgic for moments from earlier this year or last when I was still taking Adderall. Admittedly–some of these memories are sorta' neat, I mean, because they're memories of me doing things that I don't normally have the energy to do like walking around the Hollywood area at around 2 or 3 AM before walking into some random, super-fancy-looking apartment building or hotel to ask them if I can use their restroom and actually being allowed in. Then I'd be walking all the way up Griffith park to the observatory right around the time the Sun is rising and be surprised that there's already people walking around even when it is too early for the observatory to open.


Day 10 I think of chinkflu. Muscle pain is gone, throat almost back to normal, fever gone. All I'm left with is minor disorientation and loss of balance and intermittent chest fluttering sensation. Although i may be getting some hypoglycemia, I'm not really hungry at all, I've been forcing myself to eat lately.


finally 1 week of nofap. Feel this energy i used to have when i was a kid.


First hour of No-Preteen-Halloween is complete. I don't know how much longer I can take without seeing some delicious flat chests!


Good job, wizard.


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Today feels like a middle school day. I used to use a lot of these Vicks nasal inhalers while playing StarCraft back in the day and now I have the scent in my nose. Probably an olfactory hallucination.


The Ass Gas has been absolutely rancid today. Must mean I'm getting stronger.


I'm actually a little jealous of MrBeast right now. Pretty much accomplished what I fantasized about when I was 18 years old. His idea was just to finish high school, skip college, and make money off of the internet. He was already making lodes emone before turning 19 simply by making Youtube videos where he counts to 100,000. He did this over 10 years after I first began to fantasize about making money this way.


same here I'm actually feeling less depressed from doing nofap and spending more time outside. I've been reading in the park like some old people do.


I'm doing the same stuff now coincidentally. Can confirm that it works. I saw one of my flatmates jogging in the park.


giving up porn was the best thing I did in my life. I can use all that time to read and boy oh boy I feel like massaging my brain when I read literature. It's so beautiful.



I've read posts like these from people doing literally dozens of different types of self improvement. When you get into a positive state of mind where you are resolved to improve yourself it makes you feel good. For most people this doesn't last that long though, maybe a month tops before your improvement just becomes routine and mundane. The trick is keeping the positive momentum going as long as possible. No fap doesn't provide any tangible gains beyond the good feelings so it seems like it would be the hardest to keep going.


So it's autosuggestion.
It's good to quit masturbating and you will eventually grow out of it anyway but the reactions seem so exagerated.
Then you get the guys making up bizarre mystical stuff and it gets straight up embarassing to read.
Tired debate, I know.


What a beautiful morning I feel so great.


I'm always surprised when I wake up. "I'm still here." is the first sentence that comes to mind. Then I sense my lungs being used to grab oxygen and release carbon dioxide. Then I remember the sun is doing the same thing but burning hydrogen and releasing helium instead.
"Wah" I think next. "It doesn't make any sense." "Not supposed to, and it doesn't." And then I spend the rest of the day waiting to fall asleep again.


today is the day in which females dress literally like succubi and do what succubi are known for. I was reminded of this during one of my morning walks, even as early they were already wearing those sick costumes.
for me, it's another day. i'm old and sick and never partook in those activities except when i wasnt fully developed, that is, as a child. but it was my parents who did it for me.


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did you make this? where's it from?


I'm European so maybe this is some American thing I don't get, but do young succubi there literally strip down to sexy, lacey lingerie and go to those parties like that? Even if they have a boyfriend or if they're known to be prudish? I just don't get normies.

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