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 No.308023[Last 50 Posts]

No politics or religion in the crawl thread, please.

>Ambient sounds to wash away distraction



Earth is a cube you fucking globie


it is merely an optical illusion due to rayleigh scattering


You ever wonder whether or not it's possible for a person with testicular cancer to give someone else cancer by having them swallow their semen?


fake ass picture of globe earth


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Would you prefer this?


Niggers who say that nobody cares if you are a virgin are obviously lying. You're giving normies free ammmo they can use to criticize, bully you, spread rumors, and see you as a weirdo if they have a sudden change of mind about you which can happen at any given time. Hence why people often lie about their numbers. On one hand you have the men who get very little lie and say they've been with many succubi and had more sexual encounters than what's true, on the other the succubi try to lower the real number to appear better and pure unless they are unhinged bastards. Neither are virgins but they still have the need to lie about their sexuality in order to protect an image.
Wagie wizards who have to painfully interact with coworkers should be wise and play that same game unless they risk being bullied.


Random-ass memories just keep on popping into mind. Meaningless little things like when I would go out looking for my cousin at his apartment somewhere in South-Central Los Angeles around 4 or 5 on a cold, early winter morning of the year 2007 because he told me that he could help me get a job working at a warehouse.

Never happened, however. But I really liked taking those one or two walks through Los Angeles before sunrise. I've tried replicating that effect several times over the years but it's never quite the same–especially because my hallucinations just never shut up.

I hadn't thought about those particular walks in years. I can't even remember where, exactly, he lived.


>Nigger normies WILL BULLY YOU!! They will spread RUMORS!! They LIE about their bodycount! Succubi are more whorish than they lay on and CHAD actually doesn't FUCK 24/7

Get your Highschool drama crabsite garbage out of the Crawl Thread. Not a single reason for why anyone besides brainwashed heldbacks like you should care about how people perceive your virginity, or what the exact status of their fucklife is.


lol like clockwork you already have a normie screeching out at you for merely stating the truth >>308046
He ignores the workplace is hell for wizzies because normies are nosy about everything.


Finally! After roughly 17 years; I've finally found that composition I would hear when playing Orbiter Space Flight Simulator!


Man, this takes me back.


Minus the hallucinations, this is literally me. It happens especially when I'm doing everyday tasks, such as washing the dishes or whatever, that random memories come to my mind, often along with a slight feeling of nostalgia.


I bet Anouk gives great head right about now!


it's hard being a beta low tier male tbh. Normalfags already struggle in life and they are neurotypicals and hypersocialized. Now imagine being a shy beta low tier wizardcel. It's hard to socialize, you're a sperg, few or none friends, alone, parents that just want to get rid of you, you have to work, etc.
It's hard mode and others don't get it.


>beta low tier, beta low tier wizardcel
Shut up the fuck


another friday night spent alone in my room watchin anime. love the truwizcel life! I've been thinkin about watching Timon & Pumba lately


disgusting vocabulary


posted in last t-hread -how my keyboard started messin`g up for abosl2ute no reason
well i c-han`ged keyboard and now t-his one -has randoml2y started doin`g it too
t-he `g-hosts t-heory may be correct


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mouse wheel isn't working right maybe some dust and grime but it doesn't seem to be the case. Wizcel life got harder now I will have to buy a new mouse.


Random 2015 and 2017 nostalgia-based flashbacks and dejavu popping into mind. September, October, and November of 2015. Maybe a bit of April, May, and June of 2017.

Some good shit back in the day. Damn good shit.

Damn shame that most of my better moments this year is just me getting nostalgic for previous years.

Not sure how much worse things can get next year, I mean, I don't wanna' jinx it or anything, but I'm pretty sure that I already did just for thinking about it.

Good lord. Even when my hallucinations first began in late-2019… October, November, December… there were a few good moments even then.

So full of hope.

Perhaps I really was delusional all along.



Welp, looks like I probably caught Covid-19 finally. I knew interacting with people was a mistake.


i hate when im all set to sleep at 12AM, but keep browsing and refreshing, finding nothing and next thing I know its 1AM

its like boring and nothingness, keeps me up more than interesting excitement

its like being bored, i keep looking for the next hit, while if im engaged, i can say ok im done sleep time.


I mean i went full neet in mid 2013, so the entire 2014-2023 decade is a blur for me.

being neet hermit is a real time warp. something can feel like yesterday and be a decade.


really good day for me. did everything i wanted to do. Now i will just get drunk and watch some anime. Good night wizcel bros


ESL people have feelings too, be nice to us.


confirmed. It feels very similar to when I got vaccinated except with more phlegm and a dry cough/tickle in throat. Hopefully it stays so mild.


If your taste goes and you stop feeling like eating, I found that when I had it fruit and sports drinks were still tolerable even though everything else tasted like styrofoam and plastic.

The sports drinks Bodyarmor are especially good because they have a fuck ton of vitimins while tasting pretty good. So if you can't stand anything solid you still will be getting everything you need to heal up fast as you sleep it off.

That's my advice, having had the sucky version that was like having a bad case of the normal flu, only with the fucked up taste as a special add-on that I really didn't appreciate.


is there anyone on wizchan who interacts by using 100% google translate both for reading n writing?


God I hope not.
Google translate is fucking garbage for raw translation of sentences.
It works best when used to aid in translating a few words or phrases that you already know the context they should be used.


Its pretty good for raw facts, I've translated entire books in it. Even poetry I get the gist of it.

Its not good for nuance and slang like on an image board.

I find GPT is a good supplement, I can ask in this context what does it mean, and ask for more clarification and alt meanings.


It terrifies me how casually people like you mention losing taste. That's 100% neurological damage and people are like "lol whatever". Then the same group of people drop dead "unexpectedly".


It was temperary and not neurological damage.

My mother lost a good chunk of her taste from a stroke, but it was different in that it didn't come back. That is because it was actual neurological damage. You don't easily recover from actual neurological damage.
meanwhile my taste went back to normal as I got better.
Sort of like your sense of smell weakens when you have a cold.


Glad to have my taste buds fully working and for my good health. Never took the vaccine and I feel as healthy as ever.


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One of my favorite fantasies for over, like, these past twenty years or so has been to live in a penthouse apartment high above the clouds. The apartment would be able to rotate so that I'd always be facing the Sun as it was rising every morning and also so that I'd always be able to watch it set. My shower would be a glass cube made out of tinted windows.


Thank you for the tips. My appetite is definitely gone. IDK if I can still taste because I haven't eaten anything since yesterday. Currently going through a cycle of getting super cold, then burrowing under a shit ton of blankets and then coming out feeling better after an hour or so only for the cycle to repeat at some point. Entire body aches. Cough basically nonexistent though, still just a shit ton of phlegm and sore throat. I'm seeing stars and feeling lightheaded sometimes too. I still think this must be a mild case though thankfully.


Wait, wait, wait.

You mean to tell me that succubi have THREE holes down there?


all i know is somehow they can pee with a tampon in


sometimes I feel neither happy nor sad but its like stepping over the edge of a precipice where the fall depending on which direction, either left or right, so both emotions, is for me to decide. It feels like being at a crossroads where I have the choice towards happiness or sadness. There's seemingly a balance but not so distinct. It's a wizcel type of feeling, like being in a neutral state and you're unsure maybe just let whatever happens have an effect on you.


Meditation is OP


Their urethra, vagina, and anus.

Did you not pay attention in health class?


That is what the jews want you to think


Sex Ed. wasn't mandatory and I was absent from school a lot. All I can really remember about Sex Ed. is how the health teacher started the class by saying, "let's get it out of our system. Penis, penis, vagina, vagina, penis, vagina, penis, vagina, vagina, penis, penis." I also remember him explaining how penis size doesn't actually matter because a vagina will wrap itself entirely around any phallic object even those as thin as pencils. Other than that; they had us watching a Sex Ed. film that wasn't particularly gross but because I was probably constipated I couldn't stand to hear them talk about blood.


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I am becoming racister.


me everytime i go outside


Unfortunately it's only been getting worse. Much more coughing and now my hands are tingling. I looked it up and it's from peripheral nerve damage apparently.


Loss or alteration of taste isn't always damage. Immune responses can totally alter interpretation of flavor, even for very short periods. There are many OTC antihistamines that are also patented as dietary supplements because they make things taste bad for a while.


Just realized my sense of smell is gone. This is quite disturbing.


People lose their sense of taste when they get sick all the time.


I think this web site is frozen or something.



I don't know what I ate but I have my windows and curtains open because my farts are killing me


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I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your word.


>Posting issues are expected to be resolved sometime within the next 2 years. Please have patience.
I have no idea what you are talking about, but adorable character design.


I hate the AIntichrist!
I hate the AIntichrist!


I'm watching the original Japanese The Ring movies right now and am surprised to find that live-action Japanese people also sound like anime characters.


Sometimes when I was a kid I would fake being sick so that I didn't have to go to school. Oddly enough, sometimes my dad would "catch" my fake illness. I always assumed he was just faking to get out of going to work, but now I am beginning to question it because I caught covid recently and now my dad has "caught" it too, only he doesn't have any of the same symptoms as me and we didn't have any close contact while I was infectious. He also won't use the last test kit we have for some reason. He is retired now so has no reason to fake being sick. I am wondering if maybe he just actually really does psych himself into feeling sick when someone else is sick. Maybe he is so petty that he is just faking so he can get out of having to cover for my chores. Maybe he really is sick. I wish he would take the damn test so I have more data to go off of.


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For the longest time I thought that "pavos reales" was the Spanish name for "turkeys".

I know now how wrong I was and feel deeply, deeply ashamed.


This make sense to me-

Sam Bankman-Fried, cultural critic and public intellectual better known for other work wrote:

I could go on and on about the failings of Shakespeare and the constitution and Stradivarius violins, and at the bottom of this post I do*, but really I shouldn't need to: the Bayesian priors are pretty damning. About half of the people born since 1600 have been born in the past 100 years, but it gets much worse than that. When Shakespeare wrote almost all of Europeans were busy farming, and very few people attended university; few people were even literate–probably as low as about ten million people. By contrast there are now upwards of a billion literate people in the Western sphere. What are the odds that the greatest writer would have been born in 1564? The Bayesian priors aren't very favorable.


shakespeare wrote cuck novels in a roundabout way so that most normies only understood the basic gist of things
i think a lot of the famous writers poets and storytellers would be insels today
people only hear the basics of things and don't really look into it further such as I looked into Leonardo and apparently he preferred going to brothels over marriage,romance, and courtship and was a misogynist as well as involved in secret societies like the Templars. Yet all people know is he just painted when he also designed a lot of secret assassination weapons for nobility.


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✔️ Cuck
✔️ Normies
✔️ Insels
Put the phone down.


you're my favourite demotivational speaker


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A flag used in the English Civil War referring to the Earl of Essex's notorious marital problems.jpg


Wait, what the hell? I coulda' sworn that the thread's title was Anti-Crawl Thread CXVIII.

I blame the space demons for this.


I was the original guy who started crawl threads, and as a joke I made one of the titles like XXIII when it was no where near that, and the guy who took it over has been continuing it. so these roman numerals mean nothing


Oh. I figured that a new crawl thread gets made every month so it sorta' made sense that Wizchan would be at the 118th crawl thread by now.


i wish i had one of those maker spaces near me. you know the ones that have tools and shit and you can use them. i think only cities and liberal areas have them


They aren't great but it is useful if you really don't have space and very particular projects you want to get done and don't have the gear.

School engineering maker spaces are generally better, but unless you go or work there you don't have access.
The ones run like private clubhouses tend to have fuck tons of unrelated social and political baggage that comes with them from what I have seen when I used to live in a big city that had them.


>private clubhouses tend to have fuck tons of unrelated social and political baggage that comes
Yeah, those so-called "hackerspaces". Virtue signalling is its own thing but these spaces actively check what signals you're putting out to make sure you're one of them. Certain stickers on the laptop or can badges on your bag are necessary just to get in.

"Rent a hoist" garages are still around. Just a garage with a vehicle hoist and all the basic tools. Drive in, fix your car overnight, write in the logbook the list of tools you used, and leave the work area a bit cleaner than when you went in. You could in theory go in there with wood and tools to make furniture or even prefab walls and such, or even find a garage with a welder and make trailer frames or something.


There is one in my city. I have considered going, but ultimately I don't really have money to do any projects anyway.


>feel sharp pain on my right hand
>assume it's like a tactile hallucination or something
>ignore it for a few seconds
>look over and see a mosquito biting me
>now my hand itches


Oh, right. I remember this part. From 2009? 2010? Probably a little earlier.

Good work, Dr. V. I was right all along!


I calculate that one new species evolves every year based on the fact that it is estimated that up to 4,000,000,000 species have existed on Earth and the fact that the Earth is 4,543,000,000 years old.

Checkmate, atheists!


Guys I think I ate too many chocolates or something because I feel as if I'm about to have a heart attack


why are you cursing los angeles? i've lived in like a dozen different us states and they all had mosquitos, except maybe arizona. do you think california has it bad or something?


>do you think california has it bad or something?
Mosquito-wise, no. But I hate California overall (especially because I feel that it's way too hot year-round and warm climates seem to attract mosquitoes). I would much rather live like in Alaska or something.


death by chocolate, livin the dream


anyone else use 5:4 aspect ratio monitors? my daily driver has been a 5:4 monitor for the most of my life, except for in recent times where my old 5:4 died and i had to resort to using a normal widescreen monitor with 5:4 aspect ratio with the black bars on the side. i just bought a refurbished 5:4 monitor and i hope this will last me just as long if not longer than the last one. i just wish they made new monitors with modern refresh rates, resolutions and colours with this aspect ratio.


Starting to feel better from covid but I still have no sense of smell. Apparently 20-25% of people who lose it haven't recovered fully after 1 year with about 5% showing no recovery at all. I don't like those odds, I am not lucky and I feel like I am probably doomed. Most of the not fully recovered people have distortions in their sense of smell that make things smell bad and wrong. That is probably what I am headed towards knowing my luck. Fresh baked cookies will smell like dog shit or old cigarettes.


homosexuality is a mental illness lmao


i did when i was a kid, it was the family computer's monitor. why do you still use it?

i probably wont upgrade from 1080p because i cant see a difference and i like that aspect ratio so maybe we have similar reasons


old habits die hard i guess. i also like the more compact format, makes things easier to pick up on the screen without my eyes having to dart all around the monitor


they are liars of course.


Olympus Mons looks like a birthmark I used to have.


Been slower then usual around here the past few days.
kinda boring actually.


feeling a lot better since I stopped watching porn and masturbating. Mana gains are fucking real


Feels like the site is dying. Very few posts these days.


lotta ppl complaining about youtube basically not working for dudes running adblockers

like to the point everyone but me seems to be affected

works fine for me though


there is a video showing mosquito swarms in alaska i think. funny you mention that place, bevause of that video i imagine it also as hell


Those people are fucking idiotic niggers who think 'le ublock works on my machine :)'

My brother in Christ, I hope you're aware of what Google is planning to do with future iterations of Chrome and probably Chromium as well. Before you say 'uhhh not my problem :)', keep in mind the only other major browser left is Firefox. And it's going to shit too. Computers/software just keeps becoming more and more bloated and locked down. It's not a meme that at one point we will soon need to use IDs to use this shit, all because people are missing the point: it's not about "what works on your machine" it's about allowing it to happen in first place and consenting to it by keeping using the service.

Also Stallman has cancer. It's over.

When there are posts it feels like AI, some unnaturally well done posts in a row like that is rare.


what posts feel like AI exactly?


i've never used chrome, chromium, or any variation of it

also the problem seems to be adblock filters, most likely everyone being on the most recent stuff has them targetted very easily. but my addons dont update automatically and the filter lists dont update as well so their "20% effort for 80% reach" might not work for my setup

site for me is shit now because i have to completely kill my vpn software every time before posting on the listed boards. i can't add site-specific exceptions. so yeah im not gonna fucking bother with that


normies really think having a good personality and confidence is going to change your jaw shape and facial structure


Crabs really care what "normies" think about their chances at bagging a fuckubus


normies thinks he can be anything with some self improvement
grow some wings and fly off a rooftop you can do it pal


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Third-world crab believes he can speak English. Grow some brains.


kill yourself normalfag invader this is a crab site(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


when crab is called out for being crabby, they at least are honest and proudly announce their species

it's like a bugzapper they can't themselves


yeah bro we fucking own the crabs here with magic missiles we are the real deal bro totally




his English sounds better than yours


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True. Refer to pic.


normies and failed normies are not even human. Once they sense a wiz they will make his life hell even on here you have failed normies like this one hating on wizards >>308172
It's absolutely hilarious how they side with the normies even on a dead site like this one


wizcel friday it's just me in my silent room with my pc. Sometimes listening to some music. Sometimes just enjoying the silence while browsing.
Content in my wizcel cave. Content and happy and a bit tired. Happy and tired and feeling like never going out again and this is great. This is great and I don't mind it if it ends abruptly. An ending where I just close my eyes and this thing I know for life is all gone forever including this quiet room where most of my life is spent with no surprises.


why do these failed normies target virgins? what's the point of virgin hunting when they are just as virgin as you even more if they are ugly, can't get laid, are rejected, and bullied by society and completely ignored?
Normies will throw them all under the bus the moment they learn they are virgins. Normies make no distinction, realistically speaking for a normie there isn't in cel or volcel, it's just crab. go tell them you post on wizchan a site where females are called succubi and bans both females and nonvirgins and see how much those normies who you want to side with by calling you volcel will treat you.


Yeah I don't get it. There's entire websites where failed normies can go to hate on crabs but they choose to do it here.


There's entire websites where failed normies can go to BE crabs but they choose to do it here.


You're just inventing your own language where you assign all the traits of the crab to the "failed normie" and all the traits of the volcel to the "wizcel", and then hate on those who use the traditional terms.

But you yourself are pro-volcel anti-crab you just call it pro-wizcel anti-failed normy


If you screech like some feminist redditor nigger if a virgin bro is feeling down and wants to share his feelings of loneliness then you are not a wizard.
I can't relate to normalfags and failed normies who come here and pretend to be better than others.


I know your kind you wont be able to read 5 threads on insels.is without going "Wow this guy is a loser Im glad I'm not like him". A real volcel or wizard would have the same experience as an insel. You're a failed norper pretending to be a volcel or wizard by hating virgins since you can't relate to their experiences.


you realize a crab is a failed normy? he wants to do the things normies do but he has FAILED to do so. So whats the point of defending crabs but using failed normy as an insult?

crabs are normies?

crabs dont want to be normies?

crabs are failed normies



wizchan invented the term volcel in 2014 to distance ourselves from Elliot Rodger. All those reddits were created years later. You are the one influenced by Reddit not us. we created it on our own before them.


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Wizchan invented Dead Internet Theory and it has spread to be the main identity of Macintosh Cafe, and gets frequently mentioned in YouTube videos and on normie places, like X and r*ddit. Its pretty impressive for a small forum of ~300 outcasts


Yeah doing a google for wizchan, its the most frequent reason we are cited beyond GG and Hotwheels now


Failed normies are people who had good grades in school, good parents that taught them life and gave them money to be independent, friends to support you mentally and all these things to gain confidence that a virgin never had. Failed normies grew up as normies and not as virgins so they can't relate to the userbase here.
You're no wizard or volcel you're a just a sexless normalfag.


The idea that the Internet is full of bots has been around forever. It only got popular because the guy who wrote it spammed it on all the subreddits and everywhere he browsed like a faggot who just stole an idea and rewrote it consicely claiming it as his own.


>wizchan invented the term volcel in 2014
I've been here since 2013 wizchan never invented the term volcel.
this. dead internet theory in the end is a run of the mill schizo conspiracy thread that was spammed on /x/ /pol/ and other forums so it reached normies. Anyone with a bit of intelligence knows it's bullshit. I posted on that thread calling out OP for being such a schizo.
> Its pretty impressive for a small forum of ~300 outcasts
the OP of that thread spammed his schizo conspiracy everywhere.


when did you 1st see volcel used on wizchan?

You know there was a major re-inventing of Wizchan after the Elliot Rodger incident to distance us from crabs, which accelerated after Wizardchan.org died in Dec 24 2014, to be replaced by a militantly volcel Wizchan.org


>wizchan invented the term volcel in 2014
>wizchan invented the term
>by kay_see October 23, 2007
check google trends and search for the term volcel and see how dumb and ignorant you are.
Kill yourself for being a dishonest faggot. Clearly you talk out of your ass and have no way to back anything you say. Now stop posting, faggot.


Are post-rock songs called "songs"? I noticed that most post-rock songs don't have any lyrics so I don't think they can really be called "songs" when there's no one singing. Then you have those weird songs where there might be somebody talking for a few minutes, but not singing. Or you'll hear water dripping.

Was also thinking whether or not composers for films like John Williams can be said to compose "classical music".


There were no communities of self-identified volcels until Wizchan 2014


Not online, at least.


> Failed normies are people who had good grades in school, good parents that taught them life and gave them money to be independent, friends to support you mentally and all these things to gain confidence

I had all these things except friends and "good parents that taught them life". I mean my dad did impart a boomer morality that was pretty useless for IRL. Maybe that counts.

They did give me a lot of money, but only in my 20s. They were so cheap through my boyhood and teens. Wouldn't even pay for AOL and cable. But I guess that's where they got the money from their blue collar salaries. But money to truly be independent would probably be like $500k.

Never had any friends. Sometimes had kids I'd make friendly convo with at school and laugh.


first you claim that wizchan invented the term volcel which is provable to be false so I show you evidence that you are lying like a faggot and now you come up with another bullshit lie which anyone can disprove so I won't even bother. Please, seriously kill yourself because you don't have any idea what you are talking about.


>Dead Internet Theory
I long for a rebirth of End Of Wizards series, I've seen those threads referenced across almost every other altchan at least once, so we can rest assured it is something of great concern to a wider audience than wizchan itself, even to zoomers themselves. Anyone has an archive of the earlier threads? I have mhtml files of the last 2 only.


The end of wizard thread was stupid as the dead internet theory one.
Virginity is on the rise for virgin males more than ever in the history of mankind.


>Muh altchans and reddit
This place is literally a tourist stop for normalfags who think school shooters post here so they can come give us self+improvement advice


Hallucinations keep on showing me imagery from Family Guy for some reason. Especially that of Brian. Not sure as to why. I haven't been interested in Family Guy in almost twenty years.


I was at the bank the other day and was like, "wouldn't it be awesome to have this place all to yourself every night?" I mean, 'cause, fuck, banks are HUGE. You have this huge, clean space that remains empty for several hours every night and there's homeless people sleeping literally right outside of the bank every night.


Four whole fucking years since the hallucinations began.



Go to the gym, anon, you will feel better about your life. Also you have to make your bed in the morning, and eat a good breakfast. Remember that the early bird gets the worm or whatever, so get up before dawn and jog to the gym, press bells or whatever for a few hours and go back home where everybody will love you and respect you but only if you love yourself first.
The gym fees will also motivate you to have a job, where you can meet people and make friends, which will in turn motivate you to work out to show off your abs and also to shave.
You can do it anon, remember that violence is not the solution!


going to the gym, eating healthy, getting enough sleep, all benefits the true wizard. healthiness means being able to enjoy life to the fullest


Enjoy deez nutz to the fullest


yall wants sum dubya dubya three








I'm warm
I'm dry
I've an old comedy show on TV
I've a comfy manga on my PC
I've my dog curled up on my bed
I've a full belly and empty balls
What more do I need?


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I hope something happens. I hope this really does explode into world war three. I've spent my whole life looking at the world as something "out there", all these happenings never affect me. I'm just in a bubble. I want some big fucking event to come and for something to finally happen, I don't care if that means I get nuked or drafted or anything else. Anything would be better than sitting here any longer with no ability to do anything.


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When I have thoughts like that–my hallucinations like to pretend to be the Wishmaster or Calypso or something and they then proceed to induce all sorts of fucked up shit.


It does kind of feel like we're building up to it. People are becoming more and more crazy by the minute. Political radicals seizing power everywhere. Elites corrupting the courts through decades of effort. How long can things continue before war breaks out? Probably not more than 10 years I would guess.


if ur that bored, u dont have to wait for war to come to u, those warring nations are taking foreign volunteers


Got nostalgic for 2004 all of a sudden. Perhaps my worst year in high school, but there's a few good memories in there. Weird to think that pretty much all of my good memories from back then involve me playing video games… video games like Final Fantasy XI, StarCraft, Tribes: Vengeance, Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, Day of Defeat, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Half-Life 2, etc. I don't have a PC nor a video game console anymore but I could probably purchase a laptop today for $100 and play StarCraft or something. I already know that it just wouldn't be quite the same. I remember finally being able to afford the monthly subscription for FFXI back in 2012 (I had a character through a cousin's account that his mother was paying for for a few weeks in 2004) and I just couldn't replicate the effect.

Some of the most random-ass memories, too. Just me playing Medal of Honor: Allied Assault multiplayer maybe on a rainy weekend. Feeling a bit unhappy that I couldn't finish my homework and was failing most of my classes. Had to repeat the tenth grade.


The whole point is for something global to happen. I could go to any number of foreign shitholes if all I wanted was to be a soldier.


can't tell if wizgenes that make us think and reflect this way were sexually successful in the past or mother nature fucked up making us and we're genetic detritus/sloppa. it of course is a personal answer for every one of us here to consider probably, it's not generalized


I can't get an erection anymore :(


sunlight, exercise, healthy diet, healthy interaction with the opposite gender (if that is your function)


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Voices in my head doing it again. Pretending to be my friends. Telling me to kill people and shit.


pls dont do anything you might regret wizzie!!


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I hate this creature so much… SO MUCH!


I calculate that I probably speak to someone other than my mother for something like 5 to 30 seconds per month on average. Maybe 10 to 25 words (in total) to strangers per month on average.

For this month; I've spoken around 30 words to people not my mother. This month and last are unusual in that I've begun to speak with my brother more often. I've barely spoken with him since 2015.

A typical conversation with a stranger goes something like this:

Me: "Do you accept debit card?"
Cashier: "Yes."
Cashier: "There's a fee. Is that OK?"
Me: "Yeah that's OK."
Cashier: "Enter PIN, please."
Cashier: "Would you like a bag?"
Me: "Yes. Please. Thank you."
Cashier: "Have a nice day!"
Me: "Ah, yes. Thank you. You have a nice day as well."

That is perhaps the most common type of conversation I have. Once or twice per month.


Haven't spoken with a stranger since May


I haven't done that in 2 years


Now I wonder what my streak was before I broke it…
Btw, what's your phone #?


Are there really fees for using debit cards? I thought the seller paid those.


Yeah sometimes there's a fee and sometimes there isn't. I don't understand how that works.

One of the many things of the adult world I do not understand.


Hallucinations are now doing that thing in which they assume that I want to pick a fight with them simply because I began to recall how I first completed Medal of Honor: Allied Assault's single player campaign for PC sometime in 2007 despite having owned the game since around maybe 2001. Voices then informed me that my cousin had also completed the game in that same year despite the fact that he had never really been a PC gamer back then and was most certainly not particularly fond of WW2 first-person shooters for PC in 2007.

Apparitions then proceeded to show me fucked up shit over this.


my parents didnt buy me vidya, and i was obsessed with d-day, and i was practically drooling when the boys at school were talking about living out Omaha Beach in FPS.

If i had just had some FPS games, i probably wouldnt have wanted to join the IRL army so bad


Aw crap I'm so fucked


1 week of nofap. Im feeling the mana gains. I've gained clarity and feel at peace with myself.


I must be stressed.

I dreamed that I forgot to pay my mortgage after I moved and was freaking out pretty hard.

Once I woke up I realized I have never had a mortgage nor bought a house and don't owe anyone anything.


>watch a vtuber occasionally
>she (female) suggests a friend of her's stream
>check out her channel
>She has cute fantasy model, good chat rules, isn't evidently dripping with the politics thread posts that I hate
>decide to tune in live
>stream starts
>it's a man

No wonder Vsimps pile on to just a few lackluster predominant confirmed femail streamers, all the rest are guys. I feel gross. I finally decide to just bite the bullet and check out a cute virtual female friend simulator and it's fucking Bruce from Mr. Lube. My night is ruined. I feel like I lost magic XP.


What's wrong with dude v-tubers?

>I finally decide to just bite the bullet and check out a cute virtual female friend simulator

Nevermind, you are doing it wrong.

They aren't friend simulators.
It's a 21 century digital puppet show.
They aren't your friend. They are just entertainers.
If you go in with that expectation then you will have a better time.

For example, I watch fillian because I find slapstick humor and cringe comedy funny.
I don't watch because I am looking for a friend simulation. I would never be friends with such a person if they were real.


I just remembered my father once telling me that they teach us in schools that Europeans were the first humans to arrive in the Americas. Both of my parents, actually, believe that this is what is taught in US schools.

Not entirely sure as to where they got this idea from especially considering that neither of them went to school here in the US.

It's a damn shame how much they had us focus on WW2 for world history, though. I remember how for the Akkadian empire–our textbooks only had this one tiny blurb on a page. How disappointing. Next thing you know; we're learning about Charlemange and Napoleon then BOOM! WW1 and WW2!

Badda bing badda boom; you're done with world history! On to US history! Will you pass US history? Sure you will–you're a smart guy! Oh no no you won't! You'll drop out of high school before you get to finish US history and you'll spend the next 13 years doing fuck all before you finally finish US history at the age of 30! What were you missing in US history, anyway? WW2? Vietnam war? Barack Obama? Wait, what? Obama wasn't president when you were in high school!


>What's wrong with dude v-tubers?
Nothing. I watch a few and it's fun to shoot the shit with guys just being guys. It's when the guys pretend to be succubi in all ways and then insist we play along with their lame joke. That's when things get weird. A guy trying to act all like
>i'm a cutey wooty little gal UwU i'm a kawaii 'tuber look at my wavy Live2D Cubism hair locks
Is bad in any scenario, but for a man doing this to throw his stream out there, engaging on social media, getting others to send their viewers to his stream, just so he can fill his personal safespace with people who were expecting a female and aren't allowed to express that he isn't one.. Predatory!

Even more I can see how a guy "playing puppets" with a female avatar could be funny, but if at the end of the day he actually thinks he's a female, then he ought to just be brought out back and shot at that point.


Fair enough.

I was thinking of someone like porcelainmaid who is just being funny.
Not actual trannies.
Hugbox safe space PC bullshit needs to die and stop killing everything fun.


I just remembered how back in 2006, 2007, and 2008; I could go weeks or even months without ever having to speak to anyone other than my mother. I could sometimes even go up to 3, 4, or even 5 days without having to speak nor even see my mother. I even had a working microwave oven back then.

Good times, good times.


Just once. Just once. Just once I'd like to wake up in my apartment one morning, look out my bedroom window, and realize that my apartment is no longer an apartment but a house. I would walk outside and notice that the apartment building is gone except for my own apartment which has become a house. The house gets its electricity from solar panels, windmills, and various other sources. The water comes from a nearby water tower. I'd have crops, livestock, and pets. I'd look all around me and see that the only sign of human civilization is my home. The city of Los Angeles is gone. The only human around is me.


Oh. And I'd be able to go to sleep in that world and wake up in that same world the next day, and the next, and the one after that, and so on!


I'm actually sort of excited about having gray hair!

I've noticed that my beard already has a bit of gray hair but that's actually normal for a 34-year-old because even guys in their early-twenties and late-teens sometimes have gray hair in their beards.


I remember in my mid 20s right after finishing grad school, i had a few grey hairs with all my anxiety over being forced to get a job.

but since i gave up on life, went full neet manbaby, i haven't had any grey hairs since then, pushing into my mid 30s


Wow my mother doesn't know how to play with dogs AT ALL!


There is a wrong way to play with dogs?


I don't think they like it when you pick them up from one leg or their head and spin them around on a rough concrete ground.


I cringed when I visualized that.
Apparently there is.
Why is she doing that?


I suspect she has some type of psychopathy or maybe she's BPD or something.

I don't think it's Alzheimer's but she's 77 years old and I can barely remember what she was like in her 40s. She seems somewhat demented in a way.

Maybe she's just dumb.


people with BPD aren't human. They behave worse than niggers.




Oh shit I'm turning 35 next month


I've seen wizards on here complain about not being able to find "friends" online, or finding it hard to chat online. It's bewildering to me, it seems to be the opposite, that people online are desperate for companionship and everyone overshares their life.

I indulge in roleplay type coomery and back and forth stuff. And I find it hard to get people -not- wanting to socially bond, to keep that healthy limit. Everywhere I stumble online it seems like people want to get close to me when I really want to keep my shit for the most part private. I don't really think online friendships matter much, and we're just here to shoot the shit and kill time.


I've never seen a single wizard complain about not being able to find friends online. I know wizards aren't faggots looking for e friends and that's for zoomers and failed normies.


I've seen it a few times now which is why I made the post.


I have never cared about others to begin with. They only bring baggage and are nuisance to the peace you can find in solitude, unlike crabs obsessed with unattainable desires, and worldly pleasures that leave you in a state of dissatisfaction, and possibly up for hard betrayal.


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Fucking badgers, man.

They just don't give a fuck!


Damn, looks like youtube updated it's anti-adblock yet again and this time filtering doesn't work.
If I can't find a work around this might finally be the thing to cause me to stop using youtube all together.


Figured out how to use FreeTube, at least on my desktop.
Once I imported my stuff it seems to work fine.
Will suck when adblock stops working on my phone though, since I use it during work to listen to audio books and podcast.


day 10 of nofap feelin wizardlier by the second. Self improving really works if you put your mind and heart to it


>online job interview test requires webcam now


I don't really have anything to say and I probably never will but it's easier for me to just say any random bullshit on the internet than it is to actually speak and it's not like I have anything better to do.


I'm a bit surprised that the name "Homelanders" in reference to generation Z never caught on quite as much as "Millennials" did for generation Y.

I just wonder how many generations will go by before they stop naming them after letters of the English and Greek alphabets.

See? See what sort of random bullshit I come up with?


Well being born around 9/11 ended up influencing them a lot less than meme culture did.


"Zoomers", though. Man. I remember for a brief time there were also "Yoomers" and "Xoomers" but those never caught on.

I also hardly ever see "MTV generation" anymore. How do you even pronounce "Xers", anyway? "Ecks-urss"?

Should've called zoomers "zeds" or "zombies" or something instead.


I remember reading the wiki article on Gen Y back in 2004, before the term Millennials caught on, and patting myself on the back that we were labeled to be the next Greatest Generation like WW2.

But as alienated as I was from Gen Y growing up, even as a wiz loner, it still feels so much more familiar than zoomers. although what is familiar about the zoomers is it feels like the whole world talks like 4chan now. i learned all my zoomer slang from wizchan.


Boomers, coomers, doomers, consoomers, zoomers, xoomers, yoomers, soomerians!


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"You must skullfuck the little succubus," he doth speaketh.

And skullfucketh the little succubus he dideth.


basedeth of wizards


coomers entire personality revolve around their fetishes almost as braindead as homosexuals. subhumans indeed are no different from each other.


I feel as if being a coomer is the most effective way to keep what little sanity I have left.


well society already rates me the lowest. so why prove them wrong, im actually a great guy you fail to recognise. im the slime, the statistics define me as.

and if someone asked me to define myself, sum up who im, it would be a list of my violent rape fantasies towards cartoon characters.

im proud to be the worst thing ever, in a society that defines me as the worst


I feel as if I have two bladders or something.

I'll get up to take a piss but end up just standing there in front of the toilet for one or two minutes with a bit of urine sprinkling out.

But then I'll wash my hands and start to walk out of my bathroom only to feel the need to piss again. And then it's like I can fill an entire glass with my urine.


Skullpie the skullchitlins!


Come to think of it; I can only recall one of the students in high school being 20 years old. Male student.

I was just watching Final Destination 3 and I remembered how funny I thought it was when I first watched it in 2006 that they hired 20-year-old Mary Elizabeth Winstead to play a 17-year-old, because none of the succubi in my high school looked like her.


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Posting an outsider meme!

I crack myself up sometimes.


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Zettai ryouiki (絶対領域) loosely translates into "absolute territory" and is the area of bare skin seen between a skirt and thighhighs


how dead does it get here on a friday? you're all probably out at the club right now


everyone is spending time with their friends irl or online, friends who just got off work and can finally spend their weekend playing and chatting for more than a few minutes


Friday night is taco Tuesday


I'm trying to mentally design a house that can withstand any natural disaster even a direct impact from a 10km-wide asteroid.

Actually, come to think of it; I'd like it to be able to withstand something bigger.

Like a planet.


Veinte mil hamburguesas.


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Smartest man in Africa.


Just like the saints who built stone walls around themselves so they couldn’t see the sinful world


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What we do to dogs is pure evil.


That one scene from that one episode from one of the earlier seasons of Game of Thrones has been repeating itself almost every day for over these past few years. You know the one. That one just before that guy gets his skull crushed?




>You know the one
No we don't, because we don't watch industrially-produced gay murder porn on HBO


Any tips on ambient/ nature sounds to sleep to?


when did lounge became reddit. what the fuck


Last Thursday





Where was that love when you were young, when you were in your so called prime, if you ever had one?


no love for true wizards


I just pooped so hard just now, but I already know that the satisfaction is only temporary.


Some of the most random-as-fuck memories just keep on popping into my head.

Can't tell some of these apart sometimes. Is this memory from 3rd grade, or 8th? Probably both. Why am I thinking about StarCraft all of a sudden?


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Wrestling site I frequented turned to this. With disclaimers about illegal streaming safety problems and bunch of corporate links for non-free streaming. Alliance 4 creativity. Meanwhile all creativity is in East Asia and independent.

Downloaded from another site either way, something that wasn't on open torrent trackers yet.


*Not literally all.


I'm beginning to notice that I never quite understood parts of speech of the English language. Adjectives? Adverbs? Beats me. I think I understand what pronouns and verbs are. I mean, back when I still used a word processor–it'd rarely correct me. This web browser only checks for spelling.

It bothers me sometimes because I sometimes edit Wikipedia and other editors tell me that I need to learn about "past perfect" or something or other, among other things. This shit goes over my head.

This post probably only barely makes sense but my hallucinations tend to fight me aggressively whenever I spend too much time reviewing what I write.


Hallucinations didn't want me watching the film "The Heathers" so I ended up staring at a photograph for nearly half a day.


i hate attorneys btw


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I become 30 years a virgin next year. My Runescape account gets its 20 year cape. My Steam and Nexus accounts turn 15. Gelbooru 15, Pixiv 10.

I'm still the same me as I was back then.


tbh thats the best argument against suicide i've found. life goes so slow when you're in school. each school grade like its own tv series. but once you hit your mid 20s, your life just flies by and you're 30 already. and you can see middle age just over the horizon. if life isn't that much of a torture, you could almost just shrug and let it play out naturally.


Neat. My Steam account has the exact date that I became a member. May 27 2004. I was 15.


im the same age as you, and i had no idea steam was around all the way back then.


Why do normalfags love making accounts on websites?


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>Post about how I've been using the same hentai and videogame sites for 15 years
>get called a normalfag
Who knew Wizardchanning was this easy


I've got a Windows 10 VM working with GPU passtrough on Arch.
Feels nice.


I remember everyone getting mad about steam when it came about, I didn’t buy games so I never had an account until my 20s. Playing cracked counter strike with the Russians instead.


I still have my old newgrounds account from when I was 13, so I know the feel.

That said usually I just lose most accounts over time because of inactivity or don't have/remember the log ins.
Like I had several runscape accounts but I don't remember any of the logins and it's been over a decade since I last touched the game.


There was a spider in my bathroom just now.

It's not there anymore.

I made sure of it.


I used to think that a shower is supposed to last at least one hour.

It was probably 2020 when I found out that a shower only really needs to be ten minutes long.

And that nobody actually cares whether or not I shower.


shower as long as as often as you like tbh


Stressful doing a big shop for the family, all the cupboards etc were empty. I asked my brothers to help because it would be so much, and they weren’t really much help. The autistic cashier is funny though, they compliment me on random stuff like how I aligned the shopping on the belt. I’m tired now.


Not sure if my hallucinations are fucking with me again, but there's something about this October breeze coming in through my bedroom window that's getting me to feel all nostalgic over October of 2015. October of 2015, however, wasn't as great of a month as earlier months of that year such as January and February. There were a few oddly peaceful moments about October of 2015, though. I'd definitely love to wake up tomorrow and find out that it's October of 2015. Certainly preferable to the entirety of 2023.


I went outside today to purchase some chocolates I've never tried before. I got some of that MrBeast's Deez Nuts chocolate.

Kinda' blows my mind that a guy who is nearly a decade younger than me makes millions of dollars by making some of the most stupid Youtube videos I have ever seen and he now has his own brand of chocolate and everything.


Found a ublock script that actually works for me so far when it comes to the youtube bullshit.

youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config_.openPopupConfig.supportedPopups.adBlockMessageViewModel, false)

youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.adBlocksFound, 0)

youtube.com##+js(set, ytplayer.config.args.raw_player_response.adPlacements, [])

youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.hasAllowedInstreamAd, true)


>I got some of that MrBeast's Deez Nuts chocolate.

am I in reddit or is wizchan being targeted by reddit bots or something?


I’d probably try it too if I lived in America, just because it is a weird thing. I never tried “prime” yet though because it’s twice the price of other drinks, if it was similarly priced I may try it. Seeing the modern social media world of child consumerism makes me kind of sad though so the curiosity is squashed.


why would I want to try garbage that's for literally mindless drones who follow "influencers" and youtube "celebrities" Get the fuck out of here with that shit


It’s just food and may be slightly different than other food in a novel and pleasant way? I can understand the aversion but I can see both sides.


I didn't like the chocolate. It had some coffee-like taste.

I also got a king size kit kat that I've never tried before and a few others.


I am also obligated by International Law to tell you that I am indeed a bot and you will eat Deez Nuts.


I'm starting to feel as if everyone was secretly born the same year (1988) that I was. Even my parents.

Probably related to solipsism syndrome or something. Fucking weird.


There's a cellar spider on my ceiling but I'm afraid of trying to kill it and failing then having it fall down and biting me in anger then me getting an allergic reaction from the bite and dying.



Can I call you Akumaball?


You're an Akumaball!


Day 4 of bad sore throat. No fever yet, but it huuuurts and I feel slightly lightheaded.


just leave it alone. spiders are bros


For many decades; I did not know that the word "nigger" was considered more offensive than: fuck, cocksucker, motherfucker, shit, etc. I remember people would often say "nigga" and I always assumed that they were saying "nigger", but I would eventually learn that they're (sort of, but not really, maybe, don't ask) considered two different words.

I mean, I always assumed that everyone knew how obvious it was that the word "nigger" just means "black", due to the obvious similarity between "nigger" and the Spanish word for "black" ("negro") and the fact that people sometimes say "negroes" in reference to black people when it's obvious that "negroes" isn't an English word. There's also the fact that the Spanish were among the very first Europeans to begin colonizing the Americas and enslaving both natives and blacks. The word "nigger" is also only one letter off from the Latin word "niger" which simply means "black".

Is this the sort of thing that's only obvious to Hispanic people? Probably, but growing up Hispanic I also noticed that even my own family didn't notice this sort of thing.

Perhaps I am merely overthinking again.


from your first sentence i knew you weren't a white american. but you said you are hispanic and i've never heard other countries use that term, so are you maybe hispanic american? i learned it was offensive from watching black comedians on tv in the 90s as a kid, i also realized it's a word they can say but i cannot. that might have been the first instance of such a word i've encountered, even now it's hard to think of other words with the same stigma


Yep. I'm Hispanic American. My mother was born and raised in Mexico, and my father in Cuba. My brother and I were born in the US.


Holy shit I want to go back to 2017 so bad. Even though I feel like I would've had a better shot in 2006 when I was 18…

It's just that 2006 feels so damn long ago it no longer really feels like me. I feel almost as if something happened in the late-2010s that split my old self from my current self. It's hard to explain because I can still recall much of 2006 very clearly and if I focus hard enough; I can almost feel myself back there. And the way I think hasn't changed all that much since then. But I feel as if I've become my own impostor. Like I've replaced myself, and the original me has long died.


day 5 or 6. mild chest discomfort. mild coyughing, headache/sinus pressure and fever. like last time im developing what feels like sciatica. pain an weakness in upper legs an lower back so bad i cannot even go to th bathroom. havent eaten all day

damn son


2010s were my wasted decade tbh
didnt really learn anything cool
mainly just fapped, played games, watched anime all day
nothing wrong with that in itself but tthis decade so far, the 2020s, having more creative hobbies and interests to constantly learn about has been more rewarding


Sounds like covid. I just caught it a couple weeks ago. Pretty much over it but still getting weird back pain and have a mild cough and congestion.


To the wiz who hears voices, I have a question for you. What do you think when you see news stories about people who commit terrible crimes because they hear voices that tell them to do it? The dude who just did the mass shooting in Maine was supposedly hearing voices. Does it worry you that you might end up that way some day?


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My life has been a Lovecraftian nightmare these past four years. I don't know how else to adequately describe it. It's incredibly fucked up. There's no easy way to start. I've tried explaining it to people across various venues and, well, shit… it's as if my language patterns are wired a certain way to, I mean, aw FUCK

I hate this, I hate this, I hate this

*== ==*== ==*== ==*== ==*== ==*== ==*


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it feels like my legs are being wrapped in razor wire, make it stop god

anything that helped you get over it faster? im taking some raw garlic, electrolytes, green tea, zinc and sulforaphane. i need to run some urgent errands this weekend…. last time this shit knocked me out for a good 2 whole weeks


Vitamin D helps, but it will take some time to build up the levels you need. In the short term a combination of ibuprofen and acetaminophen helps, but only to make you feel better.


Also try some antihistimines like benadryl. They can help tamp down the cytokine storm.


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am spiraling in the depths of a burning ring


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This is funny I think.


There's something oddly peculiar today that makes it feel like I'm inside The Sims 2 and playing with the Seasons expansion.


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is this ok


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Yes it's ok. Like seriously, kemono is actually quite enjoyable as long as it's the japanese cute type. Western furry otoh, ughh don't get me started.


I wanna sniff.


>updates browser
>now ublock only blocks the video of ads but they still interrupts and the sound plays

God fucking damn it.


still havent gotten any warning here but i am a thirdie and i watch no more than 30 minutes of video each day. when i do i always set it to 480p. i wonder if that has anything to do with it, ive seen my countrymen get it too. maybe its them trying to watch 6 hours of documentaries in 4k and youtube is like alright little man i wont pick a fight with you over this, youre not a burden on my systems?


I was trying to remember what the cypberpunk aesthetic was all about. I remember like weird bronze fittings and stuff. So I try to google it, but now every single fucking result is for the video game. I can't even figure out how to get it to avoid the game. I used to do -whatever shit I didn't want to search and it would exclude that but that doesn't seem to work anymore.


File: 1698510351711.jpg (340.21 KB, 1495x1060, 299:212, 123.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

When I look for cyberpunk aesthetic most images have nothing to do with the game. Try Neuromancer aesthetic or just Neuromancer, it should wield some pre-game artwork for the genre.


oh wait, this made me realize I was thinking of steampunk not cyberpunk. I'm just a moron.


Last night I saw a big worm that as soon as it saw me retracted in to the bricks by the path. It was a few inches long and looked like a tentacle. Google tells me it be a kind of lizard called the slowworm, it was freaky seeing it in the dark by torchlight.


are we really just calling reptiles worms now


There's apparently a few species of legless reptiles that resemble snakes but aren't "true snakes" and they sort of resemble worms because they have very small eyes, but aren't really worms either. It's actually pretty dumb in a way like when people refer to a fungal infection as "ringworm" and people refer to parasites such as tapeworms and pinworms as "worms" but aren't particularly related to what most people might think are "true worms" like earthworms (which I don't think are parasitic in any way).

Or like how all bugs are insects but not all insects are bugs. And spiders, scorpions, millipedes, centipedes, etc. aren't insects either.


Interesting syncrosinkitty. Yesterday nigh I saw a mouse that had been defeated by a neko. I though his guts were everythwere by when I went to touch, all his entrails got shuped up in to the earth. They were worms!!!


Hallucinations are doing it again. Trying to get me to feel all nostalgic for moments from earlier this year or last when I was still taking Adderall. Admittedly–some of these memories are sorta' neat, I mean, because they're memories of me doing things that I don't normally have the energy to do like walking around the Hollywood area at around 2 or 3 AM before walking into some random, super-fancy-looking apartment building or hotel to ask them if I can use their restroom and actually being allowed in. Then I'd be walking all the way up Griffith park to the observatory right around the time the Sun is rising and be surprised that there's already people walking around even when it is too early for the observatory to open.


Day 10 I think of chinkflu. Muscle pain is gone, throat almost back to normal, fever gone. All I'm left with is minor disorientation and loss of balance and intermittent chest fluttering sensation. Although i may be getting some hypoglycemia, I'm not really hungry at all, I've been forcing myself to eat lately.


finally 1 week of nofap. Feel this energy i used to have when i was a kid.


First hour of No-Preteen-Halloween is complete. I don't know how much longer I can take without seeing some delicious flat chests!


Good job, wizard.


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Today feels like a middle school day. I used to use a lot of these Vicks nasal inhalers while playing StarCraft back in the day and now I have the scent in my nose. Probably an olfactory hallucination.


The Ass Gas has been absolutely rancid today. Must mean I'm getting stronger.


I'm actually a little jealous of MrBeast right now. Pretty much accomplished what I fantasized about when I was 18 years old. His idea was just to finish high school, skip college, and make money off of the internet. He was already making lodes emone before turning 19 simply by making Youtube videos where he counts to 100,000. He did this over 10 years after I first began to fantasize about making money this way.


same here I'm actually feeling less depressed from doing nofap and spending more time outside. I've been reading in the park like some old people do.


I'm doing the same stuff now coincidentally. Can confirm that it works. I saw one of my flatmates jogging in the park.


giving up porn was the best thing I did in my life. I can use all that time to read and boy oh boy I feel like massaging my brain when I read literature. It's so beautiful.



I've read posts like these from people doing literally dozens of different types of self improvement. When you get into a positive state of mind where you are resolved to improve yourself it makes you feel good. For most people this doesn't last that long though, maybe a month tops before your improvement just becomes routine and mundane. The trick is keeping the positive momentum going as long as possible. No fap doesn't provide any tangible gains beyond the good feelings so it seems like it would be the hardest to keep going.


So it's autosuggestion.
It's good to quit masturbating and you will eventually grow out of it anyway but the reactions seem so exagerated.
Then you get the guys making up bizarre mystical stuff and it gets straight up embarassing to read.
Tired debate, I know.


What a beautiful morning I feel so great.


I'm always surprised when I wake up. "I'm still here." is the first sentence that comes to mind. Then I sense my lungs being used to grab oxygen and release carbon dioxide. Then I remember the sun is doing the same thing but burning hydrogen and releasing helium instead.
"Wah" I think next. "It doesn't make any sense." "Not supposed to, and it doesn't." And then I spend the rest of the day waiting to fall asleep again.


today is the day in which females dress literally like succubi and do what succubi are known for. I was reminded of this during one of my morning walks, even as early they were already wearing those sick costumes.
for me, it's another day. i'm old and sick and never partook in those activities except when i wasnt fully developed, that is, as a child. but it was my parents who did it for me.


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did you make this? where's it from?


I'm European so maybe this is some American thing I don't get, but do young succubi there literally strip down to sexy, lacey lingerie and go to those parties like that? Even if they have a boyfriend or if they're known to be prudish? I just don't get normies.

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