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 No.309136[View All]

i present to you charming, morbidly obese eaters of factory food: latest deep vegan lore. this is a 40+ minute review of a new device vegans can buy for ~4000$.


it is a home appliance (slightly smaller then a dishwasher) that freeze dries your food inside a vacuum. you put fruits or vegetables on stainless steel trays, put them in the thing, the thing gets super cold plus creates a vacuum and then it gets heated gently. this then runs for 30 hours or longer and that way the water gently leaves the stuff without being liquid because in cold vacuums the frozen water changes into a gas.

they say it can make stuff last for 25 years in a sealed jar and apparently the astronauts eat like that.

very hard working vegans would bother to dehydrate their food to conserve it but apparently that way lots of nutrients get lost because it oxidizes the whole time.

oh also vacuum blending is a thing. makes me wonder about vacuum juicers…
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projection. i'm a carnivore and not only do i crack ass daily, i do so proudly and loudly


Doubt you are on carnivore. If you are eating spices of any kind, dairy of any kind, or really any plan material, you are not on carnivore. but realistically you are just the weird vegan guy rping



>Neither of which cause digestive problems.

eggs are basically glue


>projection. i'm a carnivore and not only do i crack ass daily, i do so proudly and loudly

but what are you so proud of, your farts are weapons. if you fart in a bus, the people suffer and scrunge their faces in disgust.

when i fart in the bus, the people get hungry and want to go to the restaurant.


fun fact, if for weeks you only drink fresh squeezed watermelonjuice and eat nothing besides a few nibbles at the fresh watermelon pieces before you throw those in the juicer, after a few days you are pooped out of anything that was in your tunnel before and your poops turn bright pink. same color as the watermelonflesh. is quite the amusing spectacle to have a quick poop and realize that the sausage was pink! i should have seen it coming more but i remember being surprised about this the first time.

it was awesome, will do it again. i am suspicious of anyone who doesn't do stuff like that once in a while.


this thread belongs on /b/


>this thread belongs on /b/

did you even read it? maybe it is too deep for you…

there are people choosing to sustain themselves completely different from you and you have no idea why they do it and no way to tell if their way is better or not. you tried barking at it but so far it remains mysterious to you.

the possibility exists that you are already so committed and habituated into an unhealthy way of life that you could not even leave it for something better if you wanted to.


>actually attempting to pull a 2deep4u
This should really be all the evidence needed to throw this thread in the dum/b/ster


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i started to buy these edible chestnuts a few weeks ago, i wish they weren't so expensive but they are nice.

taste is like a mild potato. halfway between a potato and a nut. it's kind of fun to get them out of their shell after they have been in the oven, makes very pleasing crackle sounds.


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during the deep vegan study phases i first encountered the idea that the lymphatic system requires movement of the muscles in order to function. without it nothing is pumping the lymphatic fluid around and it stays in place. lore states that when a muscle is not moved the lymphatic system can not flow in that part of the body. lore further says some people have their entire system not flowing.

i wonder if the same is true for the brain. if certain parts of the brain are not used, do they also have a system of automatic degeneration electrically? maybe it is as simple as a battery that has been discharged too deeply and can no longer hold a charge. the reason i am wondering is because of course they found the lymphatic system in the brain so that's guaranteed to happen lymphatically.

i have so much energy from the raw fruits and vegetables, i am exercising a lot and i am still finding muscles. i'm not a child anymore i'm a grown man and in my body there were muscles i did not know exist for decades! i did not know were there and suddenly know how to use them. for example both my my little toes became quite strong. even though it has a tiny range, i am quite good at pointing my little toes at stuff now xD

maybe the same is true about the brain. there might be areas of my brain that i have but i never used simply because i never tried to find any unused abilities in my brain.

i guess not many wizards think or care about that though even though i'd think it would take a wizzard to find these hidden muscles and the potentially hidden brainparts in case they exist.


another schizo lifestyle thread


Another "health and nutrition is just a conspiracy theory" fat female post


Veganism is not health, it is the antithesis of it.


Vegans are mentally ill narcissists.


It is just the non-aggression principle, don't attack those who haven't attacked you 1st


Veganism might be too much but I'm confident we have way too much protein in our daily diet in this day and age. It wouldn't hurt to cut some of it. In fact I'm sure most people could just eat less in general and they would be better for it.


truwizards go vegan
>nooooo you'll starve to death


Plants have not attacked me


Self harm and fanatism is not wizardly, in fact its anathema to wizardhood.


dead animals also tend not to attack people


Fugu fish kills several people a year in Japan in its dead form.

There are also lots of mushrooms that kill people. Mushrooms are hostile.


new deep vegan news: i fasted myself down to being underweight (BMI was ~17.5) and in the summer of 2022 i stopped. i looked like the typical starving vegan that fat people picture in their head. i lost so much weight that my eyes hurt because my face was collapsing and skin was pushing on my eyeballs. felt like my eyeballs were wearing heavy backpacks!

now in early 2024 i am at bmi 23. i did not even realized i gained this much weight because my belly isn't fat. i was surprised to find that it is all muscles. i'd say 70% leg muscles and 30% upper body muscles.

here is what i have been eating mostly since being underweight:
-fruit (apples, bananas, grapes, tomato)
-vegetables (cucumber, bell pepper, cabbage, onion, garlic, potato, sweet potato)
-grainy stuff (lentils, rice, spelt and millet)
-nuts (hazelnut, cashew, walnut, chestnut)
-fatty stuff (coconut milk, peanut butter, sesame paste, avocado)
-bread only once in a while
-vegan chocolate once i a while
-potato chips maybe once a month

other then that not really much of anything. pretty happy with the diet. of course any amount of bread and chips is too much but it was not that much.

must be very confusing to a typical mass formation victim to look at what i eat and hear that i have not only gained weight with that (i keep hearing them obediently repeating their malnutrition mantras) but i have actually gained significant muscle. normal people believe protein is necessary to build muscles, yet i have ingested hardly any, no animal products for ~8 years now and i eat tofu like twice in a year. then how did i build the muscles? they don't know and they can't make sense of it.

is interesting to have strong muscles in the leg, i never had this when i was younger. best way i can describe it is that i have very strong suspension in my legs now. feels like walking on clouds. the muscles are not big but they work excellently for my lifestyle. i probably can't use them to push weights in a gym but they give me the endurance to move all day every day. i just don't get tired. i can't tire myself out, there is always more energy. movement is very effortless right now. when i sprint, i can sprint way more forceful now because my legs with those strong suspensions can much better handle the higher impact of more brutal leg movement. i use them differently too. i can make new rotational movements with my legs and i can stand up from chairs at a speed that would worry most people. my leg movements are all elegantly flowing, connected into each other in a way that wastes less energy and make me move faster. if i knew this was possible for a human, i would have wanted to have it when i was young.


>he thinks he's gaining muscle by eating potato chips and bread




as i said, normie you can't make sense of it. you are not programmed to understand this and it is outside of normal orthodoxy.

you're like a muslim experiencing something allah has not prepared you for.


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achshually bread can be up to 15% protein by weight. The Romans dominated the world eating nothing but flatbread and porridge.


Vegans are deluded man, nothing beats animal based food in terms of nutrient density and bioavailability. Anon would be better off with just eggs and beef. No seed oils, carbs, processed junk, etc.


>"Roman soldiers ate meat, and lots of it. Elite triarii units composed of the most physically capable men would get triple meat rations. Salted meats were parts of their rations, along with hardtack, wine, and vinegar. Hardtack was a form of disc bread made from flour, water and salt. Roman soldiers referred to hardtack as “sheet iron crackers” or “tooth duller” because it was so hard.
Jason Halliday, "A companion to the Roman Army" UCL


>nothing beats animal based food in terms of nutrient density

but why would that ever matter in an affluent industrial culture with supply chains? it doesn't. you act like life is tetris. nutrient density. what a bunch of horseshit. WAITER I CAN NOT EAT THIS FOOD, IT IS NOT NUTRIENT DENSE ENOUGH. bitch press your food into pills then! can't you just eat more of the less dense food? of course. do you really eat less of this dense food while you are still hungry? because that is what it would mean to understand the density. but most don't. they eat their garbage animal food not until they are no longer hungry but they eat so much of it that they get fat and nasty. and they drink alcohol because their doctor told them it is ok.

you sound like you listen to music based on which songs can be most densely packed into a .zip file.

you probably wear a labcoat and work hard to make the food even denser. maybe you heat it to drive all the moisture out and then you vacuum it to get all the air out and then you put the vacuum bag into a hydraulic press to pack it as densely as possible and then when you take one bite from it, you instantly get dry mouth from it as it draws what little moisture is in your head like a sponge. thank god for your important work on the reputable scientific field of nutrientdensitymaximization.


protein is not bioavailable, it has to be broken into the stuff your body actually is trying to get. i just eat the stuff you have to break the protein into directly; while suffering from none of the drawbacks you are subject to like disgusting body odour and being on your last nerve constantly because your food does not contain enough electricity to recharge your nervous system (which is electrical, much like your brain).

my body can instantly use the stuff you have to refine from protein. basically you use an emulator while i am on original hardware. while i can use my actual capacity, you have to use a virtual machine and waste your capacity. and while the food in your nasty bowels is still fermenting and putrefying (yeah. look at putrefaction, what a ridiculous process it is that you expect your body to badly emulate) i just draw out the energy, poop often and insult your boss on the internet, making sure to mention the overwhelming lack of dignity.

no man you don't get it and you are playing a different game. misguided. you volunteer to play a game i consider punishment. you must have been a bad person.


Is this what happened to the monkmode guy? I've heard Vegan muscle gain is a very difficult process


hey bros


Freeze dried food is gross, even if it maintained the same nutrition it wouldn’t be worth it. Vegetables are best enjoyed straight out of the ground, that is the only vegan diet I can respect.


>I've heard Vegan muscle gain is a very difficult process

when you say muscle gain you probably mean bodybuilding. having muscles that look big but don't necessarily perform the best in real world physical activity. doesn't look too difficult to me. check the youtuber called simnet nutrition. the dude eats lots of tofu and vegan protein powder but he also eats plenty from the more sensible and useful side of veganism. berries, smoothies, raw fruits and vegetables. i learned how to make nice sauces from the dude and the sauces revolutionized my salad game. (i make them raw cabbage meals with a sauce made from sesame paste, herbs, spices, tons of tomato and fresh grapefruit juice. when i eat them while i am active, i shit like a rhino. ridiculously gigantic fiberous shits, which is a very funny contrast when i am used to having these thin, frequent fruit shits that are barely wider then toothpaste coming out of the tube.)

myself i like them allday muscles. i just use my muscles all day and they do get a bit bigger and pronounced but what i like about my muscles is that i can not exhaust them. i don't do 3 sets of 10 reps as hard as i can and then rest for days, i do hours and hours of activity. running, skating, dancing mostly. i can go all day every day. my muscles are for actual usage, for mastery of movement. i don't need my muscles to lift heavy, they are like springs, they allow me to keep movement going with very little loss of speed.

also everything that has a lot of muscles ha the ability to be kind of a sensory organ. my feet (no matter if they walk or balance on something that rolls) with the right shoes become like an additional sense because through their counterbalancing of groundimperfections they create a map. is a map of grouninformation that tells me the probability of how slippery it is, which in term tells me the road grip which in term tells me how reckless i can drive. on a perfectly smooth, even, dry, dustfree, warm surface some shit can happen that makes a normie who does not have feet that collect ground information scratch his head and question his sanity.


>Freeze dried food is gross, even if it maintained the same nutrition it wouldn’t be worth it. Vegetables are best enjoyed straight out of the ground, that is the only vegan diet I can respect.

i don't remember ever having any. the freeze drying is a meme reserved for those who have so much free electricity from solar panels that they don't know what to do with it and look for creative ways to stock a more healthy survival bunker.

obviously the fresh produce is the best. freezedry a cucumber or a watermelon would be so pointless. also it disrespects how precious the plantjuices are. the water from a cucumber is so much better then drinking just water from the tap. same with watermelon. the lack of shelfstability of the produce is precisely what makes it so valuable and alive.

HAVE YOU EVEN DRANK HALF A LITER OF FRESH WATERMELON JUICE ON AN EMPTY STOMMACH? it is a feeling to the body like when a desert finally gets that rain that it has been waiting for.

######dramatic depiction of the feeling of watermelon##########

this is how dramatic i imagine it to be in the body when half a liter of fresh watermelonjuice arrives in the stommach. BITCHES THIS IS NOT A DRILl I REPEAT THIS IS NOT A DRILL. ALL MEN ON DECK WE JUST RECEIVED A SHIPPMENT OF THE GOOD STUFF. NO TIME TO WASTE THIS STUFF IS VOLATILE.

>we can't use it though because there is still pizza in the bowels.


>but it is not digested yet, we went through all the trouble of…


>yeah you're right, that's probably better. who knows when we ever get stuff that good ever again given how the idiot chooses his food…. commencing poop out!

and then suddenly all systems that have laid dormant turn on again!


every time i have some when i have not had any in a long time, i have to lean on something for a 1-3 minutes and breathe heavy because it feels so overwhelming. this is slightly uncomfortable but it passes when i remember to just breathe harder. i can not encounter something so strong as the watermelon with weakbreath, i have to switch into strongbreath. not doing this would be disrespectful towards optimal human fuel.

oh and i don't just drink half a liter, i monofast on it. like 6-8 liters throughout a day. i drink nothing else. i eat nothing else except for maybe a few bites of watermelonheart because it is soo good, juicing the best part would be blasphemous. i've done this for 3 days, i've done this for a week, i've done this for 3 weeks, i've done it for a month, i've done longer fruit fasted but i think my longest monojuicefast was a month of watermelon juice.

it is quite the overlooked experience. you see me writing these textwalls like it was nothing but currently i am at ~10% of what i feel like during monojuicefast. it is just infinite energy. it is so overwhelming. it is like winning the lottery and having no idea how to use the money. it is like having a day that is 48 hours long but since i have been living on 24 hour days, my habits and lack of experience leave me to be very clumsy with handling the power. makes me feel like an idiot having so much power and being so inept at investing it in my life and solve problems and shiet. oh and god damn how disgustingly greedy the people around behave. they can feel something is up but they can not make sense of it, they just want to be near it.



the empty exclamation marks are a sobering reminder of how little energy you have. they represent what you would have written had you made better choices and subsequently would have been able to wield more energy.

your imageboardgame is weak and not to poop only on you, wizards in my threads have done a poor job defending their way of life in the face of mine. seems like you can not even turn around as fast as i can run around you. when i post here i feel like i post in an oldfolks home. to me you seem demented.

you are probably sweating and breathing hard from having to exert energy to write your oneline shitpost. when you poop, it probably feels like running a marathon and you are tired and exhausted after.


Reddit Spaceman dishing out ice cold facts


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you know when someone in the movie is injured badly and wants to say some irrelevant shit and then the other person gently places the finger on the injuree's lips and says "shhh conserve your energy"? that's how i imagine your entire life. you trying to say some shit to me that has been said millions of times before by equally generic people and i just think you should not waste your breath and bother repeating something that someone else said to you that you don't really mean.

you are like a phone that is down to five percent and then you plug the cable in and bring it right back up to ten percent.


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Well you stopped Redditspacing for this one post so I must have gotten through to you.



i don't know what that is but i've heard equally trivial people say it so it is probably meaningless.

i do know what the theater of acting amused means though. that means you've made the mistake of comparing yourself to me and now you feel small and the ego-repair mechanism inside you came up with nothing better then accusing me of the thing you experienced. like a soldier in bootcamp you must have allowed your creativity to be ripped right out of your body.


>jumping two line to make a new paragraph


>jumping two line to make a new paragraph

what's wrong with that?





or are you just desperate to find reasons to have a conflict?


not the same anonymage. I just wanted to tell you what is the redditspacing


>not the same anonymage. I just wanted to tell you what is the redditspacing

thank you for being so generous with your time. you could have done anything in the world with the valuable few seconds yet you chose to explain something to me.

having said that, i guess the thing i wanted to know is this: why is reddit spacing?

frankly i believe what yall non-player-characters would call non-reddit spacing is retarded because it is inconsiderate of the reader and also of the translation of thought into text. i guess there are a lot of people trapped in habit, too busy to realize that digital text has transcended many of the limitations of analog text. and there is no reason to carry them into the future when strictly better forms of expression are available.


dense people start dancing when i write the densetext. nutrientdense food and information-dense text, NO SPACING ALLOWED ERRBODY KNOWS SPACING IN TEXT IS A MENTAL DISORDER!


>Someone dares to say something negative about my post? Must mean they're #TRIGGERED and #OBSESSED



what is wrong with leaving space in text?


Context dependent but it's something that marks outsiders from redzit because they do it to make their post look bigger to get more attention or something.

It can also being annoying when gaps make no sense and make the post harder to read instead of easier.
Lastly phone posters do it a lot because proof reading on a phone without the gaps is difficult.


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second time i am utterly speechless by the low quality of reasoning displayed here. there is nothing in that post i consider valid. just drama, just another act in the theater for me to disregard and twist my face in befuddlement and disgust.

i can appreciate you took the time to write it out though.

space can emphasize distance between thoughts. when i go on a tangent and believe something is worth mentioning that is completely different then the previous sentence, i give it space because that's like a new topic. for posts that are thousands of words long that is way better for the reader to get an idea of what the words where meant to point towards. when you eat a sandwich, you bite of pieces of it and chew it, don't you? you don't swallow the whole sandwich, you divide it in manageable pieces. that's better in eating and in writing.

also sometimes linebreaks can be unlucky, that means you can write something and when you just hit enter once then depending on windowsize and fontsize, the linebreak might be near the end of the line and then pushes the following line where the word wrap would have put the next word automatically. that means only a fool who doesn't understand that his linebreak can be hidden would hit the enter just once. and every of these fools uses the term reddit-space…

it also helps to keep an overview when you change the window to another monitor

yall furries pretend that getting a wall of text with thousands of characters is better then a nicely laid-out text with paragraphs of different sizes.

i bet if someone would come here and answer you a long post and was nice enough to invent a table of content in the beginning so you ungrateful smelly hobos can navigate the text better, you'd still complain.

if complaining made the world better, this world would be paradise. here have this rare meme of the conformist chip cookie, disgraceful bunch of conformists too busy questioning your bad habits.


I ain't reading your bullshit rant, nor do I care.



caring to inform me that you do not care is still a form of caring. while i appreciated that you've bothered to reveal what little consideration you put into your words, i've seen the way you think and communicate and your face-saving theater isn't fooling anyone.

have i known you would turn out to be such a disappointment, i would not have responded to someone as dull as you.


Now that picture brings me way back.


>Now that picture brings me way back.

this is a rare meme i found 2008, i consider it years ahead of it's time.

memes have been getting way better in the last years and compared to the best current memes the old ones have trouble holding up, however this one is still up there for me.

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