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 No.310890[View All]

Why are many here are certified /pol/tards ?
I do not Care About politics, I could never effect or change anything in my own country's politics, but I am wonderibg what makes many social outcasts, perma virgins, and Hikis attracted to that board's ideaolgy
67 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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>This imageboard has been relatively free from that filth and I hope it remains that way.
That is absolutely not the case, and never has been. These "/pol/" opinions have been sanctioned as OK to have and share since the Wizardchan 1.0 days. It's only when they're used to derail a thread that they get removed all the same as any other rule 5 derailment would. That's rarely the case though, because they're often posted in response to someone on the left posting their leftlike opinions. I mean, if someone is blatantly acting like a communist or a nigger, then letting them know that isn't derailment, especially if other on-topic opinions are present in the accusatory post. Naziposting is usually done in response to people like yourself shouting "/pol/!!!" at every sight of someone using a forbidden word or reinding people that Idians shit in the street and therefore can not be trusted to fly a spacecraft. And cases where it is being spammed without provocation is usually in /b/, so why care?

You're not angry that people are fighting or exchanging harsh words - no, your type feeds off of drama and infighting- but rather you're angry that they're sometimes using words that you yourself have been raised to believe to be off-limits. Every imageboard has banter. If someone uses a word that you can't personally stand, banning that word and the guys who use it would inevitably create the echo chamber that I'm accusing you of propagating. You have just as much power to make posts disproving or disagreeing with their ebil racism. Use your keyboard to stand up for hat you believe in instead of begging the mods to artificially shape the site's landscape to accommodate your religious hatred of certain words and ideas. Oh, but that's right! Every time you do, more people came to defend whichever Trump-voting, nofapping, drug-hating /pol/friend you're entertaining with your bleeding heart calls for authoritarian crackdowns on bad words. Because the site is majority those very types. Always has been.

>The edgy faggots who post nazi shit all over the place

Again, these sentiments aren't at all exclusive to /pol/ and are as widespread among imageboards as anime. Assume everyone is a national socialist, esoteric Hitlerist, or Touhou fan until they explicitly state that they are not.

Pic related.


Contrarian rhetoric detected.


What he wrote was 100% factual


To be contrarian isn't about being right or wrong, it's about being the opposition. His argument of the value of something as blatantly retarded as racism is "the normies do the opposite".
I'm sorry but that's fucking stupid. You can write "100% factual" posts for cannibalism and never showering as well with this method.


being racist is also a normalfag activity


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I was responding to someone saying that people with "racist" views are normalfags trying to fit in, that is (very) obviously not the case.

It's the quickest way to find yourself ostracized outside of a few niche communities, you have just about the entire internet, including the largest platforms, to be a clown-world approved faggot in.


Being racist is basically being a bully, and bullies are normalfags.


Literally everything besides 'staying celibate' is a normalfag activity. You say this while every school, company, public servant, fundraiser, investor, and grandma incorporates "racism bad" in everything they say or do. If racism was for normalfags, normalfags wouldn't deplatform and blacklist anyone who dared to make a racial joke on their Facebook 10 years ago. But here we are.

Most of us are racist because we've seen and lived through decades of evidence that Negroes, Semites, and Mulattoes are violent and always quick to punch down. Our hatred goes deeper than the color of someone's skin, and most people will be glad to explain the reasoning for their hatred which usually extends in to histories, current cultural practices, and how that particular race has committed atrocities against others. To suggest such a superficially simplistic reasoning for racists' values is a juvenile strawman.


The white race has committed more atrocities than any other group in history, yet I don't hate all white people just because of the color of their skin. I'm an individualist, I only judge people by their character. I hate normalfags of all colors and empathize with wizards and other people in similar positions. I'm not white, but I have more in common with a white wizard, than with normalfags of my own race.


>The white race has committed more atrocities than any other group in history


>The white race has committed more atrocities than any other group in history
Did you not learn any history of the world outside of Europe?
Like if a European wasn't there did it just not happen to you?

How can someone be so absurdly ignorant of the vast majority of world history? Like did you hit your head. Did you fail history class?
Have you never read a history book?
I don't understand how someone could say something so absurdly stupid. That is beyond wrong. That is pants on the head retarded.


I am white and I agree with you, two world wars caused by whites


you'd have to be willfully ignorant or have cognitive blinders not to engage with that sphere at this point. You stupid communist kids are living in artificial bubbles of controlled information


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Yeah moishe-nathniel I totally agree.

*rubs hands*

>The white race has committed more atrocities than any other group in history



That's because of numbers. In terms of crime percentage it has no use to put white race as the worst to live with

they ignore data on purpose, as lefties do for an habit


it become a must be after 2016 4chan


Teh! Teh colonizars! They coloniz'd muh cuntrey! and.. and gave me electricity.? and… knowledge? wut… they're still evil doe..


spaniard kikes(sephardic jews) decimated and racemixxed with amerindians ruining a once based empire and continent and then lost their colony which didn't even last for 3 centuries.
Now look at Spain's population, they are all left leaning radical feminists with moor blood and without any fucking gold because their gold reserves was given to the bolshevisk, all that conquest for naught.

I have more respect for the Incas and amerindian people than any racemixxing spaniard nigger. Their so called civilization has proven to be a downgrade and they committed the worst crime of all, racemixxing. Spaniard colonizers are no better than niggers.

I don't have to call them evil like the other poster, they are simply animals and dysgenic, no different from white chicks who breed with niggers or white men who marry asians and produce a hapa offspring.


>idiots spamming the word "nigger" everywhere
bro, if you do not spam "nigger" everywhere, how should we distingues YOU from chatGPT and being a human?
only NPC/normalfags do not use the word nigger in theire post. cause they must be political correct. LOL, u are such a faggot.

the political stuff is everywhere, cause litteraly if you WALK on the funking street in any white country, you will see a massive fucking problem. and that is called "[sand/beaner] nigger fatigue" and people are just frustrated and need to vent to function normal. if you are none white, you simple can not understand nigger fatigue, also white LGBT+ social warriors trash can not do that also.

like, >>312563 walking the street in wester society as a person of western society and seeing forced shit and. Like, me just walking on the street, is horrible, cause i need to like pass people that literaly are invading and just fuck shit up and they are not nice to me, like from somalia and they like legit hate me. and like i do not even live in a no-go zone.

like shitskin do not understand how it is to have you hole culture errased infront of you and u can not do shit. ok… maybe indians and aboriginals, and some other people.

like the concept of "white race" is litteraly stupid. using the term "white race" is racist in my opinion. usa was a mistake.

>I hate normalfags of all colors and empathize with wizards and other people in similar positions

i agree with this 100%, but like. people should stay in there countrys. like i know US is a mutt land, and that can not be applied to that shithole over there,


poltard are a endangered species, like after 8kun died. most "true hard belivers" in 2019 became normalfag and fullchan has been a race to the bottom with more and more trannys, communist, shitskin, shills, jews, normal fags, etc. people every year. todays pol is legit, unusable. like fuck that shit. only like happening threads, vax threads, competent crisis threads/boeing threads currently, webm lol threads are worth looking into. no pizzagate thread any more. everything is just a pile of shit over there. every one went to discord or became nfag or some shit.

nah, i would say pol tar began in 2014. as that is when nigger fatigue hit the street in western countrys when you were walking the streets.
also, a lot of the reason why pol become so poular was because stormfront, unironically was shilling on /pol/. so if you maybe, go into stormfront archive and see when they talk about 4chan, you can connect the dot when they begun shilling on 4chan.
but the reall reason, is because "nigger fatigue", LITTERALLY western countrys demografic changed dramatically in the year 2010 and afte wards, and that is simply the reason for pol becomeing popular. a outlet to talk about stuff you see everyday.

and pol is right now dying. cause in all western countrys, all teen people are majority none-white, and it is teen people that populate imageboards, so pol will probebly die in 20 years completly.
i post on /int/ general for my country. in the 10s (like 5 years ago), all people who posted there, teens young adults, even trannys, were anti-imigration.
today i post, and like 40% of the general are 3rd worlders. and they are legit posting anti-native post 24/7. like /pol/ will be rembered as a phase on 4chan between the 10s and 20s. and then never reappeared, cause stormfron shilling and teen demografic changed in white countrys.
10s and 20s == teen and young adult white, and about to be replaced by 3rd worlders
30s and onwards == most teen and young adult people, in "white countrys" will be 3rd wolders. and they will use 4chan
thus pol is allready a dying trend. still conservetive opinions, will rise, cause all the 3rd wolders will be sharia and shit or christian cucks, so that part will not end.


conspiracy stuff. Stop messing against those who provide us entertainment and knowledge


Wizardry attracts misfits. Always has in one form or another. Not to mention the default ideology in the west is feminist liberalism which is at odds with maleness in general.


all politics is of society
i am outside of society


wizardchan was one of the first victims of SJW expansion with that Depression Quest shit, naturally the inclination would be on the opposite direction.


if I had to guess it's high IQ that both distances you from society and allows you to recognize patterns.


That's a very slippery slope. Yes, people who are several standard deviations in IQ above the masses do end up secluded like Nikola Tesla.

But most secluded people are not high IQ. Many are actual mouthbreathers (under 80) who are very easily manipulated by far-right sociopaths who tell them what they want to hear.


same answer to why there are /a/anon weeaboo faggots like yourself on this forum


Glad /pol/ exists, really. It kills the menace of tranny freaks and retards, and actively works to foil the venomous blight they scatter to every community and every creation in their wake. Increasingly they die, and slowly the games I play, the forums I visit, free themselves of their poison and satanic distortion.

Perhaps, by some grace, even the apologists earlier in the thread are now also dead.


May you be graced.


/Pol/ is full of retarded too, retarded from the right, instead of being retarded from the Left, retarded that believe in raw milks is good or vaxx kill, motherfucker so up in their own mind


this,either lefties or righties, most of them are dumb dumb


I'm glad this view is common on wizchan.

Anywhere else on the internet, US posters who are otherwise seemingly rational, turn into rabid vitriolic animals when it comes to any kind of politics.

It turns into pointless ad hominem attacks and schizophrenic theories within seconds, and after that the thread is nuclear waste already.

And that goes for both libs and cons. Zero difference in their rhetoric.

Funny how "primitive" people in the 1700s and 1800s were much more capable of discussing politics, even with people who have opposing views.


Probably astroturfer bots


Also a ton of disingenuous trolls with literally nothing better to do.
Makes having a decent conversation about most topics impossible online.


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It's a stupid place owing to the psychosis so richly permeating each and every thread, the push of ideological insanity, fictitious or otherwise, by the refuse of the world, and the congregation of propagandists and agents, consorts, consummates of the devil himself. On account of all these actors, otherwise in the real world never once seeing each other, added to this the incongruent worldviews of citizens of several nations everywhere, you get a fine result: delusion and madness proper. It's a Babylon nightmare factory producing delusions.

Delusion so powerful so as to transform a black teenager into a white nationalist who denounces his entire race, attempts to fight God, destroy his genitalia, distort the reality, eradicate his gender, and try to shoot his school.
Or take a normal religious man and shatter every his belief by endless arguments surrounding history so archaic and esoteric that you wonder how anyone their even knows what the fuck this stuff is. Seriously, have you ever gone into any of their religious threads properly? connectives you otherwise might never have thought of form literally the foundation for which all discussions thence are taken. It's absurd!

Anyway, I think people really underestimate their susceptibility to language, what should be recognized as an ontological tool for which reality attempts to present itself, and underestimate how easily subconsciously controlled their brains can be. /pol/ doesn't do this. It's a place full of paid agents! I don't think anyone should visit it unless it's proven they can carefully distinguish reality and fiction, to act in forthright concordance with the information divulged, otherwise you'll just get information overloaded schizophrenics who'll become school shooters or rabid madmen.

Well whatever. I don't browse it or any western place these days, except for wizchan, since I've increasingly become suspicious of that sphere of the world, in which everyone apparently is homosexual or wants to be a succubus. I can't even discuss anime without someone saying they want to fuck the characters, man or not, asshole, maybe even more so the men, they want to lick his shit, they want to be a succubus, they're angry and conflicted that they're not a succubus, they want more lesbians and faggotry, they hate normal romance between men and succubi, and characters being uplifted, hate all fantasy anime and endlessly scream that everything is a ripoff of Tolkien, or bash all Japanese media entirely!! It's not even possible to discuss the contents of a work without people trying to insert some joke or acting with irony and cynical mindesets! Why? I'm from Tajikistan and currently traveling. I always thought white people to be incredible, but I can't help now to instinctively suspect that they're instead brazenly homosexual these days! masturbating to futanari aberrations and arguing in their homes about it being straight! calling everything trans, gay, lesbian, black or what have you!


Touch grass


Shut the fuck up, you brainwashed moron.


Calm down champ, step outside for me


Surprisingly I think the Wizchan user base share many ideas and worldview of many /pol/ users, many here think that Hitler would save the white race or something, while I'm truth he wage a war against other Europeans and kill millions of his own people and other white people, and honestly be either extreme Left or Right, but are extremely retarded and don't hold a genuine accurate view of the world, only see things through the lens of ideology


Yeah those jews were trve europeans after all, we wuz vikings n shieet


Those wizzas are delusional, as if they wouldn't be considered Lebensunwertes Leben and Aktion T4'd or be sent off to Buchenwald.


Yeah, I remember that Nazi Germany had laws against people called "work-shy" and "vagabonds" AKA NEETs, so probably a great portion of those delusional nazi wizards would have their ass sent straight off to some concentration camp or be euthanized. Dude had a bad time with a nigger couple of times and jump the nazi bandwagon quickly, you can be against violent immigrants and black people without the need of becoming a full nazi.


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My life philosophy is a blend of Schopenhauer with max stirner. Im a pessimist and an anarchist.
Its obvious the nazis would send us to the camps, and the commies would send us to the gulag.

I could never be a capitalist cause im not rich, other wizzis might embrace it though.

there is also the spirituality option, but i suspect most of us hate god, kek


Schopenhauer, a man filthy rich in all manner material. A lover of song and dance. I see. I see.


Marx was from the higher aristocracy as well. Then again, most early communist figureheads were rich nobles with a conscience who decided to side with the working class.


"with a conscience who decided to side with the working class"

All their contrivance and machination, their 'politick' and scripture, were all nothing more than charade and cheer whose end target was to fatten their already pot sized bellies and pass time. That was the case then, and is still the case now. No one does anything for the working man besides the individual working man himself.

Now, on point of all aristocrat stock, only Kant matters. Everyone else, Schopenhauer most especial, took to filling up their halcyon days with writing once their poor share of entertainment rescinded in its value. Everything you see is a product of boredom, to repeat. A substitute to pass hours. Empty musing. All these men would be playing video games and reading scifi fantasy if today they existed, exercising their tremendous boredom into theorycrafting for Elden Ring. They wouldn't give a fuck.


A higher aristocrat is at the end no less a man whose belly is fatter and his head infinitely plagued by boredom comparative to his 'lesser', or rather 'lower' aristocrat compatriot. As down the poll we go, the smaller the bellies, the more in-reality the people become.


So you have no housing, no water, no money, no electricity, no gas, you live completely isolated self-sufficient and do not depend on other people, health system, infrastructure, digital services in any way? Hard to believe especially because you have the means to post here.


Schopenhauer and Marx are equivalent to a very wealthy NEET today.
But with so much more stimuli available today versus then, yes, they'd probably be immersed in travel, video games, drugs or just sleeping.

Would someone like them born today stand up for poor employees? Absolutely not.


>Would someone like them born today stand up for poor employees?
did they say something on poor people? if yes, then apply it nowdays

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