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 No.311920[View All]

Let's have a "official" NEET/Hikikomori thread on /lounge/.
If you're a NEET or a Hikikomori, feel free to post something you think is worth sharing.
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>wake up
>eat breakfest
>browse on internet
>stay on internet till 12 o'clock
>browse internet again
>browse internet again till 11-midnight
you can't beat this most boring life schedule


How do you think a wagie daily life is? The famous 4 hours life is a meme for a reason, a single wagie has like 4 hours per day of free time, even less if you're a married and have kids, truly the only downside of NEETdom is the lack of money, that it.


You are filth


it's been a while dince I stoped working, I can't remember what it is like to work and how lucky I am


A lot of people can't handle NEETdom because they're incapable of self-directed behavior and goals. They need an authority or other people to drag them into doing things, otherwise they just default to doing nothing.


yeah you're right, I'm those kind of people, I need someone to tell me what to do, if not I stay in laeiness mode


Agree, but I knew quiet a few, very few actually, NEETs that did programming for a hobby and got to a professional level, or NEETs that went to learn whole new language, but yeah, many NEETs will simply do nothing at all.


cleaner than you, pablo





what do you mean by this?


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I applied for an apartment, I hope he will accept my request.
Otherwise, other than that, I made a huge mistake. I told my psychiatrist that I didn't want to work. I should have lied to him. I'm afraid that she will force me to look for work or that my payment for disabled people will be stopped


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> …I should have lied to him. I'm afraid that she will force me to look for work…

I guess it doesn't matter but is it a man or a succubus? They seemed to have changed sex.


he, she's a succubus. my mistake


My stool is a mucus green/blue. All I had was one brisk blue soda today. The fuck.


Wrong thread,


>brisk blue soda

post picture of the soda pls, i used brave image search and i don't think it found what you were mentioning.


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does it taste good?


I enjoy it


truth, but getting a code job and doing something useful with the new language is truly nightmare mode as a NEET/hikikomori. I basically gave up on getting a code job as a way to get out neetdom since even people with college degrees are suffering and fighting for an unpaid internship. I mean, that's a strong reason to kill myself since I lost the bitcoin wagon in 2012 because no money, but had no money, so no complain, fair enough. However, the true regret is learning to code at 2014 and since then gathering energy to build a portfolio and get a job, then current day the hype is gone, billions learned to code, thousands got fired and now only college bachelors are getting a job. Anyway, I'm a scriptjunkie at best and the hardest part is getting motivation to get code stuff that get you a job like website systems and a portfolio, in fact, I don't know to code, only cope that for doing scripts and landing pages I could have a chance of getting job. I truly believe there are capable NEETs, but there social, no depression or got lucky to monetize their hobby


I learned to code and got qualifications but it is all meaningless if you cant socialize sufficiently, handle dealing with people regularly, and handle being a slave for an evil corporation that makes you work against everything you care about


In a small, quiet town nestled between rolling hills and a dense forest, lived Marcus, a man who was a contradiction to many. Although he identified as a NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training), he had a work ethic and self-discipline that would make many professionals envious. His life, centered around comfort and efficiency, was a carefully crafted balance of simplicity and strategy.

Marcus lived in a modest one-bedroom apartment in a government-subsidized housing complex. His days were meticulously planned to maximize comfort and minimize stress. He had learned how to live comfortably on welfare, understanding the system's intricacies and using them to his advantage. Though some might consider his lifestyle lazy or unproductive, Marcus approached his days with precision and intent.

Each morning, Marcus woke up at exactly 7:30 a.m., his alarm set to a gentle chime that didn't jolt him from sleep. He spent the first hour of the day in a routine that was as predictable as it was soothing. A quick shower, followed by a simple breakfast of oatmeal and fruit, set the tone for the day. He would then meditate for 20 minutes, clearing his mind and focusing on the day ahead.

With his basic needs met, Marcus turned his attention to his passion: building and maintaining a digital world in a popular online game. Though it seemed like a mere hobby, Marcus treated it like a job. He logged in at 9:00 a.m. sharp, managing his virtual realm with the precision of a seasoned manager. His efficiency in-game was unparalleled, earning him a reputation among his fellow players as someone who could be relied upon to get things done.

By noon, Marcus took a break to prepare lunch, always a nutritious and straightforward meal. He had mastered the art of cooking with minimal effort, often batch-cooking meals to save time and energy. This allowed him to spend more time on his hobbies without worrying about his next meal.

The afternoons were Marcus's "free time." He used it to read, watch documentaries, or explore his neighborhood's lush parks and trails. Despite his reclusive lifestyle, he valued his health and made sure to exercise daily. His favorite activity was hiking through the forest, where he would often find inspiration for his virtual creations.

In the evenings, Marcus would wind down with a light dinner and a few hours of gaming or reading. His apartment was always tidy, a result of his strict cleaning schedule. He believed that a clutter-free space contributed to a clutter-free mind, allowing him to focus on the things he enjoyed without unnecessary distractions.

Marcus's approach to life was unconventional but highly effective. He managed to live comfortably on welfare, not out of laziness or lack of ambition, but because he valued simplicity and efficiency. His high self-discipline allowed him to create a life that was both fulfilling and relaxing, proving that even those living on the margins of society could find contentment and purpose in their own unique way.


Gonna get blood work done tomorrow. Little nervous about it.


do you fear the syringe?


They don't work on the blood while it's inside you. They take it out through a small painless hole and then do the work somewhere else. No surgery at all.


More nervous about what they're gonna find. Only reason I'm getting blood work done is because I was an idiot and told my psychiatrist about all these medical fears I have. Now they want me to get blood work done to make sure the issue is mental and not an actual issue.


do you take drugs?


Only prescribed ones, nothing illegal.


So drug that were probably illegal 2-3 years ago but were found to be profitable so they sell them as a prescription now?


Yeah, sure.


I wonder who the oldest NEET here is, probably me since I'm in my 30s.


Jean-Jacques Rousseau said "Rich or poor, powerful or weak, every idle citizen is a knave"
if he was alice today, he would go on a rampage against us, NEETs/Hikikomori…are we parasite of society?


I'm also in my 30s


I'm 26, I'm an apprentice


35 here. I'm probably one of the oldest wizard NEETs here. 40 yo NEETs are rare, mostly because they probably neck themselves before they reach that age.


I hope I don't. I'm disabled so I don't really have a choice but to be a NEET.


>Section 8
>Food stamps
This is all a wizNEET requires to live his best life. Honestly I gave up on finding a job. There's simply no work out there for someone like me.


- Saltiness
- Ore wa mada honki dashitenai dake
- 34-sai Mushoku-san (partial credit)


Hi, I actively sought out this life and threw away my chance at something more normal. I am both substance abuse and mental anguish free. Nor am I rich. The secret is genuinely environment. I recognized my environment was ideal. I live in a quiet neighborhood and have quiet family members. This way, even with getting your basic bux that only cover bills and food, you don't lack. It is the privacy and the respect that is missing from the common NEET.
Living at home near 24/7 means the comfort level of your home becomes far more important than anything else in life. It is only when the home is inendurable that it becomes hard to be NEET. So before you need to learn to live with yourself, you must learn to live with your home. And that is sadly not possible in most places on this earth. That is why people are restless, yapping about purpose and goals and activities and self-improvement as a secondary cope. Their home is like a den of ants where laying about inside causes a tremendous itch and discomfort. It is hard to imagine from this position how one could be fine experiencing so little.
This is partially bragging due to how grateful I am for this, but also to elucidate the hierarchy of comforts.
Environment comes before self. A good environment will naturally inform a healthier self. Rather than an uphill battle full of discipline and struggle, it is a gentle growth born from nothing. Thus if you can put your efforts towards either self or environment, pick environment first every time. Environment covers everything from your immediate living space, to your street, to the local culture and people you interact with however brief in the day to day.


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society deserves to be parasited. we cannot set our own bussiness nor selfsubsistant farms without getting taxraped, all because of the welfare they defend where elite thieves take 90 dollars to cure a 30 dollar issue while hiding and forbiding a 5 dollars remedy for it. We are all tied to MONEY and therefore to wagecuckery, to usury, to mandatory schooling which fucks us up, tied to miserable jobs, cities that act as behavioural sinks where madness grows, tied to deceitful medicine to get us sicker and sicker and tied by restrictions on science and software that could profit the entire mankind instead of leaving them in the hands of the already privilged. the system is so deeply cucked it has no sense to speak about any societal collapse: the shit is already an entire collapse at itself. The final failure of an experiment called humanity


wow thank you for this post. for a long time i tried to live a peaceful live in the ant hill but as you describe, it is nothing but constant discipline and struggle.

have been hoping to find a quiet place i can move to, but the gravity of this place i am still stuck at and it's problem seems overwhelming. like a machine that is designed to put stones in my path so i waste more and more days spinning in a circle.

hopefully i find a nice place where people have their own life and don't need me to complete it so i can have a life too.


thank you


I can't find available scans for- Ore wa mada honki dashitenai dake, do you have a link, please?


How much is your NEETbux? Can you survive on it?


970 disablebux. I live with my parents. no spending


Agreed, you expressed this very well


Anyone here trying for ssi/neetbux?




20 year old here. been a NEET after finishing Grade 12 (18 years old) I would like to do a redo on life but then again, I really hate my middle-highschool experience

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