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 No.311920[View All]

Let's have a "official" NEET/Hikikomori thread on /lounge/.
If you're a NEET or a Hikikomori, feel free to post something you think is worth sharing.
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MacOS since Catalina (2019) can no longer play 32-bit Windows games anymore via Wine/Proton. Wine said they'll eventually fix it but it's been 5 years now and there hasn't been any real progress on that front AFAIK, I'm guessing Valve is their main customer now so they're focusing on improving compatibility for Linux/SteamOS. So stay away from Macs if you want to play Windows games.


This was true in the past when they ran on intel. The 2024 processors are insanely fast. The benchmarks online don't lie


I forgot to mention, it requires a program called CrossOver. But you get 40-60fps on modern games so there is no drawback, considering it's literally just 600 bucks


Consider the entire downgrade in gaming performance with the translation with Rosetta. They seem like decent workstations that will handle a lot of shit running in the background with ease and a ton of simultaneous background processes, I'm just not so sure about how viable is it for gaming, and niche gaming, to this day.

It's likely okay though, it's not the M1 any longer.


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Sorry for The late Reply

- I go outside daily nowadays for physical activity (i think it counts as being a hiki as long you avoir social interaction like the snake)
- I just spend it all in front of the computer

- I really can't tell, but i Always had to buy grocerries for my mom every once in a while, so, it can't be anything so impressive, duh


ok thanks.


NEETs and Hikis, what lead you into your current lifestyle?


paranoid schizophrenia


i ain't writing your research project for you, tiffany.


There's no Tiffany here, schizo.


Real patriots wish that they could stay awake 24 hours a day spreading freedom.




I want peace not freedom


can there be peace without freedom?
if your fate lies in someone else's hands, can you ever be at peace?


Does a western hiki even truly exist for real?


there is if you don't believe it's a only japanese thing. beside that I don't know why it is a only japanese thing, what makes it only a japanese thing?!


>what makes it only a japanese thing
It's probably the sensationalist e-celeb-fueled view of Japanese society as being a super giga conformist hell. So, because of that, being a shut-in in Japanese society would be much different than being a shut-in in a supposedly more permissive western society, deserving a special word (hikikomori).
I wouldn't say that this is entirely false, but some people exaggerate it too much. I still wouldn't say that the word hikikomori can only be applied to Japanese people.


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to me it's becoming a lifestyle and soon a trend among normalfags (being a hikikomori will ne seen as cool in few years)


I've been losing weight and feeling a bit better about myself so I want to leave the house and go for a walk or something. But staying at home has become so core to my identity.
Every time my family introduces me to a medical person or social worker they say something like "he hasn't left the house in 15 years". It would be kind of awkward if I casually leave the house and now I'm just a guy with no job or education but still leave the house and enjoy the outdoors like a normal person.


can you play something you've learned?


Lmao, do you really think being a hiki shut in will become some trend among normies? Are you delusional?


>Never left the house for 15 years

Holy fanfic


why it will never be?


It already was a couple years ago, during the scamdemic.


Hecking reviving this thread, any good NEET above +30s?


Level 31 NEET here. I feel like a sage, having amassed wisdom over the years that most normies can only dream of.


Pardon my curiosity, as someone who needs to work to eat, on which income do you live to afford being a 31 NEET ?


What some insight and wisdom can you share?


How do you guys deal with the fear of homelessness? I live with my step-mom and she's getting old. I'm on disabilitybux for a small slew of mental issues but without her I can't pay rent and bills. I don't know what to do.


Ask a social worker to help you get housing.


Forced homelessness is a meme. There are so many social services and shelters and food banks and people willing to help that it's difficult to stay on the street UNLESS you want to because you need to get high and do whatever you want. Most homeless people are just severely mentally ill and cannot handle a routine normal life for whatever reason and they end up on the street because they prefer it. If you have even a little bit of motivation to get out of it, you will quickly find housing and some kind of employment, it's really a nothingburger in a first world country, something used to scare kids into studying for school and threaten NEET children when they get uppity.


Is it really that easy? I do have a nurse, maybe I can ask her.

I hope you're right anon. Homelessness keeps me up at night sometimes, I can't hold down a job for the life of me, trust me I've tried, so disabilitybux is all I have.


Third world homeless is no joke, is very dangerous, the only homeless anons I say here were from first world countries, never saw a third world homeless anon


That's because third world homeless have a life expectancy of 1 year and the only support program you get is being thrown into an overcrowded dirty hellhole prison if you make a fuss about it.


Not everyone lives in eu


I'm the wiz he's replying to, I live in the US so I guess what he is saying applies to me.


Yes. The people you see living in tent cities are addicts who don't want to kick their habit or mentally ill who don't want to stay in a mental ward.


That's a very normalfag opinion.


damn it must be good to be a neet in japan


>damn it must be good to be a neet in japan

FWIW, Tokyo at least, feels like it was designed for otaku/neets to live life free as possible from interaction e.g. there are vending machines inside food shops that give you tokens for menu items, basically older versions of the touch screen menus they have today.


damn it >:( being a neet in japan sounds like paradise. imagine all the manga and video games and internet and anime and good food you can consum! 😤


Got a job as a security guard expecting it to be comfy and didn't even lasted 2 days. It was at a funeral home. The hearse drivers were fucking assholes and I had to deal with people who went crazy because they had just lost a loved one. On top of that the funeral home was in a bad spot of town so I had to deal with the ocassional crackhead. Also the hours sucked ass, I had to work 8 hours one day and 12 the next day, 6 days a week at different hours. Definitely not the best job to get as a recovering NEET.


I want to get into japanese internet because there are lots of hikis. Any tips?


Honestly you got a bad deal, plenty of ex-neet tell that security guard is comfy as fuck, they do warned that that comfyness depends on your local where you gonna work, you got a bad local to work


It depends on the company, for some businesses it's a non-stop job.
Night security guard is probably the best one going.


japanese internet isn't funny anymore
if you wanna get into japanese bbs,
I recommend eddibb.cc and open2ch.net

5ch is almost dead due to admin's retardness
2chan.net is filled with oldman who do internet since 90s

most of 2ch-style bbs has shitty UI so you should use 2ch-dedicated browser(2ch専用ブラウザ)



ok thank you kind japanese wizard


many japanse websites ban non-japanese ip.
so japanese-ip vpn is required.
if website banned your vpn provider,try vpngate


ok thank you


>2chan.net is filled with oldman who do internet since 90s
how is that a bad thing?

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