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/v9k/ - Dead

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File: 1689396548503.png (1.15 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, ..png) ImgOps iqdb


Took a picture today
59 posts and 59 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Took a picture today


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Took a picture today


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Took a picture today


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Took a picture today


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Took a picture today

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V ス S
I ク U
R ー N
G ル D
I 水 A
N 着 Y
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yaaaay lynne, need to oaky her again


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File: 1680213012914.mp4 (2.45 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, _SzTkNPvfgtZcjSF.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

half of the men who replied to this thread are dead


God I hope so


im still here


I genuinely cannot even remember if I made this post back then


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he's returninghe's returninghe's returninghe's returninghe's returninghe's returninghe's returninghe's returninghe's returninghe's returninghe's returninghe's returninghe's returninghe's returninghe's returninghe's returninghe's returninghe's returninghe's returning
he's returning

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 No.2433[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I regularly report random posts from this board so the moderators get a little shock when they see it on their moderation queue.

After that initial "Hmm" moment they just think "It's this damn idiot again", but for a moment, I bring them joy.
122 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I made this thread.


I made this thread.


I made this thread.


I made this thread.


7 years and this nigga go AWOL
doesn’t feel like home! No mo!

[Last 50 Posts]

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 No.6186[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

ITT, post porn.
You can spam and dump and do whatever.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
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the hell you're talking about, that's not 3dpd, dude learn your lingo


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oh my god

[Last 50 Posts]

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I like you guys.
I'm drunk, yep.
But I like you guys.
Let's keep this place alive.
Just because.

There's nowhere else to go.

Everything is pointless, structurally, absolutely, scientifically.


Every day I don't want to wake up.


This place is slowly dying. It's sad but it's true.

I wish it was possible to keep things the way they were.

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He may have been an incel, but he is still technically one of us.
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I don't appreciate him, I hate him for his crimes.


I'm proud that I reported his threads and got him permabanned from Wizchan so we weren't associated with his crimes.


You did good, bud



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I know, or know of so many men who are nearing their 30s or even past and haven't had a serious relationship. Most of them just work and vidya and spend time with their extended family when obligated. They are all low PSL, some have potential and some don't, but its over for them mentally. I can't imagine these guys suddenly getting their mentality together and trying to date for the first time.
An acquaintance I know at church was telling me about the uncle of his wife who had killed himself recently. He dropped a brutal blackpill: "Yeah well he didn't have a wife or even really a career, he hadn't achieved much…" looking at his face and reading between the lines, I could tell he thought the suicide was neither a big surprise or a big loss.
Its over for many succubi too. I know a good amount of succubi who are unmarried at 35+, and they have a complex about it. Its over for both, but its more over for them tbh. Men can still get married at 35 or even 40 and have a normal family. For succubi, that is a near impossibility. And yet no one tells them this. Instead, they just don't talk about it, even though we all know its over.
In the past when young people got to a certain age without marrying they would be pushed to marry. Dates would be arranged, the parents would try to find a nice young man or young succubus for their son or daughter. They would fret and worry if their child reached even their mid twenties without a marriage prospect.
Nowadays what we do instead is just act like it isn't an issue and wait for the person to inevitably blow their own head off. Because everyone knows that missing out on this crucial part of life will eventually ruin a person. But our culture is so fucked that the standard procedure is to simply act like nothing is wrong.
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if only a volcel like me with my parents "trying to find a nice young man or young succubus for their son or daughter" could trade places with the crabs who want that


If you're a succ ofc, I'd argue it's much easier for a guy especially now in the west.

At least we're free from this shit.


-Resting in your burrow,
-Eating a huge meal then sleeping
-Unhinging your jaw like a snake and eating people whole

What else am I missing?


>An acquaintance I know at church
the fuck are you doing at church, are you a fucking retarded American?


intresting thread



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good one


Me cooking wizdinner



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So, many of you probably already know about the branch of science known as “evolutionary biology” and how it relates to this particular subject, I’ll just quickly recap before I lay out the details relating to the current year and gender relations.

succubi sexually evolved to exist in groups with high female/male ratios (in the sexual economy) and to be extremely sexually selective. succubi had to select for both genetic fitness for healthy offspring and to bare in mind the resource acquisition capabilities of the mate in question.

So they learned to associate resources with certain masculine genetic markers of health and fitness (hunter shaped eyes, strong jaw, full lips, healthy skin, high cheek bones, healthy hair etc.) because these were the men who naturally dominated our initial playing field of hunt and gather. So in our initial setting, the most capable masculine men were the most attractive and traits associated with men who displayed these capabilities were ingrained in the female psyche as markers of this fitness and resulting resources. This is why succubi have adopted what’s coined a “dual-mating strategy” in the milieu of civilization. Because intellectual abilities are what get the resources now, but those possessing those intellects don’t, on average, possess the attributes associated with genetic fitness and thus you get “alpha fucks, beta bucks” saying. Mate with the genetically fit men  “settle” down with the dorky guy and maybe he gets to spread his genes too.
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>Bras and Panties are considered UNDERWEAR, and UNDERWEAR is a type of CLOTHING.

Have to agree with Chris on this one


truly god among men



>make breakfast
>clean place up a bit
>nightwalk for snacks booze and ciggys
>get crossfaded
>play vidya while listening to playlist
>tfw no gf


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