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/v9k/ - Dead

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[–]  No.1842[Reply][Watch Thread]


These guys are such freaks.
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[–]  No.3630>>3634


[–]  No.3634>>3635

stop laughing at me

[–]  No.3635

u deserve 2b laffed at for being sad that incels have died

[–]  No.5325

Dead as Dillinger.

[–]  No.6897


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[–]  No.6427[Reply][Watch Thread]

>Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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[–]  No.6621


[–]  No.6633

File (hide): 1611205044089.jpg (70.2 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, EhsVQqgUMAADQYz.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

what's the difference? all of wizchan but me is 120+ IQ snobs with the same tastes and sexual preferences, even the homeless ones.

[–]  No.6655>>6882

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the wizcord is filled with larping normalfags who voice chat

[–]  No.6873


[–]  No.6882

I used to post there but left because everybody other than Ken hated me. Now I'm pretty sure they all hate me, and that's alright- I hate me, too.

[–]  No.6814[Reply]>>6858[Watch Thread]

I wrote these while the internet was out sometime in 2016 as a creative exercise. The textfile has been bumping around from HDD to HDD since, might as well post.


I changed my desktop background to white to illuminate a safe passage to my bed.
I should have initiated the PC's shutdown sequence before embarking.

I wake up. I relocate my PC for better airflow and more ample desk space.
My headphone cable no longer reaches my head. I go back to sleep.

I'm glad in the summer knowing that the days will soon begin getting shorter.
I'm upset in the winter knowing that the days will soon begin getting longer.
I shouldn't of listened to mother when she told me to think about the future.

My first non-signup-confirmation Email told me I won a Nigerian charity lottery.
I pondered over emailing them back for many months. Maybe this one was real?

I thought this stack of fifty DVD-RWs would never run out.
How naive I was a week ago.
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[–]  No.6815

diary of James D. Imsa

[–]  No.6857

good stuff

[–]  No.6858

>>6814 (OP)
Nice writings, those bring joy to my heart.

[–]  No.6870

File (hide): 1654096259876.jpeg (645.01 KB, 1400x991, 1400:991, 92e5331e4b6c3ad7db2a3bf22….jpeg) ImgOps iqdb

"We wizards"
- Wrote with Windows Wordpad

We who wish we were wiser
Will withdraw with whimsical writings when websites wane

We who wear wide waistbands
Will watch weight when wheezing wakes

We who wank weekly without washing
Will wring water where wand wags when warm weather warps wax

We who wander where woodland wildlife wriggles
Will warp when winking womanfolk wrap whoreishly

We who waste within walls without windows
Will work when wicked wageslaves withhold whispers, warnings, whines.

We who wonder where we went wrong
Will watch when war wrecks worlds.
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File (hide): 1464340034836.gif (2.97 MB, 500x292, 125:73, hi diddly doodly.gif) ImgOps iqdb

[–]  No.978[Reply][Watch Thread]

did someone say SIMPSONS?
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[–]  No.4892

Over 2 years since I made this thread.
Hello to the past and to the future versions of myself

[–]  No.4975

[–]  No.5719

Lisa need braces.

[–]  No.6642

File (hide): 1612231758570.png (1.28 MB, 1536x864, 16:9, simpsons no wizzies.png) ImgOps iqdb


[–]  No.6846


File (hide): 1436492689039.png (107.69 KB, 971x661, 971:661, too normie for wizchan.PNG) ImgOps iqdb

[–]  No.394[Reply][Watch Thread]

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[–]  No.2449

le kurisumasu face

[–]  No.5788

File (hide): 1566733270724.png (1.05 MB, 1280x960, 4:3, Awe.png) ImgOps iqdb

Keeping the oldest thread alive.

[–]  No.5801

nice dubs fam

[–]  No.5828

what happened to the oldest tfw no gf thread? it was the first thread ever posted on this board

[–]  No.6836

This post was made before the wojak ban

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[–]  No.6652[Reply][Watch Thread]

>tfw watching comfy anime and sipping on tea
No better feeling for a wizard

[–]  No.6835

File (hide): 1642583179389.png (274.71 KB, 300x225, 4:3, R.png) ImgOps iqdb

No comfy allowed

[–]  No.548[Reply][Watch Thread]

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[–]  No.5349


[–]  No.5353>>5369

>marked for deletion

[–]  No.5369

God, why?

[–]  No.5371

File (hide): 1550069248622.jpg (361.84 KB, 1000x1376, 125:172, eb68fa3d5440aa0060075b7209….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

<~copypaste> http://wizardchan.org/meta/res/8769.html
<~Teslabot> 2[/meta/] 1021 seconds ago 7Anonymous: I, copypaste, the sole administrator of this website between June 10, 2013 and September 27, 2013 am no longer a virgin. I did not see a prostitute but through a nearly unbelievable turn of events had sex. Effective immediately, the next in command, user Glaive will take over ALL administration duties, site decisions and IRC duties.
<~copypaste> breaking news
<~copypaste> bye Glaive
<~copypaste> ;;
<&Glaive> i am in tears
<~copypaste> ;;
<~copypaste> I'd leave already but I'm trying to figure out how to transfer channel ownership
<~copypaste> Please wait a second
<&Glaive> b-b-b-b-ut
<~copypaste> im not a virgin anymore Glaive
<~copypaste> i had sex multiple times
<~copypaste> let it go
<nigger> What happened, exactly?
<spiderbro> you fucking whore
<Hibiki> well
<Hibiki> this is surprising
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[–]  No.6830

never die

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[–]  No.399[Reply]>>4157[Watch Thread]

Why this board from old wizardchan is not showing near other on top of the page?
/b/ too.
And maybe even other seekret clubs I don't know about.
16 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click to expand.

[–]  No.3780>>3814

it shouldve been deleted a long time ago and bring back /elder/ rather than this shit.

[–]  No.3814

Why not have both?

[–]  No.4157

>>399 (OP)

[–]  No.5323

I crey errytiem.

[–]  No.6829

another 2 years for this

[–]  No.498[Reply][Watch Thread]

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[–]  No.552

Don't get your hopes up.

[–]  No.1522

File (hide): 1473677640405.jpg (54.04 KB, 556x417, 4:3, breakfast.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

feelings are an illusion

[–]  No.2570

Is she holding メロンパン ?

[–]  No.5320

Looks like it.

[–]  No.6828

old thread will not die

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[–]  No.38[Reply]>>6798>>6824[Watch Thread]

>/v9k/ will never be the secret wizard hide-out, free of normals
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[–]  No.6787

i know that feel

[–]  No.6798

>>38 (OP)
OP are you still around?

[–]  No.6824>>6825

>>38 (OP)

[–]  No.6825


[–]  No.6861

>7 years ago
I'm now 30, still (perma)NEET and almost wish I could go back sometimes…

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