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/dep/ - Depression

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Just curious if you are or aren't. If you are, what are you doing? How is it working? If you're not, why not?


Who said I have issues?


I have problems but they're benign (according to me)


Can't say I expected that the only response I would get from the depression board is that no one here has any issues.


Make a less generic thread next time. Talk about what's troubling you and others might relate and reciprocate with their own stories. It's about give and take :)


i tried way too hard and way too long to do something about them. now i ruined my life in every possible way, forever stuck in agonizing pain and dying without a way out. so the only way i'll get over my issues is when i'm dead.


Yeah I just need some acid and shrooms.


After fixing my OCD I should be perfectly mentally sound.


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I have no other choice as otherwise things will just get worse but trying to fix my life at 32 sucks because I can feel the passing of each year. When I was in my 20s getting older was whatever but now every year stings as it brings me closer to 40.


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Oh, I tried…
In the grand scheme of things I'm neither better than some people nor worse than others.

(Ffs, I have those I consider ALLIES)..


Did enough years of therapy and psychiatrists.
Now I'm done with that bullshit.
Now I'm on NEETbux.


That's why I fixed more of my life between 30-32 than I did in the entirety of 16-29.

It really hit me I will be old and decay soon. Mortality doesn't feel real in your 20s.
Then as you said, I realized I'm going to be 40 soon. That made me lose all inhibition and I just started doing stuff in rapid succession I should have done a decade ago.

Life is so, so short. Acting today is a necessity.


Yes. My ways are still available for whoever feels the same: https://wizchan.org/dep/res/291067.html#291423

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