>The average Japanese teen nowadays prefers McDonald's over sushi.
Japanese are obsessed with McDonald's and Starbucks. Depressing.
Japanese teens occasionally enjoy the Japanese versions of McDonald's and Starbucks, while still majorly eating traditional Japanese home cooking. Relieving.
>>42426>Anime is dead.And thats a good thing
Only thing I am worried about is all the censorship going on mainly due to credit card companies in the US.
Anime and Manga have enough variety and creativity that even if 95% of a year's output sucks the remaining 5% is still enough to keep me thoroughly entertained.
>>42426>Anime is dead>The new anime coming out is trash>The otaku identity is now pink and blue tranny rooms on YouTube full of $5000 spent on first result in google anime merch of the latest seasonalslop poser anime like jjk,mha,nagatoro, uzaki-chan,my dress up darling>every other complaint OP has madeOP, as sad it is, you have to understand that most great things in this world will start creeping out of their golden ages and start deteriorating soon enough.
We all have to keep ourselves in check when we even try to give something we love a divine status with unrealisitc expectations.
>>42426>Anime is deadfor you
because your brain is rotting from not being so closed to new experiences
>>42688what anime do you suggest?
>>42688you mean too open to new experiences?
Most of what you are complaining about is the western fandom, which has always been cringe and shitty, and identity bullshit.
You can like something without making it your identity or dealing with the fandom.
That said, I am really getting sick and tired of the shitty cheap CGI slop in more and more shows.
It's not even that I am totally opposed to CGI in anime. Land of the Lusturous was great. It had actual effort put into it. And 3d-2d composites when done properly can look decent.
But a lot of shows in the past few years aren't trying. They are worse animated than bad anime 20 years ago. Like unacceptably bad.
There are still shows and studios that make high quality stuff, but the amount of bad CGI slop is on the rise and I find it concerning for the state of the industry in general.
>>42925I hate chi and I think there will be more years passing by unfortunately
>>42925>Most of what you are complaining about is the western fandom, which has always been cringe and shitty, and identity bullshit. >cringeI don't what it is these days when people on the lower part of the social totem pole attack each other. There was no major, or at least obvious, problem with the fandom until the fandom started being overrun with normalfags and manipulative normalfags, somewhere in the last 15+ years as social media replaced most, if not all, forums.
>>42930Fandoms are always filled with drama whores, anti-socal assholes, untreated mental cases, and just plain annoying people.
This isn't a new thing or just a normalfag issue.
There was no golden era where it wasn't shit.
I was there, I remember, and my lenses aren't tinted.
Anime is best when enjoyed largely solo and in solitude. Same with most media consumption related hobbies.
>>42933Not him but that's your experience of it. I was able to find new anime through these fandom forums and discuss it people who actually watched anime and weren't telling you to stop watching cartoons.
>Fandoms are always filled with drama whores, anti-socal assholes, untreated mental cases, and just plain annoying people. I mean, at least these people were MY people and not invaders who claim to be nostalgic about things they either never liked at the time or things they weren't even born for.
Japan is just another westernised shithole now where all the media being released basically has to tick a series of generic propaganda boxes, for example 2 brown characters, and one gay needs to be included with a bit a feminist rethoric every few scenes
>>42937That's just blatantly not even remotely true.
>>42938that's very true there are more niggers and weird trans looking characters in new media they release.
For me it was over when Netflix took over anime culture.
>>42939It's sad that one piece turned into garbage at around episode 500, they put one of my favourite characters on a tranny island and now he's just lame overall, they new character designs look bad too
>>42941It's sad that one piece lasted over 500 episodes and it was shit looooooooooooong before then.
>>42940was it the moment they made their own anime?
>>42943Someone is clearly just trolling for attention I see.
I don't know but it was fun watching Rahm Emanuel complain how safe Japan streets are that a kid can walk alone to school and back while the interviewer kept trying to cut him off.
>>42426>rewatching old anime gets tiring Umm some of us have autism
>>42950There is also tons and tons of old anime.
So much so that it seems impossible to totally run out of stuff to watch.