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File (hide): 1737190010178.jpg (252.72 KB, 2048x1364, 512:341, ELxz7aLU8AEkeHS.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

[–]  No.316739[View All]>>317801[Watch Thread]

No politics or religion in the crawl thread, please.

>Ambient sounds to wash away distraction

143 posts and 18 image replies omitted. Click to expand.

[–]  No.317501

Makes sense, I've drank under 1lt for the past 2 days, that's what my body felt like drinking, nothing more. I've heard lemon juice with salt helps but I didn't feel a difference when I tried it last time, going to try it again right now, with a spoonful of salt.

[–]  No.317502>>317508

>You need some kind of sugar in order to increase absorption in your intestines. There’s these things called sodium-glucose transporters and without adequate sugar, less electrolytes & water are absorbed.
Fucking reddit making me doubt everything I know. But that's what the WHO Oral Rehydration Salt formula says too.

[–]  No.317504

Hour 72, I'll proceed to eat fruit and milk.

[–]  No.317508

That's why gatorade has a tiny amount of fructose besides the salt. Hydration in a sustainable manner isn't as simple as just drinking water, especially during intensive activities that last for hours under direct sunlight.

[–]  No.317510>>317511>>317512>>317513>>317517>>317579

I wish I had a fellow autistic NEET bestfriend to do gamedev together with & we could escape NEETdom together.

[–]  No.317511

99% chance they will just let you down, create friction and make it harder for you

[–]  No.317512

[–]  No.317513

My wizfriend I wish too T_T

[–]  No.317517>>317518>>317521>>317536

You again.

Made zero progress I am guessing and trying to bait people to do all the work for your lazy ass again.
You have all the time in the world and have done nothing.

I work full time and still carve out the time to learn and practice new hard technical shit(currently learning motion capture animation and a tiny bit of 3d modeling), and still have plenty of time to enjoy my other hobbies.

Involving other people just creates complications and you will never get what you really truly want. For collaboration requires constant compromise.
The main thing holding you back is yourself and your total unwillingness to do hard work for the sake of what you desire. If you can't do what is needed for the sake of your dreams then why would others work for the sake of your dreams?

[–]  No.317518>>317536

i think the fantasy is that if you had a special wizfren, it would be easier to do the hard work and you would motivate each other and the work would be 100x more rewarding than doing it on your own.

[–]  No.317521>>317524>>317531

How the fuck do you have the energy to do all that, man?

>then why would others work for the sake of your dreams?

Let me ask you something and please answer me honestly, do you have other people in your life? Anything at all? Can be family, very old friends that you see once a year, anything

[–]  No.317524

Blood family sacrifice money and effort for their own because it ultimately advances their genetics (even if with a 10-20 year lag).

It's a gamble which member of the family or extended family eventually procreates so the optimal evolutionary strategy is helping all of them when possible with whatever you can manage, because it also propagates your own DNA and ensures its survival.

Helping out a complete stranger who might permaghost you any day is more or less pointless unless you get paid to do so.

[–]  No.317531

>How the fuck do you have the energy to do all that, man?

I make sure to get a decent amount of sleep consistently, I get regular exercise, and I enjoy 1-2 cups of tea a day.

>Let me ask you something and please answer me honestly, do you have other people in your life?

I email my mom to keep in touch around once a month. Mostly to let her know I ain't dead. I also talk to my old martial art's teacher around once every 3 months, whenever he has a new thing going wrong with his health. He gets bored being stuck at home so I think he goes through his contact list to find people to listen to him complain (he is really old).
Other than that it's just casual acquaintances that I intentionally maintain a professional distance from.

Why do you ask?
Are you trying to get me banned?

[–]  No.317536>>317539

>You again.

>Made zero progress I am guessing and trying to bait people to do all the work for your lazy ass again.

I literally only ever made 2 other posts on this website & none of them were about gamedev. So IDK what you are talking about

>Involving other people just creates complications and you will never get what you really truly want.

I don't understand this pessimism & I'm not gonna let it hold me back because there's many things to learn from other ppl & even then if you are afraid of creative disagreements, etc. You can just plan ahead to avoid those as much as possible. The other fren in >>317518 is right though about my intentions. Thanks for the advice anyways

[–]  No.317539

It's not pessimism, it's realism and experience.

Fact of the matter is if you can't then you aren't. Nobody is coming to do it for you.

The sooner you get that through your thick skull the sooner you will ether commit to putting real work in or leaving dreams to stay dreams.

[–]  No.317564

>I feel kinda bad for Lowtax.
Personally I feel more bad in Lowtax's direction than feeling much for him as a specific person. Tbh the only real memory I have of Lowtax himself was the boxing match with Uwe Boll. I'm sure he wrote some really funny things but I liked other authors more and eventually drifted towards using SA just for humorous LPs of partially-translated Japanese eroges or other nonsense that Lowtax had no interest in or contribution towards.

Lowtax's personal deficiencies, problems and the horrible downward spiral he went into after becoming a father and all the really dark sexual shit with his animator friend–that's all stuff that probably means a lot more to people who used to read his stuff or who really enjoyed Shmorky's animations. It's all bad and I feel bad reading it but in the way that you feel bad reading about anyone who does too many drugs, loses too many friends and hits the ejector seat. It also feels kinda dirty if I try to feel too bad for him since, y'know, I felt nothing for him while it was happening despite sometimes reading some bits of gossip while events were unfolding. The dominant feeling I have is more emblematic of how unsustainable and individually fragile the old internet really was. The way it relied on tentpole personalities and individual site administrators who all turned out to be too mentally ill, emotionally weak, or financially insolvent to operate in that capacity and support themselves in life at the same time. This whole internet mess was never really going to work out.

[–]  No.317574>>317575>>317576

File (hide): 1741765268555.png (536.94 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 25-Mar-12-03-03-39-03.png) ImgOps iqdb

Model is 80% done.

Still have to finish rigging the face.
But I am satisfied with the overall design I think.

[–]  No.317575>>317576

On second thought might make a alt outfit that is more outdoors/adventurer themed.

Or I can finish this one and then make a alt-model.

[–]  No.317576>>317577


Put shoe on head

[–]  No.317577>>317578

Going to be real with you, I don't currently know how to do that, and it would take me hours to figure it out.

So no.

[–]  No.317578>>317580

Are you using Blender?

[–]  No.317579

File (hide): 1741786605258.jpg (228.9 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 1741741691125717.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

I'm a schizo wizdev with no social media or discord or anything. Haven't even sent an email in years. I can kind of code and draw and know a little bit of blender. I'm probably too weird and paranoid to be of any help to you.

[–]  No.317580

Vroid studio mainly.
I am still learning the basics of blender, and have been using it as little as possible. My newbie workflow in blender is painfully slow as I basically have to look up everything as I go.

I have to set more time aside to just grind tutorials until I get the hang of the program.
Which sucks since I also need to grind video editing skills too since it's been ages since I made proper videos.

So much to do and so little time.

[–]  No.317585

Watching TV. "There's a theory that Giant Hadron Collider destroyed five parallel worlds".

[–]  No.317606>>317609

Turns out it's surprisingly easy to run LLMs locally on your own machine. I always thought it would be hard but it's actually simpler than most programs to run. I don't have a gpu either and it still runs well.

[–]  No.317608>>317611

File (hide): 1741925500763-0.png (53.61 KB, 778x398, 389:199, Moon 359 UTC.png) ImgOps iqdb

File (hide): 1741925500763-1.png (54.71 KB, 774x397, 774:397, Moon 512 UTC.png) ImgOps iqdb

File (hide): 1741925500763-2.png (41.8 KB, 777x397, 777:397, Moon 600 UTC.png) ImgOps iqdb

A lunar eclipse is beginning. Over the next hour the moon will get darker, then it will go red and darker still. Assuming clear skies, this will be visible across the Americas. Wizards in Europe and Africa can see the moon get darker as it sets, those in Australia and parts of Asia will be able to see it dark as it rises hours from now, but only those in the Americas will be able to see it go blood red.

[–]  No.317609

Yeah, I messed around with it too a couple months back.
Though once the novelty wore off I kinda stopped using it and now contemplating deleting it since it most take up a ton of space.

[–]  No.317611

Unfortunately there was zero visibility in my area due to extremely cloudy weather.

[–]  No.317625>>317626

File (hide): 1742091431359.jpg (386.61 KB, 1080x1308, 90:109, 1736805099541.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

I fap… to 3DPD loli… with onahola sujiman loli puni… lube is GOJO Orange grit… hard cum but ouch cum… satisfied for now, the neighbourhood kids are SAFE for now

[–]  No.317626>>317633

I wasn't a fan of the fap thread being disbanded but…
You have made me reconsider my previous position on the topic.

Cringe and gross dude.

[–]  No.317633>>317645

You are female

[–]  No.317645>>317652

I am 100% male.

You are disgusting.

[–]  No.317652

I am a heterosexual. You are gay.

[–]  No.317700>>317701

Didn't really work on vtuber project this week.
Was depressed.
Got over the depression (mostly) and will get back to it shortly.

I think having a cold made me feel like shit, feeling like shit triggered feelings of worthlessness, and feelings of worthlessness triggered the depression spell.

But now that I am over the cold I am feeling better mentally and emotionally as well.

In other news, blender just updated and made the most important one of the add ons I was using stop working.

The dude who made the add-on says he is working on a update and it should be out in a couple days.
Until then I will go back to grinding general tutorials instead of working directly on my VRM model.

[–]  No.317701>>317702>>317754

Rule #1 of Blender is to never update Blender

[–]  No.317702

Lesson learned, lol.

[–]  No.317746>>317747

File (hide): 1742793535545.jpg (377.43 KB, 1170x1494, 65:83, 32 Billion dollar Wiz deal.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

It's over. It's so fucking over. Last year they promised they wouldn't do it, and now they went ahead and sold us out to the enemy. It's been a pleasure posting with you gentlemen.

[–]  No.317747>>317755>>317760

Do you think these gigacorps will actually hire assassins and threaten smaller companies if they don't yield to these buyouts?

I mean, if the smaller company manages to grab even a 5-10% market share, they will decimate the post-tax profit of the bigger companies. If there are more than one of these small fish nabbing 1-2% here and there, their profits would plummet.

[–]  No.317754

[–]  No.317755

>Do you think these gigacorps will actually hire assassins and threaten smaller companies if they don't yield to these buyouts?

That's basic corp business, wake up.

[–]  No.317760

Killing people achieves nothing, unless the next person in line would agree to the buyout.
What they'll do instead is make their product/service cheaper to slowly steal away the smaller company's market share, even if this makes them lose money in the short term.
They'll make their product/service cheaper than the smaller company can afford to.

[–]  No.317776>>317777

I've thought about doing this as a way to make money. Basically no one is going to watch me do anything on youtube, but if I make a really cute succubus vtuber with a really cute AI voice that no one can tell is AI I bet I could make money by just making random youtube videos about stuff I'm interested in. I like that it allows a level of anonymity while still allowing you to make videos.

[–]  No.317777>>317780

It's a lot of work to get such a thing set up, but then once it is set up the temptation to go the low effort content farm route is high.

The odds of making much money is also pretty low. So it's better to look at it as a hobby that maybe sometime in the future be able to pay for it's self.

[–]  No.317780>>317794

Not really. Back when I had no self respect, I made 30-40 dollars a day off íncels on chaturbate and livejasmin just with a basic female video filter.

They would send you 2 to 5 dollar tips every 10-20 mins just for looking at the screen and playing some video game. They had no idea they were staring at a guy.

A few turned into stalkers and sent tip messages like "you too good to talk to me?" "why wont you date me? you do realize I know where you live".

Gave me a pretty good glimpse of the kind of person who frequents those sites and also a few thousand dollars of free cash.

[–]  No.317794>>317795>>317796

Sounds fake and gay if I am totally honest.

[–]  No.317795

Go ahead and try it yourself. It can absolutely be done in 2025 as well.

[–]  No.317796>>317797

People are using AI to catfish Hindus and the Chinese. You need to realize, there are close to 2 BILLION working, online CRABS from cultures that insist men thropw their money at succubi. These third-world bugpeople will throw their slavebux at any attractive female over the internet even if they don't get anything back, because they believe doing so is good karma or something. These people exists solely to give cheeky White NEETS money

[–]  No.317797

Those are just the easiest targets. There are also plenty of weirdos in the US and Europe who will throw money at a succubus talking, or even just existing in a video frame.

The free filters you can find online are so advanced these days a fat hairy 50 year old man can be transformed into a 20 year old asian succubus.
You do have to be super careful that the software doesn't crash or the donators will flee once they realize it's a guy.

[–]  No.317801

>>316739 (OP)
Got admission exam next week. I plan to spend the weekend to study, it's just a technical career but I don' want to get turned down cause I forgot school math. Also it's a good workout for the brain before he actual studying begins.

[–]  No.317822

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