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 No.316739[View All]

No politics or religion in the crawl thread, please.

>Ambient sounds to wash away distraction

56 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I wish i could find good websites or imageboards that arent full of "im so short and ugly ;_;" crab content


maybe make your own? or if you know how to make a website, I van be the idea guy for you


Addy.io works fine for Internet Archive. Uploader field in meta file also shows the alias. Maybe Proton and Addy.io help from copyright mafia there. Changing e-mail doesn't change it in the uploader field in the mets file. So I created a new account. For some reason, it feels as if it's the second time me doing it which would mean that I created 4 and not 3 accounts that I remember.


Nobody needs a idea guy for anything ever.

Learn how to do things.


idea guys are very important


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being sleep deprived and a bored to death NEET is a bad combination, i wish i could spend most my days sleeping to pass the time, whenever i reach the end of any day, i feel like i have achieved something (despite the fact i literally did nothing) but being capeable of enduring all the monotony and boredom of my daily life paradoxically feels like an achievement.


Find stuff to do.
Like a hobby or passion.
You are living your life badly. Not because you are a neet or productive or other normie bullshit.
You are living your life badly because you nether find fulfilment nor enjoyment in it.

Take up the great quest. The quest to find something worth living for. Until then your life will resemble that of the living dead.


Everything either requires an income (which I lack) to be able to do or doesn't interest me.


With AI, the era of the ideas guy is finally dawning. You can just have AI code your website for you


Now that I think of it, that's true. You just need access to a very large data model with zero censorship.

It can even generate you the icons and UI elements. All yiu need to do then is write up interesting content.

If the person is too dumb to come up with the correct prompts for the AI to generate these things, he was a bad "ideas guy" to begin with.


Actually you can just ask the AI how to write prompts for it and it does a pretty good job




Even then, you need an IQ of at least 95 (mediocre) to understand how to utilize these prompts properly to get the desired outcomes.

Billions of people alive are too dumb to gain any sort of usable information out of a LLM based AI even if they had months of personal guidance from Sam Altman.


AI isn't the fix you think it is.
It won't magically transform "idea guys" into anything useful.


Anymore unique perspectives?


It's shitscripts coded by armies of pajeets, nope even a low IQ moron could enter prompts to generate your shit AI porn


I know I shouldnt post there but I just had the weirdest thing happen to me while trying to make a thread on 4chan. My entire post got replaced by something barely resembling what I just had typed, I have NO FUCKING CLUE how that happened. But either my computer is compromised or 4chan has fallen prey to AI shenanigans that modify your post automatically. Even more suspiciously, 4chanX marked the thread as mine and "my" thread was "already made" 15 minutes before with a couple of (You)s in it.


I know 4chanX relies on cookies to do it's thing so it was probably a server side thing. I've also gotten very weird replies to politically incorrect posts, not just niggers suck and trannies suck even though that's true but just questioning a bit further. You know the US pres. is going all out in a war against "antisemitism" right? Where are wizchans servers located again?


can you link to that thread?
regarding AI, I have this uncanny feeling that some posts on wizchan are AI-generated - it's the separated paragraph structure, but also I find some very specific concepts from my own posts, repeated or referenced in the posts I suspect to be AI-generated


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If I get more gaslighting then uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh idk what the fuck I would do. My original post was indeed about Seagate drives but it was a question about whether a particular drive line or family was reliable. So that fake thread was like my post was quickly passed through an AI, analyzed and rewritten with le irony and meme flags.

>it's the separated paragraph structure,

To me it's the vaguely interconnected content of the post. At a glance it may seem real, but like most AIs or LLMs it's essentially just regurgitating what it's been "trained" on (I honestly prefer the word observe due to that reason). There is almost always no coherence in a whole post way.

>but also I find some very specific concepts from my own posts, repeated or referenced in the posts I suspect to be AI-generated

Yes, that'd be because they're literally trained on your own posts and thoughts. What worries me more about that is if it's user specific, I mean if there's some parameter that says a X type post should be made *because* Y user is online or did Z on another website. That's fucking terrifying if you think about it. Pure noise to deligitimize a platform is one thing, but targeted posts are literal gangstalking. Speaking of which I think Musk has made vague tweets about having an "interest" on 4chan, that may be my memory failing though.


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Funnier still is that in my original, real post I talked POSITIVELY about my personal experience with Seagate (I have a handful that are nearing 100k hours or 10+ years of flawless service). It's like the AI just tried to understand what I wanted to say and missed the whole point. I'm sus of a particular model known for failing and yes I DO realize how stupid that is. You're worried about reliability from a model well-known for failing? YES! It's called getting opinions, fact-checking, making sure there's a consensus regarding a perceived idea, the idea that Seagate sucks (even tho my personal experience disagrees with that). An AI wouldn't be able to infer that properly, instead it'd run with what it's been exposed to (negative opinions about Seagate).

I know /g/ is astroturfed to hell, that might have something to do. Man, fuck that scamming gook hiro.


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And I really need to fucking add that no AI (as of yet) would be able to understand why someone would do that: trying to get reassurance from buying a product very likely to fail, fuck, sometimes not even real people get it because they grew up wealthy. That's because I'm poor, plain and simple. I need to save money, so I do things that may cause more economic harm in the longterm. Like smoking, I've been trying to quit cigs for years but something always draws me back. That's why I'm posting smoking anime succubi, I'm thinking of nicotine. I'm also doing it because subconsciously it has just hit me like a truck that there is no future in anonymity. I'm sorry there's just no good reason to remain anon in todays world. So I'm like woah look at this smoking-anime succubus gimmick. I would like to be recognized, not because I need external validation but because I don't want to be drowned in a sea of shitposting AIs and shills.

In other news I was in the market for a used GPU to learn AI basics. Again, I know I kinda come off as hypocritical here, hating AI and then wanting to learn AI. But it is what is. Gotta swim with the current, or something. Sometimes you can only fight fire with fire. Yesterday I saw a RTX 2060 12GB listed for $85, yup. I didn't buy it because I knew I was still months from learning how to use it properly so it wouldn't make much sense despite it being a steal (assuming it worked in first place but the listing was marked as sold barely 12 hours after being posted). I don't know if I should beat myself up for it. It also apparently performs the exact same as a regular 2060 super despite twice the amount of vram, and the 12gb version of the 3060 are often close to $200.


I don't think it's AI.
The mods have been known to occasionally modify post on a whim to amuse themselves or flex their power.
It's often arbitrary or used against someone who has said something they don't like but doesn't violate the rules.

There are very few places online that have mods who don't act up or missuse there moderation abilities. Moderation positions tend to attract certain types of people who really shouldn't be trusted with even the tiniest amount of unsupervised power.
It's part of what makes shitchan so shit.


>mods have been known to occasionally modify post on a whim
I thought about that possibility, but the way it happened with zero delay makes me think otherwise. Between the moment I clicked the verify captcha button, hit the submit button and got a fake thread made (with a couple of premade (You)s that 4chanX correctly registered), no longer than 3 seconds must have elapsed. The length of my text was roughly this >>317175, no human is this fast.


At least this imageboard didn't switch to the "modern" piece of garbage catalog board system which no longer has scrollable threads but a bunch of icons you click on to open threads.

Whoever made that "improvement" should be shot on sight. It's even overtaken the large old giants like 4chan.


why catalog killed imageboards?


Because it's easier to read on normgroids iphones. There is literally no other reason. It also makes injecting ads between threads smoother.

And there is no option to turn it off.

Wizchan is one of the last English-speaking imageboards left that hasn't been enshittified.


4chan is mostly astroturfing spam bots with a few tards in between, same as reddit and every large social media site


Hair in 3d software is hard.

I now realize why it so often looks like shit in so many mid budget games.


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Stylized hair can be reduced to a simple system, even for nice wavy shoujo hair I want to sniff please


I really like this animation.


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Wizardchan has had a catalogue for over 11 years but it's secondary to the index pages. It's usefull on slow boards where you'd like to find a thread you've posted in a while ago but on a fast board such as 4chan it permits a lot of spambots and absolute knuckleheads to spam and slide threads they dislike.

here Shinobu


I'm getting serious 2020 vibes from 2025 so far. I don't care how much you "enjoyed watching normies btfo omg". Shit got about 40% more expensive in 12 months when that happened.


Shut the fuck up and start paying.


Who did you think were going to pay those tariffs 😂


I was disappointed by the after valentine's day candy sells.

Lowest I found was 50% off and not even a scrap of dark chocolate was left the day after.
I liked pretending the little dark chocolate hearts were the hearts of demonic enemies and consuming them gave me power.
Milk chocolate just isn't as good.


I'm ready to start living my life


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Chinese external HDD enclosure has been bought. No recognition on my laptop along with code 43. I tried at my father's PC and it was visible in the device manager and no USB problems. So far all my efforts and actions were in vain. Although a few still remain to be done.

The screwdriver is black, no manual, the box (not in the picture) is different. Brand's site doesn't have any drivers. When I had trouble with my printer, I managed to get by with installing old drivers. Now I've done some things and suddenly the noise inside the enclosure started again after being silent for a while and Bluetooth sign emerged.


This years and years late but jesus social media has rotted normalfag brains. Every time I get on a bus or train I just people infinite scrolling on dumb shit.


I don't care what normalfags do


After observing from a distance I have come to the conclusion that while social media isn't harmless, it isn't damaging enough to be seriously concerned about.
That said I still refuse to use it myself.
The closest thing to social media I very occasionally use beside imageboards is game related forums and steam forums, mainly to talk about patch notes, troubleshooting issues, and discussing updates.

I don't like giving information about myself away for free on the internet. Shit is creepy.


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Turns out it was the second time of my experience buying external HDD adapter. As I was researching, I've gradually remembered more details, including how in the end my relative expert was called and by phone he said that all the things were done. Only putting Linux as the second OS to see if USB would be recognized, then if not — some hardware or deep software stuff left as the reasons. My PC with HDDs was still working (access to files was possible without using my father's PC and the adapter), eventually adapter was given to my father's colleague as a gift. And it worked fine. Not sure of a model, but since I've been searching specifically for factor 3.5 adapter, it could very well be the same one and from the same shop (as it's a go-to place in this household).


Relatives don't remember it, although I remember even the details. Someone on YouTube tried every popular solution and only repairing network port or whatever physically solved it.

If it's irl — remembering some details; if it's fiction — remembering without so much details. Fake memories could be in both scenarios, but not so big and vivid. I gave up.


For now I have put sculping hair to the side and just downloaded stuff other people made.
I will at another time look at what they did and use it as a base of further practice. But I can't let something like this delay my progress towards my goal for too long.


I have this annoying habit in which I feel compelled to quickly turn my head and look behind myself at inopportune moments. These moments include things like… fighting a boss battle in a video game or watching an exciting, climactic moment in a video.

For example, if I am fighting against a difficult alien monster in a FPS game, I will feel this strong urge to glance behind my shoulder at the most tense moments. Or if I'm watching a fight scene in a movie, or even if I'm just watching short "rekt" webms!
(Sometimes, rather than turn my head completely around, I'll feel compelled to quickly move my eyes in order to shift my gaze back and forth multiple times before centering my gaze back on the screen; sometimes I'll feel compelled to cross my eyes several times and hold that stupid cross-eyed gaze for several seconds.)

I hate this, I look retarded, it ruins my enjoyment, and I've never heard of anyone else having this fucking problem.


Fun fact: If you have *any* old HDD enclosure (like those old external Western Digital USB drives) from the 2010s
you can smash the plastic casing and simply remove the HDD adapter with a simple Philips screwdriver.

Then connect it to any 3.5" or 2.5" SATA drive through USB.

I did that for 13 years until the pins on the adapter bent to the point of unusability.
I even played multiplayer games through the adapter with minimal disk lag.


Connected my HDD adapter to the TV. It recognized it immediately, although only music, videos, images, and PDFs (not opened those) were shown, i.e. folder with unsupported formats were empty).

Just like the last time, my foot was sprained, yet I tried and did it. As if brain has some subconscious memory that dictates what order the things should be done and under which conditions again.

The TV could show subtitles, remembered the place where the playback was left. The fullscreen button didn't work. A few times of video going faster and returning to the folder files list.

On Internet Archive I've had another problem with a file upload. Renaming and shortening the file title helped. I've already done it in the past, but all videos perhaps were deleted by myself as the creator was still alive and I didn't want to be alive with an obligation to add new stuff constantly as if suicide/magical euthanasia death intervention was not an option.

Perhaps the match my father saw on the HDD and the PPV was different as I hadn't seen WrestleMania X (1994) at that point in the past (first time connecting the HDD in the first, forgotten enclosure. My father seeing at least one match was also the same (passive aggression towards the content as a personal attack with plausible deniability of it all). Though the tag team match between The Quebecers and Men on a Mission (big black men) left some enjoyment experience in him.


>returning to the folder files list
The playback fell, next playback was from the beginning of the same video after choosing it.


What the fuck. There was just some dude with a camera outside my house that I noticed pointing it right at my window. I didn't have my glasses on so I ducked out of sight of him and got my glasses and then I see him walking away hastily with the camera in his hands.


that's how it started for me too. did you post anything "controversial" online lately?

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