293804 | Empty World even if I was an anhiliationist(someone who believes there is "nothing" after (??) death) ,I would still have as my most cherished desire and wish in life to live on an Empty World. no animals, no humans..no internet . just plant life, trees, maybe shells and minerals...fungi, algae, all sorts of roots and moss and so on. People might deride this an escapist fantasy, or a survival game | [View] |
293704 | Dear Diary I have no one to talk to, I have no one to share anything with. I realized that the only company I have is myself. Even so, I think that the real problem with isolation is not so much the isolation itself, but thinking that there is more of it, you will find something better. | [View] |
293671 | against work No job out there seems good enough for a wiz. I know there is security/janitor mentioned around but you still have to interact with people. WFH work from home requires you to pass video interviews and be ok with being videotaped in your home as you work. Seems like there is no way out of this situation besides a bullet to the head. | [View] |
293659 | Dead man Before I had dreams, hopes, and worked for a better future. Maybe not in the best way, nor in the most constant way possible, but I had it, it made me happy, it made me move, and be someone better. Now I don't have dreams, I'm a lost cannon, and it's really sad, knowing that you can't fight for your dreams, since there is nothing to fight for. | [View] |
293540 | /dep/-suited music Searched in the board, didn't find a thread for /dep/-suited type of music unless I am terminally retarded. | [View] |
293319 | f.a.m Today in high school the same thing always happened to me, the idiots from 4th grade came to hurt me, why? Because I told one of them to go to hell because I didn't want to talk to them, they dragged me to the corner of the high school garden and threw a rock at my head, kicked me and left. , at least they only did that to me and didn't stab me I guess. | [View] |
293311 | The depressive is selfish by nature The depressed person does not care about their family, they do not care about their friends, they do not care about the injustices of the world, or anything other than their problems, where they lock themselves up, and constantly victimize their problems. Depression is a disease of selfishness, and its cure does not lie in stupid things like medications, playing | [View] |
293304 | I decided to end it... even how i want to do it but now when it's decided i feel fear and what will await me on the other side. Has someone advices? | [View] |
293246 | road to bottom of hell (The theory behind my proyect is Tantric, to "find purity in the filthiest") | [View] |
293233 | advice about depression teenager here. im here because i wanted to ask how to forget someone and just move on with it. do you guys just pretend like it never happened or feel sad over it until it doesnt make you feel anything anymore. i came here because people here are almost the only people i relate. i appriciate every advice or personal stories. | [View] |
293160 | Hikikomori in I am not a god damn invalid. I am a bit of a potato. A latently suicidal potato with surgery to be frank. Not a serially violent person like their crush. I read between the lines with scientific process and lost myself and most of it all to the system. I know shit you only learn in university lectures that I inferred myself with the help of trade of goods and books. Invalid patient t | [View] |
293145 | Is it possible to live inside one's mind? Is it possible for me to get rid of my ties to the physical world and live entirely in my own imagination? If I can do the bare minimum for survival (eating, drinking water, maintaining some weight) I think I should be able to do this. Has anyone here tried or done this before? I understand 100% that I'm a loser in life and I like my imagination much better | [View] |
293114 | Why is this world such a shithole? First World Wizzes, get in here. | [View] |
293106 | Are there any wizzies from El Cairo here? or any other "big name" Urban Hell? what's it like? | [View] |
293097 | Why am I like this? Ever since being a teenager I kept asking myself why am I me and wish to be someone else. I saw people who had rich parents, good looks, talent, intelligence... and I asked myself why is that not me? It broke me and made me unable to motivate myself to try achieve anything. It feels unfair having to compete against people who are just better than me genetically. Responsibility i | [View] |
293095 | Love is Insipid Love must be deconstructed from its etymological meaning which if it stands in its original form we find out that it is merely only a means from other means in life that fuel our existance, Love is only a substitute mean that justifies our existance in life, Keeps us intact in life but still why is it a mean ? Because it justifies our desire for yearning, For desiring affection for | [View] |
293065 | need some help pushing myself over the edge. anyone close to the end who can give a little advice? i know i need to do this, i just can't bring myself to give up. I'm worried that i have some type of aimless hope to hang on to but i dont think it exists. how would you quickly flip the lightswitch? | [View] |
293037 | atheist wizzies: what's stopping you from being as EVIL as possible for the sake of your own interests? | [View] |
292794 | racist makes you feel like shit have you ever faced racism towards you or a relative you were with? | [View] |
292763 | Human design disgusts me, there is no beauty left outside of "being attractive" foids replicate this curse, soulless attraction that appeals to primitive desire. And I'm sick of it. I long for a meteorite to wipe out humanity for good. Humanity is ugly and is restricting ethereal divinity. | [View] |
292727 | Normies staring at you while you eat Have you noticed this. I have, and I'm generally pretty mellow and don't really care if other people look at me. | [View] |
292715 | I don't get why God doesn't punish people who have defective kids or ruin their bloodline by reproducing with someone inferior. I don't mean in terms of money or status, but nobility, spiritual nobility and maybe a bit of beauty. How they ruin an innocent soul that didn't ask to be born, to be limited by subhuman blood and ugliness. How their children are cursed to be defective. I get no one is pe | [View] |
292546 | The suicide hotline is useless and can ruin your life Called the hotline. Was in a bad way mentally but clear enough to call. I needed somebody to talk to. Instead they made me feel like an idiot and sent the cops and medics to my home. | [View] |
291898 | sometimes, I feel like my heart is heavy and it make me very sad and feel uneasy. It also feels like a sharp object penetrating my heart. Or sometimes, I feel like I have a big hole in my chest (where the heart is located). and whenever I feel one of the three situations, my energy is drained and I feel awful and empty inside my upper body. anyone who feel the same way? | [View] |