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I saw pic related multiple times already, since 2018, and we still got no movie sequel, there are not many chapters remaining at all after the point where the anime "ended".


Noted ✅

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Reccomend me some moe/sol/isekai trash to mindlessly consume while taking my mind off how shitty life is
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Watched this anime recently called Freezing by Lim Dall-young. Lots of fan service and succubi getting violently maimed. Takes place in a school where older succubi with superpowers need younger male classmates to aid as "limiters".


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Cross Ange is a good trash anime to mindlessly consume. It takes place basically at a prison for succubi society deems as subhuman. They're all pretty miserable, wear skimpy clothes, and get prison gay for each other. The show is a train wreck but in a good way that keeps you watching. Also tons of fan service.


Why do you think it's trash?
The main characters are well written for the most part, and have actual logical development going on.
Ange is certainly among the better characters out there.
Also has some pretty good combat scenes and the BGM is nice.
If you can see past its sometimes ridiculous presentation it's a pretty good story.


It's a good mecha anime. I like how we actually get to see the male MC and fem MC have real sex and not just constant flirt.


Not OP, but this is unironically an all time favorite of mine, biggest hidden gem IMO, peak fun anime, and I do not even have an interest in Mechas.

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ITT post your anime figures collection(Pop Up Parade, Nendoroid, figma, Gunpla….)
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>Gunplas and K-On!.

I see you have nice taste. The konata fig is a good pick too.


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it arrived a few minutes ago


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Waited several months for my pretty lady


She is cute, she is FLUFFY!


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Is this series any good? I love the games and I love anime, so is it worth a watch?
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May be animation but not /jp/



The cutscenes from Rondo of blood and SOTN are more anime than that netflix slop.


Last I checked the people who actually animated it were Japanese.
It was produced and partially written by westerners but they basically had almost nothing to do with the visuals or animation. They didn't even direct or storyboard the episodes.
All that stuff was done by the Japanese team.
It can be easily argued that the Japanese team did most of the work and the western team mostly focused on money and international distribution.


Tis trash

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What are you watching?
What have you finished?

Thoughts, feelings, reviews.

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Watched it when I was like 14 or something but my memory of it was faded so I watched it again.

I truely didn't remember how annoying the show is and how unlikable all the charcters were. Or maybe I just had greater tolerance for that kind of thing back then.
I did manage to watch through the whole thing, mostly thanks to the 15 minute episodes, but the whole first half was a test of pacences. The second half was a little better, with better jokes, better character dynamics/chemistry, and more "fan service", but better doesn't mean good. Even at it's best it was far below average.


Cautious Hero: The Hero Is Overpowered but Overly Cautious

It was ok, but the humor didn't match my own so the vast majority of jokes fell flat for me.
Also the characters were all kinda shit and super annoying intentionally.


I finished shiki, I have mixed feeling about it. I wants to know what happens to the people after the ending but alas we'll 'ever know


Am I the only one who found this to be a really heavy-handed metaphor for the problem of young people leaving rural towns for big cities? I didn't finish it because I was too distracted by it. I only watched a few episodes so maybe I'm wrong but I thought that's where the author was going with it.


It touched on the subject bit it wasn't even close to the main theme.

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I've found myself watching, and this thread is as much of a confession as much as anything, kids shows. It started off due to the threads we've had about Cardcaptor Sakura and Doremy, but then I realized after watching them that I was feeling…oddly good and optimistic about the world in general. It's weird, because on the one hand I hate watching this stuff because, well, it's so fucking stupid and vapid, but on the other hand I love watching it because it's so goddam relaxing and healing to the soul. I find myself questioning whether this entertainment is purposefully made this way, to emotionally manipulate individuals past a certain age into a state of depression.

Uhm, thanks for reading my blogpost? Otherwise, I guess share some younger-demographic anime you might be watching?
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He doesn't think.


This show only makes me think of you know who…


Sonic X in Japanese hits different.


Wonderful Pretty Cure!


Tokimeki Tonight and Majokko Tsukune Chan are both enjoyable.

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post something from japan (whatever) that makes you feel comfy or nostalgia for a country you are not from (japan).
For me it's this video that remind me summer in japan and how it makes me daydream about living in japan and coming back home from school or work or whatever at dawn on my bicycle and taking a bath and then eating japanese food and then playing some video games and read some manga or whatever
max comfy
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the one you posted is nice, I saved it


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comfy but why theyre shoveling at night where its still snowing?


This could be early morning, maybe he needs to get to his car. Actually yeah, I think it says "5 AM" in the bottom right.
But this is very light snowfall, it's probably the last hours of a system which brought a lot of snow.
And there isn't really a wrong time to shovel. Yes, you could have to do it again later, but it's not like that path he's made is going to be filled up in an hour, unless there is a cataclysmic amount of snow falling.

You must be living in permasummer lands. Lucky you.


I don't live in a permasummer country, its just that seeing all this snow is rare nowdays


Anime is dead. The new anime coming out is trash, rewatching old anime gets tiring and some old anime doesn't age well like tominos side projects or gets lost in time.

The otaku identity is now pink and blue tranny rooms on YouTube full of $5000 spent on first result in google anime merch of the latest seasonalslop poser anime like jjk,mha,nagatoro, uzaki-chan,my dress up darling. The "otaku" these days don't even know who is aura battler dunbine or ideon.

Anime and Japan also lost a lot of its "power" so to say in the way of mysticism/ nerd cred. Initially being viewed as a high quality nation with #1 schooling in the world it's now cheap commericial touristwank. The politicians are all now pozzed centrists payed off by the West instead of based hard right wing. The average Japanese teen nowadays prefers McDonald's over sushi. It's truly over.
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I don't know but it was fun watching Rahm Emanuel complain how safe Japan streets are that a kid can walk alone to school and back while the interviewer kept trying to cut him off.


OK trannoid


>rewatching old anime gets tiring
Umm some of us have autism


There is also tons and tons of old anime.
So much so that it seems impossible to totally run out of stuff to watch.




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 No.31035[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What was the most disappointing anime you have ever watched? For me personally, it was Sailor Moon Crystal. I'm a big Sailor Moon fan and I was pumped for the new series to come out, even though it kept getting delayed I didn't care, I just wanted to feel the magic I felt watching the series for the first time again. But when the show aired in the summer of 2014 i was met with a show with extremely sloppy animation, poor writing and really just an underwhelming vibe to it. It was just such a gut punch to see my favorite show get treated with such a mishandled and mediocre retelling.
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traditional animation is better than analogue computer animation is better than digital computer animation. analogue radio/television/audio/video is better than digital radio/television/audio/video.

t. geriatric senior old wizard


Cel animation is so much nicer and way cozier.


Aku no Hana.
The rotoscoping is SO UGGY!!!!!!!!


it is ugly but it is iconic to me


Cool idea but they nether had the money nor time to execute the idea. Tried anyway and…
Well you seen the results.
At least it was a interesting failure though. Due to over ambition rather than creative bankruptcy or being a cheap cash grab.

[Last 50 Posts]

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I don't know why it's not popular. It had lovable characters, funny humor, and an interesting premise that never was fully realized. It had potential. I wanted a continuation.
No,zettai Karen children: the unlimited was a complete snoozefest. I'm not watching that shit.
It's been a decade and every new year the actor starts aging. The public consciousness start dwindling an already obscure anime. There's no hope.
Anyway had any anon seen zettai Karen children? What do you think about it?


I watched it after seeing unlimited.
While I preferred the darker more serious tone of unlimited, zettai Karen children was ok. Sometimes even pretty good.

That said if I remember correctly even the manga didn't have a decent ending so you are shit out of luck on that.

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