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Any horror games recommendations for playing while i rot on the morning before going to wageslave in my shitty job
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They finally added rafts to sons of the forest


you should make a life simulator of a hiki in his room and you must manage him to not die or getting kiked out of the house. why do you think?


I have the forest downloaded but still haven't gotten around to playing it.
Once I play it, if like it then I will pick up sons of the forest.


Don't shit your pants


Uhhh ok.
Do you mean in the game or in real life?

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 No.60906[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Thread for discussing games you're currently playing.

>What games are you playing?

>What games have you recently purchased?

Previous thread:
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OLD FAGGOT detected


oh snap!
imagine being a wizard's apprentice and talking to your wizard master like that


VF5 released on steam yesterday.
Been playing it since release.

While I greatly missed proper VF action, and appreciate finally having decent online play on PC, I am still kinda disapointed.
The single player modes are gone beside arcade and practice, meanwhile it's already a wait to find matches and pretty limited numbers of people online, both in ranked and in rooms.
Meaning that it likely won't be very long before the online mode is mostly dead exept for wantabe pros.

When a fighting game has a decent single player mode I can still play it for years even when the online is mostly dead.
Without a decent single player it's only a mater of time until the game is dead.

I hope that they include a robust single player mode to vf6 when it comes out.


Full price or wait till discount?


If you aren't already a vf super fan I would highly recommend just waiting until vf6 comes out.

The steam version is pretty stripped down for online and tournament play.
It quite literally is the E-sports version of the game.
So if you aren't already good at the game and ready to sweat hard with people who have a decade of experience, you are in for a bad time.

It doesn't have the expanded practice modes or single player to really get good at the game. If you aren't already experienced you are just going to constantly get bodied in the online modes until you get frustrated and quit.

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what is the best FF game for someone who never played a FF game of his life?
To my perspective of an unplayer, I would say the story is meh, the combat are too boring and the worldbuilding is average. the objects/magic are average,etc…yadayada
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The only FF I've played (and loved) was IX.


Yeah, it's my screenshot from FF1


X is by far the best one imo. Perfect blend of nostalgia and playability if you get the remastered version.

Otherwise: IX and VII are great, and the VII remakes are excellent modern games


are ff games science fantasy games??


Some are but alot of them are just normal fantasy.


I've been following how–probably solely because of Project '06–The Sonic '06 game has had a comeback recently. Like there are people who are genuinely saying that it's good.

Anyways, what do you think of Sonic?
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recently picked it up and I'm loving it. Currently finishing up 3&knuckles. I'd recommend. Also:

1>2>CD>3 in terms of quality.


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>Anyways, what do you think of Sonic?
I'm fond of this franchise, and have been ever since I was a kid.
I just got done finishing Sonic 3D: Flickies' Island on SEGA Genesis, or Sonic 3D Blast, if you prefer, I wanted to give the SEGA Saturn version a shot too, but it's probably the toughest console that I've ever tried to emulate, it just doesn't run very well, so I went for the version I'm more familiar with yet again for this replay… and loved it yet again. I definitely recommend it for those that are fond of Sonic already, and those that avoid his 3D stuff too, since this feels quite a lot like a classic Sonic title, but in a 3D environment, with the exception that your objective isn't to just get to the goal, this is a collectathon, a lite one of course, but still counts. I think in a collectathon, the most important thing is level design that's fun to explore, and Travellers Tales nailed it here to me, going up and down and all around looking for the Badniks, Sonic icons to get continues, Tails & Knuckles for Special Stages and Chaos Emeralds… it's just a fun time, I'm glad I've decided to replay this one yet again.


I finished Sonic Origins it was fun, my ranking is 2 > CD > 1 > 3

I think I will play Generations next


My entire life right now


Where can I find it?

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 No.58061[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Previous thread >>53822

Thread for games you managed to finish and your thoughts on it.
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if that kind of thing bothers you, you made the right call, it only gets worse after the apartment building


I tried playing it but it seemed a bit too hollywood for my liking. Original SH2 had way more unique soul. It is the main problem with remakes. They become soulless or at least get a different one.


Finished playing through Mouthwashing.

Was a lot more linear then I was expecting.
It was more a vehicle for the story then a game imo.
On the one had I feel like I probably missed a lot because there are a fuck ton of hidden achievements somehow, but on the other hand I don't really feel the urge to play it again.


Thank God I waited until Robocop Rogue City was less than a tenner, though even that was a bit too pricey for an incredibly bog-standard fps with handful of maps intersped with a few hub-maps and a couple of novel gimmicks like the ricochet shot and robocop marking enemies like in the film. The AI is retarded, enemies stand out in the open while you blast them and does not improve as you go through the game, so it's basically like a shooting gallery.

When you're not shooting people you're walking on foot to talk to people and issue parking tickets with tedious A-to-B sidequests.

The story was like an episode of a robocop cartoon, just constant referencing of the original two robocops, ridiculously blunt "satire" that makes you appreciate how well the over-the-top satire was done in the original film, cheap voice acting with many of the npcs voiced by a handful of people. Peter Weller gives the appropriate amount of effort for this.

It's not a bad game, just a low-budget one with a license. Modern day "gamers" are retards giving this 8s and 9s are out of their mind, this game is 5/10 which is an okay score because scores don't start at 7/10. If this game came out 10-15 years, it would warrant a higher score.


I agree with you on the rating inflation thing.
It's one of the reasons I prefer a "out of 5" scale for ratings with effort, and simple thumbs up thumbs down for low effort normies.

Because of gaming media being payed to inflate reviews, for most sites and review aggregators 7 is actually average and anything 5 and below is differing degrees of garbage.
So they functionally already have a 5 point scale.

Then again I fully admit I am very bias because I grew up watching X-Play as my primary source of game reviews during my formative years. They used a "out of 5" scale.

[Last 50 Posts]

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I really love this game, is a part of my childhood and m wondering if we can start a server on and play together.
What you wizards think.
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i recommend sven coop - it's not pvp and has very nostalgic vibes of cs 1.6 era and half life
on most maps you can stay a bit back and play at your own pace, healing and reviving other players who were too daring and too fast


Sorry to be a downer, but as someone who played since the beta. CS 1.6 was the end of my CS career. It was bad, and so was CS Source. Then Gabe forced everyone on CS 1.5 to move to Steam and use CS 1.6 even though it was inferior to 1.5, and Steam was shit. Somewhere around 2004 if I remember correct. Me and everyone else just stop playing. Clan dissolved too.


Anything with voice chat cannot be considered "for wizzies".


I remember CS 1.6 being much heavier on the computer than CS 1.5, but I can't find a single reason to hate on 1.6 other than the shield I guess. Care to elaborate?


Wizards are defined by our rejection of sex. Not being capable or willing to call out enemy positions on an anonymous online game has nothing to do with that.
CS:S was and still is great. It took a year for Turtle Rock to get the good maps made but overall it's a solid experience.

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Does anybody want to play Minecraft?
You can make a free server with Oracle cloud's free tier, but i already blew my account on a server for my little brother and his classmates.
Picrel is my 2020 singleplayer world
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Terribly efficient, using the cheapest available resource. You could earn a living designing houses for slaves lol


No, it's a handful of mods (like Terralith and Oh The Biomes You'll Go To) which add 100s of biomes.


oh I see I got tricked haha. so…minecraft is still green water snow and desert?


Thinking about it, that's pretty much it in the vanilla game. Though they are coming out with something somewhat different this time.


wizard level 3 here, could someone explain to me the appeal of minecraft? i did play it a few times, when i tried to expand my house to underground, suddenly creepers began to spawn down there, exploding my little home. needless to say, i was quite bummed about it.

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Are there any wizards that play this game? If there are any, what servers do you play on(if you play multiplayer)
For those that don't know, Vintage Story is basically TerraFirmaCraft turned into it's own standalone game. It's fun but it's still in beta and not going to be finished anytime soon.
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Looks cool. I'd be down to try it.


I loved TerraFirmaCraft. I'll have to try this.


This game looks really cool. I'll try it out and I could try hosting a server if some of you are interested.


I put a few hours into it. I remember it being kind of challenging so I put it aside until I could dedicate some attention to it. I would gladly join a server if you guys host one.


I've got an old laptop but it can run modern Minecraft just fine. Will that be enough for this game?

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 No.59855[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

elden ring is getting a DlC, what are your hope for it? for me, I just want a HUGE map
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I think soulslikes as a genre peaked with elden ring and Lies of P. The only way I see to reinvent the wheel would be to go the genre hybridization route with Character Action Games (Stellar blade and Wukong) or directly improve party-based combat in Action RPG.


sure elden ring improved soulslike with a open world, riding, summoning and jumping
they cant make a soulslike without jumping now, it would be a downgrade.
>character rpg
the problem about this is you can't create your character if your character has already a name and an identity. t is against what a rpg is: creating your own character and playing as who you want to be. so I don't think character rpg is good. tell me if I'm wrong
>a party based action rpg
yeah sounds more accurate. maybe from saw how much people liked playing seamless coop, they will do something like this for an upcoming soulslike.
what I want now is a elden ring 2 with a huge map, at least 2 time bigger and avoiding making mistakes of the first ER
but yeah I really want to know whats their next froms game!


With Character Action Games/Stylish Action im referring to a change in focus towards faster-paced, more combo-focused combat, not necessarily a change to a default character (continue improving combat towards a hybridization of the soulslike and CAG genres, something like a 2nd generation soulslike more or less.), sorry I didn't explain myself well.


>faster-paced, more combo-focused combat
oh ok I see. I agree, combats done quick
>sorry I didn't explain myself well.
its ok no problem


>they cant make a soulslike without jumping now, it would be a downgrade.
DS1 had jumping

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n a m c o


I'd never thought I'd see such high effort nostalgia trolling.




I can almost see the crusty polygons and awkward walking animations
oh and the camera hates you
and you spend an hour trying to progress because apparently there is an invisible trigger spot for a cutscene

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