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Video Games
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Does anybody want to play Minecraft?
You can make a free server with Oracle cloud's free tier, but i already blew my account on a server for my little brother and his classmates.
Picrel is my 2020 singleplayer world
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Brown bricks in minecraft


Best update in over a decade


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I lost my minecraft account because of microsoft bullshit transfer thingy. What is the easiest way to pirate a minecraft without becoming part of a russian botnet? I won't pay for that game again after what they pulled


There are many open source launchers.
Example: https://github.com/fn2006/PollyMC


I too lost my account.

Thank you anon, I'll try it out. Good to know it's available in the AUR.

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 No.60906[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Thread for discussing games you're currently playing.

>What games are you playing?

>What games have you recently purchased?

Previous thread:
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has anyone played the baten kaitos remasters?


no, the card system makes the combat intresting


ive played the first game in 2005 i only want to know whether the remastering job is worth it or if it's one of those half-assed ports


maybe watch a gameplay


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Started playing Prey.
The game mildly annoys me. It has potential for a decent movement system that lends it's self to run and gun gameplay but in the first 4 hours it positively refuses to give any decent guns and is downright miserly with ammo for the guns it does give you, so I end up having to use the wrench the vast majority of the time, which sucks because melee sucks in the game and without a lot of upgrades you aren't exactly a tank. I think the game thinks it's a survival horror game, but it doesn't have the vibes of or the gameplay of a survival horror game.
I don't feel scared or horrified. I feel annoyed that I never have decent fighting tools to really cut loose. Can't even conserve ammo with headshots. Head shots do the same damage as body shots because it's a psudo-rpg with set damage per a weapon and numbers floating over each hit marker telling you how much damage you are doing, which at this stage of the game isn't much.
It feels like a much lamer version of bioshock where they refuse to give you good guns and hold off giving you plasmids until 6 or 7 hours into the game.

Like I can see how the game could eventually get good if I had better gear, but the early game sucks ass. For fuck sake, I unlocks bullet time but have no bullets so I just wack things faster with my wrench. Shit is retarded.

[Last 50 Posts]

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A video game magazine made by anons, for anons!
Currently 8 issues out!


thats cool


really neat-o, good job anons.

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 No.54136[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Which visual novels have you enjoyed lately, wizzies? For me, I'd say my top VN's were Yume Miru Kusuri (only got one ending, am planning on picking it back up in the future) as well as "Our Lost World Beneath the Skies". I'm still looking for that VN that I can give a 10 on in Vndb, which I'm going to reserve for just one.
What qualities do you look for in a VN? I look for depth, music, and variety, and I don't like sex scenes (for YMK I would just skip past).
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From a quick web search the Jast USA version is uncensored.
Looking around the site I see no reason why you wouldn't be able to buy it in europe using the site, and it even has the ability to display whatever you preferred currency is for price.

If you still go with the GOG version, then you can still get the uncensorship patch from JAST usa using this link. https://help.jastusa.com/en/knowledgebase/article/muramasa-18-patch-for-gog

Can't help you with pirating though. I tend to use direct download links when I look for a particular game which takes awhile to verify.
I haven't torrened games in over a decade and when I did it was more often then not a failure.

Hope that was somewhat helpful.


thank you very much wizzie, I think I'm going to get it from jast usa


Finally got around to reading/playing Saya no Uta.
Didn't do all routs yet nor did I get what I feel like was supposed to be the true ending but my verdict so far was as with almost all eldritch themed cosmic horror flavored media, I was underwhelmed and mildly annoyed by the "horrors beyond comprehension so I will intentionally be vague and leave everything of substance up to the reader to fill in."
Even the artstyle of the rotting fleshscapes weren't detailed and lame. In short, the horror elements were utterly underwelming. The only time I felt a sense of horror was with mentions of not using contraception and my mind jumped to the possibility of the MC's seed being used to spawn the end of the world or something, but the ending I got that never went anywhere.
The "romance" felt equally not fleshed out.
Yeah, I am really not a fan of the genera. It's too fill in the blanks for my liking and almost never has sound storycraft or proper internal logic.
That said it's nowhere near the worst of examples and it's decent enought that I will continue playing/reading it for other routs and hope that at least one of them is somewhat satisfying.
Though if there isn't one with involving a H scene with Saya in her eldritch horror form I will be super disappointed. Don't pussy out on my you fucking cowards!


I read/played more.
Got the "humanity wins" ending.
While actually answering some mysteries is was devastatingly depressing. While I don't think this VN has any good endings that was most certainly the bad one.
I didn't even have the emotional strength to roll my eyes at the dumb cosmic horror tropes. Was too sad at the deep all pervasive misery and hopeless despair of the ending. While not the most depressing thing I have read/played it was probably the most depressing in VN form I have ever come across.

I think I only got one rout left. By process of elimination it must be the closest the game has to a good end, but given the overall tone I still expect it to be painful, whatever it is.

Also did get eldritch H scene but not exactly in the form I expected, lol. Still I sort of got what I wanted in that regard.


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Got into Umineko, got spoilered fast. Whatever. Doesn't seem worth the playtime, anyway. Kinda liked the George character - smart and level-headed. Would be my self-insert. Go online. People call him an insecure crab. Hits close home. Honestly, what can you do about being insecure? What can you about being in an involuntary celibate? Both labels are due to external factors.

[Last 50 Posts]


Last thread >>52886
Last thread >>52886
Last thread >>52886
Last thread >>52886


n a m c o


I'd never thought I'd see such high effort nostalgia trolling.


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 No.58061[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Previous thread >>53822

Thread for games you managed to finish and your thoughts on it.
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Silent hill 2 remake
It's ok, but just not the same, the original game had so much going on, this one just feels as generic horror third person shooter, might as well be playing resident evil. It's like if they remade jacob's ladder or something, they won't ever make it justice


I played it a bit and dropped it because i wasnt enjoying being in claustrophobic ugly apartment buildings


>it's like if they remade jacob's ladder or something
Oh god, please don't give the hacks in hollywood any ideas.
I got horror shivers just thinking about it.


if that kind of thing bothers you, you made the right call, it only gets worse after the apartment building


I tried playing it but it seemed a bit too hollywood for my liking. Original SH2 had way more unique soul. It is the main problem with remakes. They become soulless or at least get a different one.

[Last 50 Posts]

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 No.59855[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

elden ring is getting a DlC, what are your hope for it? for me, I just want a HUGE map
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and the map isn't diverse at all, there's like 5-6 big regions


what do you like instead? It's not a perfect game but compared to everything else it is outstanding and i dont know how anyone can see otherwise. For years I have found barely anything that can hold my attention, but i played through the whole elden ring and dlc


I'm talking about the lack of diversity spells. to me there's enough or they do the same thing. (like magic doing jsut throwing crystal shot at the enemies)
I like deus ex human revolution more.(for now). elden ring to should have been bigger with more ennemies diversity and spells diversity. armors are ugly most of them and they're all darks. the ennemies are the same most of the time unfortunatly I think. I would have liked to be a BIGGER adventure game.if there's a elden ring 2 or another dlc, I'd wont buy it first day again like I did for the game and dlc
anyway, what makes you like the game?


>I like deus ex human revolution more.
There is no way in fucking hell Deux Ex HR is better than Elden Ring.

If you said Deus Ex then maybe you'd have a point.


yeah youre right but I don't put elden ring on a pedestal

[Last 50 Posts]

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I really love this game, is a part of my childhood and m wondering if we can start a server on and play together.
What you wizards think.
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With the impulse of gathering wizards for collective activities, since this >>61574




Make us


I used to loved that game during my kid days, I was on an internet cafe LAN mode and pwning every people there. Now I just started to play it again and can't aim for shit


post good servers

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In need for comfy online games, where I can interact with people like me, I was thinking I should purachase Stardew valley
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Easy, Project Zomboid, i can't get along with normal people even if i try


This. Also, thinking that other schizoids are exactly like you and you could get along, is delusional and is never the case.


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What about yume 2kki?


>non-competitive online games

What's even the point? If you want to talk, then just talk to people. There's VRChat if you really need to jump around a 3d world while you do it.


Roblox, Garry's Mod. GTAV online

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this game is what I think suit the best what a eurojank game is.
Also E.Y.E divine cybermancy thread
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Not sure if i'm just retarded or if it's the UI's fault for being bad, but the first time I played this game, for some reason I completely ignored one side of the upgrades menu, which caused me run super slow for the entirety of the game. It was only after I looked up gameplay of it on youtube that I realized what a massive fuckup it was lol.


does someone have already tried to play this game with an elite pro controller or a controller with many buttons? because this game has a lot of interactions and I want to know if all the interactions/actions can be all put on a controller or a keyboard is what is recommended?



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It's an FPS, use a fucking keyboard and mouse, you console mongoloid.



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