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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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My whole life I was treated like shit both at home and anywhere else. I coped to the extent I could with a mix of denial and dissociation. Only recently, after going no contact with my family and finding some people that seem to respect me to some extent, I have started to be honest with myself and process how much I've been bullied. Any small event or thought will trigger anger which can last from a few hours up to the the whole day. It makes me wonder how much I can truly recover and if I will ever not be angry. If you have any insights or similar experiences please share them in this thread.
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He’s just flipping that monkey around, don’t see how that’s sadistic, plus look up George Murray Levick’s findings, penguins do similar and more cruel things that involve rape


Just another night at the 7-eleven 😂


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A lot of juvenile retardation in your post. Are you underage? I remember thinking posts like yours were worthwhile when I was 14. It's nostalgic, but annoying to put up with.
>how come tigers, foxes or bears didn't evolve to roam around in packs and skin toddlers alive
Because that's inefficient. A living prey is a screaming, thrashing, and biting prey. A quick kill is more practical.
>or kill their species members just for some temporary amusement?
They do, and this "temporary amusement" is a reward for protecting one's area and pack from a competing pack. The animals that aren't driven by the pleasure of defeating an enemy and protecting their own, are animals that go extinct.

>why apes? why did us apes evolve into a sociopathic species?

>us apes
We're not all niggers here. If you want to get in to evolutionary instincts being passed down to us, then you should at least be savvy enough about where we come from to know that bonobo are closer to humans than chimpanzees are. Bonobo are non-violent and communicative.

>Hello Reddit

For one, that Reddit is for sadist fetishists and succubi who get off on the suffering of animals. These people are groomed by society, rotten on drugs, and twisted by their unnatural lives to the point of conflating fight-or-flight responses to danger with the rush of themselves successfully hunting or being bred by force. For you to link it here is to taint the entirety of Wizchan with fat succubi goon material. Secondly, you're looking past the natural hierarchy and instincts of these animals. Monkeys that big can and will steal food from the apes, gang up on them, and even attack and eat the young. The chimpanzees need to keep the monkeys out even if it means they must kill the ones who get too close. These apes don't have weapons so bludgeoning the competitor is the most appropriate course. There's no senseless torture for amusement or drawn-out killing for some satanic thrill; you're completely imagining that. Thirdly, "(if you are a sensitive wizard, please do not watch that video) is pitiful. We're all grown men here, and nature's competitive violence shouldn't be of any bother to us - especiallPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


>monkey evolution thing
but uhh wouldn't monkeys learn more from lower life forms by investigating them? causing them to uhh, hehe "glitch" from the pain? no?


last i heard, the bonobo are gay, cucks, and cringe
the bonobo should be ground to a paste, until non of their shameful matter is left


Wizchan is an English-only board, dumbfuck

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There is a very good chance I will become homeless in the near future, what should I do to prepare and what should I do to survive? I appreciate all your answers and advice, stay strong, my brothers.
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>Being homeless, despite what RP posters who haven had to do it say, fucking sucks ESPECIALLY for wizardly types.
No, your fearmongering still has no merit to this day. I'm sorry you feel that "wizard types" are perpetually frightened pants-shitting goobabies, but the reality is that we're just grown men who can endure just as much if not more hardship than any "normal" guy. The advice from us "larpers" (Guys who have actually been homeless at some point) has always been to the benefit of all, whereas your advice can be deduced to "Don't be homeless, and if you are, be scared forever and hide or the evil wraiths of normalfaggotry will sniff out your virginity and set you on fire because of it!". That's not hyperbole either; you 100% believe that being a virgin man on the street is a death sentence and have dedicated so much time to bringing guys here down to your pathetic level.

I'm sorry you had a bad experience on the streets as a result of your own cowardice and failure to adapt, but you are the odd one out. Your fright and plight just isn't applicable to anyone else. OP didn't even suggest that he has any real issue with his potential homelessness. He knows that to be a hobo adds just a few more steps to finding a place to lay his head and to boil his water. He's asking for advice that will help him fulfill his basic needs. He's not asking anyone to affirm any fears or paranoia he may have about the lifestyle, because that doesn't help anyone. And yet that's all you ever seem to contribute to these threads.


Being on the streets has no upsides.


Well then it's a good thing nobody said anything even close to that!


And here is the roleplayer people were warning against.
Don't listen to this retard and his attempts at manipulation using succubi tactics. Deep down even he knows he if full of shit.


been homeless for a year and about to be homeless in 2 weeks again. what made it most enjoyable was traveling across the country, and living in the wilderness. being homeless in urban areas just feels yucky i couldnt stay in urban areas for too long. when homeless you dont want to carry too much shit. i didnt even have a sleeping bag/tent i would just wear 3 layers of clothes or sleep next to a campfire if i was out of urban areas. mosquitos suck ass a fire will keep them at bay but fire draws human attention so buy mosquito repellant and spray it all over u before u go to sleep. you might find it fun learning how to forage and often being at risk of getting killed by wild animals.

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are you trying to follow up some religion or some dogmas? like for example, do you read the sacred book of hinduism/budhism or maybe you read about philosophers like marcis aurelius and his book about himself. or maybe you're more of an hermetisim guy so you follow up alchemist dogmas or a free masson and try to figure out what symbols means?
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But, does this have a deeper meaning or is it just a bunch of stories=?


I'm agnostic, pretty much atheist because I don't believe in a "divine person" God and pantheism seems like a cop-out. All religions are dumb in their own way and are mostly just collections of ancient memes that evolved into elaborate societal control structures.

Esotericism and the occult has more value, because it can show you the power of the mind, but it is simply that. Stripped from any metaphysical baggage, occult techniques are means to systematically manipulate the mind, especially the senses. The theology and symbolism is there to prime the consciously affected senses to manifest in a specific way, in the way that reinforces belief in the theology. So really mysticism is the perfect way to get people to believe in religion because it attacks the empirical senses directly. This is why Evangelical Christianity and Buddhism (especially Tibetan Buddhism) are so convincing to people; Evangelical prayer is literally creating a tulpa of God that talks to you, and Buddhist mediation you cut off the senses and the very sense of self. If you are uncritical then it would be convincing that you are speaking with God or you don't have a self.

Reading secular philosophy is a waste of time I think. Most people's "philosophies" seem more like their personality, informed by their life experience. I think philosophy readers need others more intelligent or eloquent than they are to agree and reinforce what they already believe. People who radically change their worldview because of a book; idk I kind of look down on that like you are a crab falling for the written down equivalent of social media self-help grindset gurus.

My path is what is obvious to me as a asocial loser with no use to the world: sustain myself, avoid normalfags as much as possible, don't fall for anti-escapist pro-"productivity" rhetoric that watching anime and playing video games is less worthy than slaving for people who hate me. Settle the mind to be somewhat content, have nice dreams, and "magically" control the senses to have a pleasant waking experience. If there is an ultimate goal for myself it would be for the body to be on autopilot while I have immersive vivid daydreams on what I have taken good from the outside world as inspiration.


You are my inspiration, Sir.

What is your daily routine?


Are there any people or authors that write about this approach to life? You seem to have a remarkably similar viewpoint to myself




I have to disagree on the loser concept as voiced here so often.
i have 70+ years as single white boy and man…
i have never married; i have had numerous jobs; and I have lived in several cities and states.
i have never considered myself to be a loser despite many setbacks and unfortunate experiences…
i know what i can do; if i don't I educate myself to be able to do whats required…
i am now mostly blind in one eye; my hearing was damaged by bad medications i can't write due to doctors bungling my right hand in treatment from a fall…
unless you are completely non functional braindead you can learn something useful that will lift you out of your self-hate…
Don't give up; information is free for the taking.
i never married, my friends who did are dead/dying slowly from their BAD choices…
i just say F*** it and keep on keeping on.
i have suffered setbacks many times but always struggled thru…
i am watching friends expiring slowly day by day who were very successful normies with houses cars planes toys that most men would kill for…
Try 27 variant's of dodge super cars as his toys; 3 houses; so much crap he had to buy an extra house with outbuildings just to store his cars and toys…
it was all for nothing; the greedy bitch he married (#3) murdered him for his money homes cars boats etc…
give thanks for what you have, however small and lacking; it could be far worse…
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amen and amen…


the very few inter-gendered relationships however minor; were enough to cause me to say F*** it completely and totally…


Have our best desires, elder


>>220787 i took up shooting and gun-smithing if it goes bang i can fix or salvage it…


I want to know what the F*** was in that apple ?

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who here just a lazy nigger who wish they were proactive and wish they weren't so shy because you were always mocked by what youve done in your former years and hope to have the will to say whats wrong with others?


I'm a scary ugly cuckold so idk

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Being skinnyfat is /wiz/ manifest on your body. It's through no fault of your own that it happens: you didn't overeat, nor were you particularly lazy. Rather, being socially and mentally deficient forced you inside, where you moved less and less vigorously than the average normalfaggot child would.

The normalfaggot child, through no skill, hard work, or determination of their own, built a genetically normal amount of muscle over a long period of time just by being outside and moving with their other normalfaggot friends. They ate more than you, they enjoyed the fruits of life more than you, and they worked so much less harder than you— and they were rewarded for it with physical desirability.

The normalfaggot, then grown up, grows arrogant, and thinks themselves special, even though they put no effort into the good things that life and their sociability gave them. With this attitude set, they spit venom at the lazy, ugly, disgusting skinnyfat people.

Fuck this condition.
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I lost over 35 kg last year with intermittent fasting and a ketogenic diet (=high protein, high fat, little-to-zero carbs, absolutely no sugar or processed crap.)

I started with the standard 8-16 schedule (you eat within an 8-hour window, then fast for 16 hours, which can be easily done by just skipping breakfast). Once I got used to it, I switched to a 24-hour schedule (one meal per day). The fat melted off my body like wax off a candle—about 200-300 grams per day. I was so excited about it that I even fasted for a month in December to lose the last bit of stubborn fat. This really dried me up, and people started to comment on how skinny I looked. For the first time in my life I could see my cheekbones, at that point I decided to stop and switch back to a 24h schedule because I was starting to look like Skinny Pete from Breaking Bad, lmao.

I don't necessarily recommend my somewhat extreme approach, but it certainly worked for me. I have the kind of personality that finds it easier to eat a lot once and then fast for a while, rather than eating a little several times. Now, I just have to gain some muscle by lifting weights, but the obesity issue is pretty much solved for me.

If any wizzie is interested, I highly recommend Dr. Fung's lectures and videos. They explain the why and the how behind the whole process.


I lost 30kg on keto in my mid 20s.

Now that I'm in my 30s and my dopamine levels crashed to zero, I can't do keto.
Carbs and chocolate are some of the only things I get brief joy from within any given 24 hour period.


I read your posts on wizchan at a few places and wanted to say I found your experiences interesting. Did you find after you lost that much weight it left saggy skin every where?

I remembered recently your posts and was considering if I'd have to do this too. Because I'm trying to reduce my body fat %. I am doing an insane amount of exercise, literally as much as I can stand. Going to see if there's any changes after the next month and decide whether or not to start it.

I'd just be worried about losing too much weight too quickly.


>Did you find after you lost that much weight it left saggy skin every where?
Luckily no, I was very overweight but not morbidly obese like, say, Francis (boogie2988), so my skin retained its elasticity. But I do have some faint stretch marks on my sides.

>I am doing an insane amount of exercise, literally as much as I can stand. Going to see if there's any changes after the next month and decide whether or not to start it.

80% of the job is done in the kitchen. Exercise doesn't burn as many calories as you'd think, unless it's some very intense, sustained whole-body exercise like running a marathon or rock climbing or Nordic walking or whatever. A one-hour strenuous weightlifting session will burn maybe 300 kcal, which is good (bigger muscles = more calories burned at rest) but ultimately ineffective for weight loss if you don't adjust your diet accordingly.

>I'd just be worried about losing too much weight too quickly.

You're going to lose a lot of weight at the beginning, that's normal. Most of it will be water weight as your body depletes glycogen stores. Eventually the weight loss will slow down and you'll start losing visceral fat (the stuff wrapped around your organs), which is more metabolically active. The last few kilos of subcutaneous fat will be the most stubborn, and that's where a stricter fasting regime might help you the most.


That sounds very encouraging. You make some good points. I think going to start intermittent fasting then.

I'm finding it easy to gain muscle. But would still feel disappointed if I still was over-weight at the end of it. I'm not looking for any short cuts but I might as well try this and see what happens.

Thanks wiz.


I realized something about myself, I am actually afraid of work. Not like work, but just afraid of getting a job. In the small town where I live (I'm from Eastern Europe by the way). I can't get hired anywhere and I have developed interview anxiety and feel useless knowing that the next time I go to interview I'm going to be sent to hell. I'm just a fucking NEET at 28 and I can't do anything and I don't want anything else in life. I'm so desperate that I don't even go to the store, which I used to do successfully. Normies are the ugliest creatures i hate my life but most of all i hate fucking people


same, 27 NEET, fear of working and getttig scolded on or doing mistakes or being bullied at work




Ok, but what does any of that have to do with the image you choose with the very weird looking succubus?


I put it there for fun. she is dressed in work clothes, the kind worn in my country by people working in heavy industries or other. physically demanding jobs. People like her will never work for such jobs.


Plus this is a photo of a man who changed his face with the help of AI and he is male

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My mother got sick. Now I can't find a place for myself, I was NEET for several years, worked a couple of times in my life in a big city. But I live in a small one, where there is no work, and now I don't know what to do, they don't really hire me. And the work that is available won't suit me because of my poor health. I hate myself for not having achieved anything by the age of 26, and now I can lose a loved one who made sense in my meaningless life. I hate society, I hate people. But most of all I hate that I suffer because of all this, that now I need money, and I don't even know how to earn it. That I am such a worthless person with poor health and I am afraid of everything in life. You know, the worst thing is not to have no money, but to have no health to earn it. God, life is torture for autistics and losers, why didn't they strangle me with a half-penny as a child?
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Nope, it's not nearly all. And labeling all unpleasant events with the same word does not make them all equally bad nor does it constitute a valuable insight.


>They have every feature of life unlocked as an unlimited sandbox game while you rot away no matter how hard you try to work
This. So fucking much. People really have no clue what having caring AND rich parents can do for someone's life trajectory. I had neither like most people on here. My parents wouldn't even let me play sports as a kid so that entire life path ended up locked off from the start.

dont even fucking start with that "hurrr at least youre not starving in africa" glib bullshit. Suffering from starvation, ailments or a lackluster numb existence are all various forms.

As for OP, start living at a local library, do odd jobs like housepainting/moving. buy a van to live in. Shit is fucked in most cities now. Once my job goes fully automated in a few years, I'll be up shit's creek too.


I have good health and I am financially okay, but my mom died and my dad left the house. Now I am worried I actually have to maintain and understand how to fix this house before I end up like Chris Chan.


Do you even have a mental image of what you can achieve? YOu probly not, you just want to have something to subsist. But the current world punishes that unless you suck their slavery in.

So, I would not blame myself that hard.


Yes, thanks anon, in truth, I tried to get somewhere to get somewhere in or get out of shit, but I just can’t really be tired.


Fellow wizards, as a 30 yr old virgin myself I sometimes wonder - If you somehow managed to stop being a wizard. What would your life be like? I have talked to ex wizards and they basically say they can't keep a gf for long because they get insecure that they are being cheated on and have no real experience to tell if they are being gaslighted or just from their own thoughts.
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This. Your brain will be COOKED after 40 years of isolation. Even if a fat bald hairy ogre succubus raped you for half a minute making you lose your virginity, nothing would change.


Well, I mean, you are not wrong, I too highly doubt that a person that reaches the 40s without experiencing intimacy will from one day to another have intimacy, but at the same time it's no impossible, it could happen, but it's very unlikely.


Then you get the cucks that have been married 20+ years that complain about not getting sex or intimacy lmao

A guy who's been independent for a long time has better chances than some subservient pussywhipped cuck


"Even if a fat bald hairy ogre succubus raped you for half a minute making you lose your virginity,"

It would appear that this, too, is altogether impossible just as the fantasies mentioned above. Sorry anon. The chastity of a wizard appears impossibly well guarded.


succubi have such low standards nowadays, if you can stand upright for an hour you probably have a chance

Except if you're brown or chinkoid maybe


Do you think psychotherapy can help NEETs to become something better? It's such a common advice out there: go to therapy, it's the best you can do to help yourself, it's your responsibility etc etc. What's your experience with therapy? Do you think it genuinely might help?
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Therapy is a waste of money and time, at best they will give you normalfag advices like "eat healthy" or "exercise more", at worst they call the police and you become a psychiatric patient for life.


It's a distraction, but it's not a lie. Even old beautiful furniture from the 1800s has shapes and curves found only in nature. No ugly bulky boxes and MDF.

What you see daily, directly affects your mind no matter how much you try to visualize a better reality.


I tried therapy once, and went in and saw my doctor was a strong, black succubus. I just left immediately. How can such a person possibly help me?


probably not, if you speak about anything serious youre going to get medshilling


Honestly, it depends, if you have just a mild form of maldaptive thinking process, then probably with some good therapy you can change your behavior, or more accurate, you can change your thought process. Now, if you have a genuine mental -organic- disorder, a illness that is born -because- your brain doesn't work well from the get go, then no, no amount of therapy will cure you, may help you cope better with the illness, but only medication can actually change your brain biological process in a way that fundamentally effect how you brains works.

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