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Now i don't know if this is madness but can a person like really just be vexxed or cursed to never have a girlfriend ? It's the fact that even when you try it always seems to not go your way, it always goes wrongly, It's fucking insane how much tries you try yet it does not work, it's almost as if there is someone stopping that shit because it's fucking insane how one can keep trying even in any way yet he cannot succeed with getting a succubus.

Do you think there is really some fucking paranormal background to males not having the chance to get a girlfriend even though they do everything that seems to be accepted by Social standards and even break social standards just to get a girlfriend yet with no avail, Even the most handsome yet cannot get it, I remember there was a thread about how people are bound to be lonely well this is a continuation, Do you think there are some who are destined to never have a girlfriend even though it seems absurd ?

Is there anyway to break from this cycle ?
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>but they don't give a shit about a silent listener and they definitely won't like you for just listening and giving basic bitch autistic feedback. They also don't give a shit about the attention from guys who got nothing going on fpr themselves because it doesn't mean much.

succubi crave nothing more than talking to a wall of autism. I heard that if you're predictable and agree with everything they say and ask them stuff like an interviewer they will instantly suck your dick at the end of the conversation.


It's all too much work, if you want to conquer someone there are surely many efficient ways to do it, but if you want to go the easy way, the best way is to be in places surrounded by succubi, smile, ask them how they are, and possibly you end up making yourself friend of one of her, and as time goes by, maybe you date one, or you have enough practice to be able to talk to other succubi in other areas.

It's really not worth it, and it's a pain in the ass, but hey, it's what you have if you want to leave offspring.

If you listen enough, smile, and be kind in a sincere and selfless way, possibly anyone will like you regardless of their gender, or more or less, but it helps a lot. The thing is that this will possibly lead to a succubus not being your girlfriend, or some shit like that, being the dumb dumb friend who listens to their problems, or maybe sucking your dick since they need affection and someone they trust, but this requires extra steps, but hey, I am more virgin than olive oil, and I leave the house every bishop's death, so what I say is not necessarily law.


If you're really neurodivergent you're usually only able to get succubi with a lot of huge downsides attached to them, it's just what it is. Most relationships are very superficial anyway and often they end with a lot of additional trouble for you. A lot of guys have a rather naive understanding of succubi and relationships as well and they are looking for a deep connection or some type of friendship with a succubus that is closer to anime than real life. Especially when you're autistic succubi hardly find you interesting for long and if they put up with you they usually have some kind of issue or motive.

It's weird how relationships and sex are really nothing special anymore and easy digestible slop for people while others only think its special because they can't have it. Especially when I look at certain promiscous types and how they treat these things so easy it just seems weird to me as if its all just pure ego driven. When you listen to these normie sexhavers its linked to sadism, gossip and other negative things as well and they often have drama and issues over sex. crab types also don't understand that real sex is not as spectacular as in porn and I read many posts of late bloomers who were disappointed in how sex is hardly like porn because people are not actors and performers. Theres even guys who straight up lose their partners over prefering porn.

Its the type of things you can hardly understand in your 20s and even when theres different viewpoints on this the conclusion always seems to be that its not worth it.


Even if you wanted a gf as a neurodivergent, autist etc. how would this even realistically work out? You'd have to figure out the social shit which seems hard enough if even possible and then you'd still be rather uninteresting in your personality but also lifestyle wise. On top of that you lack any romantic/sexual experience, you don't know how to insert your dick into a succubus properly and you also don't know anything else about being with a succubus while she knows everything about being with guys who are not as retarded as you.

If you're in your mid 20s you're running out of time to make experiences and if you don't have options you'd have to clinge to whatever succubus gives you the time of the day which is a bad idea.


I tried but none of these shitjobs want to hire me and none of them pay good anyway, I did the math and it turned out literally sitting around doing nothing and collecting the minimum amount of gibs is still more than going out there and wagecucking. I would spend more money on commuting and would essentially save nothing.
like if you work 40 hour weeks and still cant afford your own place or consumer stuff then what the fuck is the point?
the last thing even remotely being a job to me was hunting for crypto airdrops and making a couple thousand bucks off it but I havent been lucky in the last couple years.
I stopped going outside because people out there harrass me for no reason, like I walk down the street (couple years ago) and suddenly a police van pulls over and 5 normalfag police zogbots jump out and hold me literally at gunpoint.
apparently someone called them and said there is a guy fitting my description scooping out houses or some shit.
ended up getting a fine for my expired ID and getting a trip to the police station.
or I somehow end up running into people who are up to no good, got mugged twice but I only had like 5 bucks every time.
one time some guy threw a bottle at me from a driving car.

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Reflections on height
My mother is 4.9, my father is 5.5.
In my school years, because my mother worked as a cleaner in a factory for 12 grand (RUB*) a month and my father worked in the same factory as an electrician for 15 grand, I had a disgusting diet and a closed way of life - I was forbidden to leave the house. I grew very slowly while my boy classmates in 13-14 years old were 5.2-6.2, succubi were 4.9-5.7. I was 4.7 in 9th grade at 15 (since I went to school at 6 (while the whole class was 7-8). I was hated for my height and for the fact that I was not a calm tolerant I was a hyperactive child with the character of an alpha kid most of the bullying was psychological mostly I was bullied by classmates and teachers who were also female. The bullying could be expressed in the following teachers constantly put me as a bad example or as an example of a stupid child because I was the youngest and smallest, they looked down on me while my classmates allowed themselves to communicate with them as equals and challenge their decisions my attempts to build a constructive dialog ended with remarks and F's in the diary. I could be forced to do class work because it seemed to them that I was the easiest to force and so they reflexively emphasized me. To wring out a rag, to wipe the blackboard, to put me at the first desk in every lesson, to call me to the blackboard every lesson, to take away my backpack for not having time to put my textbooks away before the lesson started, constant teasing trying to shove me into some ugly role in some ugly play for example I played a rooster in the New Year's play because I was threatened to get a D for the quarter after which my classmates and teachers laughed at me almost immediately after that I was tricked into the role of an eagle on teacher's day where I was scripted to peck Hercules' liver while I was pecking the liver on stage. From the outside it looked like an act of sodomy and about 100 people were looking at me, including teachers and students, laughing loudly at me and shouting "peck, peck" I still do not understand how and why in their heads these people had such a desire to mock me. In addition to this I suffered from overweight, acne, stuttering and social maladjustment. No one was involved in my physical fitness, so I never knew how to do pull-ups and push-ups, which in turn caused ridicule from others. Classmates never paid attention to my advances they every day laughed at my height and my appearance Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


Felt this, i'm 5'7 and my life is still trash, succubus hated me or always rejected me, got bullied a ton. I think it's just natural selection, if you're weak within among your species you will not get pussy and be tormented until you off yourself, it makes so much sense now.


Paragraphs please


You have absolutely no reason to hate yourself. This is a learned behavior because of how unjustly others have treated you. In hating yourself, you are accepting their version of you, which they have "taught" you through sustained abuse. You do not have to do this.

If I may ask: have you physically separated from everyone who bullied you? As in, you are no longer physically around them? This is by far the most important measure you must first fulfill to begin healing. If in any case the answer is "yes" and you have removed yourself from their presence, start by understanding that you were bullied not for any reason owing to your own fault or inferiority, but to the collective stupidity and barbarism of human beings generally, who like all animals commonly target anything different from themselves with extreme viciousness and aggression. If you emerged from all of this with an intact and healthy body, you are far far better off than many people who have gone through similar or worse things.

“I still do not understand how and why in their heads these people had such a desire to mock me.” -They had such a desire to mock you because you’re different from them. That is all it is and exactly nothing more. You could have been different in other ways that would have merited the same cruel response. It is however up to you whether or no you retain the mental image of the weak bullied boy they forced on you or you create your own anew.

“In addition to this I suffered from overweight, acne, stuttering and social maladjustment.” -All of this these can be corrected in adulthood. Have you taken steps to correcting them? Eating healthier, eliminating dairy/sugar for acne, improving speech, developing confidence?

Really concentrate, and inwardly answer this question: do I hate myself because of who I truthfully am within myself, or do I hate myself because of what others external to myself have made me believe? If you are of a strong and intelligent mind – which it seems like you are from your writing – you should already know the answer.

Remember that your worth is your soul, which is yours at birth and always will be yours until you depart this world for a much much better place. The stature of your soul is greater than the stature of your body. You need to find people who understand this.

I'm truly sorry you've suffered these things.


Post here when you don't have enough to say for a topic and it's too depressing for the general crawl thread.
Previous: >>290006
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you should do sole activities with grandpa, what do you think of it?


Any recommendations?


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sorry for all the posts. i wanted to say something but i cant. ill just keep it to myself and take it to the grave.
its very embarrassing. im very mentally ill. hopefully ill start getting better. nevermind and sorry.


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nta but I have that old paper if that might help you
idk how accurate or reliable it is


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I got banned for 1 year.
I googled how to evade bans and nothing worked, so I kinda gave up and stopped even lurking here.
Remebered it just now and came back just to say FUCK YOU JANNIES!
I never did anything bad, why rangeban me just because my countrymen are assholes? Seriously fuck you.

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Anyone else just under constant stress/anxiety? I feel like escape is impossible. I'm even on meds and see a therapist & psychiatrist over this shit and it doesn't help.


You have to deal with the things that give you stress and anxiety and solve them permanently, otherwise it never goes away.


I'm too stubborn to love myself there is no reason to. No foundation or qualities just a thing that exists. I feel there is a loving hand placed on me begging me to let it in but I can't bring myself to it. Maybe there is something about loving your lower being before accepting the higher being. But not all lower state of beings are equal for everyone. Some are ambitious and driven, others are able to take charge and intimidate. Then there are those who are subhuman. Then what is my higher self if it is not my own desired image. A subhuman who isn't angry? I want more to life than this more to my identity than just being happy, I want a sense of foundation of who I am, accomplishments, a bit of control and charisma or at least intelligent. Like Hitler, or Lenin, Karl marx, Napoleon just anything other than this mundane existence. Could care less about their political stance it's the determination that I admire. It's not the power I want it's the tools that get me the power. Then I would feel content with myself enough to accept this loving hand of grace. It knocks but I can't open. It's not that I refuse to open it it's just so foreign to just let go of a deep desire. This hand shown me how trivial it is but it doesn't mean i am still not satisfied of how I am made. What now?


It's literally crazy to think you should play the leading role in history like Napoleon or something. I can relate to being a subhuman though. Ultimately all my problems come down to being weak and incapable.


I know it's absurd but at least a small raid or clan that I can start in a game I play or something temporary like that. But not even that. I just want to be the spear head for something and I guess that where my tendency to cause mischief comes from

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 No.280124[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post the saddest images you have/have seen on the internet, it can be drawing or 3D
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found it with imgops. I think this is the original that thet op's pic was cropped from: https://safebooru.org/images/790/1f7cffc9395ee0483978833c71774f6c51b527b9.jpg

posting a link to the thing since wizadmins want me to disable vpn for the arguable luxury of uploading it here. thanks niggers


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the anime succubus with amputated limbs and teddy bear in hospital
that shit is just horrible


most people don't know the image that comes before that one

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 No.285599[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I've been on finasteride for 2 years and I just lost my job and had to move back with my parents and I noticed that my hairline is receding it looks bad, my hair is thinning too, even the back and sides are thinning so I will never be able to get a hair transplant. I've always been anxious about going bald because I have a really bad head shape and I just don't look good without hair, or well, i look worse than with full head of hair.
Balding young is fucking brutal and I don't feel like wearing a fedora or beanies it will make it all more obvious, i feel a pain in my chest and all this stress is causing me to lose more and more hair im in my early 20s but i look now like my male relatives who are full in their 50s.
I can't hide it and I don't want to be that bald guy everyone mocks.
Why it had to be me, wizards? I'm short and now balding, fucking life sucks and did nothing to deserve this.
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>A lot of wizards hate the idea of looks discrimination because it is very, very real
it is more real than ever with smartphones and social media, they will take pictures of anyone that looks "weird" and upload it. Anyone who is out of the norm can potentially become a meme, a person the entire internet can be ridiculed.


It just makes you feel like you're dying in a sense.


The only time I went to a gym some zoomers started filming me because I was so out of shape.


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one day I was walking down the road and a car stopped near me.then, a guy opened his window and aimed his at me:what he was doing? taking a picture of me. I hate normalfag so much about this. they humilate you in public by taking a photo/video of you and share it with their friends to moke you off.
fuck zoomers and normalfags kill'em'all


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Up to the age of 17 or 18 I consistently felt sad and defeated already, but at least I felt alive, felt live I had a human being agency.
Now I barely feel human. I don't feel emotions, don't have any belief in myself, all my interaction with other people feels like I'm pretending to be someone, while Real Me is just a hollow husk. Consuming content doesn't work, I fail to engage with emotional beats, don't feel rewarded when I engage intellectually into something, it feels very weird seeing myself in the mirror because I think I've completely detached myself from my body after some years of NEETdom. I am capable of some intellectual tasks, but I get drained very fast. Like I can sprint something once in a while, but then I get burnt out and back to rotting, never finishing ever. It doesn't real that I could have an agency or make something or improve my life because I don't even feel like I deserve to be part of life.

Does anyone relate to any of this? Have you managed to escape it?
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Of course, to have anything, we would require a security which is not allowed to exist, which is intentionally attacked by everything around us, and which can't exist in this time. That's not what humans are now.

The last thing they want is for you to have one iota of security. That would prevent them from stealing everyone's shit, and if that happens, everyone who is being robbed looks to each other, sees who and what is responsible, and begins purging violently the source of the problem like any mechanical solution would. This has been weaponized and directed against us, and the only other way it could go is to reverse what has been done.


Anyway, I never "escaped it", but I found ways to cope and build a small bit of life for myself apart from it. Probably the best thing was to stop lying to myself and stop acting like this society can be reconciled with, and it took me a while to truly embrace what that meant. It is helpful to find some small thing to remain connected, despite the pressure to "out" anyone who isn't part of this demonic beast. They've pushed aggressively to make the purging and counter-purging the only possible world, and it really is stupid that this is what humanity chose. We really didn't have to do any of this, and they won't get the world they want in purified form. But, as long as the bastards can dig in, they will fight an interminable struggle and make us go along with their world, set the conditions we have to operate within moving forward so far as they can - and it's pointless for us to play a struggle to do the same. That just creates more muck and rot.


Life is not one of your fantasies. A solution to a problem is not set in stone anywhere. Life would be be a little bit better if more people just said "Well shit, I don't have the answer for you but I wish you the best" and just shut the fuck up after that than the neverending fallacy of "You didn't do X enough". There's a BIG line between teenage nihilist, "woe is me" bullshit and being aware enough about the situation that you're caught in a nasty catch 22. Hope just prolongs suffering, keeps the wound open. I don't care if somebody is too stupid to know when they reached that point or not. You play the hand you're dealt with. I'm tired of society gaslighting what hand we have playing poker. It can be sombering if you accept the fucked up situation and learn to make the most of it.


I hate you fucking people. No fucking compassion whatsoever. You just want to feel good about yourself moralizing. Cocksucker.


It's been similar for me. Though I was never NEET, I've always been reclusive and thanks to the rona I got to indulge in these habits more and more. I think after about a year of basically not leaving my room and playing games all day, I noticed that I had become dead inside. Before there was sadness, despair and fear at least, sometimes even enjoyment from a good Anime or game. But suddenly I was just completely numb. Like you, I lost any sense of identity, passion or reward from doing things.
For what it's worth though it has gotten a bit better recently. Not much but I can kind of feel things every once in a while, I get angry again sometimes or feel good about doing something, which gives me hope that this condition isn't permanent. I assume it will take a long time, since I have been numb for about 4 years. I'm not sure what changed but I think doing the tiniest things you can manage helps. For example
>you need to clean, can you do that today?
>how about you just vacuum?
>then what if you just clear up some of the stuff that's lying around so you can vacuum in the coming days?
maybe I could do that
Keep breaking down tasks until it feels like you can actually do them right now. It doesn't feel good. In fact, there's a lot of shame and resentment towards yourself because you feel like such a failure for not being able to just "do the thing". But I think that's what's helped me to at least gain some momentum and shake off some of the rust as it were.

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I am incapable of considering and preparing for the future and it fucks me up.

I didn't have motivation to study in college because I hated my subject and didn't really care about money because all I did was browse the net, watch anime, read manga and play retro video games which you can all do with a cheap laptop. I thought that the future will just get better and we might get UBI and more cheap escapist technology. I never even considered the fact that:

>i will get tired of these things and want more

>i will get sick of consooming and want to create
>my parents will get tired of me and we will get into arguments
>the future will actually get worse because of the economy, global instability and climate change
>neetbux could get reduced, come with harsh conditions or straight up canceled
>my health will get worse as the 20s buff wears off and I might need more money for better healthcare

Now I got tired of video games, internet and anime but these things ruined my attention span so its hard to focus on things that are more challenging and dont give instant gratification.

I want to finally move out but with the current housing crisis it seems impossible.

I have constant anxiety for the future and wish I had money and skills to at least have some mobility and choice and not just be at the mercy of fate.

My back hurts and I need to get a good mattress but no money thanks to the increased food prices.

There is no choice but to prepare for the future and do damage control but the mistakes of the past weigh on me every day. Especially since the mistakes I made were so obvious if I took the time to think for a few minutes and wasn't such an escapist addicted manchild who thought he could hide from reality if he ignored it.
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When Randolph Carter was thirty he lost the key of the gate of dreams. Prior to that time he had made up for the prosiness of life by nightly excursions to strange and ancient cities beyond space, and lovely, unbelievable garden lands across ethereal seas; but as middle age hardened upon him he felt these liberties slipping away little by little, until at last he was cut off altogether. No more could his galleys sail up the river Oukranos past the gilded spires of Thran, or his elephant caravans tramp through perfumed jungles in Kled, where forgotten palaces with veined ivory columns sleep lovely and unbroken under the moon.

He had read much of things as they are, and talked with too many people. Well-meaning philosophers had taught him to look into the logical relations of things, and analyse the processes which shaped his thoughts and fancies. Wonder had gone away, and he had forgotten that all life is only a set of pictures in the brain, among which there is no difference betwixt those born of real things and those born of inward dreamings, and no cause to value the one above the other. Custom had dinned into his ears a superstitious reverence for that which tangibly and physically exists, and had made him secretly ashamed to dwell in visions. Wise men told him his simple fancies were inane and childish, and he believed it because he could see that they might easily be so. What he failed to recall was that the deeds of reality are just as inane and childish, and even more absurd because their actors persist in fancying them full of meaning and purpose as the blind cosmos grinds aimlessly on from nothing to something and from something back to nothing again, neither heeding nor knowing the wishes or existence of the minds that flicker for a second now and then in the darkness.

They had chained him down to things that are, and had then explained the workings of those things till mystery had gone out of the world. When he complained, and longed to escape into twilight realms where magic moulded all the little vivid fragments and prized associations of his mind into vistas of breathless expectancy and unquenchable delight, they turned him instead toward the new-found prodigies of science, bidding him find wonder in the atom’s vortex and mystery in the sky’s dimensions. And when he had failed to find these boons in things whose Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


I would suggest you prepare now. In my 20's I could never have fathomed the severe hardship and poverty of my 30's. Do whatever it is that you can to empower yourself and ready for difficult times, it will help with your anxiety and give you something purposeful to focus on. Things will be so much worse if you put it off, and there may come a point where you cannot turn things around and will be doomed to a very long and difficult life. Pretty sure I dealt with something similar, not sure I would call it blindness as much as obfuscation of the future by the marring of the present.

This may not be of use to you, but you can use post-it notes or similar, put up some reminders around your room and living space, compelling you to take action you know will pay off, and prepare you in some way. You can start very small. I've done this during some rough times and it helped a lot.

On the topic of planning for the future, all wizard should be proactive about dental health, and if you're a poor wizard you will need to have an account or savings for your dental only. Save up a little each month small amounts. Always you need to take care of your teeth, you need them not just for eating, but once you lose your teeth and stop chewing, it does something to your brain deteriorates your mind even more, something to do with nerve stimulation. I can't remember how exactly but it would be easy to chase down for anyone interested.

Use dental floss and brush regularly. Try putting up a special note for yourself somewhere in your room or house, maybe on the back of your door when it's closed, to remind yourself to brush, and not be in extreme pain from dental because of lack of future planning.


That was a good read. Too bad I have a fairly bad case of aphantasia, so I have a really hard time visualizing beauty around me. If I want to experience it, I need to pour thousands on updating my ugly wallpapers, furniture and chipped paint.

But I do realize the pursuit of things is in vain and ultimately meaningless.
To me it's just a cope so I don't feel sad the moment I wake up and have to look at decrepit surroundings.


I have realized the same thing about myself recently. I simply do not have the capacity to plan for the future in any concrete way. I believe that it has to do with having health anxiety throughout my teens and being convinced multiple times that I was going to die soon, so my brain learned that long term planning isn't worth much in the face of RNG tragedy.
The only thing that motivated me to give up the constant online scrolling was because it made me more miserable than the process of giving it up. The only reason I take care of my body somewhat is because of my afforementioned health anxiety. The only reason I started budgeting is because I've been in the red for a while and it started having immediate effects on my life. The only reason I'm learning programming and OpenGl is out of some weird nostalgic impulse to recreate the feelings of enjoyment I had when playing games years ago. Etc. I have no idea or plan where I will end up in the future. I think it's pointless to try and do so. I just do things because they seem to be worthwhile right now and hope for the best.
This was great. I am scared of the day I stop dreaming, the peace and wonder of sleep is often the highlight of my day.

 No.277007[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

The purpose of this thread is to counter the general tenor of sadness that defines all the other threads. This thread will therefore feature practical advice about reducing suicidal behavior even when we feel most suicidal. Naturally, being that I started the topic, I will be the first to contribute.

(1) Know that I care about you guys deeply and sincerely. Call me a faggot, I don't care.
(2) Examine what you are eating. For example, gluten especially produces depressive/psychotic episodes in sensitive autistic individuals. Sugar also is not healthy for your brain.
(3) Make sure you are getting sufficient sleep. Chronic sleeplessness or even a few days' worth of irregular sleep can seriously interfere with the clarity of our thinking.
(4) Clean up. Taking a warm shower and putting on fresh clean clothes always is refreshing and helps to break up darkened mental habits.
(5) Breathe fresh air. Open the windows to your wiz-cave and allow some wind to come in.
(6) Watch your breathing. When we are panicked, our breathing can become very disordered and we do not recognize the effect this has on our thinking. Take deep, purposeful breaths, and collect your thoughts.
(7) Respect yourself. You have done your best to survive in an awful world, and you should grant yourself forgiveness for any mistakes and the allowance to rest with a composed and balanced mind.

I've done my part. Anyone else?
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> This thread will therefore feature practical advice about reducing suicidal behavior even when we feel most suicidal
but why? People here aren't seeking for help, I bet most of the people who blog about their depression only use /dep/ and not other boards and will never even kill themselves.


I ldarmaxx but at least im out everyday. Suicide would just be giving in to those who ruined my life


I ruined my life, thinking I didn't have to care about life, since I was just going to kill myself later anyway. Its 16 years since I 1st determined on suicide and I'm still here.

So I guess that's another argument against suicidal thoughts. We only talk about going through with it. But believing you're going to go through with it, when its possible you can't. Then you give up on the IRL in front of you, for an escape hatch that might not be there.


Don't worry too much about getting shit on OP. There are a significant amount of hostile users that aren't suicidal but try to provoke people here and elsewhere into suicide. They pose as fellow depressed wizards/anons/etc and encourage suicide, offer ways to get VAD and assisted suicide, and they operate discord servers for coordinating.

More than likely some of them are in this thread. Something you need to keep in mind is that if they were really so suicidal as to call you a faggot for just offering help in clearly marked thread (that no one has to click unless they want help), yet haven't killed themselves, then they are coming in order to get other people to commit suicide or to drive help away. I try to help people on other websites and get the same resistance, and I have found several of these groups (typically of a certain political leaning and sexual fetish) whose sole purpose is to get young men to commit suicide.

Don't be overwhelmed OP, and thanks for trying to be a good person.


Even if you care (you are still a stranger), I still don't want to be alive. I'm sorry.

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