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 No.315590[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


Previous thread: https://archive.fo/oMDB8
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I don't care, I just want to pay back to leftshits for ruining every community I ever cared or felt part of. My problem is more with faggots and feminists, if leftists at least openly praised things like persecution of faggots and forcing succubi to work in farms in the same way as men like every eminent successful communist revolutionary did, I'd support them as well, but you retards really chose niggers, faggots and rich succubi.


>Everyone can chose to acknowledge
>Please chose to
Choose to learn english first before spouting your retarded uneducated opinions.
You didn't choose anything about your life, you delusional retard. You can't even write a coherent post.


>All he can do is pick out a spelling mistake

I choosed just about everything important in my life. I done chosen to drop out of school, to sign up for neetbux, what job I applied to that pays under the table, what computer parts to buy, what anime to watch, what to eat, where to walk to, what imouto to beat my meat to… I even choiced my own hair cut. My choosings were good and they made me happy. Every day for the past 30 years I have chosen to not pursue sex and touchy-feelies with succubi.

You must chews death. This is the politics thread, not the BAWWing predeterminist defeatist blackpill projecting crab googoo baby idiot thread.


You chose to repress your emotions, and you have lost the ability to connect with other people. You may have a strong body, and you may be blissfully unbothered by life, but that's because there is nothing that can be bothered. You're empty. You have no soul, merely a highly performing meat robot. And if you don't believe in the soul, then in your case, you would be right.


I rest easy knowing that if the fascists ever took over the sperg in this thread would be the first sent to the camps

[Last 50 Posts]

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No politics or religion in the crawl thread, please.

>Ambient sounds to wash away distraction

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inb4 you don't have autism because asshole thinks autistic people are supposed to be actual retards


>I hate the constant negativity here
You're looking at it wrong then. If you don't get a warm fuzzy feeling like being covered with a blanket when you're cold from reading then you're an outsider. Take your happy and lucky bullshit somewhere else.


Anyone who feels good upon reading the plights and ill feelings of men is by all accounts an outsider on any board designed for men. "Misery loves company", sure, but misery shouldn't be given what it wants. It should be strangled. Wizchan is just as much a happy place as it is a sad one. Stop trying to shut down the happiness.



I remember one guy here said that people online tend to talk about the world in the sense of how they want it to be, not how it is. I think about that a lot.


Yeah, youtube's search function is intentionally broken and has been for a few years.

You wouldn't happen to remember the channel name would you?
If not it might be a good idea to use bing video search. While I am not a fan of bing's normal search their video search is surprisingly decent.

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The other thread already hit the limit. I like to collect pictures that i found, so fell free to post anything you like
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and I feel terrified of them aliens, I know they're a joke these days but oh man


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Maybe, but i only watch it for libby and his mom. andrea is a bitch


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guin saga


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this look really cool. where these images are from. they look like something out of ogre battle

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 No.311920[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Let's have a "official" NEET/Hikikomori thread on /lounge/.
If you're a NEET or a Hikikomori, feel free to post something you think is worth sharing.
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japanese internet isn't funny anymore
if you wanna get into japanese bbs,
I recommend eddibb.cc and open2ch.net

5ch is almost dead due to admin's retardness
2chan.net is filled with oldman who do internet since 90s

most of 2ch-style bbs has shitty UI so you should use 2ch-dedicated browser(2ch専用ブラウザ)



ok thank you kind japanese wizard


many japanse websites ban non-japanese ip.
so japanese-ip vpn is required.
if website banned your vpn provider,try vpngate


ok thank you


>2chan.net is filled with oldman who do internet since 90s
how is that a bad thing?

[Last 50 Posts]

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how do i know if its autism or adhd? the only thing i have to work off of is that i crave constant novelty far more than repition
i sometimes have trouble with social cues but i don't feel like its that i can't understand them, more that i'm unable to properly concentrate on the conversation
maybe its all stupid to worry about
>inb4 adhd isnt real
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>how do i know if its autism or adhd?
By going through if you fit the diagnostic criteria with a trained and certified professional.
Anything less is bullshit as far as I am concerned.


The help you get is autismbucks.

The VAST majority of autistic people (notwithstanding a small percentage of highly functioning ones) cannot work for a living and never will.

The only way to have a reasonable standard of living as an autistic person is either to have your rich family support you financially or obtaining a perpetual, monthly disability payment from the state.


Any tips
For bux?

Also should i bring a jrpg cutout to my exam?


do you get distracted by your own thoughts and inner monologues every second?


This is the only answer.

Like have someone evaluate you for like a week. Sure it costs money but it is very well worth it if leads to life changing treatment.

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For the longest Time i had none other than my Parents to share my problems with and they Would Always say stuff like:
"Everything Will be alright, just be positive"
And for The longest Time i believed that was bull shit, to think our thoughts could influence reality and our outcomes in life, and lately After another conversationv with my father where he said the usual stuff of "everything Will be alright for you as Long You remain positive and optimistic"
I thought to my self why don't i become positive and optimistic just in order to relieve my present anxities? even if maybe it's all dogshit and the universe is indifferent about your thoughts and such, but of course when you are a life Time pessimist, it's not easy to change your mindset, even if it's just wanting to delude my Self.
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If you focus only on achievements, you will be unhappy. Instead, be curious and enjoy learning about yourself, your talents, and what doesn't work for you.
Taking the path of least resistance is actually pretty good, despite what the sigma grindset indoctrination wants you to believe. That doesn't mean you can succumb to brain rot and doom scrolling. A minimal, but organised life.


I am a NEET with severe autism, so there is no such thing to my life.


I can understand not finding optimism appealing, but you can still approach life from a new perspective.
I found spite to be a powerful motivator for me.
I've had people tell me to my face they don't believe in me, so I work hard to spite them.
It's not a positive mindset really, but it gets me moving.


Which anxieties are ruling your soul right now?


life after my parents die and the end of NEETdom.

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I am a third worlder poor virgin, and i finally gonna able to afford making a pc which will cost me around 450$, i would like to know from all the pc builders/users that if it's worth the deal. So here are the specs

Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 5600
Motherboard: Asus Prime A520M-K / Gigabyte A520mk
Graphics Card: NINJA RX 580 8GB
RAM: ORETON 8GB*2 3200MHZ (16GB)
Storage: Oreton 256GB M.2 NVM SSD
PSU: Value-Top NEO Q 450M Real 450W ATX Power Supply
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>he doesn't know


can you explain to me please


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Not top gun advice here is why:
>AMD Ryzen 5 3600
Barely fit for office use
>Titan X
Is difficult to find used, was likely used for mining, and costs more than a tested used GTX1070 or even 1080 that exceeds it. OP doesn't need "AI cores" for anything.
>Any of the 700W power supplies going for $35 on Amazon
The PSU is the one thing that should NOT be cheaped out on. And at that price you'll be hard pressed to find one with the necessary 8+6 pin PCIE power, on account of the fact that sych a price range is reserved for school computers.
>I would strongly recommend AM4 and AMD overall because of the long service life of the sockets. You don't have to upgrade motherboards nearly as often. You can upgrade this like 10 years later to a 5900 or whatever when the prices come down.
But the upgrade options are inferior. As said earlier old Intel sockets such as LGA1151 are still supported by mainstream board manufacturers and the top-of-the-line i5s and lower i7s from then are much cheaper than less powerful cost-equivalent AMD CPUs. You're advocating for someone to buy a minivan for his moving business instead of a box truck because in 10 years he can go to the scrap yard and buy a new engine - all while new engines for the box truck will be available for cheap as new old stock. Plus you set him up with an inferior board boasting only 2 dimm slots and one M.2 slot.


Shoehorning your commie art project OS in to a discussion about building gaming PCs is mild chuckle tier.


Every couple of years when new hardware comes out, I look into building a pc, then decide it's too expensive and then decide against it. I figure after 20 years of doing that, I have finally saved enough money from not building PCs all those years that I can now build a high end PC. I saw some post on reddit recently where a dude posted all his old parts and it was literally bins of e-garbage that must have cost tens of thousands of dollars.

My issue now is that the outlets in my room are not grounded, and I live in a heavily wooded area where we lose power and have power surges often which could fry my entire PC in the worst case scenario. It looks like a major pain in the ass to ground them. I need to pay for a permit, replace the wiring and the switch box for the outlet, then get a home inspector to come and inspect it.


>I need to pay for a permit
>then get a home inspector to come and inspect it.
No you don't. Not doing either of those things isn't going to make your freshly grounded socket not work. Nobody from any dark and damp layer of the government is going to go in to your house, see a 3-pole grounded socket, and start asking if it's legal, registered, and inspected. No electrician is going to care either so if you want to pay for the install and box work with cash you can still have it done professionally and safely without worrying about permits.

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I see him being suggested around in loser-ish circles, did your videos ever help you? how do you feel about his content?
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Some hits and some misses. A lot of his meditation techniques are interesting and somewhat helpful, though I've never been able to stick with any one of them. A few of his takes are reasonable and helpful but I feel like a lot of it is just the usual self-help slop with gamer-wordings and some hindu/meditation stuff thrown in. Also, he's trying to sell you self-help groups with "Healthy Gamer Coaches" (randos who probably also paid him to get that "certification") for hundreds of dollars.


People say the same thigns because it works.

The question is why are you choosing to ignore what works? What are you telling yourself that tries to invalidate the advice before you even attempt to apply it?


who said i didn't try it? i've been desperately trying for over a decade to apply every single possible methodology in this dogshit field and it never works because there is fundamentally something faulty in psychotherapy. there's even plenty of research that shows it doesn't work and people who make a living from this won't tell you about it because it goes against their livelihood and careers. now shut the fuck and stop projecting some shitty strawman every time someone criticizes the holy church of psychiatry.



[x] doubt

Need to get into specifics here if you actually want help


thanks, but i don't want advice from a random dipshit online that cannot relate or understand my problems beyond throwing some platitudes and "you didn't try hard enough bro" at me. sincerely, kill yourself!

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I don't understand what an OS is. why are there several OS? does this mean that one OS is worse than another? Yet each OS does the same thing: start programs. why then create different OS if they all do the same thing? Why is Linux favored by computer enthusiasts instead of Mac OS and Windows? Does one OS do something different that another OS doesn't? why Linux can't launch video games (I hear that often). how different OS; all execute applications in the same way, why create another (OS)
These are questions that I ask myself about OS because it interests me but even after seeing some videos and sites talking about OS to explain it, I still had questions and things to know.
If you know about computers very well, can you try to answer my questions, please?
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ok I got it 90% of what you said. So I hope my question reflect what I understood: Why are there different ways to decrypt hardware with software? let's take an example, I have a hardware that is made to do a task and is only used to do this task (so the only purpose for which the hardware was created is this very task) and nothing else. so the hardware contains components that are programmed to make the hardware work with software that will encode the components of the hardware and will be able to be retranscribed on the OS. why should we have another way to encode the hardware??
is there a chip/component with a program inside the hardware or is the software responsible for that?



The hardware itself can only be controlled in one way, but the difference happens with the drivers, since it is software.

function processArray(arrayIn){
turn led1 on
move arrayIn to component memory
execute instruction 1
execute instruction 3
move result into output stream
turn led1 off

Anything that wants to use this driver to process arrays with that hardware component will need to know of this driver and its processArray function. Another OS will have its own drivers to do the same thing, but since the drivers were written by someone else the function names will be completely different. A program compiled for an OS that relies on the first drivers and that the corresponding will not be able to work with the drivers on the second OS. Yes, ultimately the same instructions are sent to the hardware but the program will have no idea how to navigate the stack to send those instructions.

The thing is that things dont need to be this way. You can design a OS that gives programs direct access to the hardware. MS-DOS and other early operating systems were like that, but that was found to be a terrible idea for security and stability reasons. I wouldn't be surprised if programs were easily transferable between OSes in the early days because of how simple things were.


wait when you write an OS, you're also need to build a system that wouldn't be hacked easly?! Thta's insane because writing an OS is hard ,plus you need to know some defences over hack?!


The only requirements you need to follow are the ones laid out by the customer. If security isnt an issue then you can make a super insecure OS. Most OSes in the wild are crazy insecure, but you don't really know about them because they are all on offline embedded devices where the OS only really exists to make it easier for the manufacturer to load programs onto it.


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If I had to create my own OS, I would set up an online library with all the software created by others, like that, instead of going on the internet, you would just have to go to the online library, look for a software, install it and finally use it.
my OS will be opensource/libre so everyone can do whatever they want with it is this what open source mean anyway? haha

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I was born in Moldova and my native language is Russian. I moved to America when I was 10, and since then I have forgotten quite a bit of Russian. When it comes to reading/listening, it’s fine. But when it comes to talking/writing, it’s getting pretty bad. I have an American accent in my native language, that’s assimilation for you.

So what should I do? Should I try to practice Russian or just let things be? It’s sad because if you don’t use a language , then you lose it. Does anyone else have a similar experience in forgetting their native language?
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I have a similar issue. My parents immigrated to the country where I was born, and as a kid I learned both their language and this country's language. As a kid I interacted with other immigrants (and their children) who speak the same language, but now as an adult I don't use the language in any way other than talking to my parents (who I live with), and I can feel it corroding, particularly talking/writing. I don't particularly mind it at a personal level, but I'm very self-conscious and I think it's shameful to talk to my parents with broken language.


Is Rand Paul the only American who still cares about freedom?


Based YouTube turned off AdSense for Muscovites in the past and now YouTube is basically banned by Muscovy so OP can watch it almost guilt-free. There can be internal ads so it's still better not to choose YouTubers who are citizens of Muscovy whose taxes would support the regime from internal ads.


летс го боулинг казин


Они су Срби бре.

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