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 No.315590[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


Previous thread: https://archive.fo/oMDB8
277 posts and 31 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


this explanation makes the most sense, because if putins counterintel and propaganda efforts through twitter, tiktok etc. managed to swing even 2% of the vote towards trump, he basically got him elected.

which means they're going to help each other out as long as the other is alive.


Vaccines are safe and effective, government agencies like the tax office and the police exist for your benefit


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Joe Biden:
>Has been filmed sniffing, caressing, and pinching the nipples of little succubi since the Obama election campaign
>Is in good with the Clintons, criticized for funding [[[Jeffery Epstein's]]] capitol endeavors, visiting his island
>Sardoned his son Hunter who was under scrutiny for participating in [[[Epstein's]]] invitational parties

Don Trump:
>Undid Biden-era executive orders that lessened investigation priority and punishment for child sex trafficking
>Visited [[[Epstein's]]] islan once, wrote publicly about how [[[Epstein]]] is a bad person.

But yeah, orange man fucks kiddos.
Crazy how even after so long, leftards' only arguments against the Trump administration is "He's a RUSSIAN ASSET and he PROBABLY does bad stuff"


Do you know why things will never get better? Because you retards like you confuse liberals like this faggot >>317310 with actual leftists.



Because none of you can still get to know they are all actors with the very same hidden agenda in service in the Antichrist. Trump may fuck kiddos as well, politics is acting.

Wake the up, you have normie-tier political mindsets. Schizo up.

[Last 50 Posts]

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 No.316739[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

No politics or religion in the crawl thread, please.

>Ambient sounds to wash away distraction

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Fun fact: If you have *any* old HDD enclosure (like those old external Western Digital USB drives) from the 2010s
you can smash the plastic casing and simply remove the HDD adapter with a simple Philips screwdriver.

Then connect it to any 3.5" or 2.5" SATA drive through USB.

I did that for 13 years until the pins on the adapter bent to the point of unusability.
I even played multiplayer games through the adapter with minimal disk lag.


Connected my HDD adapter to the TV. It recognized it immediately, although only music, videos, images, and PDFs (not opened those) were shown, i.e. folder with unsupported formats were empty).

Just like the last time, my foot was sprained, yet I tried and did it. As if brain has some subconscious memory that dictates what order the things should be done and under which conditions again.

The TV could show subtitles, remembered the place where the playback was left. The fullscreen button didn't work. A few times of video going faster and returning to the folder files list.

On Internet Archive I've had another problem with a file upload. Renaming and shortening the file title helped. I've already done it in the past, but all videos perhaps were deleted by myself as the creator was still alive and I didn't want to be alive with an obligation to add new stuff constantly as if suicide/magical euthanasia death intervention was not an option.

Perhaps the match my father saw on the HDD and the PPV was different as I hadn't seen WrestleMania X (1994) at that point in the past (first time connecting the HDD in the first, forgotten enclosure. My father seeing at least one match was also the same (passive aggression towards the content as a personal attack with plausible deniability of it all). Though the tag team match between The Quebecers and Men on a Mission (big black men) left some enjoyment experience in him.


>returning to the folder files list
The playback fell, next playback was from the beginning of the same video after choosing it.


What the fuck. There was just some dude with a camera outside my house that I noticed pointing it right at my window. I didn't have my glasses on so I ducked out of sight of him and got my glasses and then I see him walking away hastily with the camera in his hands.


that's how it started for me too. did you post anything "controversial" online lately?

[Last 50 Posts]

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 No.310890[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Why are many here are certified /pol/tards ?
I do not Care About politics, I could never effect or change anything in my own country's politics, but I am wonderibg what makes many social outcasts, perma virgins, and Hikis attracted to that board's ideaolgy
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"with a conscience who decided to side with the working class"

All their contrivance and machination, their 'politick' and scripture, were all nothing more than charade and cheer whose end target was to fatten their already pot sized bellies and pass time. That was the case then, and is still the case now. No one does anything for the working man besides the individual working man himself.

Now, on point of all aristocrat stock, only Kant matters. Everyone else, Schopenhauer most especial, took to filling up their halcyon days with writing once their poor share of entertainment rescinded in its value. Everything you see is a product of boredom, to repeat. A substitute to pass hours. Empty musing. All these men would be playing video games and reading scifi fantasy if today they existed, exercising their tremendous boredom into theorycrafting for Elden Ring. They wouldn't give a fuck.


A higher aristocrat is at the end no less a man whose belly is fatter and his head infinitely plagued by boredom comparative to his 'lesser', or rather 'lower' aristocrat compatriot. As down the poll we go, the smaller the bellies, the more in-reality the people become.


So you have no housing, no water, no money, no electricity, no gas, you live completely isolated self-sufficient and do not depend on other people, health system, infrastructure, digital services in any way? Hard to believe especially because you have the means to post here.


Schopenhauer and Marx are equivalent to a very wealthy NEET today.
But with so much more stimuli available today versus then, yes, they'd probably be immersed in travel, video games, drugs or just sleeping.

Would someone like them born today stand up for poor employees? Absolutely not.


>Would someone like them born today stand up for poor employees?
did they say something on poor people? if yes, then apply it nowdays

[Last 50 Posts]

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 No.316710[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

The other thread already hit the limit. I like to collect pictures that i found, so fell free to post anything you like
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its ok


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What are exactly the second and the third pics


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The second is Prodigy frontman Keith Flint, the photo taken behind the scenes of their video for the song Firestarter

The third is just a cool thing I found online, although it does bear a resemblance to a certain Zoalord from the manga Guyver: The Bio Boosted Armor


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Thanks. For a moment i thought it was a behind scene of that awful adam sandler movie about the son of an angel and a demon, basically, preacher premise made dumber. The second one looks like a panel from a marvel comic, whent they were good.


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I really miss pre renderized images

[Last 50 Posts]


I hate cyberpunk 2077, it failed at depict a cyberpunk. it mimics cyberpunk and looks like a gta game in the future they should have made the game based on the genre and not only mike pondsmith's table top rpg game.
It is lame compared to other cyberpunk games (example: deus ex).
I hate cyberpunk 2077 for another reason too; it is that when you type cyberpunk 2077 in the search bar, every results is about cyberpunk 2077. the results are 99% of the time about cp2077 (it completly broke the genre on internet). cp2077 was a mistake to me and a burdden for the genre.
But now that the game exist, it is good because now you can separate the bad cyberpunk media from the good ones (and cp2077 is a bad one!).
about cp2077, is now normalfags think what is cyberpunk is what they saw in cp2077 (neons, shitty rap music,…).
anyway, enough of cp2077. I only played 10 minutes of the game.

>What cyberpunk media (game, book, music,etc…) did you consum?

>Is your life High tech, Low life?

"The future is here. It’s just not widely distributed yet." William Gibson
there's some elements of cyberpunk in real life but cyberpunk is just far away from reality. just take surfing in the virtual world (cyberpsace) and using internet on the computer or even cyborg arms/legs. Or megacorporations, but yeah william gibson is right, we have cyberpunk things in reality.

-I like the neo-tokyo city in Akira. it make so much sense to me to build an artificial island on tokyo bay with neverlasting buildings.

-I also like Kowloon walled city. maybe the most cyberpunk area to ever exist. If I was about to make a video game on cyberpunk, I'd add a kowloon level haha!

-One thing I don't like is flying cars. when you see cyberpunk cities, they have roads but if flying cars exist, better make all cars flying therfore not making roads. I don't want to it to turn into the fifth elements. The cars must no fly. or only for ambulances, firefighters and police. so to me cars shouldn't fly

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My idea of the genre is like the world in Syndicate, where cyborg humans exist and mind control is a reality hidden from the common tax slave


one of the reason I don't like flying cars is how the car can fly, whats make it fly and another point is no need highways anymore but they're still used in cyberpunk media


If you like the cyberpunk genre I think Cyberpunk 2077 is a good game regardless of what OP thinks. It's the closest open world cyberpunk game we're gonna get. My only complaint is you can only aggro police rather than corporations.


I wonder if there was the same sort of anger about The Matrix colonizing cyberpunk stuff, since the pre-Matrix cyberpunk movies looked a lot filthier and seemed more visually bio-horror focused.


>I think Cyberpunk 2077 is a good game
It's absolutely psychotic that you would think that especially considering what this game is supposedly about.


I saw this movie and it is one of the saddest and most decadent things I have seen in a while. A guy who was biologically designed to be submissive and follow orders, with the sole objective of killing his race, where his only consolation is an AI that appears as pornographic propaganda everywhere, at the same time that it is used in the worst possible way to be nothing more than another mercenary, making him believe that he is somehow the chosen one or some shit like that.

I haven't seen such a decadent movie in a while. The characters are dead inside, they are simple machines for killing and following orders, they lack freedom and are nothing more than puppets used for other people's interests.
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ok I just watched the difference between them and its fucking lame. the postcyberpunk must be for rich people who relate more easely to this kind of story (I don't know if post cyberpunk stories are good or not maybe boring?)like white collar.


You sound like the people who call superman automatically lame because he is a paragon instead of a conflicted morally gray anti-hero.

Again, GitS:SAC is a excellent example of post-cyberpunk. Which is anything but boring, for rich people, or lame.
Hell, the movie Summer Wars is also a example of post-cyberpunk

For non-anime examples, Her (the one where dude gets cucked by his AI gf) is a post-cyberpunk movie.
Same with the Robocop remake.
Or Megaman and astroboy, though astro-boy s anime again unless you count that western spinoff and games.
Oh, Overwatch also its post-cyberpunk.


>You sound like the people who call superman automatically lame because he is a paragon instead of a conflicted morally gray anti-hero.
because deep down Im jealous, trash talking about it is my way to cope


>Look up the terms and media examples.
no one is that autistic to care.
>ergo proxy
I got a bias against this one. I'd say Blame is more cyberpunk, but a story can only insert so many borderline fantasy references till I consider it basically fantasy.
>GitS:SAC…is anything but boring, for rich people, or lame.
GitS is written by a pro Japanese national that hates America and waxes poetically about Russia and China, all the while hating Luddites and anti-capitalists while always portraying these police men as righteous cynics. It follows a special forces team rather than every day civilians.


I think you are just baiting at this point and I don't take you seriously.

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I see a lot of threads on wizchan about people venting about how bad life is and such. Why don't we have a thread dedicated to just that. Wizards venting about life and other wizards lending an ear and maybe some advice.


Imagine being indian and bathing in shit river right now

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Do you think there's any truth to this shit?
The part about gradually tensing and releasing muscles reminds me of techniques used in hypnosis, and I've also read about it being used by practitioners of "OBEs".
As well, the breathing pattern reminds me of that "wim hof" thing or whatever it's called. Where you breathe in a specific way and become a nordic ninja werewolf or something like that.
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As is it yours to remain where you are despised? Indeed it's you who just run out of excuses for being here wailing.


hehe yea
fuck yourself, succubus
film it too
show us hehe


focusing on my breathing gives me panic attacks now, if you're not in a good mental state then doing this shit is dumb desu
if you want to achieve what feels like a state of meditation or an out of body experience that would take hours to work up to, just do some acid or shrooms instead and you'll get much farther than any amount of breathing techniques


This seems like intentionally the worst advice humanly possible.
Why bump this this thread just to troll?


actually its weird, a couple of weeks ago i was researching breathing teqniques, apparently there is one called Holotropic Breathwork. Apparently you can get high just by breathing really fast


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have you ever heard about combining budhism with christianity? what would it be like to live as such a person. powerful? sublime? intelligent? peaceful? beyond envy? woudln't it be the way to deal with sadness of the modern loneliness plague
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Christians are pathetic.


The only thing pathetic is your faggot crab ass on this forum, we all are pathetic here, otherwise we would have never been on this forum to begin with


No, this is not a forum for pathetic losers. It is a forum for wizards - adult men who choose to remain virgins. If that makes us pathetic in your eyes, then you're the faggot.


If you have a true choice in the matter, then yes, as a principle someone sticking to it shows willpower and resilience.

But for a far balding geek who couldn't even match a transgender dwarf on Tinder let alone talk to succubi, it isn't like they're "choosing" to be virgins.

And for every tall handsome Bruce Wayne who has his life together but abstains from sex, there are at least a million fat weird neckbeards who are virgins simply because succubi find them disgusting.

And the latter type to me isn't wizardly in any way.

I'm an ugly, short guy but at least I try to maintain hygiene and feed myself through honest work. I've never tested if my virginity is voluntary, but based on my previous life experiences with succubi, I'm pretty sure not a single one of them in this country would have sex with me.


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Theres a name for that, its Gnosticism, or atleast Christian Gnosticism since theres many forms of it.
However, the fundamental beliefs of buddhism and gnosticism, which is rejection of the material world, its god(s), and an afterlife, that enlightenment would be above all of it, are entirely incompatible with Christian theology. The gnostics say Christ came to the world to teach enlightenment to the world to free us from the demiurge (god).
Its mostly a dead religion that attracts a few /x/ schizos here and there, and theres a lot of theological holes in its teachings. I don't like gnosticism personally but its an interesting concept, and buddhism and gnosticism have a really interesting aesthetic in a modern context.

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Many, many years ago, I think it was 2017 I really wanted to help fellow wizzies.

So I got rich off crypto, yes, one of those early adopter guys.

In 2017 or so Ethereum was just starting to take hold. It cost around 7$ to 14$.

I did some modelling and extrapolated that it has extremely high likelihood of replicating Bitcoin's initial success due to tokenomic system.

I made a post on wizchan back in the day (forgot which domain) and told you wizzies to buy ETH as it will most likely go up 100x and you will all be rich like me.

Guess what happened next? Admin deleted the thread for no reason. I tried to help and admin just deleted the thread and warned me.

Of course ETH did 100x at least. All what I said happened over the course of next few years. If any lucky wizards read the thread before it got deleted you'd be rich right now.

It's really sad and kind of disgusting moderators did this and shot community in the foot. I really wanted to help and nothing more. For wizards like us getting rich is the ONLY redemption we can hope for.
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Please stop posting, you know absolutely nothing about *real world* economy.
>just stop being poor bro
>just start from nothing and try to catch up with the IRS and billion dollar companies as competition bro



wasnt gonna post til read said post.

i genuinely believe i am cursed, not ha ha rite ok j/k

like legit unexplainable bad luck for my entire life.

ive studied it and tried to break it my entire like, minimal success.

My Present Theory:

as poster im replyin to said,

i believe we are in some kind of a simulation, call it whatever you want to call it, and most of us are meant to play a part, we volunteered to come here for it. Response: why would we volunteer for a life that sucks ass??

i dont know.

but i believe we are here to play a part, its wy we cant really alter it at all, and someone radically altering their life is almost un heard of.

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>He deduced someone's reasonably sensible posts down to a vague strawman sentence and added "bro" again
Now it's just sad


I still do. Worthless as shit, not even currency, those pieces of software are.

Only when values do not fluctuate and a solid, nearby, collective and variated organization of markets can give you guarantees of it being accepted, is any of these "currencies" worth having. Like coupons.


A gypsy usually gives lies mixed with truths, or avoids useful truths. I'd do my research about it.

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