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Book discussion. Tell us what you're reading.
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showing my books :3




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any of you read one of the best BD ever made? Corto Maltese


I'm finishing read the OG Thrawn trilogy from Star Wars, very well made and fun adventure, highly recommend for people that like Star Wars books.


Mostly Murakami Novals.


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 No.294941[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post here when you don't have enough to say for a topic and it's too depressing for the general crawl thread.
Previous: >>291261
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This guy just drove into a lot of people with his car on Christmas market and killed a yound child and another person at least. People say they hate them. I don't feel a thing. Things just happen and life is madness, why would anyone even force you into life, that's so fucking dumb. What are you going to do about it?




I've been feeling like this for three weeks straight. I mean, I've been depressed all my life, but I still did things. Now I can't watch anything. Can't read anything. I feel so lonely and isolated. I am so sad. I just smoke cigarettes all day and do nothing. I fucking hate music now too. I am already seeing a psychiatrist. I have bipolar disorder, but manic episodes barely occur now because of my medication.


i have no one to talk to who would actually listen, not even online
imageboards are the only place where i can be honest


time to start going for long walks daily, I am in the same position as you, I walk 2 hours each day

[Last 50 Posts]



Post youtube channels that are clearly made by a wiz, NEET or hikkis, and made for the same demographics and not for normies.
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just keep in mind he is not a wizard
he said in one video that he would kill the succubus we was having sex with if she got pregnant and didn't agree to an abortion


YES, I know, He is just comfy to watch


Filthy Frank aka pink guy


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Hey Wizbros I'm not even sure how to preface this. Is it just me or does it feel like people are rude to us for no reason other than the crime of simply existing? Wtf man I'm so sick of people treating me like I fucking have Leprosy I don't do anything to illicit such Vile hatred from these sadistic psychos. I try to be kind and respectful but it feels like that just makes it worse. I Just needed to get this off my mind…. Am I the only wizard here that puts up with this? Anybody else have similar experiences?
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Makes sense that social violence is on a positive feedback loop, just like physical violence. In a fight you can either lose or win, but if you never fight back, you are sure to lose.


The real deterrent is the fear of prison or police intervention. Societies that have no such deterrents such as Amazon rainforest tribes or so called uncontacted tribes who only allow a few researchers in, have massive homicide rates compared to western countries.

The classical "social bully" doesn't exist in nature because they get killed. Physical bullying for no reason but to elevate yourself is also much more dangerous because there is a high chance you get killed in your sleep.


I really wish they had dx back then. Id be happy and on bux


Considering I work at a convenience store, yes. All the fucking time, and they can all piss off for all I care. I'd be more than happy if they were never our customers again. Fuck them and the vehicles they drove in.


there would be no bullies if backstabbing was a real concern



everyone thinks japanese people aren't racists and will be alright with foreigners if they respect japan. but this video shows the contrary: japanese people are like the rest of human, they know what racism is and they are also racists
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fucking jhonny somali needs to get killed


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what the hell i have never seen japanese street fight


Those are Koreans. Also Hank Yoo was with him in that brawl.


Just kick the Indians out


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The new Ranma ½ anime is confirmed to stream on Netflix outside Japan (via SAG-AFTRA Signatory Search) in the 5th of October, i bet with my own ass that this serie will be the most hated remakes ever made because all anime that had been taken over by westerners and streamed on fucking Netflix ended up being failed ( actually not all of them) its like when someone bought from you an ice-cream truck and told you that he is going to add new flavor with his own spit
>Fuck you Netflix and Fuck you Paramount
Let the anime shit made by yellow people dont fucking ruin it.

Conclusion : Netflix is an asthetic destroyer
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Anime is in complete ruins, almost everything wide open to fuckery. Every time you call for a reboot, remake, a sequel or whatever to an existing manga/anime, you risk it being marred with globohomo crap looking to make the biggest buck for as a wide as an audience as it can.

>I lack nuance and I masturbate to rightoid trannies because I'm based
I see.


Already warned niggers about this in 2020/2021. Jews bought anime and all anime will be Netflix exclusive soon. People said I was trolling and hate anime lmao.


and don't forget they will hire westerners and other asians instead of japanese artists because it's cheaper. hell they're already doing this nowdays. anime soon will be dead


You are LATE nigger zoomer. I can't remember what show but netflix-produced garbage anime came in 2014/15. Hell Castlevania came out in 2017.


For me old is gold


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Being skinnyfat is /wiz/ manifest on your body. It's through no fault of your own that it happens: you didn't overeat, nor were you particularly lazy. Rather, being socially and mentally deficient forced you inside, where you moved less and less vigorously than the average normalfaggot child would.

The normalfaggot child, through no skill, hard work, or determination of their own, built a genetically normal amount of muscle over a long period of time just by being outside and moving with their other normalfaggot friends. They ate more than you, they enjoyed the fruits of life more than you, and they worked so much less harder than you— and they were rewarded for it with physical desirability.

The normalfaggot, then grown up, grows arrogant, and thinks themselves special, even though they put no effort into the good things that life and their sociability gave them. With this attitude set, they spit venom at the lazy, ugly, disgusting skinnyfat people.

Fuck this condition.
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The thing said must be a compliment to the person receiving it or be perceived as such. The person being complimented must be able to remember the thing said because it feels good. It works a bit like trauma. Trauma comes by itself and it hurts us. We try to chase away the bad thought but it comes back. Sometimes we remember the trauma ourselves to comfort ourselves in our unhappiness. A compliment is the opposite, we easily let it enter our head because it feels good and we remember the scene because it feels good. In the end, there is always a thought to disturb our tranquility for a reason which is the following: our body and brain ask us to change (then we are free to choose)
but since I'm a lazy nigger, I'll never change
>Unfortunately I don't know of any healthy way to lose fat by yourself.
doing some sport? I'm lazy


Being skinnyfat is hellish because you don't have a frame of reference as to what your "real" figure looks like. All you know is the uncanny valley, "fake" version of yourself that comes from being qualitatively healthy yet categorically obese. You are aware that you look good in clothes and possibly have an attractive face, but that's a temporary illusion and literally just lifting up your shirt instantly breaks it. What's more, this schizophrenic dysmporphia is exacerbated by normalfaggots who assume skinnyfats don't exist and will continually chide or outright force you to eat more than you need.

If you want to escape this mode you either have to push yourself to the absolute limit and reach the literal fucking zenith of your inner potential, simultaneously achieving samsara and going SSJ4;
or cross your fingers and hope you can sustain a long fast until you're nothing but skin and bones. At which point, have fun starting over from rock bottom with somehow even less muscle than you did before.

If nature vs. nurture is to believed then skinnyfat bodies are the end result of societal neglect and chronic apathy. 仕方がない


I am strongfat.
Anime and video games as well as acting out my daydreams lead to me being very active and taking on unusual and unnecessary training regimes.
I also lift and did martial arts.
But I have a sweet tooth and low impulse control when it comes to food.

I can ignore the wiles of hoes with ease but a cupcake on sell or being given away is a temptation I can't normally resist.


Just go the gym, bro


I used to be just straight-up fat. I lost a lot of weight this year and I'm currently skinnyfat. I don't really look any better, it just made me find out that my bone shape is odd. Weight loss is a meme.



Being neurodivergent in this world is a fucking death sentence. This world does not and will never understand what it's like to think the way that we do and will keep themselves in constant willful ignorance from here to kingdom come. Forcing us to get worse into mental health issues until we go actually insane and do something drastic, but even then we'll still be demonized and everything because again…willful ignorance. I can't stand this planet.
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Because autistic people aren't high IQ or good at focusing.


Governments actually do. I remember seeing one western government specifically seek out autists for forensic accounting. It turns out that mulling over numbers all day looking for slight discrepancies is what they're good for.


Yup, pattern recognition is one of the strongest autistic powers


And these highly specified tasks requiring pattern recognition all will be made superfluous in the near past because of AI.


is anyone going to watch out for abuse of AI? watch for downplaying some things and emphasizing other things?
i guess we are going to just let the powers that be do their minor adjustments to society, like they always have been doing


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I just came across a post where they said,

>"what is the point of a man if he cannot provide children?"

And now I'm all kinds of pissed off, because I am so fucking sick and fucking tired of these asswipes thinking they're so high and mighty just because they jizzed in a vagina. Oh wow, you've accomplished precisely what every other street-shitting animal on earth can. *golf clap*

These shitstains love to punch down on people like me because the almighty pussy won't select us. They worship their victim-blaming, just world fallacy faggotry all because… why. That they have won the genetic lottery in being enabled to pursue perverse animal lusts instead of being a human fucking being, instead of engaging in higher things?

Was Aristotle a pussy-chaser? Albert Einstein? Isaac Newton? Nikola Tesla? JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH? But oh, I guess these and every other philosopher, inventor, etc. are "pointless" all because children-in-adult-bodies were more interested in inviting "big tuff manly men" like shit-shoveling meatheads and other animal-adjacents into their stinky holes.

No, I personally haven't invented anything/etc AND NEITHER HAVE THEY. WE ARE EQUAL in this regard, but according to their lizard-brained logic they honestly believe they're better than me when they've built precisely zero skyscrapers, invented precisely zero new forms of engines or energy or what-have-you, created precisely zero pieces of art or media, or engaged in any other other higher human endeavor that objectively makes the world a better place for us all.

It's always the socially-rejected outliers like myself who do these things, not them, not any of those leeches. Not only are we the only ones who keep the gears of society running but we're the ones who built these gears in the first place – up to and including society itself!

If it weren't for us, the human race would all still be living in caves and grunting at each other.

It's long past due for you normalcattle to show some fucking respect to the only people on earth who qualify as human beings, you ungrateful parasites.
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Normies love to give you the medical definition of autism which is retardation and put you down. They don't understand the definition of autism that we use on chans.


"people" like this remind me that the main issue with humanity in general is not traits of character, namely extroverted-introverted etc. but low IQ.


it should be appallingly obvious that nobody likes autistic people. They do not want to hire us, they do not want to be friends with us they definitely do not want to date us and many of them will not even rent to us! Social exclusion does in fact pose an existential threat to those on the spectrum which is why we have no choice but to form our own exclusive communities.

This is why I am proposing that 115 IQ Aspies begin networking with their fellow autists of similar cognitive ability. Despite the fact that many of us excel at STEM fields, many employers refuse to hire us due to our social deficits. The obvious solution to this problem is to start our own companies that only hire above average IQ autistic people. Doing so will solve the problems of employment discrimination and workplace bullying while allowing greater efficiency.

I personally am tired of people like us being the rejected and humiliated laughing stock of the entire internet. This is why it is time for us to separate from the neurotypicals and build our own separate and exclusive communities.


Eh, this is already what most high functioning autists do.

They don't go and work for Meta or Google.

They band with their kind to create new businesses/startups of their own. If nobody hires you, hire yourself and sell your labor.


>The obvious solution to this problem is to start our own companies that only hire above average IQ autistic people.
The problem with this solution is that no autistic person will ever be a successful company manager for the exact reasons you mentioned in the first paragraph of your post. Securing contracts is all about networking and nepotism.


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2025 will be the layoff year edition. How we holding up?

previous >>289727


I work as a cashier for a gas station and it’s unironically a comfy job and isn’t stressful. For 8 hours, I’m either standing processing payments and lottery stuff, vacuuming the place, filling ice bags, and restocking drinks. I get paid $14/hr for this.


Wish I worked at your gas station. At mine it's stressful as fuck, people are rude as hell, stupid as shit, and overall just some of the worst people on the planet


I have an office job, and it's the most tolerable job I've had. It would be perfect if not for the open office setup. It's a constant reminder how much I don't fit in with other people, I mean they're socializing all the time while I just sit there with nothing to say. In a cubicle I could just forget about the world and do my job…


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what does he want from us?
why is he torturing us?
why does he give great amount of suffering and horror to poor believers while giving happiness and wealth to evil disbelieving people?
why is he so careless?
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Alan Watts? Are you serious? He was a new age grifter that used watered down, pseudo Buddhist ideas to amass a cult of personality. He did manage to have sex with lots of succubi, so there's that.


I'm not even kidding but lowkey perplexed from how good and underrated this post is.


Read The Egg by Andy Weir, zoomer.


> why does he give great amount of suffering and horror to poor believers while giving happiness and wealth to evil disbelieving people?
why is he so careless?
Because he doest exist, the rich tell you he exist to keep you dorcile and submissive


I believe that the most absolute principle of God is the will.

Think about it, if you look at the teleological chain of life, you will find that every being with a soul only wants to exist and exaggerate its existence. God is existence itself, its essence, God only wants to exist and is the maximum being in existence. That is why he is uncaused, ungenerated, infinite, eternal, all powerful and so on, because he is existence, he cannot be denied, if he has a quality that denies his existence, God cannot be.

From this point, god only wants in the first degree to perpetuate himself as an existing being, and he already does that well, this would be the "will to live", simply to preserve and perpetuate himself, it is in this conception that we can imagine the eternal, unique, indivisible, homogeneous and static god, however, from the will to live is derived the "will to power", which is a higher state of not only wanting to perpetuate existence, but exaggerate it and extend it as much as possible, that is why god creates, because to create is to extend itself, he creates as possible, in infinite ways and infinite powers, all creation is an emanation of him, it is as if he were growing and affirming his existence. Now, God is ideal/rational, because for existence to be in agreement with God, it cannot be limited matter, it has to be thought and ideas, because only thought is unlimited, it is the invention and creation of everything, therefore, all reality is only His thought, HIS DREAM, He alone creates multiple realities and things, as if He were thinking or dreaming, that is why we do not matter to Him, do you worry about people who suffer terrible misfortunes in your dreams? No, we are only creations, His extension, playing roles, performing our "play", following the script.

Now, consciousness is also an emanation of God, He creates multiple consciences in different orders so that they continue creating like Him, in addition to the fact that God loves to create consciences since they are in His image and likeness, and likewise these are only part of Him, they are only divisions of the consciousness of God, only God parts His consciousness and generates illusions to those consciences of being his own. We understand the deepest truths in the dream state, there you realize that your "I" is false, you are false, you are only a thinkiPost too long. Click here to view the full text.



>exploration is dead
>all the ui design looks bland
>a majoraty of the internet is ownd by a handfull of companies that track your every move
>ragebait is at an all time high (especially reddit and twitter)
why does this era of the internet has to suck balls there used to be hope for the future idk what now
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fucking chinks


>why does this era of the internet has to suck balls there used to be hope for the future idk what now

end of the internet was the iphone. as soon as it was easy enough for succubi to participate, they flooded it with conflict.


>how did this happen
>file deleted



It was centralization not iphones.


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I think it's genuinely just plain over if you don't have education, skills or job experience at the age of 25. It feels like I should just play videogames until anhedonia reaches critical condition and then to just off myself. I lost to job market. I lost to capitalism. My ego and my weakness won't allow me to live as burger king worker. Not to mention i'd be a useless worthless asset in any job anyway. Fuck
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this, im a university dropout and people say "if you tried harder you'd get a degree and could get good jobs stop pitying yourself you're totally normal bro". No chance for neetbux for me.


i think so


would love to, trust me, but I need connections for those


i give up in life. never fit in. mental problems. makes no sense. kicker is i'm good looking and i've had many succubi say it but no one will date me because i'm broken inside. I'd rather be ugly then to know io've wasted my looks.


People with degrees dont need neetbux


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who were the best roman emperors?
also is the following true:
The Illyrian emperors
It was from this group that the most successful emperors of the time came from and it was they who brought the Crisis of the Third Century to an end. Examples include Claudius II Gothicus, Aurelian, Probus and later on Anastasius I Dicorus.


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i thought long and hard how to accurately reflect my lack of knowledge about roman emperors and came up with this.


gotta catch 'em all



Any dungeon synth listener? Can you share some good/gems dungeon synth musics. here's a playlist I've made about dungeon synth musics I like: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbniq6ShcFR7JtGH4qglzfc6v82nw3yrW&si=w4FnOStPTsEYy_kV
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I think grandma's cottage is worth your attention


my grandparents are all dead…



I love dungeon synth.
For some reason, it seems the best stuff is all pre-2000. Or maybe that's just me, but the more modern stuff feels too clean and artificial. Is it because it's all digitally produced now?
Anyway, this album is exceptionally good, and is at the top of my playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLFDe-AfKhc


the first music is good! 👍 thank you for sharing this one


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how do the fellow wizzies that own a piss bottle stop this wretched rotten egg stench coming from the bottle
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This is clearly and AI picture.


Wizzy I did this for years and I now pee in a container and pour that into the toilet but you are meant to be buying water and peeing back into the fresh bottles to avoid getting an infection. I suggest buying a cheap plastic bidet bottle on amazon as well.


why would you piss in a bottle? I always thought it was just a meme


when guests are in the house and you don't want to break the invisibility spell


This. Unless you are rich and have an ensuite bathroom connected to your room, you need bottles in this situation especially if young and unable to move out



basically what the name says, wizzies
what's music that keeps you up and about even when not paying attention to it, keeping it on the background?
as of last year I've discovered dnb, and went through jungle to breakcore, discovered prog metal, sludge, and I'm currently exploring neurofunk, I highly recommend Pendulum - Hold Your Colour, my first album into the genre
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pretty good mix, enjoyed it I'll look into the individual artists once I'm done listening to all of Machine succubus's stuff
was told to listen to Squarepusher recently, liking a lot of his works


not much into metal but it keeps me sane.


The way he edits the music together and transitions from one track to the other it ends up feeling like one seamless hour long song. My favorite transition is 23:43-24:06.


Russian hardstyle track


boom - how do you do (nightcore)


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Does any of you get irritated with family gatherings or when guests come to visit you in your family's house?
I am 24 years old, little to not school education, no job, whenever I am with some relatives or in some family gathering I can sense how much they look down at me for being a massive loser, even if they almost never express it directly at all, since I was a child I would always be asked by them questions like "how are you doing in school?" or "are you getting any good grades" Of course they no longer ask me such question, But I still feel a lot of shame when I am around them, I try to avoid sitting with them like the plague


yeah, i can feel this psychic pressure being applied to me when normalfags are in the room. they don't even have to say anything, you know you're being measured against a standard that you don't believe in but your brain has evolved to push your towards conforming so there's always that internal conflict that bubbles up as anxiety and shame. the only thing that seems to help is just leaving the situation. solitude is such a blessing.


Aye, it feels like an interrogation, and the more distant the family, the worse questions they ask. Sometimes I wonder if they are curious, or if they just want to listen to a freak mumble for the kicks. I mean they get these demonic smiles when they're listening to me, like children watching a rat try to escape from a bucket of water.

>being measured against a standard that you don't believe in
so much this
and I'm sure they pick the questions they know I don't have a good answer to, like they already know, but want to hear me admit it


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Reccomend me some moe/sol/isekai trash to mindlessly consume while taking my mind off how shitty life is
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Detroit Metal City.

Good music and comedy of adolescent rape jokes all over, it doesn't get trashier than this.


I second this recommendation.
It's good silly fun, ESPECIALLY if you like metal and aware of how comically bizarre the metal scene is some times.


the mc stays a virgin right through the end of the manga serialisation so it is also quite wizardly


I see so many normie beaners with 1 piece/dbz shirts now i dont know how if can be considered geeky or quirky


anime is on par with jesus and christianity in south america


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 No.304779[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I made this thread for posting various kinds of pictures. Feel free to post some too.
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The Thaggoraki are swarming

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