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are you trying to follow up some religion or some dogmas? like for example, do you read the sacred book of hinduism/budhism or maybe you read about philosophers like marcis aurelius and his book about himself. or maybe you're more of an hermetisim guy so you follow up alchemist dogmas or a free masson and try to figure out what symbols means?
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thank you best wizzie 👍


But, does this have a deeper meaning or is it just a bunch of stories=?


I'm agnostic, pretty much atheist because I don't believe in a "divine person" God and pantheism seems like a cop-out. All religions are dumb in their own way and are mostly just collections of ancient memes that evolved into elaborate societal control structures.

Esotericism and the occult has more value, because it can show you the power of the mind, but it is simply that. Stripped from any metaphysical baggage, occult techniques are means to systematically manipulate the mind, especially the senses. The theology and symbolism is there to prime the consciously affected senses to manifest in a specific way, in the way that reinforces belief in the theology. So really mysticism is the perfect way to get people to believe in religion because it attacks the empirical senses directly. This is why Evangelical Christianity and Buddhism (especially Tibetan Buddhism) are so convincing to people; Evangelical prayer is literally creating a tulpa of God that talks to you, and Buddhist mediation you cut off the senses and the very sense of self. If you are uncritical then it would be convincing that you are speaking with God or you don't have a self.

Reading secular philosophy is a waste of time I think. Most people's "philosophies" seem more like their personality, informed by their life experience. I think philosophy readers need others more intelligent or eloquent than they are to agree and reinforce what they already believe. People who radically change their worldview because of a book; idk I kind of look down on that like you are a crab falling for the written down equivalent of social media self-help grindset gurus.

My path is what is obvious to me as a asocial loser with no use to the world: sustain myself, avoid normalfags as much as possible, don't fall for anti-escapist pro-"productivity" rhetoric that watching anime and playing video games is less worthy than slaving for people who hate me. Settle the mind to be somewhat content, have nice dreams, and "magically" control the senses to have a pleasant waking experience. If there is an ultimate goal for myself it would be for the body to be on autopilot while I have immersive vivid daydreams on what I have taken good from the outside world as inspiration.


You are my inspiration, Sir.

What is your daily routine?


Are there any people or authors that write about this approach to life? You seem to have a remarkably similar viewpoint to myself



Instead of trying to save japan's population through robots or immigration. Why doesn't japan just downsize their economy and all their assets to suit a smaller country and return to being a national backwaters? It'd be the most based thing to do and it'd stop them from being globohomo'd into oblivion.
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>downsize their economy
Japan's economy has been stagnated since the late 1990s. To them, comfort and stability beats more capitalism.

Remember Japan was #2 in terms of GDP by country and now is #4.


This is the correct take. Everyone knew since the 70s and Limits to Growth that we can't keep going on forever. It's all propped up by debt and the promise that we can extract and sell more shit we don't need next quarter. Once we get oil shortages due to harder to reach reserves, this house of cards is going to collapse.


It seems globally labor is the limiting factor for economic growth for governments to leach rather than petroleum resources.
The economic system isn't the issue, it's governments addiction to spending money they don't have to buy votes in one way or another.


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Our entire economy is propped up by the 400 billion human workers in hydrocarbons that do not renew on a relevant timescale. We are already running out of the easy to drill stuff, hence fracking and the like. That and a general culture of always wanting more shit that is clearly pointless. Psyoping people from an early age to get into the rat race to impress other normgroids online.
The only way of fixing this would be a bottom up change in values and culture but needless to say, that's not happening. We're fucked beyond repair and will witness total economic and then social collapse within our lifetimes.


>They have to import other asians


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I am that same Indian guy who made the post about having C-PTSD and living with abusive parents. I have hit a new low, I think I am becoming low T, I check every symptom on the box, having brain fog, constantly fatigue, constantly sleepy, not being able to get it up anymore, no more morning woods, and no erections.

The problem is this, I am still a student and the effects of having low T are affecting my studies greatly, risking me going into a negative feedback loop where I feel like it's gonna take a toll on my studies. And thus reduce my likelihood of getting a job. I have managed to start gym after intense fighting with my parents.

But there is only so much I can push them as someone who is dependent upon them. I am sorry to post this here, after few long years, I just burst our crying today when my parents denied me to visit a urologist, while I have no symptoms (apart from slight shrinkage of my testicles), I probably have Varicocele too.

This is more of an SOS post, please if there is someone here who can take me away from my parents please do. Please give me a home, some love, some help to fix myself. I hate my life, I hate constantly being low T. My parents also hate all sorts of medicines, and they are going to freak out if the doctor recommends a surgery for varicocele. I can't get a job in this tough market either. It's truly hellish being a crab in the third world shithole.

Low T is affecting all areas of my life, and there is no redemption in sight, is my entire life going to be like this from this point on?
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I can bet OP is some early 20s failed normalfaggot. Theoretically a pajeet can't be a wizard because even the ugliest pajeet has the option of arrange marriage.




> I don't know why pajeets always feel the need to mention their country

What country do you think I'm from? There's a difference between ethnicity and nationality, retard.

>the ugliest pajeet has the option of arrange marriage

Are you so fucking retarded that you believe every stereotype you read online? I guess I know the answer, because if you're pasty useless ass had even a single functioning brain cell then you wouldn't be on here alongside the rest of us failures.

Go fuck yourself retard, I'm glad us Pajeets burn you up with so much anger by merely existing. Now I'm going to do whatever the fuck I want and you have no choice but to seethe about it. Stay mad faggot, not like you can have the power to do anything about it anyways lmao.


Yes, you are an extroverted creature and failed normalfaggot at best. Thanks for confirming that, LARPer.


having the option of marriage means you cant be a wizard? what the fuck are you even saying?


It is a normal in India to get married above the age of 30 due to financial stability reasons. It is also normal to go without relationships until you're married. Would you consider every normagroid in India a Wizard because he is a virgin?

I think that real Indian wizards go to Himalayan mountains, survive on wild weeds and become Aghoris and Sadhus.


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 No.310890[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Why are many here are certified /pol/tards ?
I do not Care About politics, I could never effect or change anything in my own country's politics, but I am wonderibg what makes many social outcasts, perma virgins, and Hikis attracted to that board's ideaolgy
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Schopenhauer, a man filthy rich in all manner material. A lover of song and dance. I see. I see.


Marx was from the higher aristocracy as well. Then again, most early communist figureheads were rich nobles with a conscience who decided to side with the working class.


"with a conscience who decided to side with the working class"

All their contrivance and machination, their 'politick' and scripture, were all nothing more than charade and cheer whose end target was to fatten their already pot sized bellies and pass time. That was the case then, and is still the case now. No one does anything for the working man besides the individual working man himself.

Now, on point of all aristocrat stock, only Kant matters. Everyone else, Schopenhauer most especial, took to filling up their halcyon days with writing once their poor share of entertainment rescinded in its value. Everything you see is a product of boredom, to repeat. A substitute to pass hours. Empty musing. All these men would be playing video games and reading scifi fantasy if today they existed, exercising their tremendous boredom into theorycrafting for Elden Ring. They wouldn't give a fuck.


A higher aristocrat is at the end no less a man whose belly is fatter and his head infinitely plagued by boredom comparative to his 'lesser', or rather 'lower' aristocrat compatriot. As down the poll we go, the smaller the bellies, the more in-reality the people become.


So you have no housing, no water, no money, no electricity, no gas, you live completely isolated self-sufficient and do not depend on other people, health system, infrastructure, digital services in any way? Hard to believe especially because you have the means to post here.

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Recently I have been doing nothing but masturbating to doujins and hentai mangas. But now I think its the time to finally upgrade to hentai games! I heard koikatsu party was good, so im going to play it.
I torrented it from there. This website is also good.
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Koikatu never ever worked properly for me, always had to make do with some weird JIT translation engine to read the dialogue


>recently I have been doing nothing but masturbating to doujins and hentai manga
what happened to you op


Best hentai game is IMAGINATION


play bible black


I don't really care about hentai games, but I think if I ever get a nice VR headset like the meganex 8k superlight, I would give it a go in VR for fun. I have a quest 2 but it's kind of garbage.


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 No.316739[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

No politics or religion in the crawl thread, please.

>Ambient sounds to wash away distraction

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I have this annoying habit in which I feel compelled to quickly turn my head and look behind myself at inopportune moments. These moments include things like… fighting a boss battle in a video game or watching an exciting, climactic moment in a video.

For example, if I am fighting against a difficult alien monster in a FPS game, I will feel this strong urge to glance behind my shoulder at the most tense moments. Or if I'm watching a fight scene in a movie, or even if I'm just watching short "rekt" webms!
(Sometimes, rather than turn my head completely around, I'll feel compelled to quickly move my eyes in order to shift my gaze back and forth multiple times before centering my gaze back on the screen; sometimes I'll feel compelled to cross my eyes several times and hold that stupid cross-eyed gaze for several seconds.)

I hate this, I look retarded, it ruins my enjoyment, and I've never heard of anyone else having this fucking problem.


Fun fact: If you have *any* old HDD enclosure (like those old external Western Digital USB drives) from the 2010s
you can smash the plastic casing and simply remove the HDD adapter with a simple Philips screwdriver.

Then connect it to any 3.5" or 2.5" SATA drive through USB.

I did that for 13 years until the pins on the adapter bent to the point of unusability.
I even played multiplayer games through the adapter with minimal disk lag.


Connected my HDD adapter to the TV. It recognized it immediately, although only music, videos, images, and PDFs (not opened those) were shown, i.e. folder with unsupported formats were empty).

Just like the last time, my foot was sprained, yet I tried and did it. As if brain has some subconscious memory that dictates what order the things should be done and under which conditions again.

The TV could show subtitles, remembered the place where the playback was left. The fullscreen button didn't work. A few times of video going faster and returning to the folder files list.

On Internet Archive I've had another problem with a file upload. Renaming and shortening the file title helped. I've already done it in the past, but all videos perhaps were deleted by myself as the creator was still alive and I didn't want to be alive with an obligation to add new stuff constantly as if suicide/magical euthanasia death intervention was not an option.

Perhaps the match my father saw on the HDD and the PPV was different as I hadn't seen WrestleMania X (1994) at that point in the past (first time connecting the HDD in the first, forgotten enclosure. My father seeing at least one match was also the same (passive aggression towards the content as a personal attack with plausible deniability of it all). Though the tag team match between The Quebecers and Men on a Mission (big black men) left some enjoyment experience in him.


>returning to the folder files list
The playback fell, next playback was from the beginning of the same video after choosing it.


What the fuck. There was just some dude with a camera outside my house that I noticed pointing it right at my window. I didn't have my glasses on so I ducked out of sight of him and got my glasses and then I see him walking away hastily with the camera in his hands.

[Last 50 Posts]


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This is the classic "suicide general", where we discuss methods and say farewell to our fellow wizards, quite different from that other thread in the catalog.

I'm currently 26, almost 27 (rings a bell?). And I can't take it anymore. I will soon depart from life through hanging. I haven't done it yet because I live in a shithole and there are always people around making noise and being nosy. I will just wait till it's very quiet so I can go to the woods and end this miserable existence.

I don't care if it might "get better". Existence itself is a curse and we're all gonna die anyway. I've read enough pessimist books and life affirming books and I side with the former. I don't need your compansion, because the thought that I will soon disappear is the only thing that makes me happy. I'm not even sad because of this.
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newfag here, currently 18- just turned it on the 17th lol. i feel like my life is over, i have never had a relationship- platonic or romantically.
i have various addiction issues and i am just an overall faggot. should i just rope?


32 years old and I have no hope of anything ever improving for me.


Is there any Kind of stuff(Like drug/medicine)that i can buy easily and Overdose on and die quick?
I dont even feel so depressed everything is Just so boring its Just not worth living anymore i dont wanna be humiliated anymore



You're 18 basically a child. Start making incremental progress and youre ahead of 99% of people on earth

Unrelated, to the thread: how to make sure you don't survive from hanging?



Idk man, we were 18 once too. Would anything have helped us overcome our burdens?

Imo we're just paper boats in the vast ocean of life, there's not much within our control. We do the best with the shitty hands we inherit.

Even if I was 18 again I have no idea how I could've negated this pathetic state I'm in now. I can't change the genes I inherit.


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2025 will be the layoff year edition. How we holding up?

previous >>289727
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cheese pizza is srs buisness


I'm a 32 yr old Pajeet failure.

Got a degree in Electrical Engineering and numerous IT certs but I just can't hack the world of normies. Office jobs are painful when you're too low IQ and slow witted to converse with normies and dodge the blows of office politics.

I now work as a lifeguard at a swimming pool. It's the only job where I can be paid to just exist. This is the closest I'll ever come to sustainable employment.


I also have a qualification in computer science but I hate office work, I prefer to be outside

I can't stand being in buildings around other people for long, it makes me feel claustrophobic and I don't like to breathe the air inside of buildings that aren't ventilated, I really hate smelling people's breath and other smells but I'm OCD weird

Being outside is best, I used to drive for a living and it was slightly better but the exhaust fumes gave me constant headaches, so I can't live in the city


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Starting to get used to unemployment now, I don't really have any urge to not waste all day doing ultimately meaningless activities and "hobbies" instead of just slaving away at some corporation and being yelled at so I can tell people "I have a job".


not giving a fuck is addicting.



Anime is dead. The new anime coming out is trash, rewatching old anime gets tiring and some old anime doesn't age well like tominos side projects or gets lost in time.

The otaku identity is now pink and blue tranny rooms on YouTube full of $5000 spent on first result in google anime merch of the latest seasonalslop poser anime like jjk,mha,nagatoro, uzaki-chan,my dress up darling. The "otaku" these days don't even know who is aura battler dunbine or ideon.

Anime and Japan also lost a lot of its "power" so to say in the way of mysticism/ nerd cred. Initially being viewed as a high quality nation with #1 schooling in the world it's now cheap commericial touristwank. The politicians are all now pozzed centrists payed off by the West instead of based hard right wing. The average Japanese teen nowadays prefers McDonald's over sushi. It's truly over.
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OK trannoid


>rewatching old anime gets tiring
Umm some of us have autism


There is also tons and tons of old anime.
So much so that it seems impossible to totally run out of stuff to watch.





Kenshin and Ranma 1/2 are back. Yeah?


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What are you watching?
What have you finished?

Thoughts, feelings, reviews.

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Cautious Hero: The Hero Is Overpowered but Overly Cautious

It was ok, but the humor didn't match my own so the vast majority of jokes fell flat for me.
Also the characters were all kinda shit and super annoying intentionally.


I finished shiki, I have mixed feeling about it. I wants to know what happens to the people after the ending but alas we'll 'ever know


Am I the only one who found this to be a really heavy-handed metaphor for the problem of young people leaving rural towns for big cities? I didn't finish it because I was too distracted by it. I only watched a few episodes so maybe I'm wrong but I thought that's where the author was going with it.


It touched on the subject bit it wasn't even close to the main theme.


Winter 2025 season
A-Rank Party wo Ridatsu Shita Ore wa, Moto Oshiegotachi to Meikyuu Shinbu wo Mezasu (SKIP)
Akuyaku Reijou Tensei Oji-san (1 Episode)
Ameku Takao no Suiri Karte (3 Episode)
Arafou Otoko no Isekai Tsuuhan Seikatsu (?)
Baban Baban Ban Vampire (1 Episode)
BanG Dream! Ave Mujica (3 Episode)
Botsuraku Yotei no Kizoku dakedo, Hima Datta kara Mahou wo Kiwamete mita (1 Episode)
Cardfight!! Vanguard: Divinez – Deluxe-hen (SKIP)
Class no Daikirai na Joshi to Kekkon Suru Koto ni Natta (3 Episode)
Douse, Koishite Shimaunda (3 Episode)
Fate/strange Fake (MUST WATCH)
Fuguushoku [Kanteishi] ga Jitsu wa Saikyou Datta: Naraku de Kitaeta Saikyou no [Shingan] de Musou Suru (1 Episode)
Grisaia: Phantom Trigger THE ANIMATION (3 Episode)
Guild no Uketsukejou desu ga, Zangyou wa Iya nanode Boss wo Solo Tobatsu Shiyou to Omoimasu (3 Episode)
Hana wa Saku, Shura no Gotoku (3 Episode)
Hazure Skill "Kinomi Master": Skill no Mi (Tabetara Shinu) wo Mugen ni Taberareru You ni Natta Ken Nitsuite (SKIP)
Honey Lemon Soda (1 Episode)
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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I have no clue what is keeping you people from talking about the best contribution Japan has brought into the Americas.
Personally, I like any 90s Honda Coupe just as long as it's possible to rice up to 500+ horsepower with at least 50 pounds of torque. The Honda Del Sol was by far my childhood dream car, but I ended up settling for a Honda CRX my parents gave me.

Any Toyota fans out there too? Toyota has been going down the drain in terms of fun factor. I can't wait until Toyota's reliability goes down too to the point where Toyota stops production in America alltogether like Toshiba.

And of course, Mazda is doing just fine.
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I still have the same 97 Red DOHC VTEC del sol I had in college in one of my discinnected garages. Just like that. It was fun. I went to college in the early 2000s


I just have a shitty old Toyota that doesn't even run right now. I could have it towed and repaired or just replace it altogether, but I don't care enough about cars to sort it out. I just walk to my parents' place and give them money to buy me groceries when I need some. I'll probably get it fixed eventually. What I really want for a car is a '67 Stingray, but those are expensive as hell nowadays. Probably a bitch to maintain and a keying magnet, too.


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I have always loved hatchbacks, they look the best in my opinion. it fits my personality too. I like practicality and will never need to use 4 doors or need backseats. an automobile, just like a house is to me a private sanctuary. 3 door cars represent the idea that a vehicle crafted for personal use the best in my opinion.


Is Lexus LFA allowed here?


Changing the 86GT engine from 2.0 to 2.4 L was a mistake. Yuck.


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 No.31035[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What was the most disappointing anime you have ever watched? For me personally, it was Sailor Moon Crystal. I'm a big Sailor Moon fan and I was pumped for the new series to come out, even though it kept getting delayed I didn't care, I just wanted to feel the magic I felt watching the series for the first time again. But when the show aired in the summer of 2014 i was met with a show with extremely sloppy animation, poor writing and really just an underwhelming vibe to it. It was just such a gut punch to see my favorite show get treated with such a mishandled and mediocre retelling.
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Cel animation is so much nicer and way cozier.


Aku no Hana.
The rotoscoping is SO UGGY!!!!!!!!


it is ugly but it is iconic to me


Cool idea but they nether had the money nor time to execute the idea. Tried anyway and…
Well you seen the results.
At least it was a interesting failure though. Due to over ambition rather than creative bankruptcy or being a cheap cash grab.


So sad…….

[Last 50 Posts]



A thread for those who enjoy and wish to discuss animation and animation related stuff from places that aren't Japan.
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Sonic teaching kids what to do in case of harassment


thank you sonic


Sonic teaching about the dangers of smoking


Heres all the sonic says psa. Hard to believe there was a time that had to sonic cartoons on air at the same time


Animated short based on pickman model



I have to disagree on the loser concept as voiced here so often.
i have 70+ years as single white boy and man…
i have never married; i have had numerous jobs; and I have lived in several cities and states.
i have never considered myself to be a loser despite many setbacks and unfortunate experiences…
i know what i can do; if i don't I educate myself to be able to do whats required…
i am now mostly blind in one eye; my hearing was damaged by bad medications i can't write due to doctors bungling my right hand in treatment from a fall…
unless you are completely non functional braindead you can learn something useful that will lift you out of your self-hate…
Don't give up; information is free for the taking.
i never married, my friends who did are dead/dying slowly from their BAD choices…
i just say F*** it and keep on keeping on.
i have suffered setbacks many times but always struggled thru…
i am watching friends expiring slowly day by day who were very successful normies with houses cars planes toys that most men would kill for…
Try 27 variant's of dodge super cars as his toys; 3 houses; so much crap he had to buy an extra house with outbuildings just to store his cars and toys…
it was all for nothing; the greedy bitch he married (#3) murdered him for his money homes cars boats etc…
give thanks for what you have, however small and lacking; it could be far worse…
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amen and amen…


the very few inter-gendered relationships however minor; were enough to cause me to say F*** it completely and totally…


Have our best desires, elder


>>220787 i took up shooting and gun-smithing if it goes bang i can fix or salvage it…


I want to know what the F*** was in that apple ?


 No.8728[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Just a random general where you can post and discus whatever music stuff that doesn't quite fit into another existing thread, but you don't feel like making whole thread for it.
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>wish it could stay like this forever

>but someday; ill have to start working…
>but that time isn't right now, so i can keep living my unemployed life

Made me think of this website. I like pretty much everything this artist makes too



Wiz only music

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My whole life I was treated like shit both at home and anywhere else. I coped to the extent I could with a mix of denial and dissociation. Only recently, after going no contact with my family and finding some people that seem to respect me to some extent, I have started to be honest with myself and process how much I've been bullied. Any small event or thought will trigger anger which can last from a few hours up to the the whole day. It makes me wonder how much I can truly recover and if I will ever not be angry. If you have any insights or similar experiences please share them in this thread.
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I hope a pitbull decides to take out its frustrations on you


I remember when I was a kid in school I once sat and burned ants with a magnifying glass, an older kid came up to me and shoved me and told me to stop, I thought he was just being an ass but I thought about it and decided that it may have been messed up after all to burn them


Stop confusing ape species with other animals.
Sapient apes (which includes homo sapiens and chimps) are violent unpredictable predators who also enjoy torture.


this, human and monkeys have the psychopath genome that make them violent creatures


yeah, but learning to let go of the past and push forward is a skill. Dont stress about it because people hold onto shit, its just what we do


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 No.315590[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


Previous thread: https://archive.fo/oMDB8
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Trump is the most anti low status men goy ever


And how are they going to do that? Even large global criminal organizations like Camorra have maybe a few hundred hitmen at most. Cartels have 100 each.

Trump has not only 8000+ secret service agents making sure nobody gets near him without permission, but countless police and army officers.

That being said, SS agents often do fail.
How they failed to stop the guy who shot him from climbing on a very low rooftop and managing to take a shot, still baffles me to the point of suspecting conspiracy.


this explanation makes the most sense, because if putins counterintel and propaganda efforts through twitter, tiktok etc. managed to swing even 2% of the vote towards trump, he basically got him elected.

which means they're going to help each other out as long as the other is alive.


Vaccines are safe and effective, government agencies like the tax office and the police exist for your benefit


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Joe Biden:
>Has been filmed sniffing, caressing, and pinching the nipples of little succubi since the Obama election campaign
>Is in good with the Clintons, criticized for funding [[[Jeffery Epstein's]]] capitol endeavors, visiting his island
>Sardoned his son Hunter who was under scrutiny for participating in [[[Epstein's]]] invitational parties

Don Trump:
>Undid Biden-era executive orders that lessened investigation priority and punishment for child sex trafficking
>Visited [[[Epstein's]]] islan once, wrote publicly about how [[[Epstein]]] is a bad person.

But yeah, orange man fucks kiddos.
Crazy how even after so long, leftards' only arguments against the Trump administration is "He's a RUSSIAN ASSET and he PROBABLY does bad stuff"

[Last 50 Posts]



Any dungeon synth listener? Can you share some good/gems dungeon synth musics. here's a playlist I've made about dungeon synth musics I like: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbniq6ShcFR7JtGH4qglzfc6v82nw3yrW&si=w4FnOStPTsEYy_kV
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It's about overcoming impossible odds.


Artist : Casket of Dreams
Album : Dragons of Autumn Twilight
Year : 1998
Genre : Old-School Dungeon Synth, Fantasy Ambient
Country : Canada


01. The Pagan Eden 00:00
02. The Basilisk's Eye 02:02
03. Set's Curse 07:02
04. Astral Extinction 09:26
05. The Serpent Race 13:22
06. Stain of the Soil 16:01
07. Beyond the Mirrorgate 20:01
08. The Eye of Evil 22:59



Yes. Barbarian Synth. Conan! What is best in life?



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Chapters 1-3 of 10
I. Introduction
II. Servant and Widow
III. The Suicide Horror and the Savage
The blurb states:
"This book is the first comprehensive study to be written in English of the infinitely various attitudes towards suicide throughout the history of the human race. The causes of suicide in primitive, classical, mediæval and more modern times, and the points of view which have led philosophers to condemn or approve the custom, are expounded with a scholarly thoroughness in which pedantry plays no part, so that the volume is a gold-mine of out-of-the-way information on the subject."

From the book:
"A certain number of individuals have continuously found this act the most efficient and satisfactory response to circumstances they did not choose to put up with or to which they could find no other reply."
"The personal suicide is usually persecuted by society or only grudgingly recognised even in times of tolerance."
"Suicide is the price paid by many to view the unfamiliar new landscape. The transition to self-sufficiency has often lain for the weak, unfortunate and misplaced via self-destruction. Such deaths, which have been multiplying for a hundred years, are oddly distributed taxes levied against gigantic change." 
"When the number of those who are giddy standing alone grows less, then time will reduce the number of suicides also."
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Cover, title, contents


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Chapter I. Introduction


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Chapter II. Servant and Widow


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Chapter III.
The Suicide Horror and the Savage


My advice to anyone reading up on suicide is to find something better to do with your time lmao


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most of us are so fucking unattractive, retarded, uneducated, unlovable, lazy/unambitious etc… that there is no point in continuing this misery.

even when some try to gaslight themselves that their loser-lifestyle can be comfy, we all deep down know that this isnt supposed to be *life*.

objectively, we're the bottom of the barrel, rock bottom essentially; we can only cope by escaping reality and isolating ourselves and anytime we encounter the real fucking world, we're deemed as fucking subhumans by others AND ourselves.

we're rotting, just wasting space, energy and oxygen while the only thing left for us is waiting to die, respectively.

i dont get how we all havent already committed suicide by now cuz our fucking trash genetics have been haunting us for our entire existence, yet we collectively and voluntarily decided to continue living. why the fuck are we so stupid???
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I would kill myself but only if it's done in a way that I like, that is, I get an anaesthesia administered by a doctor like the way they do before operations and have soldiers aim their assault rifles at my head and then blast me to nothingness.

With that said I will be honest with you here. I just wanted and still want very basic things in life like being able to drive correctly and confidently (I can't reverse properly and don't know how far I am from the fence looking at my side mirrors and I can't parallel park either), have a house, have a family, be physically be able to have sex (I can't get hard and when I do it is painful because of phimosis and frenulum breve, and even when that is coped with I can't cum because of being high inhibition and feeling unattractive no succubus wants a guy like me), have a job.

I don't think I have ever asked for much I know the disdain this comment is going to get, I just wanted a normal life. I don't wanna die because somewhere deep down inside i have hope that things will be fine or I am just too cowardly to attempt suicide.

Overall, a pretty horrific situation where you're not really living and not really dying but slowly inching towards personal disaster.


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Don't people in india drive like shit anyhow


This is very untrue. People here are ready to chop heads off at very minor fender benders. And while most people don't follow rules. They are bad drivers in that sense of not following rules. But apart from that you won't believe this but drivers here are extremely skilled and drive and push themselves into places with just a needle sized margin. Driving requires extreme skill here. And if you ignore the rule following part people here are extremely skilled at driving.


Using Occam's razor this makes a lot of sense, because for most people in that hellish traffic, much of their net worth and money is tied up to the car they drive. It is s great motivator for avoiding damage.


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Know forgotten/ignored past recognition and keep yourself alive to keep past recogniser alive

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