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 No.302960[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

General Question: does just reading 4chan for longer than 10-15 minutes make anyone feel awful and almost as if placed into a trance state? I can browse other sites for long periods of time without any ill effects, but if I stay too long on 4chan I begin to feel decidedly sick. Why does this happen?
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It depresses me cause 4chan is one of my favorite sites. I've been posting on it since my /b/ days of early 2000s. Now it's nothing but shitposting, rage bait and offtopic drama. It makes me sick.


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How is it possible to fill thread after thread with nothing but posts that don't mean anything. People spreading falsehoods for no gain. I would assume it's all zoomers who don't care for meaning because they have infinite time and are doing something else on the side but every time age comes up there are so many 30+ people. It breaks my heart to see an interesting topic with potential for enlightening discussion and no one treats it with any seriousness. I need to get off the internet but I have no one to talk to. When reading books I miss the ability to ask questions.


The mods decide which thing triumphs and which get ghost banned. If you do not understand something and it is full of shit and neglective care, it's normie. Without failure


I finally stopped posting on 4chan about three months ago and started posting here but not very frequently. I am searching for meaning in a world that wants nothing more than to deny me a reason to exist. When I leave my room for extended periods of time, people mostly just become afraid and want to send me back to my cell.


Yeah, the reason nobody responds to your shit threads is because you're ghost bannedx
>I am searching for meaning in a world that wants nothing more than to deny me a reason to exist
That's like getting angry at a water fountain for not cutting your hair. Life isn't meant to give you purpose. You are. Make purpose for yourself.
>people mostly just become afraid and want to send me back to my cell.
Paranoid schizophrenia.

Watch this video.

[Last 50 Posts]



I regret not enjoying my youth more,when i was 14-16 if i think back i could have had so much fun, instead i had to be a fucking depressed loser even Back then and just barley coped as to not end myself.
But at least i didnt have to worry about money/Rent but i just wasted away my youth and did nothing and now its way too late at 27. I should have enjoyed that time and just not worry,gotten high everyday drop out of school and do what i actually enjoy ,Go out blah blah so on and so on
I Wish i Had a time machine
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what would you even spend it on? It isnt that easy to convert money into happiness unless it can allow you to work less


I don't really get what you could do but you did not.


>wanted to learn to play piano
>wanted to learn to draw
>friends playing together in games I didn't own
unfortunately the cost of the equipment and software scared me off. Also wasn't sure if I could commit myself to learning it due to both uni and part time job taking up a good chunk of my time. I had a decent gaming pc that I built during high school, but I pirated most of my games to save money. couldn't play together with my uni friends who had legit copies. some had 3ds and played Mario kart 7 together. Wanted to get one to play together, but refrained mostly thinking that my money was better spent on more life important stuff. One time my friends asked if I wanted to travel to the Netherlands together, I decline due to wanting to save money.
economically secured now, but my youth was bleak with a few rare moments of good memories. had I not been so stingy I could had more of those good memories. The friends I had in uni are gone now, too late to do anything about it now, guess things are just going to get bleaker.


>just wasted away my youth and did nothing
>I should have enjoyed that time and just not worry,gotten high everyday drop out of school and do what i actually enjoy ,Go out blah blah so on and so on
Your second statement hints that there were things that you liked to do but didn't? not sure what you meant with did nothing, was there something preventing you
and you distract yourself with doom scrolling or something?


You can't know if paying for those things would have been worth it. I bought a game once just to play with someone when i was a late teen and it was awful. I went on a trip once with people and it was perhaps the worst week of my life. Maybe it is difficult to remember why you really made those decisions. Sometimes our past selves were smarter than we remember and our memories have discarded important context. To me it doesnt sound like those things were really all that important, anyway


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I'm going broke, and I really don't know how to deal with this fact. I went to 4 doctors to treat it, but none of them worked, and no matter how many medications I took, I was never able to overcome this problem. But these only caused me terrible side effects, such as fatigue, weight gain, apathy, a lot of disinterest in everything, and alopecia, but they were never able to attack the impulses. Violence never stops.
Sometimes I blame my family for raising me in such a violent environment, but then I think it's better to bury the past and look forward. But sometimes it is difficult, since it is not about the violence of 10 or 15 years ago, it is about things sometimes from less than a week ago.

I feel like an alcoholic, where instead of keeping a place free of that poison, it is offered to me in all shapes, sizes, colors and flavors.
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Not that poster, but I was called a bald creep by succubi my age 19-22 just because I had no hair like other guys.
All I did was exist. I didn't even talk to them or look at them, all I did was minding my own business.



Should have called them cumdumpster sluts.


I feel so happy about having despised foids as a handsome wiz apprentice.


you're probably ugly yourself
lots of ugly people think they're good looking



Which degree do you think guys should I get? Mind you i'm going to be 30 by the time I start and graduate at 34-35. I tried college once to study humanities but had a breakdown and didn't graduate. But in my country you can get one degree for free as long as you pass the exams well and have no diploma.
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any field where there is always a demand
>medical(people will always have health problems)
>law(people will always have disputes)
>trades(people are to lazy to learn to do things themselves, so you do it for them)
most jobs requires socialization, you are not getting away from it.
I would like to add programming and IT, but unfortunately companies have become super picky.
one way to circumvent this, might be to develop your own software and try selling them.
But it's a massive gamble, even if you give it your all you can still end up with no success. not to mention the massive amount of work.
psychonauts is an example of a high-effort team project that ended up as a commercial failure. if it can happen to AAA studio, it can happen to indie-devs as well.


Could I reword that? I'm not sure I understood. You mean people knew they're unemployable so they didn't even have a CV if they had no degree?

I didn't understand this reply either.


I kinda want to commit suicide instead. People will always ask about the resume gap. Having no degree and no job experience at 30 is absurdly pathetic. In my country even if you waste a year most employers would think you're a freak. I wish I did my degree in humanities even if I hated it because having a diploma is at least something. Having nothing at all is a death sentence.


to be honest why do they even care?
As long as you are capable of carrying
out they work they ask for. Why does it matter?
Since I am out job hunting right now, might as well try if given the chance
if they ask me why I have a gap, will will just respond with "why do you care?"
just to see what happens.


Can I carry out their work? I'm not sure about that.


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It seems I have no other choice, unfortunately. Because of the lack of jobs where I live and my family now turning my life into hell because they openly despise me, I can't see any other way but to join the army and do at least one year of military service, given that it's the only job that practically always is open for literally anyone, and to get in you just have to want it.
I'm not even "patriotic" nor anything, I just want to leave my parents house and survive, also no, my country is thankfully not at war. Do we have any other wizards who are also considering joining the army?
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can anyone tell me when the jews are going to pull off their next false flag attack? it has to be soon given this wide drive for recruitment. it won't work here though – wizards are too smart to die for ZOG in yet another war that advances jewish power and control.

remember US/Europe/China/Russia/Ukraine are all under jewish dictatorship. kikes are gearing up for another slaughter of dumb goyim while playing both sides as usual. believe nothing you see broadcast on the (((msm))).


Yeah, it robbed me of everything. People believed in me, I didn't have *awful* cards dealt to me, but all I've ever wanted is to escape, escape, escape. I can't study, can't work, can't plan, all I can do is escape online. I wish I could die in my sleep. But nature is so incredibly cruel that it won't even allow me. I'll have to kill myself using of the gruesome methods with non-zero chance of survival.


well said

Same. I see myself as a rat in a maze that was trained to navigate it to avoid electric shock. Other rats were trained to be reward-motivated, navigating to get a reward of cheese. I have no reward system except trying to avoid pain


Know how to decide, and why if nothing sounds fine to such way of deciding, nothing might be the best thing to do: https://www.myhumandesign.com/get-your-chart/

It's free. I stopped disgracing myself with the anxiety of trying to pour my ass into the wagecuck dungeons out there due to this knowing so much about me.


isn't army like prison, but you have to run a lot?


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One thing that completely captivates my interest and imagination is reading about genocides. Some might perceive it as an immature morbid fascination, but for me I think genocide connects aspects of history, politics and human psychology I find interesting.

I collect certain things related to genocide. I have a ‘srbosjek’ - a Serb cutter. The hand knife was used to cut the throats of Serbs during the genocide by the Croatian Ustasze.

I have always thought that beneath the veneer of human civility and empathy, most humans are under certain conditions capable of psychopathic acts of cruelty. Humans bend to social pressure with ease and our empathy is not as strong as it is performed. Lord of the Flies is an understatement.

I visited Cambodia and was really blown away by the history there. The ideology of the Khmer Rouge was fascinating. The number of people that took part in the genocide and only 3 were prosecuted.
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The system allowing it is and was supported by the very same normies whose defeat you do lament now.


Please explain without using memes.


Go back to /pol/ and keep posting infographics why everything (You) dislike was made by da Joooos


>Jews criticized, gotta fire up that keyboard to defend them
Genocide yourself so we can study it


Such stupid rabble, /pol/ is the center of awareness about that.
Boom! xDDD


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 No.297968[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

2025 The Great Depression 2. Post your pain and suffering. Previous >>294941
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I have been having very low energy and headaches while at work. I have committed to my shitty job for years, not attracting attention and allowing interactions to be one-sided as I just be a passive fuck that smiles and nods. I hate people, society, and this life. Every day I just wish to pass away in my sleep, because a human's life is too complicated, hard, and phony. Every time I think about improving my situation, I remember that it will not address the underlying issues of my misanthropy, chronic depression, and social anxiety. I will never get to a place to secluded peace unless I earn the big bucks or become an ascetic hermit. Fuck being human.



call me a failed normalfag if you want, but the difference is they probably feel like they belong in those contexts. they go to work and they like people and they feel respected. they have friends. if youre on this website, you've very likely be on the periphery of society/social groups/peers instead, i know i have, pretty much my whole life. i dont like referencing rote crap like muh maslows pyramid but its true because on the rare instance i get a little preview of belonging and intimacy my whole world changes for the better; without a fundamental sense of being a person who gets treated like a person, everything else can feel pretty meaningless.


I have stopped "reflecting" over my life. I don't give a fucking about evaluating my actions anymore. Fuck this world. If world doesn't give a shit about me then why I should care? End is death. It is same for everyone. At this moment millions of people are wallowing in pain in the hospitals and why should I think of life as coherent plan? It's a fucking mess. A rape before death. Nothing speaical. That's all. I don't give a shite anymore. I'll live like a beast. I won't give a shit…at least until next misfortune.


> they go to work and they like people and they feel respected
What they feel is they are surrounded of more neurtypical bottlicking aura, like theirs. Which they love to use as it disguises (in their minds) how much a failure their hierarchical societies are.

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Anime is dead. The new anime coming out is trash, rewatching old anime gets tiring and some old anime doesn't age well like tominos side projects or gets lost in time.

The otaku identity is now pink and blue tranny rooms on YouTube full of $5000 spent on first result in google anime merch of the latest seasonalslop poser anime like jjk,mha,nagatoro, uzaki-chan,my dress up darling. The "otaku" these days don't even know who is aura battler dunbine or ideon.

Anime and Japan also lost a lot of its "power" so to say in the way of mysticism/ nerd cred. Initially being viewed as a high quality nation with #1 schooling in the world it's now cheap commericial touristwank. The politicians are all now pozzed centrists payed off by the West instead of based hard right wing. The average Japanese teen nowadays prefers McDonald's over sushi. It's truly over.
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I want to be into anime again but I am being gatekept by the undying spectre of bidenflation. Same goes for virtually every hobby. Even old paperback books have more than doubled in price compared to five years ago and crackheads have stolen all the decent books from the library.


both are worse versions than their oiginal adaptations



no need to spend a penny


people pay for anime? what?



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we write a book paragraph by paragraph.
I'll begin.


I woke up in my dream…or I fell asleep in reality. I don't remember it anymore but my eyes were wide open. In fact, I didn't really know because it was dark, I didn't know if my eyes were closed or open. To find out if I was awake, I decided to get up. In this dark, dark room, I realized where I was. Now it all comes back to mind, I remember, unfortunately…
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The cassowary taking notice of my Dorito encrusted fingers pecks hungrily. I humbly oblique, "Free maid service? why not?" I state even though I was saving those Dorito crumbs for a snack. Such a wonderful and glorious creature, truly misunderstood. The cassowary pecks every molecule off my sausage fingers, then turning its head, looking upon my sofa it sees the its prize, an unopened crushed Dorito bag, which I had in fact earlier passed out on…


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haha this is good so far. re-reading it made me laugh. we need more writers


The cassowary starts rummaging its beak, now dirty with dorito, inside the crushed Dorito bag, searching for something. As I watch it, I realize that something is off. Have cassowaries always worn such beautiful shoes? Before I can return to my questions about avian fashion, the cassowary pulls something out of the dorito bag and delivers it into my round hands


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OP here, completely forgot my thread haha. nice to know other wizards want to continue this peoject


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 No.314581[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I don't understand what an OS is. why are there several OS? does this mean that one OS is worse than another? Yet each OS does the same thing: start programs. why then create different OS if they all do the same thing? Why is Linux favored by computer enthusiasts instead of Mac OS and Windows? Does one OS do something different that another OS doesn't? why Linux can't launch video games (I hear that often). how different OS; all execute applications in the same way, why create another (OS)
These are questions that I ask myself about OS because it interests me but even after seeing some videos and sites talking about OS to explain it, I still had questions and things to know.
If you know about computers very well, can you try to answer my questions, please?
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I hadn't heard that before. It wasn't that long ago that ARM-32bit was still a vital part of the ecosystem but I've not paid any mind to x86 32bit for a good long while. What are the SBC prices like in your local markets? Not just Raspberry Pi 4, but also stuff like Pine64, OrangePi, etc. Or even a Windows, x86_64 SBC, though those tend to be more expensive where I live.

Not advocating total replacement, just sharing as much workload as can be done before your PC gives up the ghost. Good luck anyways.

An update -
Moonlight works really well in X, Wayland, and Windows 10, and my setup is now fundamentally OS-agnostic as even a raspberry pi 2 can play a game off of a configured Windows tower on my LAN. It is curious though that I haven't been able to get Moonlight to properly launch from the TTY since that's what it is fundamentally intended to do; I don't think this can be Qt's fault or an issue with my fb config since lmms &c work off of tty just fine. Security is always a big question for anything that operates off of a network and I haven't seen too many security experts talk about GeForce Experience, Moonlight, or Sunshine and I can't imagine that Sunshine in particular has been able to plug all possible holes given that it operates on both NVidia and AMD graphics stacks on both Windows and Linux. Tentatively I'm happy with this setup.



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I bring some OS news, are games better now on linux?


>The best reason for a normal person to use a twm I ever saw was distrotube explaining the case of workspace configurations and launch shortcuts for his streaming, vm, and audio recording setup - but you don't need a twm for that, just a customizable wm.
Yeah tiling wms are really about the customizability. I was really surprised about how barebones hyprland is when I first installed it. But when you set it all up and finetune it it becomes really nice and thats the thing Im starting to mislike about gnome and such. Their defaults are so set in stone and when you build it yourself you know how it works and how to change it but not with those all come inclusive wms. Same difference between arch and ubuntu.

>I think tiling window managers are overhyped for similar reasons. Maybe a few persuasive, charismatic people made a good case for one particular situation and then everybody lost the plot trying to extrapolate that specific to a generality.

To talk about my experience with tiling wms for a bit,
tbh I think tiling wms may be equal or worse in comfortability for me after I got used to it on my laptop. Not looking at the few compatibility problems with some programs that use floating tooltips like idea ide, the managment of my windows is enforced since the windows cant be just hidden behind one another. I have to move my window to another workspace to prevent resizing. This is annoying but searching for windows behind other windows in floating wms is also annoying so it balances out and to be honest it might not make much of a difference to me whether its a tiling wm or not in the end were it not for the customizability advantage.

dwm tackles the issue with being forced to move opened windows to another workspace by having one master window and the rest be slaves, so the ridiculous downsizing to fit all windows only happens on the side of the screen on which the slaves happen to be on. perhaps you could also customize hyprland to do the same though.


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 No.60906[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Thread for discussing games you're currently playing.

>What games are you playing?

>What games have you recently purchased?

Previous thread:
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Yeah I remember it was one of the only games my shitty old laptop could play and been playing it on and off ever since 2015. I mainly like playing janitor/miner/engineer or assistant on regular servers or as a PFC on CM.


Why janitor? I mean you get your own closet but your access to the station is pretty limited.


It's fun to just wander around the station and clean up messes and stumble upon things. People ignoring the wet floor signs and slipping is always funny to me as well.


I started using my wii again a couple of days ago. Currently I'm playing Mario Kart CTGP-R and replaying a wiiware game called Hydroventure (got it when I was younger but never got around to finishing it). After I'm done with that I plan on trying out Jett Rocket and possibly some Pikmin 2 romhacks.


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I'm playing XCOM: Enemy Unknown. It's one of my favorite games and I've never actually finished it.

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I do nothing besides doomscrolling, going outside for a while and maybe read for an hour a day (if i can find a book that interests me) or watch an episode of some anime but the rest of the day is spent doomscrolling on my computer, I am too insomniac and have bladder issues to spend half or most my days sleeping to pass my days with sleep like many NEETs can do with ease, there is just no way for me to get out of this cycle, at least not on my own, I need money and connections, most importantly MONEY.
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Gym is a scam. they wont tell you that resting is the important part and that compound exercises are the really useful ones. Buying gear enough to do this at home can cost you like 3 months at that stupid scam.

Gym owner put his machines in your hands, which you do not consume, just use. You put money in his hands. In the end he is the one having both your money and the machines, and whatever waste you might have occasioned will never be so costly as even a 1/100 part of you paid. It's like damn faire attractions.


The gym owner offers you a transparent deal and it is beneficial for some people. Some people don't have space for gym equipment in their home, and/or want a wide variety of equipment. For some people it is indeed better to buy their own equipment - if you have the space then go for it. In no way is it a scam. Many, many things in society these days are scams but this isn't one.


So yeah, they just openly fool theirselves for having bad organization at home spaces. Like paying at restaurants while being too lazy to use your kitchen or buying bottle waters at an airport.


No, even a lot of working professionals in big cities can't afford the luxury of enough space for gym equipment. It isn't a scam to them, it's the only way to get a proper workout.


You must have no idea how small many people's apartments are.


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 No.56871[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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I'm thinking of learning memory-safe C++ instead of Rust because it has more libraries available and the syntax isn't quite as alien. C++ was actually the first language I ever tried to learn like 20 years ago.
It feels good when a language just does what you want quickly with no struggle. Anyway, there's an error on line 24 that I missed.


Im curious, what ide is that? Ive been using vscode for c until now…
And I cant seem to detect any buffer overflows except for your line 24 so yeah, thats nice. I suppose you havent implemented to win condition check though.


>I'm thinking of learning memory-safe C++ instead of Rust because it has more libraries available
That is a very good reason i think. I far, far prefer using rust but almost every time i try to think of a project i want to do it is a bad choice because of the weaker situation with libraries. It really depends what your goal is, though. Languages are best suited for different purposes of course. I am still considering putting more time toward rust myself because my strongest interests are in software that requires the highest possible guarantees of security


It's just vim in a WSL terminal. I left it up to the players to determine if the game is over or not just like in real life. It doesn't crash or anything it just doesn't let you make moves anymore until you Ctrl+C.
I think I determined that for me Rust is overkill for just writing applications. Even if I tinkered with microcontrollers, drivers or robotics again I might still just use C unless there were actual high stakes involved. You can write microcontroller firmware in Python.

I'm someone who starts projects in whatever interests me and then moves on. I don't really have any depth of expertise or experience to actually get hired, just years of abandoned projects.


>years of abandoned projects
20 years at that xD
Ill probably try to make an app soon for drawing on my tablet, would be nice as a personal project because I have zero things to present either. just some minecraft mods or simple games I made when I started learning all this shit like tetris or browser extensions.

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I need to find interesting topics to read about as all I have is my E-reader, I like history and a little bit of philosophy (I find philosophy to be mostly cognitive masturbation, please don't hate me) but it's hard to find interesting topics to read about and for me and a lot of the books are tedious to read and full of boring informations, Please give me suggestions of topics to read about, anything goes, I am willing to try anything since I am dying of boredom here, sadly I was never able to enjoy reading fiction despite having tired countless classics, I can't even explain why, it just bores me despite the fact I can enjoy films or TV shows on rare occasions.


Have you read the bible?


since you like history, pick one historical figure that you admire or think had an interesting life and read their biography. napoleon, hitler, gandhi, malcolm x, whatever.

giving recommendations is like shooting in the dark, you need to know yourself better and when you like something, remember it for next time. best way to find new media is to go by what you've already enjoyed and find similar stuff. when you really don't know, then i suggest browsing places like 4chan's /lit/ and seeing what piques your interest. there's a general there for science fiction and fantasy and i often go there to find my next read. when it comes to fiction, it's all about whether the premise or themes grip you, sometimes you're in a specific mood and want to read something nihilistic and sad, and so on. majority of classics are just very boring and irrelevant for most people today, so avoid them until you feel a "calling", you don't have to read shit just because it's popular or important.


a handful of the O.T books, and most of the N.T, i can't even remember why I stopped reading it despite being into it at the time


Yes, I love the concept of biography books, the issue is that they tend to be rich with informations and details, often times stuff that put me to sleep (ironically), it's also because they are LOOONG which can be good or bad, I have enjoyed reading 1k+ pages biographies on Hitler and Stalin but I could not get through biographies about Franco, Pol pot and Goebbels since they were full of boring details, I guess some authors are better than other at writing historical texts that they make their texts engaging, also yes I lurk /lit/ daily, it's mostly discussions about philosophy and fiction, topics in which I have little interest in, Maybe I will have a better luck on /his/ albeit /lit/ has a /HISTORY/ general.


you are looking for new topics and rabbitholes to explore, wizanon


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 No.31035[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What was the most disappointing anime you have ever watched? For me personally, it was Sailor Moon Crystal. I'm a big Sailor Moon fan and I was pumped for the new series to come out, even though it kept getting delayed I didn't care, I just wanted to feel the magic I felt watching the series for the first time again. But when the show aired in the summer of 2014 i was met with a show with extremely sloppy animation, poor writing and really just an underwhelming vibe to it. It was just such a gut punch to see my favorite show get treated with such a mishandled and mediocre retelling.
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Why so many anime can't stick the landing?!?


I swear the anime was just a really expensive ad for the manga.
Because it didn't even try to have a complete story arc at all.


Most anime are.


Most anime aim to be adaptations.
A complete story in a new medium.
Claymore was not a complete story.
It was just a introduction of the world and characters.


Is SOLO LEVELLING allowed here? It's technically a south korean source but the anime is made by jap studios.

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Ho do I know if i have inner monologue? I cant understand people who have opinions about everything happening, can argue by posting long texts; lets say on current trump stuff etc. I dont have any opinion about things that dont affect me directly, this is on top of my autism. People sometimes think that i am mute and deaf
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if you are able to self-reflect and ask such questions, then it's safe to say you're not an NPC. not caring about politics and current news cycle? yeah, i'd say even more so.


I record my thoughts quite often and don't care about mainstream news, but I barely feel sentient at times.


I don't have strong opinions about anything. Like if I did a movie review show I would probably rate everything an 8/10. I don't have a strong love of anything or a strong hate of anything. Sometimes I pretend to have strong feelings about things so I can fit in.

But I don't think that has anything to do with not having an inner monologue. I often have arguments inside my head, going back and forth on both sides of any point. I can never decide which is the "correct" side or proper opinion.


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i have noticed that some people just say opinions just to combat akwardness and start a converstion. This can be as small as telling someone else who is waiting in an line and you are too "ugh i hate standing in long lines" people hope to get an answer that way so they can talk about something


I know that feel


 No.312907[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

We really can't stop winning wiz bros while dumb cattle who follow blindly the media fell victim to one of the biggest pharma corpo scams of the century and to this day, they keep losing.
They bought into the psyop, wore double masks, took the jab and got triple quadruple boosted, and even got into fights with people who did not want to take the deadly jab. These npc cattle shilled for it as well on social media, it wasn't enough for them to take it themselves, they wanted everyone to be vaxxed.

On the other hand, every intelligent wizard was able to tell from a mile away that it was fishy, you can just do a quick research and see that Pfizer CEO is a kike and kikes have a bad reputation, as liars and fraudsters. The kikes behind the media were pushing for this state of emergency and lockdowns due to a harmless virus that supposedly came from china, yet wizards did not fall for it because we knew it was bullshit.
Everyone that took the vaxx might as well be dead, because in their compliance for the powers that be their human freedom was gone as well. Their spirit to be free from mental slavery was not there, maybe it was never there in the first place.

I did not fall for it and wasn't afraid because I've been gifted with foresight. Now, almost 5 years later, the sheep have to admit they were wrong and got manipulated, that the vaccines were not safe and effective. That the science was more concerned with money than with saving lives.

>AstraZeneca withdrawing Covid vaccine, months after admitting rare side effect. The Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid vaccine is being withdrawn worldwide, months after the pharmaceutical giant admitted for the first time in court documents that it can cause a rare and dangerous side effect

>AstraZeneca has insisted the decision to withdraw the vaccine is not linked to the court case or its admission that it can cause TTS. It said the timing was pure coincidence.

Stay strong, wiz bros, and remember: the biggest hoax is reproduction.
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All true.

Regarding male virginity, it does seem to be on the rise among younger men, though I'm not sure how much of that phenomenon is due to the work of the powers that be. I do absolutely agree that the media discredit sexually inactive men, and portray them as the worst of the worst. The world is abnormally obsessed with sex, and that's because sex can be used as a tool of control. Those who act certain ways, who conform and internalize certain ideas, shall be rewarded with sex. succubi are naturally more prone to pursue what is popular because of their stronger will to belong. If you can create an image that some thing or idea is popular and desirable, succubi are likely to fall for that and actually believe that the false image is true. They will then prefer men who have said thing or idea. So men can be controlled through succubi and the sex they give. Men who refuse to conform and adjust themselves, will not get pussy. The image of a virgin man will be publicly criticized and shunned to encourage other men to drop their beliefs and put away their pride, lest they not receive a scrap of pussy. That is how you grow a society of docile consumers who do not question, only accept the newest popular thing, because that's what gets them pussy.


is jew a fancy word?


I don't know. If the site owner is one, it will be.

He literally modded the algorithm so that if you copy paste any of his own text that appears on the site it will tell you the writer is 130+.



jews will be stopped. venice will fall once and for all.

[Last 50 Posts]



I think I grew to understand why normies are so fond of some philosophers whose ideas they do not follow at all, even worse, philosophers that even criticize the cattle mindset actively…

It's a trap to seduce the unexpert neurodiverse who really and deeply understands and agrees with these philosophers while still having traits of failed normie. They lure him into this deceit to mock and deceive him, praising what in depth they hate with demonic impotence.

Or that's at least the vibe I felt from watching comments about some philosophers on the internet.

Ever found yourselves in any situation like this one, wizzes?
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This happens to philosophy and almost every damn thing coming from them. Remember the Hidden War meme.


>Remember the Hidden War meme.
the one about Duende and Guende?


the one about schizos, psychos, normies


philosophy is useless


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>tfw its love all the way down


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2025 will be the layoff year edition. How we holding up?

previous >>289727
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These movements. The tension, the counter tension, the feeling of the joints and all the impact feel of everything engaged. Always brain irritation from controlling things with preciseness and closing boxes always to the standard so both flaps are lined up just right. Always shit to prune. Be careful. Be gentle with that cheap shit.

Hands tired, brain tired, wanna drink, worship death.


People complain about wagie type jobs all of the time(retail, warehouse) but office work might be the worst thing ever. The 8-5 schedule, dress code, normie coworkers, and high pressure environment makes it feel like hell on earth. It feels like I am in high school again. Normies on reddit talk about it like it is the best thing ever and how you are able to just sit around all day. I regret even applying for this job in the first place.


>8-5 schedule, dress code, normie coworkers, and high pressure environment
How is this any different from manual wageslave jobs though? Back in the warehouse I worked for, people were always gossiping about each other and you couldn't stand still for a second. At least in an office, your body doesn't hurt at the end of the day.


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I used to work in a warehouse up until a year ago. I started at $16 an hour, worked hard for months on end, worked long shifts (usually only 8 hours, but often times 10+ hours) and even helped others around me when things got busier. Eventually I got burnt out and threatened to quit (some succubi in my department were causing petty drama and making everyone else miserable) so they offered to move me to a better area and bump me up to $17/hr. At the time it felt pretty good. I still left that place (on better terms) about a half a year later. More recently I worked at a craft supply store part-time for some extra money, they started me at $14/hr. Not long before I quit there I saw a sign in the front of the store that read "Hiring new associates, starting at $17/hr part-time, $19/hr full-time." It honestly pissed me off a bit.

One of the many horrors of the modern age is that our various efforts and sacrifices throughout life ultimately amount to nothing at all.


supermarket worker here. there are daily incidents and they've moved me right next to the checkout/cashier lanes where is where 95% of incidents happen. You know they have a "code red" buzzer that they call out when something happens like a shoplifter getting physical and they expect all male staff to run to the front of the store to try intimidate the culprit. I always ignore it and keep working but we have some super workers who sprint through the isles once the code is called lol.


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I'm older than people who have kids who're already graduating from high school. I know it shouldn't bother me, but I can't help it. I feel like my life hasn't progress at all. I already have grey hairs on my beard and I don't feel my age at all. life as a wizard is like living in a perpetual limbo where nothing ever happens until you grow old and die.
I know many young wizards will call me a failed normie for saying this, but it's only until you reach a certain age that the loneliness of the wiz life starts to creep in and you begin to wonder where did all go wrong.
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I'm 32 and yesterday I realised that everything I have done till this point was all just for the matter of not dealing with the question what I want to do with this life. To put it differently, I'm a master in the art of self distraction, of avoiding any serious decision making, of dealing with important questions about my personal life. That doesn't mean I did nothing over the past 14 years, I've lived in 3 different cities, even more homes, studied, worked, but I never truly thought about any of that if that even makes sense. I just did what needed to be done in order to go back to video games, drugs and abstract thinking. But I never had any real hopes or dreams, no goals, no ideals to strive for. I just did all that to play more video games and entertainment. I never cared about studying or work, I just did it because it had to be done. But now I feel like I can't go on like that. It's all too bothersome and pointless. I kind of lost my ability to distract myself and the suicidal ideation hits hard.


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>was all just for the matter of not dealing with the question what I want to do with this life

It feels inevitable to me that I ended up as a permaNEET wizard.

>average at best IQ so studying math was a pain

>no artistic talent and creativity so no hope to succeed in that field
>suck at sports so that's out too
>uncomfortable around people + bad at STEM = what options do I have?
>no parents and relatives with good jobs to inspire or employ me
>unattractive so I also feel completely worthless

sure I could work on these things when I was young but how could I not be totally mindbroken and feel like life was not for me? I gave up, became depressed, hang around other losers because people who have it better than me made me uncomfortable which is a self-perpetuating cycle and did the bare minimum. I'm still mindbroken over how much better other people are by default. Now that I "wasted" my 20s doing nothing it's of course much worse. It feels cruel that I have to consciously experience this loser life. It's surreal that some get to live life never knowing how bad it can get and I will never know what it's like to not be depressed 24/7 and experience happiness.


>Agree, we're born randomly only to be enslaved and killed by nature

I think so too. And suicide doesn't solve anything, because chances are we can't escape the cycle of existence given an infinite amount of time.

We will just have to endure this shit in another form on another planet forever.
Even after the heat death of the universe, another universe will spawn given infinite time and we have to exist again in one of them when life starts evolving.

There's no escape from any of this. You can only temporarily make it better during the current round with various comforts.



Seeing people with children now, when I can still clearly remember them as children is very strange. I'm speaking of extended family.

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