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Do you think normies could ever accept us or even tolerate us for real? It's obvious that absolute majority people is repulsed by a NEET lifestyle, failed dating/life/work experience, motivational or existential problems. Do you think there's a space for us to exist at all? Is it acceptable, is it planned for? Or we are truly just the trash of the world that should be cut out from society the sooner the better?


The closest ones who will "accept" you are your family members and even those will talk badly about you behind your back and always look down at you as a low life even if they don't express it with their tongue.


Absolutely correct. Even your own parents don't sympathise with you and think you're this way cause you want to be this way. They don't understand what factors cause us to be NEETs. And that things are already beyond our control.

I don't know if anyone will read this but my parents are quite abusive, now this sounds like a paradox because I live as a NEET in their house in the third world so I am completely dependent upon my parents.

I am truly grateful for what they've done for me but I don't love them very much, because as a child they abused me quite a bit, my father in particular is a weird kind of redpill/self-improvement man.

Anytime to every-time that I try to talk to them. They just tell me to just "be positive", and they tell me that all the things that are going wrong with me is because I am not positive. And that if you don't think positive then positive things don't happen to you.

My father keeps on showing me entrance exams in the country where competition is so high that it's not worth participating, he says how would I know that if I haven't tried yet, but the truth is that I spend a lot of my life studying and failing in academics all while my family "supported" me by saying that it's just that it's in my head and how would I know if I don't try, but the truth is I knew, and the results when I tried were that failures piled on me. I failed a lot of exams and that broke me to the core, turns out I am just not the studious kind.

I don't really get along well with my father, not at all, I kinda want to leave but at the same time I recognise that I need his support, and it crushes me from inside.

I also have a lot of resentment from my childhood because my parents used to beat me, abuse me, curse me out, etc. I know that I am only alive because of them and they must love me to keep me alive, but it feels like I am sort of owed it now because of all the suffering I went through as a kid, but at the same time I don't want to be dependent upon my parents at all.

In times like this, I truly wish I was a succubus, all I would need to do to survive as a succubus is to do basic household chores and get married off, I wish I was born a succubus. I say this not because I like or enjoy cocks, on the contrary the thought of being intimate with a man repulses me to the core, so I am not some Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


if a man fails, none will respect him or offer him a supportive hand, but a succubus can go fine just doing house chores and cooking, they can't even "fail" like men do, sadly, i get such thoughts as well. men and succubi face different types of challenges.


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Never. Normies are brainwashed with the concept of it gets better since birth. They cannot accept the reality of winners and losers.


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 No.315590[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


Previous thread: https://archive.fo/oMDB8
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I don't care, I just want to pay back to leftshits for ruining every community I ever cared or felt part of. My problem is more with faggots and feminists, if leftists at least openly praised things like persecution of faggots and forcing succubi to work in farms in the same way as men like every eminent successful communist revolutionary did, I'd support them as well, but you retards really chose niggers, faggots and rich succubi.


>Everyone can chose to acknowledge
>Please chose to
Choose to learn english first before spouting your retarded uneducated opinions.
You didn't choose anything about your life, you delusional retard. You can't even write a coherent post.


>All he can do is pick out a spelling mistake

I choosed just about everything important in my life. I done chosen to drop out of school, to sign up for neetbux, what job I applied to that pays under the table, what computer parts to buy, what anime to watch, what to eat, where to walk to, what imouto to beat my meat to… I even choiced my own hair cut. My choosings were good and they made me happy. Every day for the past 30 years I have chosen to not pursue sex and touchy-feelies with succubi.

You must chews death. This is the politics thread, not the BAWWing predeterminist defeatist blackpill projecting crab googoo baby idiot thread.


You chose to repress your emotions, and you have lost the ability to connect with other people. You may have a strong body, and you may be blissfully unbothered by life, but that's because there is nothing that can be bothered. You're empty. You have no soul, merely a highly performing meat robot. And if you don't believe in the soul, then in your case, you would be right.


I rest easy knowing that if the fascists ever took over the sperg in this thread would be the first sent to the camps

[Last 50 Posts]


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how do you deal with your work colleagues? are they cool or annoying? do they know about youre being a wizard? do you talk to them or they talk to you? do you think they talk behind your back and think you're weird?
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>Why the fuck would that ever come up at work?
well coworker ask if you have a gf, says no, then coworker ask have you ever had a gf, says no, then he says WHAT? you had sex at least right anon? says no
I hate it too because you're put in trouble just for listening to it


Ive worked alone for almost all of my adult life.

Probably why I am 38 and still a wizard. There were only a few years where I actually had coworkers and I didnt talk to them much other than occasionally having lunch with them.


what was your job to get alone all these years?



Software developer for a government contractor. I lucked out in many ways to get int he position I am. Reshuffling happened during COVID and while other people found new jobs I was just like "fuck it, they can fire me. I dont care I have enough in savings to survive at least two years"

But I didnt get fired. I got hired by another company to do the same work but the guy assigned as my supervisor doesn't really giev a shit about me. He has no idea as to what I actually do but he signs my timesheets and I do my own performance evaluations. Apparently people wanted me around and I have no fucking clue why because I dont do shit. I think they just want to say they have someone working on this project but no one cares about it actually getting completed.

Things will probably change now that Trump is looking to trim the fat on federal spending, which includes funding leeches like me. But then again I am a contractor so they will probably just reassign me to another project at another location where I am actually expected to work.


>well coworker ask if you have a gf
I don't talk about my personal life and would just shut down the conversation and change the subject.

You do know you don't have to answer questions if you don't want to.


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No politics or religion in the crawl thread, please.

>Ambient sounds to wash away distraction

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inb4 you don't have autism because asshole thinks autistic people are supposed to be actual retards


>I hate the constant negativity here
You're looking at it wrong then. If you don't get a warm fuzzy feeling like being covered with a blanket when you're cold from reading then you're an outsider. Take your happy and lucky bullshit somewhere else.


Anyone who feels good upon reading the plights and ill feelings of men is by all accounts an outsider on any board designed for men. "Misery loves company", sure, but misery shouldn't be given what it wants. It should be strangled. Wizchan is just as much a happy place as it is a sad one. Stop trying to shut down the happiness.



I remember one guy here said that people online tend to talk about the world in the sense of how they want it to be, not how it is. I think about that a lot.


Yeah, youtube's search function is intentionally broken and has been for a few years.

You wouldn't happen to remember the channel name would you?
If not it might be a good idea to use bing video search. While I am not a fan of bing's normal search their video search is surprisingly decent.


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>be wizard
>wake up on a random day in your comfy pjs after a long sleep
>no faggot normies blasting your phone with text messages or missed calls because you have no friends
>comfily make some breakfast, some coffee, sit on PC and watch some comfy content like stock market videos
>play some comfy vidya for an hour or so
>go to the gym get a nice workout in
>go home and cook some comfy meals
>clean your room make it all comfy
>play some retro games on my Famicom and chill for the next 5 hours or so
>night time read some comfy books or manga or something until bedtime
>no spending gay time with gay normies
>no going out spendng money needlessly
>no normie politics
>no gf drama
I thought we were wizards because we liked this kind of life. Why do you fakewizards want to be normalfags so bad?
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while being a wiz? Your happy days are counted.


I haven't fapped for two weeks, unintentionally, I feel no different, if anything I feel worse. You're dumb.


being a wizard says nothing about your lifestyle, a wizard is just a male virgin past 30.
what you are describing is the NEETLife. not even hikki shutin mode.


When your energy is depleted by wiz issues, you cannot even feel it.


How dare you speak positively about being a wizneet, OP? You're supposed to be miserable like the crabs on /dep/ say you should.


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The other thread already hit the limit. I like to collect pictures that i found, so fell free to post anything you like
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and I feel terrified of them aliens, I know they're a joke these days but oh man


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Maybe, but i only watch it for libby and his mom. andrea is a bitch


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guin saga


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this look really cool. where these images are from. they look like something out of ogre battle


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Favorite comic?
Favorite author?
Favorite cartoonist?
Favorite character?

What are you reading right now?

Previous thread: >>41819
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It seems that the male feminist known as Neil Gaiman is a rapist. Lets enjoy his work before the land whales ban his comics



I remember reading a comic writen by this guy about some kind of puppets and how his grandfather used to cry like a bitch for a mermaid. I cant recall the name of the comic


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>Good Omens Author Neil Gaiman Accused of Alleged Sexual Abuse By Multiple succubi, Responds 'I Don't Accept There Was Any Abuse'

>Several succubi have come forward with sexual assault allegations against author Neil Gaiman. The celebrated fantasy author is best known for properties like The Sandman, Good Omens and Coraline.

>In a Jan. 13 Vulture report, multiple succubi spoke on the record about their alleged experiences with the famed novelist, 64, including Scarlett Pavlovich, who formerly babysat for Gaiman and his ex-wife Amanda Palmer. Palmer and Gaiman married in 2011 before announcing their divorce in 2022. They have one son together.

>Gaiman has since addressed the claims, writing in a lengthy statement posted on his website on Tuesday, Jan. 14 that he watched the news of the allegations on Jan. 13 "with horror and dismay."

>"As I read through this latest collection of accounts, there are moments I half-recognize and moments I don't, descriptions of things that happened sitting beside things that emphatically did not happen," he wrote. "I'm far from a perfect person, but I have never engaged in non-consensual sexual activity with anyone. Ever … At the time I was in those relationships, they seemed positive and happy on both sides."

>He also denied "there was any abuse" and wrote that he is "prepared to take responsibility for any missteps I made. I’m not willing to turn my back on the truth, and I can't accept being described as someone I am not, and cannot and will not admit to doing things I didn't do."

>On Jan. 15, a representative for Palmer also shared a statement with NME regarding the allegations. “While Ms. Palmer is profoundly disturbed by the allegations that Mr. Gaiman has abused several succubi, at this time her primary concern is, and must remain, the well-being of her son and therefore, to guard his privacy, she has no comment on these allegations.”

>She also posted to her Instagram account, adding, “As there are ongoing custody and divorce proceedings, I am not able to offer public comment. Please understand that I am first and foremost a parent. I ask for privacy at this time.”

>Pavlovich told Vu
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Found this on desuarchive. I need to add almost everything in a must read list


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Past distant recognition chapters 1&2 of 10 now on the internet archive.
I. Introduction
II. Servant and Widow


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2025 will be the layoff year edition. How we holding up?

previous >>289727
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I have a hunch if you rely on trading crypto, there will be negative consequences later on in life


One of my coworkers is a power tripping faggot too The guy gets mad because we didn't throw more meat on the grill and had to halt on orders all the faggot does is take orders on drive thru and cashes out drive thru. We had a new guy who is liked as far as I see and he was complaining how the new guy was ignoring him when he was giving him orders. The new guy greeted me though. I also heard him talk shit about other employees too including the managers. Overall the guy isn't likeable and I think he's just tolerated because he works overnight. I just can't see people genuinely liking him
Oh yeah there was a guy in the drive thru that wanted onion rings and I already cashed him out so I told him to talk to the customer since he took the orders and he started getting uppity with the customer telling he told him fries instead of rings.I returned to give him his food. I could tell the customer was ready to crash out on my coworker so I just told him it's my fault but man you could just tell he was ready to shoot up the place because of the way my coworker talked to him. Some people man


How is working a security job as someone who is not strong at all? I heard someone say they prefer you not to get involved and to call the cops, but I don't know how true that is in practice.


>I heard someone say they prefer you not to get involved and to call the cops, but I don't know how true that is in practice.

It's 100% true, you're there to observe and report. Anytime drama happens you just call the police and wait while you have a coffee.



>>297596 is right. Security guards are the eyes of the law - nothing else. The most you'll have to do is tell someone they're trespassing, and in a lot of positions that is done over a CCTV intercom. Inner city security work has its own quirks like informing hobos and drug addicts that they can't be there, repeatedly, every night. As an overnight mall cop your job is more of a legal requirement for buildings of a certain size, so they don't get sued if some kid who was hiding in the mall overnight falls off the escalator and dies because nobody was there to tell him he wasn't allowed to be there. Also you just need to make sure the building doesn't burn down and that you inform daytime staff of any damages or oddities you found so they can attend to them before shoppers are allowed in.

That is, if you're not working as a response security. Guarding bank trucks, hospitals, courthouses, and buildings that themselves deal in security will require you to be ready to shoot someone in the face at all times. You will be tested for strength, mental health, drug abstinence, criminal record, and general intelligence before being hired as a guy who gets to shoot people in the face.


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Searched in the board, didn't find a thread for /dep/-suited type of music unless I am terminally retarded.

So I figure out, let's make some thread about cool music you like to listen to when you feel like a human, like things are going like shit for you. Personally, I sometimes listen darkwave, sometimes russian post-punk, sometimes death or black metal, sometimes maidcore (ew, troons, good music though) also but not sure if it still fits the depression theme that much so i'll limit myself to darkwave unless given approval. Since I data-hoard a lot of shit on an usual basis, i'll post files directly, that way you won't have to use normietube either, i'll limit myself to one file per message for the sake of it being more convenient.

Hopefully it makes you feel better, to the Anon reading.

Also I got fucking attacked by a mosquito, fuck summer, lul.
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As one comment stated:

>This song and video are everything I love about black metal🖤 If someone asked me to define black metal with one song I would just show this. It's harsh, raw, bleak, but also melodic, atmospheric and emotional. No other genre of music can be all this at once.



I also love those bittersweet piano ditties Aphex Twin used to be obsessed with making



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 No.311920[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Let's have a "official" NEET/Hikikomori thread on /lounge/.
If you're a NEET or a Hikikomori, feel free to post something you think is worth sharing.
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japanese internet isn't funny anymore
if you wanna get into japanese bbs,
I recommend eddibb.cc and open2ch.net

5ch is almost dead due to admin's retardness
2chan.net is filled with oldman who do internet since 90s

most of 2ch-style bbs has shitty UI so you should use 2ch-dedicated browser(2ch専用ブラウザ)



ok thank you kind japanese wizard


many japanse websites ban non-japanese ip.
so japanese-ip vpn is required.
if website banned your vpn provider,try vpngate


ok thank you


>2chan.net is filled with oldman who do internet since 90s
how is that a bad thing?

[Last 50 Posts]


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how do i know if its autism or adhd? the only thing i have to work off of is that i crave constant novelty far more than repition
i sometimes have trouble with social cues but i don't feel like its that i can't understand them, more that i'm unable to properly concentrate on the conversation
maybe its all stupid to worry about
>inb4 adhd isnt real
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>how do i know if its autism or adhd?
By going through if you fit the diagnostic criteria with a trained and certified professional.
Anything less is bullshit as far as I am concerned.


The help you get is autismbucks.

The VAST majority of autistic people (notwithstanding a small percentage of highly functioning ones) cannot work for a living and never will.

The only way to have a reasonable standard of living as an autistic person is either to have your rich family support you financially or obtaining a perpetual, monthly disability payment from the state.


Any tips
For bux?

Also should i bring a jrpg cutout to my exam?


do you get distracted by your own thoughts and inner monologues every second?


This is the only answer.

Like have someone evaluate you for like a week. Sure it costs money but it is very well worth it if leads to life changing treatment.



I am not from Argentina, but I have always thought that Argentina used to make the best music in Spanish. Now they have trap sung by femboys and whores who earn 1 million dollars per concert, all this without any talent or artistic sensibility.

This song is called ruta perdedora. Loser Route. A very sad song about people who don't like their life and try to find a glimmer of hope in it.
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I just found this band who tries to be the american dead can dance.







Any dungeon synth listener? Can you share some good/gems dungeon synth musics. here's a playlist I've made about dungeon synth musics I like: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbniq6ShcFR7JtGH4qglzfc6v82nw3yrW&si=w4FnOStPTsEYy_kV
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quest master is kinda overrated


What do you mean with overrated



1. The Bastion of Pines 0:00
2. The Sacred Stream 2:57
3. The Festival of Pines (Feat. Guild of Lore) 7:27
4. Within the Weave of nature 12:44
5. In a Hollow Tree, Out of the Rain 16:17
6. The Dreams of an Oak 19:55
7. Wandering Foothills Crowned with Mist 24:25
8. Antlers in the Bracken 28:44

>This album is dedicated to the majesty and might of forests and those who live amongst the trunks of the trees and the brambles beneath.

>The music of Frost Clad is created with the old ways of Dungeon Synth in mind, with synthesizers and old keyboards weaving sounds into a tapestry,
creating a timeless world.


My personal favorites are
Quest Master
Childhood Memories
The Tower Of Doom
Gretel Howling Forests And Swamps Of Sadness
Kabal of the AshuvrahqtAild A Rasataalian Adventure
Umbría The Sleeping Wizard
DIM Compendium Reliquiae
Tales Under The oak
Lord Lovidicus Midsummer
Elyvilon Full Moon Over Yuletide Eve

I also recomend psyclopean, a prog rock band based on the works of clark ashton smith. The guy of the band is a real warlock who also make dungeon synth.


 No.54194[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

After Reading Fingerprints of the Gods and Magicians of the Gods, I wonder if it’s possible the existence of an ancient and lost civilization like those books described. I know a couple of books who give more evidence of that. 2 books written by the Spanish investigator Javier Sierra, called: En busca de la edad de oro and La Ruta Prohibida, if you want to read them. But, the only book I know who gives a serious proof of that is Hamlet’s Mill. That makes me think if the civilization is cyclical and the event that erase a possible civilization could happen again to us. Just think about it.
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It is if they include satanic rituals.




This has always made me curious, because the politicians around have connections and taste for the satanic, something that goes far beyond the adolescent liking for edgy things, like VivziePop. These people know what they are doing. They use ritual dates to do political acts, they take good care of their steps not to be discovered and they always show themselves as champions of Christianity, or some crap like that. How they live talking about God all the time, when they serve everything that is against him. Also, when they do their rituals and sacrifices, do they get real power from it, or is it just a sadistic display of power towards the common person.

I wonder if Amazon's big promotion of Hazbin hotel is to encourage satanism, like the overton window, in the next generations?


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I have heard that, by meditating, you can get a glimpse of alternate realities of your own being. I have tried it and I have only seen horrible things that try to create fear, I know that to overcome that state you need to meditate more often, but I can't with a mother who believes that meditating is a satanic ritual. There must be some where life is beautiful, like a fairy tale, others where only insignificant details change, and other nightmarish realities that would be better not to imagine.


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El silbón (the whistler) is a venezuelan legend that started in the Portuguesa state.

It's about the soul of a man that killed his father and was condemned to wander around with a sack full of his victim's bones.
Legend says he walks the venezuelan plains emitting scary whistles and looking for more victims.
People describe him as a tall and skinny adult man with tattered clothes and a hat who carries a big heavy sack that clicks and clacks when he walks.
Some say he sits in front of houses sometimes to count his bones one by one after his hunts.
It is said that when the whistles sound close, it means he's far away. But be wary of the whistles that sound distant because it means he's closer than you think.

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36 years old Wizard here with Schizophrenia living with mom (dad died a long time ago) I don't have any qualifications or income I am disabled and there is no NEETbux in my under developed country my hairline is receding due to how much I stress on my future in every single hour once my mom passes away I will be beyond doomed nobody in my family will support me they all live far away and they can barely support their own survival let alone to support another useless eater my mom already has health issues but nothing too severe (yet) is it possible to turn my life around in this late ago? people say "it's never too late" God I wish my parents never gave birth to me I heard stories og people who spent decades in prison and left by their 40s and still ended up starting a business and buying a house but I can tell it's an abnormal case once you enter your 30s without any skills qualifications or are capeable of work the chance of you being capeable of turning your life around becomes too small.
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Thanks. I really "chose" one of the more difficult roads.


I am neeting hard at my 31 level, pretty muchi without any stress or any dreadful vibe like I constantly felt searching for and trying (in vain) to keep shitty jobs.

I mentioned Human Design a few times here on wizchan, yet how many projectors here are still hurrying after a world which only gives them back misery?
>letting the mind decide can kill you


im a schizo too, but im 33, pretty much in the same boat as you op.
I guess the only hope is to become some sort of low level wagie


definitely agree with you (most wiz wont) but I think when it comes to third world wiz we arent in a position to imagine enough to give them relevant advice. they work under fucking horrible conditions that even test regular people. health conditions for workers are common because employers dont care about preventing accidents and health hazards. or it costs too much. It's hard to fathom just how fucked these people are compared to us.


how can your personality trait charts help with this thread's theme?


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For the longest Time i had none other than my Parents to share my problems with and they Would Always say stuff like:
"Everything Will be alright, just be positive"
And for The longest Time i believed that was bull shit, to think our thoughts could influence reality and our outcomes in life, and lately After another conversationv with my father where he said the usual stuff of "everything Will be alright for you as Long You remain positive and optimistic"
I thought to my self why don't i become positive and optimistic just in order to relieve my present anxities? even if maybe it's all dogshit and the universe is indifferent about your thoughts and such, but of course when you are a life Time pessimist, it's not easy to change your mindset, even if it's just wanting to delude my Self.
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If you focus only on achievements, you will be unhappy. Instead, be curious and enjoy learning about yourself, your talents, and what doesn't work for you.
Taking the path of least resistance is actually pretty good, despite what the sigma grindset indoctrination wants you to believe. That doesn't mean you can succumb to brain rot and doom scrolling. A minimal, but organised life.


I am a NEET with severe autism, so there is no such thing to my life.


I can understand not finding optimism appealing, but you can still approach life from a new perspective.
I found spite to be a powerful motivator for me.
I've had people tell me to my face they don't believe in me, so I work hard to spite them.
It's not a positive mindset really, but it gets me moving.


Which anxieties are ruling your soul right now?


life after my parents die and the end of NEETdom.


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 No.285412[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Death of the Uncool - End of the Wizards V

Watching Geekdom get absorbed into the monoculture over the last decade (and then some) has been a pretty demoralising experience.

Part of the process of commodification, streamlining and assimilation of geek culture into the all-consuming monoculture, is distortion and erasure of the original.

"These would be the successive phases of the image:

1 It is the reflection of a basic reality.

2 It masks and perverts a basic reality.

3 It masks the absence of a basic reality.

4 It bears no relation to any reality whatever: it is its own pure simulacrum.

In the first case, the image is a good appearance: the representation is of the order of sacrament. In the second, it is an evil appearance: of the order of malefice. In the third, it plays at being an appearance: it is of the order of sorcery. In the fourth, it is no longer in the order of appearance at all, but of simulation."

I'm probably using Baudrillard wrong, but I think we're either between phase 2 and 3 or on phase 3. We're at the point where we have "gamers" who don't like videogames as the faces of videogames.
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What pisses you off the most in this regard? For me it's the amount of niggers that have poured in. It's not the outcast blacks that used to make up this demographic but jist your regular gold toothed nigger.


People wearing anime t-shirts, especially faux-hentai ones. I wonder when normalfags start wearing furry porn t-shirts because social media trends told them to.


>the surprising number of normalfags wearing eva shirts
I wouldn't be surprised if Legend of the Overfiend starts appearing on their fucking shirts.


Interesting. Wherever the wind blows, seems like that's more or less the conclusion.


Pretty much what you said along with seeing normies who have anime-themed profiles on various different parts of the internet punching down on losers, nerds, and outcasts, to make it even worse, they start shitting up the discussions about any loser-themed anime/manga as well. A few months back I was looking at the youtube comment section for the anime adaptation trailer for the My Wife Has No Emotion manga and it was filled with normgroids calling the MC pathetic for dating a robot succubus.

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I'm looking for mangas that tell story of people like us: outcast, losers, NEETs, oddballs, hikkis and such.

I only found Welcome to NHK. Does anyone know more?
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here's a new manga about hikineet's life: neeting life


I forgot to add, it's during the confinment because of the pandemic. It's kind of pozzed but that's all I can suggest as a manga about hikineet, sorry theresn't that much


Most of anime/manga is going to be escapist. It's just that normans have decided they are the main characters.


Keep the thread alive, still searching for mangas about NEETs, Hikis, and wizzies.


What do you mean keep this thread alive.
It was on page 2.
You don't seem to understand how absurdly slow this board is, or how slow in general this site is.
It will take years for this thread to fall off page 10.


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I was a very heavy eater, but for whatever reason in the past year my appetite has just gone to a much lower level. I have no will to eat almost anything and have eaten maybe 300 calories just yesterday, my belly just feels locked for the lack of better phrasing, I know it correlated with the worsening of my mental health with the time.
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I still try to eat 3 meals a day, but i just end up feeling "full" so early, my belly is not just the same anymore, thanks for the good info anon.


Do you take any medication? I had the same issue when taking some psych meds



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Me too. I'm down to about 80lb. Probably leads to me being zoned out all the time, but I just don't really have the energy to do it. Ah well.


>fasting out of pure whim
Let your body heal and be thankful you do not need to withstand crushing hunger while doing so. Such bliss…

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