56210 | Overrated trash This game sucks. The controls are slippery and stiff, the camera is obnoxious and the graphics are ugly and outdated. | [View] |
55671 | Moving over to console gaming Back when I was a teenager I thought that I would be a PC gamer forever, because PC gaming was superior in my mind, probably had a little to do with 4chan memes too. But I am starting to change opinion, a console is looking more and more attractive now that I'm older. I don't really care about hardware anymore, it feels like things move so fast now, I don't even know w | [View] |
55545 | Games you're currently playing Nebuchadnezzar. Man this game caught me by surprise. Just found out about this title 2 days ago. It has been consuming my life like no other game in a very long time. I'm a fan of the old city building managers like Caesar and Cleopatra but this one really hit it for me. Starting with the setting. Ancient Mesopotamia is one of those historical periods I was always fas | [View] |
55253 | Playing online with a wizard group? How possible do you think it would be to assemble a group of wizards together to play an mmo or similar co-op type of game? I tried years ago and many years before than and I never managed to get more than 3 or 4 people to play at one time. Do you think this is an impossible goal? I sit at my pc basically all day long, I don’t see why there aren’t any other w | [View] |
54271 | Action Platformer general I've been playing a lot of Megaman X lately. My favourite game in the series is X4. What do you guys think? Also, just action platformer thread. | [View] |
53822 | Post in this thread when you finished a game. Thread for games you managed to finish and your thoughts on it. | [View] |
53688 | will this game be trash like BF5 does anyone think that this game is going to be a garbage fire like battle field 5 | [View] |
53436 | Cataclysm DDA this is my personal cataclysm blog you can post in here too about your cataclysm related blogs | [View] |
53310 | “Skill-based matchmaking” I've been trying new genres of games and as a lower skilled player the only thing that allows me to try these games in multiplayer is SBMM. I've tried games in the same genre without it, and the difference of what my true level is is palpable. I've been reading forum threads to see what the normies think about it. And one thing I've learned is that the type of gamers w | [View] |
53295 | Must Plays games thread Any games you guys think people MUST play? currently playing GTA: SA and it's pretty damn good. | [View] |
53292 | Games you're currently playing Previous thread | [View] |
53107 | Undertale So what other Wizards think about it? Personally I played it completly and I liked it. | [View] |
53010 | first-person shooters https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_first-person_shooters | [View] |
52179 | Strategy and Wargames https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lists_of_video_games#Strategy | [View] |
51948 | Cyberpunk 2077 We're only a few days away now from the release. | [View] |
50370 | General Gaming Thread 2 Let's discuss anything related to video games that don't deserve their own threads. | [View] |
50336 | Console or PC? Should I build a PC or buy the PS5? I don't play too many games but I'd like to play more. | [View] |
49756 | Respecting the player Why do developers no longer respect a player's time? When did it become acceptable to bog everything down in immense amounts of grinding to unlock basic content? Rogue likes where you spend 20 hours unlocking different weapons just so you can get lucky and find a good one to finish the game. Long in engine cut scenes where you hold forward while 10 gig of audio files play at y | [View] |
49477 | Post in this thread whenever you finish a game you feel like talking about. Other one's basically full, so might as well create a new one. OP length needs to be at least 75 characters long, which is why I'm adding this pointless extra sentence. | [View] |
49405 | Twitch Thread Feel free to plug your own stream here, discuss channels, streamers and so on. | [View] |
49372 | Bucket list games What games do you have on your bucket list? What childhood classics have you been intending to finish for years but not got round to? | [View] |
48988 | Games you're currently playing I may have burned myself with this one. I wanted to explore every single nook and cranny of this game without any faqs and I have been doing just that. 80 hours in though, and I'm tired of the game and there's at least 4 other bosses and a whole area left to explore (that I know of). I really should have finished the game first and then do this heavy exploration on th | [View] |
48571 | want to play games but don't because installing them is too big of a pain i want to play GTA IV really bad, but it's just such a pain in the ass to get it set up and it might take several hours of troubleshooting and trying to install mods only for it to still not work at all. i really don't know if it's a can of worms i'm ready to open yet. | [View] |
47752 | Dropped games 2 Post in this thread when you drop a game. | [View] |
47426 | I guess there's LGBTQ+ game sales on steam now... | [View] |
47331 | General Gaming Thread >Discuss games here that don't deserve their own thread. | [View] |
46914 | Underground PC gaming Post obscure / lesser know games. No AAA, no DLC milking, no micro-transactions, no exploitation. | [View] |
46847 | 30 year old boomer games Games for 30-year-old boomers: oldish stuff, some new shit worthy of attention. None of that zoomer shit. | [View] |
46712 | World of Warcraft Classic I'll be playing on EU Zandalar Tribe horde. I'll make a roleplaying/PvE/PvP guild, trying to make it as wizardly and comfy as possible. If anyone wants to play whisper Yaldabaoth | [View] |
46300 | Im planning to purchase a brand new prebuilt pc soon as I suck at tinkering with stuff and don’t want to bother learning to build one. Is now a good time to buy? Im not even sure how much money I am ready to sink into new hardware, but Id like it to last as long as possible ideally... Are there brands to avoid, standards soon to become obsolete, any basic trap for retards like me to be aware of? | [View] |
46178 | Post in this thread when you finished a game. (Continued....) Other one's basically full, so might as well create a new one. | [View] |
45495 | albion online Any wizzies wanna play this game with me? It went F2P recently and so I just started playing it and got about 20 hours so far since two days ago, it's a nice time waster I guess. We could get a wizguild going again or something if anyone cares. | [View] |
44878 | General Game Thread IV The last thread has reached 300 replies. Discuss games here that don't deserve their own thread. | [View] |
44172 | Video Game Trailers Post your favorite video game teasers/trailers | [View] |
43540 | General Game thread III The last thread has reached 300 replies. Discuss games here that don't deserve their own thread. | [View] |
42933 | Thread for when complete a game [continued...] make a post when you finish you latest game. | [View] |
42878 | what's the most addicting video game you ever played? | [View] |
42751 | Should I buy one of these? there are even games worth playing besides zelda? | [View] |
42571 | Games you're currently playing I'm trying to get good at this. Played as a kid a lot and felt like trying my hand again. Still suck of course but the animation and music is so endearing to me I don't even care. | [View] |
42380 | Minecraft Singleplayer I know there's a thread for minecraft already, but it's focused on servers. I want to know what you wizzies do when you play alone. | [View] |
42371 | RuneScape Any runescape players, in particular OldSchool players around? | [View] |
42333 | Orignal Xbox General The Sixth Generation was my most nostalgic generation and its the only generation where I owned every major console Playstation,Gamecube,Dreamcast,and Xbox. | [View] |
41973 | Addictive games I tried overwatch, league and dfo but i dropped each of 'em after 500~hrs | [View] |
41948 | It's that time again. | [View] |
41445 | E3 2018 So what do wizards think of this years E3 so far? Nothing remotely interesting so far. | [View] |
41187 | How accurate is this? | [View] |
41177 | Android hidden gems To find a decent Android game you have to wade through a sea of shit that is Play Store. So share lesser known Android games that you liked. I got: | [View] |
40932 | Is anyone interested in how a Wizard with severe anhedonia and feeling of being burnt out on video games feels about VR and VR games? I'm ordering a Vive this week, already got a couple of titles and other things. I haven't touched multiplayer games in years, mostly drop everything I play unless it's very very short and sweet like Hotline Miami. | [View] |
40462 | I seriously want to play fighting games but i fucking suck at them, how do i get good? | [View] |
40260 | Minecraft severs for Wizards? I still have really good memories of this game but all the small servers that I played on are dead. Anyone else here in the same boat? Also gib sever address if you can. | [View] |
40254 | General Game thread II The last thread has reached 300 replies. Discuss games here that don't deserve their own thread. | [View] |
40014 | upcoming games Post in this thread upcoming games you are looking forward to | [View] |
39618 | Can't enjoy video games anymore... I really want to enjoy them again, but no matter how hard I try I can never get any enjoyment out of them. It's the same with any other kind of media really... Does anyone else suffer from this curse? Is there a way to undo it? | [View] |
39597 | game recommendations in this thread, ask other wizards for game recommendations | [View] |
39573 | Twitch thread #7 And so the wizard streams thread returns after a long absence. Feel free to plug your own stream here, discuss active streamers and so on. As far as I can tell I'm the only active one currently, https://www.twitch.tv/stream_wizz (yes I just added another z to the old name, I'm not very creative), if I'm missing anyone just let me know and I'll delete and remake the thread. | [View] |
39565 | Dropped games Post in this thread when you drop a game | [View] |
39480 | Games you are playing now Post thoughts on games you are playing | [View] |
38693 | Playstation General I got myself a 1st gen PS3 with full Backwards compatibility with PS2, and Good enough compatibility with PS1 games,installed a CFW and a 2tb HDD and I'm ready for a good time. | [View] |
38530 | What is the best and most wiz RPG for PC? | [View] |
38161 | Video Game Music Least thread >>28403 | [View] |
37846 | any wizzies on EU playing overwatch ranked? im a low master mercy main who is looking for someone to play with. mainly for exp but we can try to climb to grandmaster as well. my battletag is ХочетсяЖить#2903 please mention yours here after adding so i know that it is you! | [View] |
37474 | Just got a computer capable of playing modern games and a steam account with $20 bucks on it. | [View] |
37386 | I'm Bored This is Yume Nikki. | [View] |
37326 | Is this the bleak future of visual novels? It sold pretty damn well on Steam. So this is it. Put a bunch of epic spicy memes for the kiddies and sell it to the "ironic" 16-year-old crowd. | [View] |
37289 | do video games actually stop being fun when you get old, or is it just some normie "grow up u manchild lol xd" nonsense? | [View] |
36895 | Free Game Deals This is a thread for sharing free game deals you find on the Internet. | [View] |
36871 | Making Games I'm so sick of rotting away that I've started learning **Python**. Is there any place with concrete material on how to make a game? | [View] |
36767 | Roleplaying Would any of you want to roleplay in WoW with fellow wizards? I mean real serious roleplaying. | [View] |
36700 | Playstation 2 When I was a kid I always wanted to have a PS2,but my family was too poor to buy videogames. | [View] |
36664 | Post in this thread when you finished a game. (Continued....) Say something about it. | [View] |
36508 | Fucc this shit. Just got kicked out of a game on an online FPS because of apparent 'lack of skill '. Fuccing normalshits not allowing you to even get the grasp of the game. I hate them all. How can I become good with FPS ? I am really pissed off . | [View] |
36318 | Is gaming dead? I've noticed a trend in gaming that's pretty much infected everything now. It started with normies getting into them in the ps2 era, then the 360 era really took it mainstream. | [View] |
36308 | D&D thread. | [View] |
36147 | ITT:Post your favorite game of all time and wizards give their honest thoughts about it Be honest as fuck. | [View] |
35932 | Minecraft Last thread hit 300. | [View] |
35608 | This is the third time im selling and considering buying a gamer pc after being burned out from games and depressed. | [View] |
35435 | Games your playing now Just bought oblivion and hit man blood money a couple days ago stuck on the theater level in hit man now trying to make the assassination look like a accident but im already too late once i reach halfway out of the basement and into the changing room | [View] |
35383 | Survival Horror Let's have a survival horror thread, and none of this first person trash like Outlast or Resident Evil VII, let's stick to classic RE (which means no 4 or anything after), Silent Hill, Forbidden Siren, Fatal Frame, Dino Crisis, Overblood, Deep Fear and so on. | [View] |
34906 | Low spec games Can i get help from other wizards to find indie/low spec games? i has played hotline miami and stardew valley so far. | [View] |
34461 | General Game Thread Can we have a general thread to talk about gaming topics that are not deserving of their own thread? | [View] |
34083 | Post in this thread when you drop a game. And why did you drop it? | [View] |
32147 | Post in this thread when you finished a game. (Continued....) And how'd you feel about it? | [View] |
32140 | Time killing browser games Can someone recommend some flash, java, browser games to kill time with? | [View] |
31618 | Souls General Can we get sort of a Souls/Bloodborne general thread going? I am mostly a PC gamer, but I do own a PS4, and I just bought Bloodborne. I've been really playing it a lot, and currently I'm fighting the 'Witch of Hemwick.' Anyway, I really like the atmosphere of these games; lonely, foreboding, and depressing. Very much like the life of a wizard in the sea of normal-ness. I think my favo | [View] |
31277 | Livestream Thread #6 Howdy folks, just getting the good ol' new stream thread out of the way now rather than when I'm prepping for the stream. I'll make a new post when I go live. This OP will serve as a directory to all streamers. | [View] |
29912 | Is there any Minecraft players? I'd like to play with you. | [View] |
28986 | I want to play old school DnD but of course I have no friends. | [View] |
28403 | Video Game Music I was surprised no one made another thread | [View] |
26465 | Wizard steam thread post your id and games you play and maybe hope another wizard adds you | [View] |
25370 | ITT: things about the hobby that depress us Because this place is way too damned upbeat. | [View] |
21642 | Any time sink MMORPG free to play out there wizzies? | [View] |
16015 | Indie/doujin/mods This are my favourite kinds of games. Really cheaply made games, often free or very cheap, that you can tell were made for love not profit. The kind of things you see for free on sites like Itch.io, the fanwork games sold at Reitaisai or Comiket, the silly, cheap mods of larger games like TF2's mario_kart or trade_plaza, the gaming world's equivalent of the music world's "lo-fi", | [View] |